Relinquished From The Shackles

Hi peoples! Important thing to note is that in this story there are not any romantic relationships yet, like Jandi for example. *Speechless* I guess I'll just get on with this.

Chapter 1 - Let Loose

General P.O.V.

Tonight the notorious party man himself, Marty, was having a party like sleepover.

Parents are out for the night, house to himself, why not?

Joining him tonight would be, TJ, Amber, Andi, Jonah, Cyrus, Walker, and lastly Buffy.

Awaiting for everyone to arrive while the sun was setting, they sat inside all awkward like.

Once the last guest arrived they could get started.

Marty announced standing in front of them all, "Alright let's make tonight, a night to remember. I got this great new app on my phone, it's basically truth or dare, but better"

Walker butted in, "No offense but isn't truth or dare a little too childish for us?"

"Not the way we are playing it" Marty answered winking at in their general direction making, Cyrus a bit squeamish and Andi antsy.

He went on, "Now help me clear out a space to play...Trust me it will be fun"

"Okay" Amber replied hoping up first to help Marty.

Next everyone else got up and, TJ and Jonah moved the sofa back some.
After the living room had a big empty space they sat down in a circle.

Buffy asks, "Are we going to get started or what?" holding her hands up next to her head.

Marty got up and answered, "Just a second, I gotta do something real quick"

She replied back fast with confidence, "Allow me to do whatever it is, we all know I am the quicker one"

To this he rolled his eyes and dimmed the lights causing TJ to say, "OOOooo scary" earning a "Grow up" from Amber.

TJ getting cocky with her dared to ask, "Why don't you make me?"

She huffed and said, "No thanks", while Marty made his way back to his spot.

The host giddily exclaimed, "Oh-Kay! Let us get started", taking out a ipad from hiding with everyone's name already in it to get started right away.

Before tapping start he clarified something, "I forgot to mention, I have it set up to only have truths for the first half"

Jonah was confused, "So it's not truth or dare?"

Walker joined him in his state of not understanding, "We don't get to choose?"

Answering the two of them Marty said, "No and no. It is still super fun, just do it"

"Alright" was the response he had gotten back as he tapped start to begin their night of fun and games.

What they didn't know was that Marty had the hope of getting together or sexual with her to a extent.

He thought, sure it's fun to compete with her, but I think dating her would be better, we basically were back then, I don't see why not.

The screen asked who's turn it was and Marty selected himself saying, "My turn" and apon reading his truth question his look turned from excited to distraught.

Andi asked, "What is it"

Marty looked up to notice all eyes on him, after all this was his game, he huffed and then read it out loud, "Are you a virgin?".

He didn't want to admit it, but lying takes away the fun besides they would probably doubt him if he didn't, "I am not"

TJ mumbled, "I knew it" which made Marty get heated, "Oh yeah hotshot, what about you?"

"I don't have to answer that"

"What, why?"

"It's not my question"

Buffy cut in between the two boys, "Who cares, let's just get going"

He passed the device to Walker who was next and he read his, "Who would you like to have sex with the most?"

Cyrus' mouth formed a 'O' shape as he realized what he had gotten himself into, and he wasn't the only one who figured this out.

Walker added, "I'm not going to answer that one"

Marty argued, "You have to. Come on, live a little, have some fun, let loose. This goes for all of you"

Not happy with the response he groaned, "Fine"

Cyrus dipping his head for, "So?"

Walker answered quietly, "Andi" while flinching at his own word.

TJ asked, "What was that I didn't quite catch that?"

"Oh well sucks for you, I'm done, it's Amber's turn now" he said while handing off the ipad to her.

She refuted, "Not so fast, you chose Andi over me?"

Andi was blushing knowing that he liked her, like really liked her, while on the other hand Jonah was feeling bad.
He felt that he was the only one there who would have said someone of the same gender.

Cyrus, was questionable to him, in Jonah's eyes not only was he a cute boy, he also seemed guilty of being gay.
Maybe tonight they all would find out the truth.
Walker defensively said, "Ye-ah" gulping halfway through the word.

Buffy seemed to be enjoying the show, it was humorous to her.

Amber hushed them, "My turn now, Who would you like most to give you tongue? Can I say anybody or does it have to be out of everyone here"

Marty answered, "Everyone here"

"Crap, okay umm, TJ"

TJ was shocked at this new information, "Ew I would never want to do that. There is a reason Walker chose Andi not you"

Andi spoke up, "Can we not do this and just play the game? I didn't come her to listen to you all be rude to one another"

Amber sighs and agreed, handing it over to TJ, who read aloud, "Have you ever walked around your house in the nude?... Easy, yes all the time"

What Cyrus didn't know was that one person down from him was also picturing the Kippen boy naked lounging around.

