Before we start I will like to say my thanks to all those who don't stop supporting me and continue to support all my projects. Despite the criticsm I had received I still continue to write that's because of your encouragement. Rest assured that I will do my outmost best to deliver stories that you will all like and enjoy at the same time...
Enough of this rambling. Without further ado I present to you all the Third Chapter of Mobile Suit Gundam Seed: Zero.
Chapter 3: Aftermath
"""...The reaction of the citizen's of PLANTs was swift and severe- 12 hours following the reported assassination of W.O.L.V.E.S Commanding Officer, Zero, mobs swarmed every Colonial Office of PLANTs Supreme Council condemning the cowardly act of Earth Alliance and demanding the council to make a move avenging the so called 'Hero of the Masses' a title once given to Zero after the battle of Carpentaria Base.
While it happens ZAFT High Command with the help of the media use the assassination as a propaganda to not just increase the morale of the soldiers (by using the incident as a catalyst to break the status quo of the War.) but also to increase the number of recruits.
The incident fallout was also felt in the political sphere where cooler heads were in session. Bolstered by the popular sentiment, the Hawks prevailed over their more conservative and moderate counterparts at the council and passed an executive order ordering ZAFT to launch a series of strategic attacks; both in Space and Earth to avenge one of the most decorated and successful officer in ZAFT Military.
Forty-Eight hours after the order, ZAFT First and Third Pacific Fleet under the command of Grand Admiral Florence Manning (Zero former commanding officer during the battle of Jachin due) left the new ZAFT Naval base in Hawaii and launch a surprise attack in Earth Alliance Naval Base in Guam. Caught off guard by the surprise attack, ZAFT forces manage to sunk majority of the ships of Earth Alliance First to Third Fleet and one of its largest warship the Atlantic Federation Quebec-classs Dreadnought II warship AFS St. Michael. With the success of the attack, the forces of Grand Admiral Manning invaded the Island of Guam without any resistance.
In the African Front, Forces from the 45th Armour Division and 31st Mobile Suit Regiment under the command of the Desert Tiger himself landed and occupy the city of Alexandria in the northern part of Cairo, making it as ZAFT drop off point and stronghold in invading the Earth Alliance control Egypt. While ZAFT 3rd Mediterranean Fleet has successfully control the Suez Canal and captured the nearby Suez Naval Base. They also set up a blockade not just to isolate Egypt from its ally neighbours but also to cut off the Earth Alliance of their precious supply route.
In space, Earth Alliance 9th Fleet that was station in the ruins of what's left of once prosperous nation of The Principality of Zeon, was ambush by ZAFT forces headed by the infamous Commander of Team Le creuset, Rau Le creuset.
The attack in the Alliance 9th Fleet was one of the many operations that ZAFT launched in retaliation. It was because of those attacks that ZAFT were able to get an upper hand against Earth Alliance eversince the war began.
Though it was known that the war is in somewhat in a stalemate and both sides trying to find a weakness to break it but it seems that the incident with the W.O.L.V.E.S Commanding Officer was the only thing the ZAFT needed to reignite the Flame of war.
Selena Ranic, PLANTs Supreme Council Member; 'Aftermath of the Fall of a Hero'
71st year of Cosmic Era; C.E 85
St. Helen Military Hospital - Luna III - Side 2 - Lagrange Point 4 - A week after the Assassination Attempt
Light, that was all he could see as his eyes cracked open, white light, he blinked several times rapidly, his eyes flickering to different sides, attempting to make head or tails of his surroundings
Soon his vision began to clear, he could also feel warm sheets and a comfy pillow, a steady beeping sound coming from the heart monitor on his left. After a minute or so of adjusting he could clearly make out where he was.
A hospital, or a medical facility of some sort. He was on a bed IV cord's strapped to his upper left arm above the elbow, where he felt a numb pain coming from. He also felt something on his mouth, some sort of breathing apparatus. He also felt a mild headache and when he tried to touch his head, instead of the warm feeling of his skin what he felt was a the slightly rough surface of bandages that was wrapped around the upper portion of his head.
He tried to open his mouth to speak, to call out for someone, anyone that can answer his question but what came out from his dry mouth and painfull throat was a hoarse cough and some wheezing.
"So your finally awake." A cold voice that was somewhat familiar to him spoke to his right.
He turn into the direction of the voice and see a pink haired girl standing with her back against the white walls of his room.
Finally knowing that he was safe and out of trouble for now, Lelouch allow himself to relax and in a hoarse voice replied. "You being here means that I'am currently in a hospital in Neo-Zeon, Correct?"
