The First Trial

A/N: Another new story idea to fill the wings of doing small mini series in between adaptation just as a way of me to keep things fresh. We had the dark and sexual tension of Tempted by a Saiyan so let's flip gears and do another story different from that. I hope you guys enjoy this new little twist I have for a Go/Chi fic with an old face that you all love coming back for some fun.

"Alright, just another fifty-!" A voice strained jumping up another high ledge. Their hands catching the near forty foot high cliff face. A pair of once manicured nails dug into the gouged and irregular shaped rocks a pair of pink wrist guards dragged against the stone until the grip settled and pulled upwards. A slight strain in their voice as they cleared another-very annoying- cliff edge.

Falling onto the ledge with a weary groan, her hair a mess but still moderately contained in in a bun. Her once vibrant blue and purple training gi had been sullied by dirt, a damp wetness caused by the rain and her own sweat. She was pushing up Mount Pazou in order to do what everyone said was impossible, and only a myth and a fairytale. Unslinging her backpack she decided she could take a small break, she had been climbing this damn mountain for almost two whole days. Her palms were sore, her legs were hurting, she hadn't had a bath in days and she felt miserable.

But all that was a paltry reason as to why she was going through this. The reason she was here, the entire goal of this arduous task was for one reason and one reason only. "I'm going to find the sacred dragonballs a top this temple and I'm going to get the chance to make my wish!" She laid down on her back as she haphazardly rummaged around for her water and food.

"Shit." Her voice falling as she pulled out her supplies. "Less than half a quart of water and a small cut of dried food." Shaking her head, "high in sodium and nothing else." Chi-Chi lamented as she knew her water had to be rationed right now. But she needed to at least eat something, some preserved meat would at least be a decent protein boost.

Ripping into the brown plastic package Chi-Chi tore open one of the half containers of food and quickly shoved it into her mouth. There wasn't time to be graceful about it, after all, no one was here watching. Well, not that I know yet, I have to keep going. If I don't, then mom could die! Taking a full breath Chi-Chi re-slung her backpack and set out to begin climbing, though she had been jumping up these large scaled cliffs that were almost fifty feet tall easily at first, she felt that they seemed to be getting taller.

But that didn't make sense, "probably just my head, I've been going at it for two days. I think I just haven't trained hard enough-!" Wiping the sweat from her brow Chi-Chi pushed herself back up and onto her feet.

"Don't worry mom, I'm going to find these magical dragon balls, I'm going to get my wish and I'm going to save you!" She told herself, feeling her resolve strengthen and her hands gripping the straps and tightening them as she looked up at the almost daunting few remaining cliffs.

"And-d Jump!" She told herself throwing herself upwards, clearing a tree as her fingers grabbed onto the side of the stone, her feet pushing upwards as she dragged herself up another whole cliff face.

Digging into the stone she tucked and threw herself upwards again, her hands catching at the stone as she gritted her teeth and pulled herself further onto the next ledge. "Come on, do it for mom!" She yelled at herself, "You want to have mom live, now stop arguing body and do what I say!"

Her eyes narrowed as she attacked the next cliff face jumping upwards, except she planted her feet and ran up the side with the momentum. Her training as a young girl paying off as she cleared it and kept going. Her breathing and panting increasing as she went after the next one. Her eyes looking upwards as she could see the clouds surrounding the top of this damn ancient mountain.

Going until she felt the blood from her calloused palms turning her once unending adrenaline into a burning searing pain.

Clutching at the stone Chi-Chi refused to quit, her backpack trying to drag her downwards but she refused to let it. The stone cracked at the top and Chi-Chi felt her grip slip as a chunk broke free, her hand swinging back and she felt a warm rush from her palm as a jagged rock cut into her hand. Gritting her teeth, Chi-Chi did her best to shove it down. Dragging her elbow up and over Chi-Chi hauled herself over the stone ledge. Clutching her hand, she could feel the blood running down her wrist. "Fuck," She cursed. Grabbing one of her armbands she dragged it over the small cut and then snapped the pink cover with her strength before tightly wrapping it together.

"Completely unsanitary. Damnit, I don't have any supplies to clean this. It could get badly infected." Looking up towards the summit of this damn mountain. "Dammit! How does it appear like I'm not making any progress!" It didn't look any closer, and she had been climbing back up these cliffs for the past three hours.