Buffy was up next who read her's, "Has someone else ever seen your privates before? Gross no"

Marty internally said, 'oh please, that's not true'.

Jonah was up next, which excited Cyrus, "Have you ever fantasized about another player? Uhh.."

It was clear that he was nervous his voice now shaky having flashbacks of all the times he has gotten off thinking of Cyrus, "YEAss"

TJ messing with him, taking advantage of his uncomfortableness, "Who is it?"

Cyrus wondered the same thing, with a slight hope it was him, until his logical thoughts came back, 'No of course not. He is a guy and you're a guy, that's not how these things work'

Deep down he knew that it wasn't him, but he still kept a sliver of hope near and dear to his heart.

Jonah responded back, "I don't have to say"

TJ pleaded, "Oh come on, we already know Walker here wants to bang Andi" causing Walker to look at Andi who couldn't look at him at the moment.

She didn't understand her feelings, she felt too young, would she always feel like this.

Walker cut in with a irritated voice, "Can you not bring that up every turn?"


Marty took control, "TJ if you do, we will bring up how you faked a disgust in giving tongue to Amber, we all know that you would want to do that"

He was right, TJ would enjoy that, but he'd be damned if he was ever going to admit that, "I didn't fake it. Huh, that's what she said" TJ said earning a eye roll from the fellow players telling him that his joke was not enjoyed.

He looked over to Amber with hopeful eyes and she just smirked at him, almost snorting when she laughed to herself.

She knew that TJ wanted to get all up in her, but could she blame him?

After this long delay, Jonah passed over the tablet to Andi who read, silencing everyone, "When did you start.." She was having trouble saying this out loud with her best friends listening, "Self...PleaSUring? Errr like this past summer"

Amber commented, "Looks like we got a newbie"

Buffy shot Amber a death glare about her comment to her friends answer.

She passed on the device to the next person also known as the only person who hasn't gone yet.

Cyrus read the question in his head and thought about it for a while, 'well straight people do it too and women', Now reading it out loud, "Have you ever stimulated your anus before?"

He exhaled through his mouth and said, "Yes"

Walker than asked, "How much?"

Cyrus let his subconscious take control, "A lot, all the time, I love it"

It wasn't until he heard the words for himself that he realized what he just told everyone, his face turned red of embarrassment.

Buffy softly said, "Damn" while now assuming that he would be a bottom when it comes to sex.

Jonah stayed silent and day dreamed about Cyrus fingering himself, 'maybe he would like something bigger and better'.

Once he noticed himself getting hard he tried to stop his thoughts so his boner would go away, but he couldn't shake this off his mind.

Maybe this confirms he is gay, he clearly likes, whoops I mean loves things up his ass.

After all this doubt, maybe he would let me go inside him, that would be a dream come true.

Cyrus still ashamed of his answer said a little bit more, "It's not a weird thing, lots of people do it"

Smarting off, "Yeah lots of people wanting a dick shoved up there", TJ said in a joking way not knowing that Cyrus is one of those people he described.

Defending himself, "What?! No, no, no, it's just a thing that is meant to feel good"

After Cyrus said that he realized he wasn't helping his case, and all Jonah thought was, 'wow he really does not want to be gay… What if he is and is just in denial?'

Buffy picked up on her gay best friend drowning, well only gay friend for that matter, but she did not know any ways to save him.

Did he even need saving, couldn't he just tell the truth, everyone else is doing it?

Andi being the only other one who knows his secret spoke up, "He's not the only one, I do it too"

Cyrus looked over to me seeming to be in a profoundly calmer state and whispered, "Really?"

If it is true he would feel a lot better not being the only one, Andi whispers back, "Not really, sorry I was just trying to help"

Marty received the ipad back from Cyrus to start up round two with some more truths, "Have you ever tasted your own sperm? Yes, but before you guys say anything I am fairly certain every guy has at least once"

TJ, smirked and laughed a bit, "Okay, cum lover"

Nicknames, it was one of the few things that he was actually good at.

Marty just played off the nickname by forcing out a laugh passing the device to, Walker who read, "Who would you like to see nude?".

His eyes scanned the room evaluating his options, would it be wrong to say Andi again or would it be wrong to not say her name again.

If he was being honest, at one point he had thought about Buffy so that was his answer, "Hmm, Buffy"

Jealousy filled Andi, but why was she jealous, perhaps it is because Walker wants to see her best friend naked and not her, even though he would want to have sex with her.

