So this story will be set in the DC animated universe, which is composed of Batman the Animated Series/New Batman adventures and associated movies, Superman the Animated series, Justice League and Justice League Unlimited and Batman Beyond. There are a few others like Static Shock and maybe Teen Titans but I won't be going into those too often. I'll also be adding in a few more things from some of the comics and animated movies, the ones based off the New 52, that I think would fit in this fic.

This story picks up in the future, during the Batman/Superman/Justie League Beyond era before jumping back to the beginning of the Justice League television series and goes from there with flashbacks of Peter's life before the show started. Also, he'll start off in his Ends of the Earth Spider armor before going towards the Avengers Infinty War suit and then eventually his Black Suit.

Also currently Peter's rogues gallery during the Justice League consists of Green Goblin, Sandman, Hydroman, Molten Man, Rhino, Solomon Grundy, Speed Demon, Shocker, Vulture, Mysterio, Spider Slayer, Scarlet Spider, Wolverine (Yes that Wolverine. Him, like Scarlet Spider, will be explained) Black Spider, Nitro and Kraven the Hunter. Venom, Carnage, and Dock Ock will appear later on when we get into the Beyond portion of this story.

And he's already met and teamed up with Superman, Flash (Barry Allen because he's my favorite), Batman and the Green Lantern's Hal Jordan and Guy Gardner. Out of all of them, he's teamed up with Superman the most times.

Disclaimer: I don't own any Marvel or DC characters seen, mentioned or used in this story.

'Forgot how beautiful it can be sometimes...' a man clad in a black suit with white lenses and a large white spider on the chest and back thought as they sat on a small rock on the surface of the moon, gazing up at the distant Earth.

It's been sometime since the man had seen Earth, coming close to thirty years now. He wasn't supposed to be here, he had a long standing arrangement with the planet's heroes...

He stays away, and they won't lock him away for the rest of his unnatural life for the crime he committed.

The man's name was Peter Parker, once known as the Amazing Spider-man, one of the founders of the Justice League and was considered one of Earth's greatest heroes.

'Seems like a lifetime ago' Peter thought sadly as he stared at his old home with a look of longing.

Peter sighed as he adjusted his seat on the rock, his suit moving slightly of it's own accord before it settled. Some passed as Peter gazed at the Earth, his mind wandering to more simpler times, when he was seen and treated as a hero and not the menace that Jameson thought he was.

'Wonder if he's still alive somehow' Peter thought as he picked up some moon dirt before he let it slowlt fall from his hand 'Heh, can't beleive I'm going to say this, but I'd love to hear one of Jonah's rants, just one more time...'

"I'm surprised to see you here again"

Peter blinked in surprise as he gazed to see a man that looked to be in his late forties, early fifties in a black suit with a white 'S' on his chest.

"Supes..." Peter said towards his former teammate.

"Spidey" Superman said with a small grin as he floated down next to Peter and joined him in his vieweing of the Earth.

The two heroes gazed at the earth for a few minutes, neither one saying anything until the sience became to much for Peter.

"So, how's things been?" Peter asked as he glanced at Clark.

"Fine, for the most part" Clark said with a shurg "Been mind controlled by a parasite for a few years, tried to kill the Justice League Unlimited and joined the Metropolis fire Department"

Peter hummd at that "So, pretty uneventful?"

"By our standards, yeah" Clark said with a chuckle as he leaned back against the rock and folded his arms across his chest "What about you? Our resident Green Lantern and Barda would sometimes mention a few of your exploits"

"Oh, liek what?" Peter asked with a riased brow under his mask.

"The Guardians of the Galaxy"

"Ah, them" Peter said as he returned his attention back to the Earth "Aside from finding a new appreciation for eighties music and see a raccoon make a nuclear bomb strong enough to crack a moon in half, not much"

"What about... this?" Clark gestured to Peter's suit "Has it been-"

"It's behaving, about all I can say about it" Peter said curtly.

Clark nodded at this as he gazed back at the Earth with a thoughtful expression "You think Bruce knows your here?"

Peter snorted at this "Probbaly. He always seems to know everything"

"Not everything" Clark said with a soft chuckle.