"Ughhh! I hate this! I hate this stupid mountain, this stupid myth! I just want to save my mother!" She covered her face and shouted loudly to the open air. "If I find that that old man who told me about these stupid dragonballs was lying I swear he will die the most painful of deaths."

She was exhausted, the sun had begun its final descent and Chi-Chi needed to make camp. A fire was the first priority as she grabbed several fallen branches of a tree beside the next large cliff.

"A little dry wood, I still got my flint starter in here…" She said digging down to the bottom and pulling out her easy fire starter. A few snaps together and the wood quickly lit up. Reaching in to find her all weather cover, it was a insulator and rain resistant. Though the rain hadn't been an issue, it had for the first part of her journey on the first day but it hadn't rain since. Though, as she grabbed and drank about half of her remaining water, "I might reconsider getting rained on."

So with a slightly rumbling stomach, having only a small packet of her food rations left Chi-Chi decided to just use her bookbag as a pillow, though not the most comfortable she was going to just have to tough it out and get some rest. Her body wasn't exactly happy with her, but neither was her mother's.

"Just a few hours of rest, then we get back at it in the morning…" She said trying to get comfortable in the polyurethane and flexible weather cover. Drifting off to a much needed rest, with dreams of her mother happy, healthy, and not a trace of the rampant virus in her home village. It had a nearly eighty percent mortality rate for those infected and for all the work her father had done to make sure no one in their castle caught it. It found its way into her mother, with a week she set off for a magical cure as modern science failed to stop this outbreak.

She just prayed that she would be able to find these rumored magical balls and save her mother. I don't want this trip to be for nothing...


"Such a child," A voice spoke softly, a feminine tone of gentle words. "Let me reach out for you my dear, know that I see what you do, how hard you struggle and endure and you have earned a reprieve."

Looking down at the image of a young woman, a girl called Chi-Chi from an orb in her room. Waving her hand she moved the image of her face and slowly drew backwards encompassing everything about her.

Another comes to seek the power of the dragon balls. She smiled, though as she did another presence joined her. "Have you come again, Kami? My, sparing a moment for me with so many countless billions of lives on this world?" Turning her face to look at the green skinned guardian of the earth. "How privileged one such as myself should be, I should call-"

Tapping his staff into the ground Kami silenced her words. "I did not come here to hear you complain, Leocht." Looking at the pale blue skinned woman, her pure white hair twisted into a long ornate braid behind her head that hung just below her elbows, she had the body of a normal woman save her reverse jointed and cloven feet. Her eyes were a light purple, holding no pupils visible in them as they shared an unnatural glow.

"Oh my, how offended you must be. How many years do you stand atop your lookout without company, waiting for some poor soul to seek your guidance and protection? You were put in a position to look after an entire world. Whereas someone as lowly as me is deemed to protect your creation?" Her voice drawled in complete irritation. "I can only imagine the honor I have as your neglected housemaid, taking care of the dragon balls. Gee, I sure hope they don't get dusty!" She mocked, pretending to be holding a duster as she wiped at the side of the pure white stone chair she rested in.

"Silence-!" Kami demanded, his staff's end hitting the ground and creating a shock wave in the entire room that made Leocht's chair shake. "Leocht, you have a sacred charge of looking after an incredible power on this world, yet, you act as if the power of a single wish to be granted is nothing. I did not entrust you with this task to hear your paltry whining for such a noble duty." The guardian of Earth had chosen-though the word would be a bit rough- Leocht's being was merely by happenstance.

"Oh? Noble duty, do you know how many 'noble' " Her fingers using quotes for the word, "Have attempted to scale this sacred place and claim the dragon balls?"

Kami exhaled, shaking his head. "That is not the purpose of counting the noble ones you are-"

"Let's see, we had a short little man called emperor Pilaf, he tried using all manner of machines and lackeys to get to the summit. It was oh so much fun having to deal with a complete fool of a being like him. Oh, getting him out of here with so many repeated notions of his return. Which, no doubt, I shall expect one day, then the other fun one was by the red ribbon army. Which," She cast an accusing glance in Kami's direction. "Did you not bother to help me with that problem, I have close to two thousand men, machines, and guns storming this place all at once and it's left to just me to handle all of them? I guess protecting your most powerful gift to this planet comes secondary when you have to listen to the prayers of the masses, I wonder how that will work out when someone wishes for world domination. I wonder if those prayers might change?" Leocht snorted, sitting back in her seat. Her face snapping towards the seer, a thin line on several skin colored tendrils ordained with jewels near the end snapping along her shoulders. "I did not see you come then and belittle me when I gave them their trials to pass through. Yet, here and now when someone who has a shred of morality, and decency you come to lord over me with your judgment as to the job you," Her finger pointing at him accusingly, her eyes narrowing as a sneer formed on her face. "Dare-! To come here and belittle me? I am the keeper of the dragon balls, I am this place's caretaker, and title of god or not you have no right to tell me how to do a job I've been doing for millennia!"