When Walker laid his eyes upon his answer, this one didn't look away like Andi did, the staring contest was broke by Amber reading off her truth question, "What is your wildest sex fantasy?"

She looked at the screen in disbelief and added, "Hey no fair, this is the hardest question"

Cyrus rejected that accusation, "As if"

Damn if he didn't cool his sassiness he would become the most stereotypical gay to ever walk the face of this planet.

Amber's eyes wandered up to the top left corner of her mind to think back about what she really wants, "I guess it would be like, a guy with a pretty large penis pinning me down against the bed and then takin…"

Jonah's voice jumped into the air, "Whoa okay, I think you can stop there"

Marty commented, "Not really the dares are even worse, it's better to get used to this stuff now"

'Oh god was this worse than I originally thought?' was in Cyrus' mind.

Ambers sex fantasy lined up pretty closely with Cyrus' he wouldn't mind not having control and being dominated.

TJ felt pretty good about himself because he could satisfy Amber's desires.

He read off his question, "What is your biggest fear in a relationship?", getting cocky… literally, "That my cock is too large"

Marty and Buffy started laughing uncontrollably to the point they started crying.

Jonah didn't give his answer too much thought, unfortunately the same could not be said about Cyrus.

Cyrus was the one that Jonah wanted, sadly Cyrus had his fair share of crushing on Jonah, but those days are behind him, TJ has his eye nowadays.

Cyrus was probably the only one who believed that TJ has a third leg, this was due to that fact that this is what he wanted to believe.

When the laughing died down Marty asked, "Okay what's your real answer"

TJ stated it like it was as plain as day, "That was it"

"Sure" he sarcastically said, while the ipad got handed on over to Buffy, who read off, "What's the worst sexual experience you've ever had?".

She thanked the gods for a moment, "Well that is easy, none I haven't had any and I don't plan to"

Marty did not take that answer too well, "We'll see" he blurted out of the blue.

It was Jonah's turn again and oddly enough his question felt like god himself specifically set it to where he could use it as a chance to expose himself.

He read off getting slower at the end, "Have you ever had sexual thoughts about someone of the same gender?"

Jonah knew that he could simply say 'no' and keep the game going with ease or he could come clean and be honest.

Maybe if Jonah let on that he is not entirely straight that if Cyrus is too he would later on show it?

He took the chance, "I have" and these two words had a effect on Cyrus.

Old feelings that he previously held for Jonah that were pushed deep down resurfaced and his face lit up.

Cyrus tried making sense of all of this, 'so Jonah has jerked off to one of us here and he has thought about someone of the same gender. Possibly both of those are linked and it's the same person, if so it has to be one of the guys, and he isn't really friends with TJ or Marty so it might be me, or Walker'.

He was very satisfied jumping from conclusion to conclusion putting the pieces together to see the full picture.

Cyrus' fangirling would not be easy to stop, he has never been this curious or hopeful about the possibility of him and Jonah together.

For the first time it has the chance to not exclusively be just a dream or hope, it could be his reality.

Amber blurted out, "Same" which honestly startled Andi, she was doing a lot of deep thinking on her own.

'Does Jonah even like her?' She couldn't decide, the only thing she knew for sure is that she spent enough time trying to make things work.

Walker could be a clean slate and they are already off to a good start and if Jonah is not who she thinks he is, then it could mean good news for her friend.

Is it possible that Andi's first crush end up being a boyfriend to her GUY best friend?
She thought more, 'I could move on. Jonah would be a piece of cake to get over if I have somebody else like Walker. Besides I am already like fully over Jonah. I guess the universe had other plans for me'

Buffy was also taking it all in, why did it seem like everyone but her was all into that sexual stuff?

Oh yeah that's because they are, is she broken?

That she does not know, 'I can't trust Amber when she says that she also has given same gender sexual thoughts a chance'

It was now Andi's turn and once again from the top she read her's off, "What specific details arouse you? I'm going to need a minute to think"

She closed her eyes, while everyone else had set their eyes on her, only when she reopened them she felt the weight of the groups eyes on her.

"So..?" Walker inquired to which Andi explained, "I guess I really like it when someone watches me get undressed, it makes me feel, valuable. Like a nice piece of art".

This was strange that she enjoyed that because she didn't like them staring at her at the moment all to much.

She kept going, "Oh oh I know like if someone else is near enough for me to get caught in the act" Biting her bottom lip at the thought, "Mmm that really gets me going".

Jonah blurted out, "Wow Andiman that's really crazy"

Walker defending her, "No it isn''s actually kind of hot".

"Um thanks" Andi said fearing what she said was the wrong thing to say at the time being.

