A/N: Alright my lovelies, the last chapter in the story. The intention was always just to write about their spring break trip, but I might be convinced to write a second piece that follows their life after (if there's enough interest) – but warning, I have a feeling that it won't be all sunshine and rainbows for our two girls…just saying.
Disclaimer: I write these fics for the sanity they provide me, I get nothing monetary out of it.
Beca slowly became aware of her surroundings as she woke up. She smelled coffee so either someone was already awake or had been up already. She rolled over and her hand found Aubrey lying next to her, so she scooted her body over and wrapped herself around the blonde. Aubrey sleepily greeted her, "Mmmmm…morning baby."
Beca pushed her hair to the side and kissed the back of her neck, "Morning Aubs."
This kiss sent a little shiver through Aubrey, "Don't start anything we can't finish. Someone's already up."
Beca kissed her neck again, "I'm not starting anything, I'm just kissing my girlfriend good morning."
Aubrey rolled over and playfully glared at Beca, "If you keep that up, I'll be starting something."
Beca shrugged, "It's not my fault you have no self-control."
Aubrey rolled on top of her, pinning her down and tickling her, "I'll show you no self-control."
The girls rolled around, tickling each other until Chloe popped her head around the corner, "Alright you two, do I have to come separate you? I'll stop this car if I have to."
Both girls stopped and rolled onto their sides, leaning on their elbows and looking at Chloe with guilty faces, saying in unison, "Sorry mom."
The three girls looked at each other for a moment more before bursting out laughing. Chloe dropped down onto the bed between the two girls, "Coffee is ready."
Beca leaned over and kissed her cheek, "Thank God, you're the best."
Aubrey looked at her watch, "Alright Becs, we have about three hours until we have to be down to the marina for our tour. What should we do until then?"
Beca looked at the redhead between them, "How about we hang with Chloe and Stacie, if she's around."
She heard a voice come from the kitchen, "She's around."
Aubrey smiled, "Sounds good."
The girls sat around the table drinking their morning coffee and deciding what to do. Beca suddenly remembered something as she looked at all of the mostly empty bottles of alcohol scattered around the kitchen, "I have a completely empty suitcase. We should go souvenir shopping." The other girls agreed with various levels of enthusiasm.
Beca and Aubrey jumped through the shower. They decided to save time by showering together, which almost didn't save them time. Aubrey's hands started wandering over Beca's soapy body until Beca grabbed her wrist and gave a playful glare, "While I would so love for you to continue, we have to get going so we can make our boat."
Aubrey pouted, "Fine." But she did run her hand over the mark she left on Beca, "That looks really good on you."
Beca smiled as she returned the favor, running her hand over Aubrey's mark, "Yours looks pretty good too."
Aubrey laughed as she brought Beca in for a quick kiss. Then she broke away with an exaggerated sigh, "Fine, let's get going. Don't want to keep those two waiting too long, Stacie might find a guy to fool around with hiding under our bed or something."
Beca laughed as she tipped her head back to wash the conditioner out. As she tipped her head down and wiped the excess water from her hair she playfully chastised her girlfriend, "You're terrible Aubs, be nice." Aubrey winked at the smaller girl as she switched places with her, rinsing the conditioner from her own hair.
They didn't take too much longer in the bathroom because they didn't need to put much makeup on as they were going to be in the water later that day. They bopped out of the bathroom and stuck their heads into the kitchen, letting the other two know they were almost ready. Beca went through Stacie's suitcase and tossed a couple of things to Aubrey, who packed them in their bag for the afternoon.
When they were finally ready, the four girls walked down the street towards the shops they wanted to go to; Beca and Aubrey with linked hands, Stacie's arm linked through Beca's, Chloe's arm linked through Aubrey's. The girls had a blast, laughing at some outrageous 'gifts' to oohing and awing over some gorgeous (but expensive) things. They each picked up their gift for the various Bellas (they did the equivalent of a secret Santa, each girl picking a Bella name out of a hat to bring a gift back for, with Chloe and Aubrey getting two each as they were the captains).
Beca and Aubrey were looking over some interesting jewelry when Aubrey suddenly excused herself, "I think I left something in the last shop."
Beca looked at her oddly, "Let's go get it then."
Aubrey shrugged, "You keep looking here, maybe you'll find something you like."
Beca scoffed, "Like I could afford these."
Aubrey shrugged, "I'll be right back, there's no sense both of us going for my stupidity."