Kami's eyes hardened but he did not react. "I came to ask, not demand, a reason for your task, Leocht. I wish to know why you have pushed this young soul so hard when you did not the others that you so quickly spouted off to me. If their reasons for coming were so tainted then you surely would've never let them reach the temple. I'm well aware of your previous dealings, but I didn't assign you to this task to make light of it."

"Oh well, I feel so vindicated, maybe I'll write a book about it." Leocht mocked wavering her hands in an overly exaggerated fashion. "As for your so called question, the reason I have not let her pass is because we live in world of entitlement, those past come seeking their power because they believe they have the right to have it, without doing a single thing for that power. Because of their evil actions and desires that they have pushed through a self imposed justification in their own minds to where they do not even feel as if they are evil. I quickly have to decide how to deal with the arrivals."

"I'm sure that the boy would suffice, he's the most pure hearted soul on the planet." Kami added, speaking of the temple's physical guardian. "His strength has my blessing, Korin's, and of the planet itself."

Leocht rolled her eyes spinning her chair to face him. "That poor boy lives a lie, were I not the caretaker of this place I would've let him go a long time ago. Yet you feel that a life here is acceptable, but I can guess that you find it appealing from one who lives above the clouds and passes judgment on the less fortunate right?"

"What would you have done? Let him wander the planet with power untold? With the strength to move mountains and let this world influence him? What would you have done had it been him who had come seeking the dragon balls? What sort of magic would you have cast to undo his power and halt his progress?" Kami looked past her and towards the illusion of the sacred temple that was just beyond them.

"Every person has the right to choose who they wish to be, you do not decide one's purpose more so than I. But I can not change what has happened, I can not right wrongs or wrong previous right's Kami. I am not a god."

The guardian of Earth said nothing at that, "So peaceful ignorance would be less beneficial than a life in the world that humanity has created?"

"Of course, but I suppose it will be soon that he arrives." her words gaining Kami's attention. She cast him a grin, "What? Surely someone like you could appreciate the most pure and good hearted being making sure that our newest soul makes it to her trials?"

"He is a guardian and protector, it is not his job, that is yours-"

"Yes and I say he will do the job that I have given him." Leocht interrupted snidely, "I know what I'm doing, Kami, so please see yourself out of my chambers, I don't need you looking over my shoulder like a child. So go do whatever godly things you do, I'm sure the foolish girl that I am will handle this as I have been." Dismissively waving off the god of the world without much thought.

"I will be back to check," Kami said sternly. "Do what you were charged." Though Leocht did not care what the shriveled pickle said to her. She looked into her glass device that allowed her to watch, she couldn't hardly wait.



Chi-Chi groaned, shifting sightly. "Just another five minutes." She mumbled in her sleep shifting slightly in her position. She was so tired and exhausted, rest… I need rest.

But something poked her shoulder again, she brushed the offending object again. "Leave me alone, bugs. Sleep." She muttered before promptly falling asleep.

A more insistent poke touched her back, though it felt like a stick she smacked the offending branch away. No doubt the tree was closer to her body than she recalled.

Then- Grab!

Chi-Chi's eyes snapped open, her hand smacking at what had touched her. The loud crinkles of the blanket she was wearing as she rolled backwards. Her heart rate spiking as she caught sight of a figure looking down at her. "Get back!" Her voice cracked as she in a half delirious state tried to get further away.

"Hello!" A voice cheerfully replied.

Blinking to get her eyes focused Chi-Chi saw the person in front of her. Wearing a pair of long blue pants tied off with a dark yellow sash, feet bare, a bulky and muscular frame from the waist up, a stocky six pack, and well defined arms that ran up to a gentle smiling face with a set of long black spikes that followed no rules and defied gravity. A large orange pole was held in one hand almost like a walking stick, he gave her a wave.

"Who? Who are you?" Quickly trying to assess whether or not this was some kind of a threat.

"Well, I'm Goku, who are you?" He asked offering his hand down to her.