Next up was Cyrus' which Jonah hoped to be 'Are you gay', much to his disappointment that's not what he read, "Are you more dominant or submissive?" not thinking much of anything about it, "Easy submissive".

Jonah's face cracked a smile, each time it seems more and more like he is full on out a gay boy.

Nodding is what both, Andi & Buffy's heads were doing in rhythm, they were satisfied with the chocolate eyed boy's answer.

"What is your biggest shame in bed?" Marty read aloud with the game now in his possession again.

TJ was eyeing him down, making him nervous that whatever his answer is the basketball star will never let him hear the end of it.

It's all in good fun he supposes, "It would have to be my mouth"

Amber asked what was on the group's mind, "Huh what do you mean by that?".

"I mean that I may not be the best at dirty talk and I say some really dumb things".

Buffy laughed, "Phft that's hilarious"

Tj added in, "Give us a example of something stupid you've said"

Firmly Marty said, "No" with his testosterone showing.

Under her breath Amber said, "You're no fun", Marty catching that, "Yes I am, ugh fine one time while fingering this heavier set chick I might of said something along the lines of, 'Wow babe you sound so sexy like Mac and Cheese'"

The only person who didn't laugh at him was well himself.

Marty never knew how bad he was at this whole sexy talk until seeing their reaction it.

He wonders, 'How do other people do it so effortlessly?'

Andi wheezing managed to let out a quick, "OhMyGodYou'reSoBad"

Sourly the ashamed male says, "Thanks" not really meaning it before continuing, "Can the next person just go so we can forget about this?"

Jonah whines, "But why would we want to do that, what you just said is the best stuff?"

Walker cleared his throat ending any further discussion of Marty's horrible sexy talk, "What part of your body are most proud of? I guess that'd have to be this fine pack" lifting up his shirt to show off his six pack.

Andi was virtually drooling at the sight of this while thinking, 'Screw Jonah, he doesn't got abs. Like damn he's like a hundred times hotter now'.

A hand was placed on Cyrus's tummy by himself feeling it, he is only a tad bit pudgy in the stomach region.

Did he need abs like Walker's to land himself a man?

Eager is a understatement for how pumped Amber was for her turn, she stole it right out of Walker's hands, "Would you ever participate in a threesome?... I guess, new things are fun".

Buffy still in disbelief in her interest in other girls, dared to ask, "Is the threesome with two guys, or two girls?"

Amber folded her hands together and answered, "Two girls, but two guys would be fine too I suppose"

'Is it true, I am not the only non heterosexual person here?! I shouldn't get my hopes up, she sounds more like just sexually curious', Cyrus had thought about Amber's words.

He noticed no one is hitting her or making fun of her, so by the logic he would be fine if they learnt he is gay, right? Hopefully?

Cyrus didn't know how she felt expressing that, but he wanted to at least say something, "That's cool"

He mentally beat himself up over what he just said, 'Cool? Really, that's what you come up with? You sound like such a dweeb!'

TJ anticipated his turn, "Has anyone ever accidentally seen your boner?", 'Well Marty already made himself sound like a loser and there is no way his could be any worse, "Um yes, so I was in English class right and then the teacher made me get up to do my presentation and I am ninety percent sure the girl at the other end of the table saw it when I stood up...Along with maybe the entire class when I got up to the front of the classroom"

Marty gladly and openly laughed to his heart's content about TJ's misfortune, "Guess they didn't see much".

The small dick joke got both the other boys to laugh for a short duration, the victim of the joke said, "Funny, NOT! I bet that I am bigger than you by like twice as much"

"As if ain't nobody having a foot and a half long penis"

"That's a lot of confidence and bull crap coming from someone with a four incher" TJ snapped.

"That's saying yours is eight, which is not true"

"You inferred yours is nine inches"

"Because it's true"

"No it's not. Prove me wrong?"

Marty grabbed the hem of his shorts, "Okay, just to get you to shut up"

TJ waited, "Go on. Whip out your tintsy wintsy dickie"

Cyrus' body heat was rising as his mind raced, 'Is Marty actually going to show off his penis? God that would be hot, especially if it's as big as he claims. I don't think I would be able to control myself, it'd be my first one to see in person other than my own obviously'.

Marty pulled his hem outwards and released it making it snap back against himself as he said, "No I'm not doing that just to please you"

The gang all thought Marty and Tj going at it trying to be the more masculine one was entertaining, because rule one of all straight guys is whoever has the bigger penis is manlier.

"SHUT IT!" Amber spat tired of hearing the two boys go at it, if anything she was the most masculine one there.