The girl in question simply walk towards him, taking the open seat on his left. "Yes you are and you are here in a restricted room separated from the rest of the patients at St. Helen Military Hospital in Luna III so you don't need to worry, no one aside from me and a few people knows about you and that girl Jean." So he was in the capital of Neo-Zeon and was held in a room with a tight security, so that means that only few knows that he was still alive. Lelouch smile at this information, even if it hurst him knowing how his 'death' will hurt his lover he still need to capitalise the opportunity of his "death" to enact the next phase of his plans. The girl on the other hand just ignore the creepy smile Lelouch was showing and continue what she was saying. "After that we found you and that girl Jean. Both of you were unconscious when we found you. The girl only suffers a gashes and a few broken bones but nothing more serious. It was you who who badly needed medical attention, you were already not breathing when the medics check you up, your face where covered in blood from a large wound in your head maybe from a hard object that hit your head during the attack on your ship. At first I thought were already too late and your dead but the princess as stubborn as she was refused to believe that instead she shoved the medics and do her best to revive you even doing the CPR process herself. Your lucky that you came back because if not I will personally drag you back from hell then kill you once again for breaking her highness heart." The girl finished as a mater of factly.
Lelouch tried to asked her what she means but stopped when the door leading to his room opens revealing a relief looking Mineva Lao Zabi leading a group of doctors who were there to check up on Lelouch.
All through out the check up Mineva remain silent, only observing as the doctors ran some test and asked Lelouch some questions just to make sure that everything is fine and no extended damage like Amnesia or anything related to memory loss will happen now that their patient is awake. After the lead doctor give his 'Ok', he and the rest of his group excused theirselves and left the room leaving just the three of them.
"So care to explain to me what exactly happen back there? and why a ZAFT recon ship was on that part of space?" Mineva began as soon as the group of doctors leave.
"It's a long story really, plus it does not concern Neo-Zeon." Lelouch responded nonchantly, which earned him a hard look from the princess bodyguard.
Sighing Mineva take on the seat beside Lelouch bed, the seat that was vacated by Marida a few minutes ago. "I know that but as your friend I have the right to know, you know you can trust us Lelouch."
Taking a drink from the bottle of water Marida had given to him before, Lelouch answered her. "I know that but the thing is this not concern you or Neo-Zeon in general. Its better that you know nothing. I'm doing this also to protect you Mineva." Lelouch finished while stroking Mineva's face affectionately.
Mineva closed her eyes, giving in the warmth of Lelouch hand stroking her face. For the past seven months that she knows Zero, she admit that she fall in love with the raven haired teen and was envious that he was Lacus fiancee and not her's but she was still fine with that knowing that she was among the three people who knows his secrets. Secrets like where he came, his Geass and his status as Natural instead of a Coordinator that Lacus Clyne created in order to protect him from Siegel Clyne and the rest of overzealous members of PLANTs Supreme Council.
"I think Its far too late for that Lelouch, by just saving you and keeping your survival as a secret we're already part of whatever mess you were in. So its no use lying or hiding whatsoever your trying to hide now." Marida joined in.
Lelouch sigh... She was right, its no use hiding it from them. So he tells them everything from the beginning, during the attack and lastly the most likely mastermind behind the cowardly act.
The room was in total silence for a full five minutes after Lelouch told them everything that happened.
"I can't believe that Representative Zala was behind that cowardly act. I know that there's a bad blood between you two but I didn't realise for it to be this deep." Marida commented from her side of Lelouch bed while also eyeing the still silent girl on the other side.
"Are you alright Mineva?" Lelouch asked worried when he saw how Mineva's hands clenched after he told them what happened.
Realising that she somewhat spaced out during the end of Lelouch explanation earned her a worried looking Marida and Lelouch. "I'm fine Lelouch. You need to rest. I'll drop by again tomorrow." She then rose from her seat and motioned for her Guard Captain to follow her.
"Don't do anything stupid, okay?" Lelouch try to remind her.
"Ohh.. What I'm planning is far from being stupid Lelouch." Mineva said with a smirk on her face making Lelouch sigh and shake his head as the two left his room.
'Women and their stubbornness.'
"Tell the Captain to prep the ship. We will march to the nearest ZAFT military outpost tonight." Mineva instructed. They left the hospital half an hour ago after Mineva leave some instructions to the head physician in charge of Lelouch recovery.
"Are you sure about this?" Marida asked from behind.
"If your asking about the attack then yes." Mineva responded quickly without any hint of doubt in her voice.
"I know I'm not in position to question your decision but did you think what will happened if PLANTs will declare war to our Nation?"