Chi-Chi eyed the offered appendage, though she didn't take it as she stood up on her own keeping a small distance from him. "How did you get here?"

Pulling his hand back Goku just pointed towards the summit. "I jumped, man that was actually a really long jump. Almost set a new record!" A proud well deserved grin on his face.

Chi-Chi looked upwards down to where they were. "No, hold on, you jumped from there?" She pointed towards the peak.

"Well sure, why wouldn't I?" he replied quizzically his hand scratching his unruly locks.

"But it's like… it's like your jumping a mile!" Her words failing her slightly as she waved her hand.

"Nah it's not that far, it just seems that way to you. By the way you didn't tell me who you were?"

Looking back at this newcomer called Goku she figured he hadn't come here to hurt her, "I'm Chi-Chi, the daughter of the Ox-King."

Goku scratched his chin pondering her words as his head rocked from side to side. "Funny you don't look like a cow at all."

"..." There was a short pause, "That's because it's a title-!" Chi-Chi's anger snapping on the man as she shouted at him with enough force to almost make the ground shake. "Are you really that dense, or is that some lame attempt at being funny?"

Goku felt a roll of sweat drop from his face as he put his hands up. Man, she's scary. "No, you just said you were the Ox-King's daughter I just thought-"

"My dad is a martial artists and he's called the Ox-King because of how big he is, not because he's a cow you idiot." She growled and set about collecting her things. I better get away from this moron before he asks me more pointless questions. I still have to keep a clear head and a pure heart otherwise I won't be able to get the dragonballs.

Goku watched her pack her things back up, still feeling a great deal of anger resonating out from her Chi-Chi stuffed things back inside her backpack. Slinging it back up and around her shoulders she tightened the straps and looked back up to the mountain.

"Are you going to climb up to the top?" Goku asked noting all of the small cuts and the wrapped palm. She obviously wasn't one hundred percent, flipping his power pole in his hand and into a strap behind his sash.

Rolling her eyes, Chi-Chi just let her body stretch for a moment. "Yes, I'm here to get the dragonballs, no doubt you are too."

He smiled and shook his head, "Nope, I was sent here to get you and bring you to the top."

"Right…" She drawled sarcastically not believing that little lie. Just how do you plan on pulling that shit off? "Look I don't have the time for this i've got to start scaling this damn mountain."

"Well you don't have to worry about that." Cupping his hands around his mouth he called out, "NIMBUS-!" The loud reverberating echo of his voice echoed down the mountain.

Looking at him as if he were crazy Chi-Chi caught sight of a burst of gold coming through the clouds and speeding straight towards the two of them. Her eyes struggling to pick up on what was heading towards them. "Is that…" Squinting as if to see clearer, Chi-Chi watched as the patch of gold grew in size as it spiraled down towards them. Just before it impacted and left a crater in the ground, it stopped.

"It's… It's a cloud?" Chi-Chi asked completely perplexed at the sight before her.

Goku jumped onto the golden cloud first, a youthful laugh filling the air, "Yep this is the flying Nimbus, it's the only way you can reach the summit, so hop on." Goku gestured for her to join her as he took a small step back to allow her room to stand beside him.

"What do you mean? Didn't you have to climb up this damn mountain?" Chi-Chi's confusion growing ever more as she looked to the temple and to the cloud.

Chuckling Goku shook his head, "Well you did climb but there's some type of magic or a spell that has kept you here. I really don't know how it works but you haven't really moved since you started. Only with Nimbus can you climb up and reach the top."

She paused before letting loose. "WHAT!? You meant to tell me for two whole days I've wasted my time-!"Her voice breaking into an angry scream, her pitch making Goku wince from how loud she became. His hands slightly cupping his ears to avoid a piercing ringing that remained.

"Ow, jeez your voice is really loud."

"Well of course it is!" She snapped at him, "I just learned that I've been wasting my time, ripping up my hands, and suffering out here for nothing!" Her brows were twitching rhythmically as a vein appeared across her forehead and wrists.

"Well this was only the first trial, since you came for the dragonballs you do know about the trials right?"

Chi-Chi shook her head. "No, what trials I thought just climbing this stupid mountain was the trial?" She grumbled.

"Well how about I take you up to the temple and maybe get some questions answered." Goku scratched the side of his cheek, "Also I'd like to go up there and get some breakfast, are you hungry cause we've got plenty of food!"