Peter grinned at this before it faltered a little "How's the rest?"

"Barry passed away not long after you left" Clark said a little sadly, Hal... well I'm sure even you've heard of what happened"

"Yeah, Coast City goes up in smoke and he becomes Parallax" Peter said with a nod.

Clark nodded at this "Shayera and John got together, had a kid"

"Warhawk" Peter said as memories of one of the League's missions that took him to the future with a few others to stop Chronos came to mind.

"Aquaman, Arthur, is still king of Atlantis, and J'onn is still on Earth. He's a detective with the MPD" Clark said as he rubbed the back of his head "Bruce is still... Bruce, but older"

Peter snorted at this before his mood dropped "And is she-?"

"Far as I know. Still no word" Clark said quietly as he gazed up at the Earth with a saddened expression "Honestly, I don't even know if she's still alive anymore"

Peter growled at that as the two stared up at the Earth. The minutes soon turned to hours as the two powerful men sat there in silence, their minds wandering to a time when things were simpler. After a while, Peter climbed to his feet and cracked his neck.

"You leaving?" Clark asked as he stood up as well.

Peter paused before he ever so slowly turned his gaze towards Calrk, his white lenses narrowing slightly "Am I not allowed?"

"You can" Clark said calmly before he gestured towards the Earth "But I was hoping you planned on staying for a while"

"In a cell or worse?" Peter asked sarcastically.

"I was thinking at the Watchtower" Clark said with an eye roll.

Peter stared at Clark in silence before he nodded towards his former home "What about-"

"I'll handle Bruce, and the new guys would like to meet you" Clark said with a grin "You don't have to stay long. Just a few days to rest and relax before you go out into the cosmos again, doing everything a spider can"

Peter laughed at the small joke at the end "If your sure it won't be a problem"

"It won't" Clark said as he began to rise into the air, followed by Peter thanks to his suit "And has morbid and as dark as this will sound, anyone that would have an issue with you being here is already dead or too old to do anything about it... or they just don't care anymore"

Peter frowned at this "Yeesh, someone's gotten a little edgier since I've been gone"

"Haven't we all?" Clark said as they raced back towards their home.

'Maybe...' Peter thought as he flew beside his freind, his mind wandering back several decades beforehand, to a time where he could honestly say were the best years of his life...


40 years earlier...


"Well…this is not how I hoped my day would go" Peter said with a look of disbelief as he saw giant white and red organic looking alien tripods attacking New York City, the scene looked like something out of those old nineteen fifties sci-fi films he used to watch as a kid, hell he still watches them when he finds the time.

Peter, clad in his new spider armor mark three as he's taken to calling it, quickly jumped out of the way of a stray energy beam from the tall white alien machines with a yelp "Seriously I was expecting to wake up, go to work and work on some awesome science things with my fellow scientist, leave and go out and fight bad guys while listening to the New York City's Hitler mustache wearing mayor while taking glorified selfies to sell on the side and maybe face down another one of my rogues who've sworn vengeance on me… again"

He scanned the large war machine with a critical eye as he tried to find some sort of weakness to exploit. But considering that this thing was taking multiple missiles and tank shells and barely slow down, he'd need a miracle.

It was than the tripod turned towards Peter and it charged up it's eye beam, causing Peter's spider-sense to go into overdrive.

"UGH! Why is it that when aliens invade earth…" Peter groaned as he activated his suit's thrusters and shot out of the path the deadly energy blast was traveling "…They have heat vision or something. Why can't we get aliens whose powers are excessive hugs and kisses invade, preferably if they're extremely attractive females and there were no violent impregnations which leads to some sort of chest busting scene, then that's an invasion I won't mind being involved in, heck I'll gladly lead that resistance movement!"

Peter felt his spider-sense tingle again as a tripod turned it's attention on to him and shot at him with a beam of red energy. Peter shot around it, his armor just barely withstanding the high intensity heat as it passed, and quickly made his way to the main body of the tripod and started to search for any possible weakness.

"Wonder of these guys have windows ten, if not I can probably whip up a virus or two" Peter said as he crawled across the top of the tripod that was starting to shake in an attempt to get him off.