"As long as Siegel Clyne is PLANTs Supreme Council Chairman, PLANTs will never declare against us." Mineva replied. Marida tried to ask what she mean but Mineva just continue walking towards her transport. But before she enter the car completely she faced her with a sinister smile on her face.
"And if they indeed declare war then I will make sure that we will be the one victorious in the end."
Lacus Personal Chambers - Clyne Estate - Aprillius City - A week after Zero's Death
If someone see Lacus room now they would think that some storm had happened inside the room.
The once clean and rganise room befitting for a princess was now in chaos. Everything is broken, slashed and torn apart and in the middle of the chaos was the princess. Lacus was sitting on the floor just below her bed with Lelouch ceremonial sword beside her. A blank look was adorned on her face; her eyes were lifeless and devoid with its usual light.
It has been a week since her whole world was destroyed, the death of her beloved. When she heard the news about the ambush that occured near the area where she knew Lelouch was assigned to investigate, her heart stopped beating for a moment because she knew that there's a possibility that the ship that was ambush was the same ship that was commandered by her fiancee.
Despair... For the first time in her life, Lacus felt she understood what that word really mean. True she lost her mother before but thanks to Lelouch she was able to move on and helped her picked up the broken pieces of her heart and paste it together. But now that recently fixed heart was once again in pieces and no matter how long time will pass it will remain broken as their will be no reason for her to fix it once again.
That was the situation that greet Athrun Zala when he visit his ex-fiancee.
"Lacus?" Athrun asked with concern.
"Yes" a cold smooth voice answered him. It made him blink in confusion, since when Lacus sound like that?
"Are you okay?" Looking at the tensed Lacus, Athrun felt he need to berate himself. 'Just great out of all the question I can ask I choose the stupid one'
"I'm fine, and thank you for coming Athrun." If at first Athrun was confused now he can't helped but to be unnerved by Lacus answer. It did not sound like the Lacus he knew at all.
"Are you sure?" Athrun asked while Lacus slowly stood from her sitting position. As she turn to him, the darkness that covers the room hid her face. Therefore all he could see was a pair of Greyish eyes that stared him with coldness that a girl as lively as her should never possess.
"So what's the reason of this visit Athrun?" Lacus asked, still in her smooth and cold voice as she walk towards Athrun.
"Is there really need of a reason to visit a friend?" Athrun asked, he could see the traces of dried tears, proof that she was crying non-stop and the dark bags under her eyes, signalling her lack of sleep.
"Of course, especially if that said friend was your ex-fiancee, who just happened to lost her beloved." Lacus replied.
"But still a friend." Athrun remarked.
"Yes" Lelouch said sarcastically.
Athrun sigh... It was no use, Lacus as he remember was a very stubborn woman so there's no way to push the issue anymore.
"I just came here to check you up. Your Father, Chairman Clyne was worried about you. You haven't left your room and not even touching the foods the maids brought to your room. Do you think Zero will be happy to see you in this state?." Athrun didn't like to use the dead man's name but for the sake of waking the senses of his friend he will do anything even using such underhanded tactics.
For a second Lacus face was in shocked but then it returns to same apathetic state it was in before. "Is that all you wish to say Mr. Zala?" Lacus asked in the same cold voice, which he started to hate.
Defeated, Athrun answers. "Yes, that will be all Ms. Clyne."
"Thank You for your concern Mr. Zala but you can leave now. I need to rest now."
"Of course, Ms. Clyne and sorry for disturbing you." Athrun said, then left. Leaving Lacus who throw the sword she didn't know she was holding, which embedded itself on the door where Athrun past a moment ago.
"Lelouch, I Promise! I Promise I will find the one behind your death... And when I found him/her/them... They will wish that they were dead already. For I will make sure that they will suffer slowly and painfully!... Hehehe... HAHAHAHA!...!" For the first time in this one week Lacus laughed, not the normal laugh but one so dark and sinister that one can mistaken it to be a Devil instead of a girl, who was once compared to the Angels...
A/N: And Cut!... That's the newest chapter of Mobile Suit Gundam Seed: Zero...
Due to the fact that I'm encountering writer's block with both stories World Destiny and Tide of Power I decided to put those two in an indefinite hiatus but no worries If Lady Luck still love's me then there's a possibility I can post the overdue updates before the end of the year... And since I'm addicted in the game Fate/Grand Order I decided to write an experimental xover story between CG and Fate Series... If you have any ideas or suggestions feel free to leave a review or send me a message... For that Thank You for the continue support.. God Bless and Advance Merry Christmas to us All!
LvV now signing off...