Before Chi-Chi could properly reply her stomach groaned in response to the prospect of food. "I guess," Casting her brown eyes down towards the cloud that Goku was standing on. "No funny business though. I'll not have myself be touched and defiled if this is some sort of sick game. I am a pure woman," She pointed a finger accusingly at Goku. "Got it buddy?"

"Well… of course you are, if you weren't I wouldn't be here and only pure hearts can ride Nimbus." Goku stated, his hands on his hips. "Now can we go? I'd like to grab something to eat."

"Alright but you better promise to keep your hands to yourself." Goku nodded his head in agreement and the moment Chi-Chi put her feet down onto the cloud it exploded upwards making her shriek. It spiraled upwards bursting through the fog and mirage of clouds that laid below. Spinning outwards it circled around the top of the mountain. A large domed temple, like a roman pantheon, except several times larger, a pristine white marble, with water running down from the sides, a lush hanging gardens surrounded the entire outside, vines, flowers, plants of all kinds growing together and up the walls.

A totally isolated palace all to its own, though just around the pristine exterior were a warning. One's that Chi-Chi noticed as her hands gripped tightly for support. There were piles of skeletons, an obvious omen that more or less confirmed that this was, indeed, the place that held the powerful dragonballs. The skeletons were strewn out in uniforms, guns, swords, bows, and all manner of devices from tanks and aircraft to carriages and chariots.

But the cloud dropped downwards landing amongst the near flawless marble, the omens now behind them.

"Uhm…" Goku said his voice dragging out as he looked away.

Chi-Chi looked back and noted that she had actually grabbed onto Goku. Her hands had locked tightly to his muscles the entire time. Her body jolted as she realized her mistake and tore her hands away from him and. "Th-It- I," She quickly stammered out, "Sorry." Before whipping herself around, a red blush of shame on her face. "Is this the temple?" She said in a partial mumble.

"Of course," Goku said hopping off of Nimbus. "Thanks nimbus!" He said waving at the friendly golden cloud which took right back off into the sky. Without waiting for more questions Goku headed towards a pair of large doors, about twelve feet tall, a large golden disc settled in the middle.

Chi-Chi followed noting the door that was split by the disc had the depiction of a huge snake… Wait, no, it's not a snake. Her eyes gaining clarity as she came closer. No, it's a, dragon? While it might've made more sense in hindsight, this was a temple that held dragonballs so why wouldn't it? But a large swirling serpent was on the edges of this large disc that inside held several different shaped balls, each with a star depicting a number inside of the dragon.

The large disc with no clear evidence of being split glowed as Goku approached, the eyes flashing a dark red and the body which was once gold turned a dark green. But he was undeterred and touched the massive disc which shimmered like the surface of water and then appearing from the middle was the connecting doors.

Chi-Chi kept up with Goku who pushed open the massive doors that were almost half a foot thick of stone with both hands.

Inside there was a light chiming sound that resonated a peaceful tone. The floor was white, with a line of chambers, a mirror of sorts stood in six of them, as her eyes moved upwards she saw a massive sky mural with stained glass, it was as if someone had drawn the image of the dragon on the disc outside in the clouds in the temple. Yet as she looked at it, there was a striking image, riding on the back of the dragon-

"Cool painting, huh?" Goku smiled breaking her reverie of the moment, his eyes following what she was looking at. "Yeah, the lady who watches over everything put me in that." He grinned as there was an image of him riding on the back of the mystical dragon. "I've never seen Shenron but I think he's much bigger than that."

Chi-Chi's jaw fell open as she looked up at the massive painting, the image of a huge dragon fit the entire temple but there was Goku on its head looking just as he was now. This truly has to be the temple that holds the dragonballs.

Then inside the middle it dropped into a small platform in which there were seven small standing pillars which were held upwards. Affixed to the top of these stone pillars which were only several feet tall were the same orbs that she had seen on the golden disc outside, an orange orb. Each one holding a star, going from one up to seven stars. She was left to ask "Are those… those the dragonballs?"

"Well yeah, that's them." Goku stated plainly raising an eye as Chi-Chi walked towards them. Her eyes looking down around the floor of the pillars where seven grooves were made into the floor, their size and shape designed to apparently fit seven spheres. Almost the exact same shape of the orange balls.

I… I found them! If this legend is true I'll be able to save mom! I could save everyone!

As if the entire sequence of things she had seen hadn't been proof enough, but things were going to go from surreal and beyond.

