Lyanna knelt in front of the Weirwood tree for the fifth time that week and began to pray.

"To the Old Gods of the North, I hope you can hear me." She began in a clear voice. "I pray to you once more for I am in need of your guidance."

The wind blew across Lyanna's face and ruffling her dark brown hair. She interpreted it as a sign that the Old Gods were listening.

"I pray that you give me a sign on what should I do to avoid my miserable fate." Lyanna said, "Please help me and show me a better way to avoid marrying that despicable man, Robert Baratheon."

A peaceful silence followed for a long while before the wind blew once more and Lyanna could hear a faint whisper that came along with the rustling of the leaves.

"Come back on the morrow…Lyanna Stark, and….you shall have your answer." The voice instructed and Lyanna's eyes widened in disbelief upon hearing the words.

Yet she immediately recovered from her shock.

"I will. I will come back on the morrow." She said, hope blossoming in her heart. "Thank you so much for hearing me!"


The next day Lyanna went to the Godswood and saw an odd sight.

There was a white raven sitting on the bough of the weirdwood tree.

She slowly moved towards it. However, before Lyanna could reach the white raven, the wind blew once more and she heard the voice in the wind.

"Use the white write a letter to your savior, Lyanna Stark…and he will come to you."