Beca looked at her with a dubious expression, "Fine, I'll be over there looking at the wind chimes."
Aubrey nodded, "I'll hurry right back."
Beca still had on the same dubious expression as she watched Aubrey leave. She turned to Chloe, muttering to the redhead, "That woman is up to something."
Chloe smiled, "That may be true, but now you can get that bracelet you've been eyeing for her."
Beca looked at her with a surprised expression, "How?"
Chloe shrugged, "I know both of my best friends."
Beca went up to the counter and told the clerk what she wanted and paid for it. Now the hard part, coming back to get it when it was finished without Aubrey finding out. Aubrey came back a few minutes later and slid in next to Beca from behind, slipping her hand around Beca's and lacing their fingers together, "Miss me?"
Beca turned and gave her a quick kiss, "Of course."
They continued shopping until they were worried all of their stuff wouldn't fit in Beca's suitcase. They were getting ready to leave when Beca excused herself to go to the bathroom. Aubrey looked at her watch, "Hurry Becs, we don't have a whole lot of time before we have to be to the marina."
Beca nodded as she took off at a trot, "I'll hurry." She quickly ran to the store to pick up her present. She thanked the clerk as she took the item out of the small box and slipped it into her pocket, hoping nothing would happen to it on the boat.
Beca was never going to get the hang of this snorkeling thing. Every time she went under water she couldn't get all of the water out of the snorkel and ended up coughing half of the ocean out of her lungs. The third time it happened Aubrey had moved on from the consoling girlfriend to the laughing her head off at her girlfriend girlfriend. Beca scowled at her as she started coughing again, "I can just stay on the boat."
Aubrey put her hands up in surrender, "I'm sorry Becs, it's just that you look so cute."
Beca pouted, "I look cute when I'm dying?"
Aubrey kissed the pout off of her, "*A* you don't look so badass when you pout and *B* you're always cute."
Beca let her pout slide at that, giving her a small kiss back, "Suck up."
Aubrey linked their hands, "Is it working?"
Beca squeezed her hand, "Yup."
The captain came over just then to let them know they were boarding. Aubrey had wanted something a little less stressful for Beca so she had arranged for a smaller charter. There were only four other people on the boat, another couple and two girls. They headed over to the boat and Beca took a seat next to Aubrey, holding her hand a little more tightly than normal. Aubrey gave her a slightly puzzled look to which Beca explained, "Smaller boat, so I'm a little nervous."
Aubrey put her arm around the brunette, "We won't be going out far for the first leg. The second leg will take us out a little bit, but we have great weather so it shouldn't even be rough." Beca gave her the best smile she could to which Aubrey squeezed her and kissed her nose.
They stopped about thirty minutes later, the captain indicated that they were currently in about 8-10 feet of water but the floor rose quickly to the port size to a shallows that was 2-6 feet deep with a nice little reef system. They were deep enough that they could hop from the boat rather than going down the ladder and putting their fins on in the water. Beca dropped into the water and her hand slipped from her mask, letting a little bit of water in. She swore under her breath as she took it off and dried it with a towel the captain handed her from the boat. When she was situated, she swam towards the shallower water and her girlfriend.
Aubrey waited for Beca about fifteen feet from the boat. She didn't want to get too far from her as she knew Beca was a little nervous. When Beca swam up to her, Aubrey pointed down and Beca finally took the time to swim with her face down in the water. She swam a circle around Aubrey with her face down for about a minute. Then she stopped and looked at the blonde, her smile reaching from ear to ear, "Thank you."
Aubrey smiled back at her, "For what baby?"
Beca took her hand, squeezing it, "For bringing me here. I've never seen anything like this, it's beautiful."
Aubrey smiled at her and then put her own snorkel back in, waiting for Beca to do the same. Then she switched hands she was holding and the two girls swam along the reef hand in hand, enjoying each other and the beauty of nature. As they swam, they would each point colorful fish, sea turtles or other things that caught their attention. They spent nearly an hour on the reef, moving between the shallow water and the slightly deeper areas. Aubrey dove down into some of the deeper reefs, Beca watching from the surface, her eyes always following the blonde (just in case). The captain finally called them in, much to the chagrin of the girls. After they toweled off, Beca pulled Aubrey against her and wrapped her towel around them both. She kissed her cheek, "Thank you again Aubs, that was great."