"Sorry big guy, but I ain't going anywhere as long as I'm sticking to you…" Peter said before he saw multiple jets approaching and his spider-sense started to tingle "Yeah that'll do it…"

Peter quickly hopped off the tripod just as the incoming jets unleashed their payload on to the invading war machine. Peter landed on a nearby rooftop just in time to see multiple missiles collide with the tripod.


Peter felt his teeth rattle at the force of the explosion and watched with baited breath as the flames and smoke dissipated to reveal…

Not a single scratch on the alien tripod.

The tripod quickly turned it's attention to the aircraft and fired it's energy weapon and began to decimate the air force as more meteors began to fall from the sky and land in different parts of the city.

Peter held in a groan "This is gonna be a very long and very grueling day…"

It was than a searing pain tore through his mind and he was greeted with a series of images and sounds he could barely understand. Peter held in a scream as he clutched his head in agony and waited to see if the apparent psionic attack that was driving his spider-sense haywire would stop.

'Really hope this isn't them because if it is, I'm really screwed!' Peter thought as he tried to push through the pain and figure out just what exactly he was seeing.

After several moments, the intensity faded and Peter suddenly looked up in a certain direction, whatever it that was it was apparently calling him for help…

Peter's eyes narrowed as he looked back to see more military craft arrive to combat the alien tripods and frowned as he saw them being gradually overpowered to the point that it was like watching a slaughter.

'So stay and try and help win an apparent unwinnable battle and likely war… or see what this thing calling for help as to say and hope it knows how to stop these things…' Peter thought with a conflicted conscious.

In all his eight years of being Spider-man, he's never had to make a choice like this, and he's had to make some rather risky and sometimes drastic choices, but none of them would likely end in the deaths of thousands if not more…

Peter took a deep breath as he activated his suit's jets and shot off into the sky towards the location he was apparently being summoned to… and prayed to every god he's met and not met that he wasn't making a serious mistake in trusting the mysterious voice in his head.

'Wait, now that I think about it, that is crazy!' Peter thought as he pushed his thrusters to their maximum and boke the sound barrier.

"Okay Peter, you should be close by to whatever it is that called you here, now I just have to find it…hopefully it's something extremely obvious-"

He was suddenly interrupted by a sleek advance black jet shooting out of the clouds and slowly approaching his flank. Peter watched it with narrowed eyes until the glass canopy depolarized enough for Peter to make out a familiar occupant.


Peter's teamed up with the cowl wearing hero before in the past, their first team up being when Slade Wilson aka Deathstroke the terminator and Eric Brooks aka Black Spider were hired by some crime lord in Brazil that was having his criminal actives in both Gotham and New York disrupted by the two. Safe to say the unlikely duo prevailed and beat both their assassins and their contractor though Bats and Peter didn't walk away from that fight unscathed… he still has the scars on his back to prove it.

Peter shook his head in attempt to keep himself focus before his suit picked up an incoming call, he quickly concluded it was the caped crusader and answered it.

"Uh yellow Bats"

"What are you doing out here, I thought you'd be in New York still" Batman stated as the duo made their way into a snowy mountain range with valleys full of large evergreen trees and a series of rivers and rapids passing below them.

"Would you believe me if I said something telepathically contacted me and told me to come here?" Peter questioned as he looked ahead and made out what appeared to be a military installation of some sort built into a mountain.

"Hmm… that would explain Superman's actions earlier and why he left so suddenly, to here of all places" Batman said as they neared the military base and saw that it was recently under attack.

Destroyed tanks and artillery, leveled bunkers and a series of craters and a few burning vehicles along with a large whole in the wall that led into the installations main facility.

"Yeesh, what happened here?" Peter asked as he landed on the ground with a heavy thud and made a note to improve his landings in the future, never know when the ground he's landing on can give at the sudden increase in weight.

"I don't know…" Batman said as his jet came into a hover and slowly landed before the canopy pulled back and batman hopped out "…But something tells me Superman may be responsible for this"

Peter's eyes widened at that "Wait what? Why would Superman do this, especially now? He's not actually living up to all of those stories that Jameson and Godfrey go on about him being some advance alien vanguard warrior thing, is he?"