"Yay, someone finally made it!" A childish little voice called out, as Chi-Chi caught sight of a blur of white as a little girl came through the air, a fit of laughter escaping as the form cleared over Chi-Chi's head and landed squarely in Goku's hands.

"Yeah Leo, I brought her here." Goku chuckled holding a pure white skinned being. The lady who looked after this place and took care of everything, it was his only real friend that he had ever known.

Chi-Chi watched the small frame spin in Goku's arms and settle on his shoulder, it was a young girl. But she wasn't human. A small stub of black horns stuck out from her head, a stark contrast from her pure white skin and hair that was down around her ankles. Pale blue eyes radiated without pupils from her face, wrapped around her head was a crown of flowers, vibrant pink, red, blue, purple, and white all fitted together in a small crown that rested just above her horns. A short flowing purple dress hung below her knees in a single one piece, though it covered her chest it was apparent she wasn't wearing any undergarments.

"Oh wow, it's a girl?" The being called Leo asked her finger on her lips.

"Yep, sure is, just like you!" Goku laughed heartily as he began to tickle her hips making the girl buckle laughing.

"I give! I give!" Leo cried in a fit of laughter as Goku picked her up and off of her shoulder and set her down on the ground. She straightened out her dress and skipped over towards Chi-Chi at the center. "Hello there! I'm Leo!" She waved, a brilliant and adorable smile on her face as she looked up at the new arrival.

"Uh, hi." She said a bit stunned by all of this.

"Hi? No-! You gotta be like, WHOOOA! I didn't expect the all powerful and yet super cute and sweet as sugar temple caretaker to be this little package of awesome!" Leo over acted as she threw her hands out like a plane and ran around Chi-Chi. "You should be like! Noooo-! It's not true, it's impossible!" Before falling backwards dramatically and rolling up onto her bottom laughing.

Goku laughed along with her, but an audible rumble from his stomach directed him to more pressing matters. "Well I'm hungry, I'm going to go get some food!"

"Okay Goku! But I want my strawberry, banana, blueberry waffles untouched! If you so much as lick them I'm not making you dessert for a month!" Leo yelled back to Goku who waved back at her before disappearing into one of the side rooms. She looked back to Chi-Chi with a grin and covered the side of her mouth, "I totally have more but he doesn't know that!" She whispered in a hushed tone. She jumped up onto her feet and approached Chi-Chi her hands on her hips.

"So, what's your name lady?" Studying the new person in their midst with some real scrutiny.

"I'm.. I'm Chi-Chi, daughter of-."

"Yeah, the Ox-king! I could be your sister, see these horns? I'm like a bull! RAWR!" She mocked with her fingers on the black nubs, a fit of giggles erupted as she charged around the room making roaring noises. "Oh man, we're gonna have so much funnnn-! I haven't had a girl to talk to in centuries and it's been soo boring-!" She wailed coming up from behind Chi-Chi and grabbing her hand. "So you obviously came to see the prettiest thing in the world, so did I blow your expectations?"

"I-I'm confused. Isn't this the temple for the dragonballs?" Chi-Chi asked her confusion and a possible migraine was beginning to form in her head. "The power to grant a wish to anyone who seeks them?"

"Well duuh! But you don't want those smelly dragonballs and that dumb wish you totally want girl time with me, dontcha?" She said spinning around the room in a jubilant manner. "I mean a wish really, I've got the best tea party set and stuffed animal collection in the worl- no galax- no UNIVERSE!" Her hands spreading outwards as she grew bigger with her over bloated comparison. "Way cooler and funner than those dumb things." Gesturing back towards the orange orbs on the pedestals.

I knew it… but, she looked towards Leo who was grinning up at her.

"I'm kidding I'm kidding! I know you came here for the dragonballs I'm not stoooopid-! BUT-!" She announced holding up her finger. "Let's get some food, I am starving and I'll explain all about the upcoming trials."

"What trials?" Chi-Chi asked, her hand going to her head as she felt it starting to hurt.

"The trials for the dragonballs of course, you passed the first one now you only got six more to go, though clearly you must be strong of mind to resist just how cute I am when you first arrived should be a second trial, but sadly it isn't!" Leo groaned as she threw her hands behind her head and walked to the room where Goku had gone. "Come on slowpoke otherwise Goku will eat it all. He's got a gut that can fit a whale!"

Chi-Chi didn't know what to do, what to say. This wasn't at all what she had been expecting, this didn't make any sense… but was a magical power capable of granting any wish supposed too?

A/N: Tell me what you thought?