Aubrey smirked, "Oh, we aren't done. At least I'm not."
Beca looked at her with a concerned expression, "What's that supposed to mean?"
Aubrey leaned back, cuddling into Beca's side, "Have you ever heard of whale sharks."
Beca muttered, "No, no, and no! I am not getting into the water with sharks."
Aubrey pulled Beca's arms tighter around her, "They aren't like real sharks; they don't eat meat. But they are huge, they are more like small whales than sharks. I guess that's how they got their name."
Beca still didn't like it, "But Aubs, sharks. It's right in their name."
Aubrey wiggled down a little, bringing Beca around her a little more, enjoying the warmth of her body in the sun as she dried off. She turned and kissed Beca's shoulder, "This was one of the things I wanted to do when I found out we were coming down here. I know it isn't for anyone, so it won't hurt my feelings if you stay in the boat for this part. I'm just so happy that I got to spend the last hour with you on that beautiful reef."
Beca shook her head, "If you think I'm letting you get into the water alone with sharks, you're crazy."
Aubrey turned into Beca, smiling against her shoulder, "Thanks Becs."
Beca gave a resigned sigh, "I'm not going to lose you right after we finally start dating."
Aubrey turned and slid up Beca's body a little, wrapping her arms around her girlfriend. She gave a little smirk as she buried her nose in Beca's hair, "Finally, huh?"
Beca became silent, a light blush creeping up her chest and through her cheeks, "Well, yah. We've been essentially dancing around it since the bus. I mean it took us long enough, so finally."
Aubrey shook her head against the smaller girl's, man Beca was a terrible liar. Aubrey hugged Beca again, deciding to leave that question for another time, "It did take us forever, didn't it."
Beca nuzzled into Aubrey's, "Too long." Aubrey turned back around and slid back into Beca's embrace, the girls falling silent, heads tipped back to enjoy the feel on the sun.
The captain stopped the boat about fifteen minutes later, calling everyone to the aft deck. He smiled as he pointed to the several large whale sharks swimming around the boat. He smiled as he talked, "We got lucky today and there seem to be a number of them feeding in this area. Now remember, these are animals and we are in their home, so please don't touch them. If they touch you, just let them do their thing. They're just being curious."
Beca mumbled, "So if they start eating us, let them do their thing. Got it."
Aubrey bumped her with her shoulder, "Oh hush, they only eat plankton and krill." Then she looked the brunette up and down, appraising her, "Although you are tiny enough that they might confuse you." Beca glared at her. Aubrey leaned down and kissed her cheek, "I'm just teasing Becs, sorry." Beca gave a "hrmph" but reached out and linked her fingers with Aubrey's as the captain finished.
The two girls got into their gear and Aubrey dropped into the water first. Beca stood at the edge, looking down into the water, not sure if she wanted to do this now that it was actually time. Well, she never really wanted to do this, but Aubrey was out there so she wanted to be too. She put her snorkel between her teeth, glad for the feeling of the rubber between them so she could bite down hard as she closed her eyes and jumped.
This time she held her mask tight enough and she quickly swam over to Aubrey. She sat there treading water as she took her snorkel out, "Alright, now what?" Aubrey just pointed a little further out from the boat and Beca nodded as she put her snorkel back in, following Aubrey further out.
She was honest with herself, the first time she saw the big sharks swimming below her freaked her the hell out. They were so big and their mouths opened so far. But the more she watched them, the less scared she felt until she understood, at least a little, why Aubrey had wanted to do this. The two girls swam in lazy patterns around the area, watching the whale sharks feeding and playing. Beca stopped swimming and sat there treading for a minute and Aubrey smiled at her. Beca swam over to the blonde and popped her snorkel out so she could lean in and kiss her girlfriend.
Their time in the water was over much too soon for both girls, much to the surprise of Beca. They waited for their turn to use the cabin below deck to change into clothes more suitable for walking through ruins. When it was their turn, Beca couldn't help pulling Aubrey into a deep kiss right after she had shimmied out of her bikini bottom. Beca's hands roamed over Aubrey's hips until the blonde grabbed her by both wrists and gave her a small glare, "Don't you dare get me worked up."
Beca whined, "You've had me worked up since the reef."
Aubrey shrugged playfully, "Not my fault you have no self-control. But seriously, I'm not going to do anything in a strange boat with strangers less than 20 feet away."
Beca gave a small pout, "Fine."