Batman turned towards the whole in the facility and narrowed his eyes at it "Let's go ask him…"

Peter followed the caped crusader while keeping an eye out for anyone else that might be here aside Superman. The duo entered the whole carefully and scanned the hallway before advancing further into the facility that looked to have been torn apart by a rampaging bull.

'Or a Kryptonian…' Peter thought before he saw one of the doors were ajar and made out some unknown substance in the doorway. His suit scanned it and came back with zero results, whatever it was wasn't from earth.

"Bats, door on the left" Peter nodded towards the suspicious entryway.

Batman paused and looked to see what Spider-man was talking about and slowly approached the door before giving it a hard push, causing the door to loudly fall to the ground and reveal…

Large cocoons of some sort, dozens of them filled with what looked like the base personnel.

"What the hell?" Peter said in shock.

Batman took a closer look at the odd structures "I've seen these before, I discovered a group of scientists in similar objects back in Metropolis… these invaders apparently would capture and mimic humans… but why are they keeping them here, what do they have planned for them?"

"Something tells me I don't wanna know, let's just hope it's not to impregnate us with some weird chest busting embryo like in the movies…" Peter said with a slight shiver before they both heard and felt a series of loud crashes, metal being split and torn.

Peter looked towards Batman "Three guesses on who that is"

Batman grunted as he and Spider-man quickly ran towards the noise and arrived just in time to see Superman punching in a heavily re-enforced door. The duo watched the man of steel for a moment before Peter leaned in next to him.

"Should we say anything or just let him go at it?"

Batman looked at the wall crawler for a moment before speaking in a low tone and reached for a batarang "How strong is that armor?"

"I wouldn't stand a chance against Kyrpto licking me, much less Superman punching me" Peter deadpanned as Batman threw the small bat shaped shuriken and had it embed itself in the wall in front of Superman, stopping him from his assault on the door.

"Uh hey Supey, nice to see ya again, but mind telling me and Batman what you're doing?" Peter asked carefully.

"Destroying government property isn't your style" Batman said in a hard tone as he took several steps forward "What's going on? Why are you here?"

"See for yourself" Superman nodded towards the door before he ripped it off completely and tossed it aside as if it was a piece of paper and not a sixty-ton door.

The trio entered a room that housed a series of advance monitors and computers that rivaled the likes of which Batman has in his cave and at Peter's work place Horizon labs. The tree could also make out a series of images on the screens that showed some sort of humanoid figure but clearly not of earth and a host of other data. They finally arrived at a door at the far end of the room that was also re-enforced and looked like it can take a tank shell and barely be fazed.

Superman didn't so much as even pause as he pushed the door and part of the wall back and entered the room followed quickly by Spider-man and Batman and were greeted to the sight of some sort of green being strapped and secured to a machine. It's arms and legs were secured with advance locks and a strange headpiece rested on the alien's head.

"What is it?" Batman asked with curiosity, having never seen a being like him before and given some of the threats and allies he's run into over the years as the caped crusader, that's saying something.

"Mankind's only hope" Superman said in a quiet voice.

"If you're sure Supey, but honestly that guy or girl, let's not be sexist here, looks like they might have a low opinion of Earth and mankind on the whole" Spider-man said as he watched Superman approach a terminal and pressed a series of buttons before pulling a lever.

The restraints holding the green being's wrists and feet began to retract and unclasp, causing the green humanoid to fall only for Superman to quickly catch it and help it steady itself as it looked like it was moving for the first time in weeks if not months.

"He's been trying to reach out to me but that stasis field interfered" Superman said as he helped the alien to his feet "When the message finally broke through, I came to rescue him and considering you're here Spider-man, I guess you got the message loud and clear too. Let's hope whatever others he's contacted get here soon…"

"Yeah…" Spider-man said as he rubbed his head "Wish he was a bit gentler about it or better yet sent a text, email. Hell, I'm on Twitter so he could have tweeted to me"

"What's he doing here?" Batman asked as he approached the duo.

It was than the alien looked at him and spoke in a distinctly deep male voice, only his lips didn't move.