Beholding the almighty ipad, Buffy took her time reading her question, "What...are...your...kinks? None, I'm not into all that sexual stuff"

Andi argued, "Oh bull. You just don't want to admit that you're into really kinky shit"

Walker took over, "Yeah, like a piss fetish"

Buffy hushed both of them, "Hell no, ew! Just go Jonah".

His question made him freeze up and it was especially freaky after TJ and Marty just boosted about having massive dongs, "What is the size of your penis?"

Jonah looked around with his eyes screaming, 'Please don't make me do it!'

Marty mentioned, "Hey TJ, look at him, I think he's the one with the four incher, he's like ashamed or something"

Jonah immediately knew he had to take action, "What no! It's average size".

The pink cheeked Cyrus stayed quiet and tried to hide in the background.

Amber chimed in, "Out of all of you here I honestly think that Marty has the smallest dick"

Buffy asked, "What about mine?"

Shocking the group Andi was like, "Wha?!"

Buffy explained her dry humor, "It's a joke, mine is nonexistent so it's the smallest"

'Whatever' Amber thought, while Jonah was glad to have the talk switch from about his dick to strangely enough as it is, Buffy's dick.

Andi read her question, "What is the craziest place you've had a sexual encounter? Hmm I once gave a blowjob in a bathroom stall at school"

Buffy responded, "Ew that's gross, the freaking school"

Walker was more than anything jealous that it wasn't his dick that got a good sucking from the one and the only Andi Mack.

Little did Walker know, he wasn't the only one that is jealous… Cyrus is too, but for a completely different reason.

Cyrus was jealous that even Andi has already sucked her first dick, when will get to try his first?

Finally it came to the final truth question which was Cyrus', "Would you rather receive anal or give anal?"

This question had the gay boy speechless, he knew his answer, but didn't know how to form the words to get his answer out.

Why of all people did this question have to be his, when he glanced over to his friends they gave him a look of encouragement mixed with a hint of curiosity themselves.

Cyrus turned his flushed face down at the floor and picked at the carpeted floor and let out a low, "I would rather receive anal" in the silent room.

No one said anything which eased his stomach that got flipped upside down when TJ said, "Oh my god Muffin, so you're saying you would want a dick up your ass?"

Marty added, "No offense Cyrus, but that sounds awfully gay.."

Cyrus hearing all this felt like crying, he was trying his hardest, why couldn't they just stop being dumb straight guys and realize, 'duh I am gay as fuck'?

Buffy motioned him to talk, 'Was she wanting me to come out?'

Whatever here it goes, besides I am supposed to let loose so why not and I got Buffy and Andi here to support me and more than likely not so straight after all Amber.

" " Nothing came out of his mouth and Jonah cut in, "So what if he likes it up the butt?"

Cyrus looked up with hopeful eyes to the beautiful guy who just stood up for him, but it was Cyrus' time to stand up for himself because as you all know those who stand for nothing, fall for everything, "Marty I don't care that it sounds g-gay-" choking on the word never have used it until this moment, "- Because, well I am gay"

Jonah's heart nearly jumped out his chest, he's not alone, his fantasies can become more than just imaginary in other words they can be real.

He regretted not saying he's bisexual right then and there, something inside his chest kept him from doing so.

So know Jonah knows they both like boys and he knows he likes, like really likes Cyrus, but does he feel the same about him?

Everyone was able to let loose and expose themselves and let some of their true feelings out.

Little did they all know is that the night was just getting good.

Cyrus felt free at last, no more locking up part of himself, 'the hella boy crazy part'.

This was never how he envisioned coming out… nonetheless it was something he was more than happy to do.

On the other side Jonah never envisioned the person he secretly wished to smash, wanted to be smashed, and just maybe he would have the chance to.

Out of the two boys only one of them was relinquished from their shackles that he was kept in for far too long.

Cyrus decided it was time to break free, and maybe Jonah should be ready too.

He too would be breaking his chains and showing to the world who he really is.

Hiding your feelings away, is the same as locking them up in a jail cell.

Both of their feelings were wrongfully imprisoned, it was time for them to break out.

The triple 'out plan'

First, come out.

Second, break out.

Third, make out.

Kissing Iris never felt magical like it is described in movies and books, maybe a boy would feel different, but who was there for Cyrus to be with?

Oh yeah that's right, no one.

As far as Cyrus knows he came out to room with only straight guys.

End Of Part One

Sorry about that horrible and weird and difficult to understand ending of part one.

The second part will have the good juicy stuff known as dares, and for those of you who thought this was inappropriate, it will only get worse from here. So peeps how was this jumble of stuff? (TBH I think 8 characters at once was too much for me to handle)