'The Invasion'

His voice was echoing in all three's heads, something that took Peter and Batman by surprise, Superman while looked uncomfortable having someone speak in his head seemed to be doing alright to a degree.

'I came to warn you but I was captured and imprisoned here' the alien said as he looked at the three men with a calm expression 'They wouldn't listen and believed I was some sort of vanguard to an impending invasion and locked me away and to study me for possible weakness to exploit against me…'

"Big surprise" Batman said sarcastically.

Spider-man and Superman both gave Batman a blank expression while thinking the same thing.

'Like you're that much better B-Man/Bruce…'

The alien fought back a smirk at the thoughts of the two men before focusing his gaze on Batman, his mind had quickly closed off with some rather impressive mental defenses, granted he could tear through them but concluded that what he was doing may be inappropriate on this planet and decided to vocally speak, something he's had a lot of time to practice doing since arriving on Earth if to nothing else help pass the time.

"I sense you don't trust me…" the alien said more to Batman then anyone else "Perhaps this will help…"

The alien's body than began to morph much to the three's surprise, his cone like head shifting to a more human shape along with his body until he stood before them, a little shorter but also slightly more muscular and clad in blue boots, a blue cape that possessed a high collar with two red sashes across his exposed chest in an 'X' pattern and connected to the blue cape by golden clasps. His only other form of clothing was a sort of blue article of clothing that Peter has jokingly called superhero undies with a small red belt with a large golden buckle holding them up.

The alien held out his hand and took several steps towards Batman "I am J'onn J'onzz"

Batman didn't return the gesture as he kept a watchful eye on J'onn. Peter snorted at this.

"Really Bat's you gonna leave the man hanging…" Peter said before glancing at green humanoid.

It was than Superman spoke up and approached them "Don't take it personally J'onn, he doesn't trust anybody"

J'onn lowered his hand at that and gave Batman a careful look "A wise policy"

Batman grunted as he turned on his heel and made for the exit "Come on, there's still an alien war going on out there"

The three watched him go before Peyer spoke "Who died and made him in charge?"

"It's Batman, just go with it" Superman said with a grin.

"Yeah well so long as he doesn't start ordering me around like his little army of Robins or Batgirl's then I won't complain… much" Peter said with a shake of his head.

The three quickly followed the dark knight of the facility and began to discuss there next course of actions.

"We'll need to contact the joint chiefs right away and let them know what's going on" Superman said as they exited through the hole he made earlier.

"Assuming they're still ali-" Peter began only to be interrupted by his spider-sense tingling as several flood lights lighted up and followed by the sounds of numerous clicks of weapons having their safeties clicked off.

"Stop right there Superman" a man, clearly in charge of the small platoon of men before the three heroes and other worldly prisoner spoke in a harsh demanding tone "Your trespassing in a restricted area. Our orders are to keep that freak here!"

"Uh which one general sir" Spider-man spoke up with a raised hand before nodding towards J'onn "The green one…" then to Batman "The grey and black one… or me. I mean neither of us are considered normal though, but I do have to ask you don't call us freaks, especially Batman, he's sensitive about his appearance even if he doesn't show it"

Batman gave Spider-man a slightly annoyed look which he returned with a sheepish shrug while Superman calmly got in front of the three of them "Wait, I'm willing to vouch for him, you must let us go"

The apparent commander's eyes narrowed at this "I don't think so"

"But the world's security may be at stake" Superman argued, wondering why this man wouldn't let them go.

At this the man smiled darkly, causing the four to tense as they realized something was wrong, Peter especially now that his spider-sense was throbbing like he stuck his head into a giant amp at a dubstep concert.

"That's why he'll never leave here alive" the man said before he suddenly changed and morphed before the fours very eyes into some sort up white and black amoeba like being with tall heads that possess a singular red circle that seemed to act as their eye. Their weapons also changed from the standard military issued assault rifle to something more alien and likely more deadly and slowly began to approach them.

Peter's eyes widened at this as he glanced at J'onn "Uhh friends of yours?"

J'onn's red eyes narrowed in anger at the unknown alien hostiles approaching them "No"

The aliens then opened fire on the four.

And done.

So next chapter the world's heroes come together to fight a threat unlike anything they've ever faced before.