Aubrey leaned in and kissed her again, her fingers trailing up her inner thigh, "But you are all mine later."
The girls walked with linked hands along the trails through the Mayan ruins. They had already been up one and the view was breathtaking. While they walked next to a set of statues, Aubrey asked something she had been curious about for a while, "Becs, why do you call me Aubs? Everyone usually uses Bree; hell, even you used to use Bree."
Beca shrugged, slightly embarrassed by the question, "That's just it, everyone calls you Bree. I wanted something that was special. Something that was just for me."
Aubrey looked at the smaller girl, finally putting two and two together, "But you started calling my Aubs over a month ago, we literally just started dating." Beca gave an embarrassed shrug. Aubrey leaned over and brushed her nose over Beca's cheek, "So, I take it you've had feelings for me for some time then?"
Beca nodded against her nose but didn't look up, "You could say that."
Aubrey lifted her chin up so the brunette was looking at her, "Well, I think we are both in the same boat then because I've been denying my feelings for you since about, oh, the day we met."
Beca scoffed, "You called me a bitch."
Aubrey shrugged, "I knew you'd be trouble if I got close to you."
Beca sighed, "And now?"
Aubrey laughed, "You're definitely trouble."
Beca laughed with her as she pushed her back onto a ledge and straddled her lap, leaning down to kiss her deeply. Aubrey groaned into the kiss, mumbling when it broke, "Definitely trouble."
She lifted her hips, indicating Beca should get off. She stood next to her girlfriend and dug through the bag she had brought with them. She smiled as she found what she was looking for and when she set the bag down she was holding a long box. Beca looked at her stunned and when Aubrey opened it to show her a gold chain with a heart pendant with a brown stone she whispered, "It's beautiful."
Aubrey smiled, "I'm glad you like it, its Mexican amber. I thought you should have something special to remember our vacation."
Beca turned around and held her hair to the side, letting Aubrey fasten the chain around her neck. When she turned back around her hand reached up and she fondly ran her fingers over the heart. She looked adoringly at the blonde, "Thank you." Then she leaned up on her tiptoes and brushed a quick kiss over Aubrey's lips. Aubrey gave a playful smirk, "That's all I get?"
Beca laughed, "No, that's not all you get." She turned around as she reached into her pocket. Aubrey saw her fiddling with something, but she kept her back turned so she couldn't see what her girlfriend was doing (she was making sure the chain hadn't gotten tangled together in her pocket). Then Beca turned around holding up a dainty two-chain gold bracelet with the chains connected to a gold heart.
Aubrey looked at it with awe, "It's beautiful Beca." Then she looked at the heart again, noticing that it was engraved with 'A&B'. She sighed wistfully, "It's perfect." Aubrey held out her wrist so Beca could put it on her. Aubrey's fingers did much the same as Beca's had, running fondly over the gold heart. Then she pulled her girlfriend into her embrace, resting her head on Beca's shoulder, "Thank you."
Beca melted into her embrace, "You're welcome, Aubs."
The two girls walked slowly back to the boat. Beca quietly asked, "Aubs, things aren't going to change when we get back, are they?"
Aubrey gave Beca's hand a squeeze, "Of course they are going to change Becs. Will I be proud to call you my girlfriend, of course. But we won't be able to spend every waking minute with each other, so we'll have to learn to make the most of the time we do get to spend with one another. I'm still the captain of the Bellas and I'm sure we are going to butt heads occasionally over that. But just remember whatever happens when we argue, I…," she took a breath, "…really like you and I don't want that to affect," she pointed between them, "this."
Beca looked relieved, "Good, as long as you promise not to give up on us just because our vacation is over and we have to get back to our real lives."
Aubrey pulled Beca closer, snaking her arm around the brunette's waist, "You are part of my real life now, like it or not."
Beca gave a little hum as she leaned into Aubrey's side, "I love it."
Much to Beca's dismay, Chloe and Stacie were in the room when they got back. She wanted to hold Aubrey to her later comment, but it didn't look like luck was on her side. When she asked them why they weren't out partying, Chloe plopped down on the bed next to Stacie, "I think we're all partied out. The thought of doing another shot is making me physically ill."
Stacie groaned next to her, "I think I'm going to sleep for 24 hours straight."
Beca laughed, "What happened to the attitude, 'I'll sleep when I'm dead'?"
Stacie flipped her off, "It feels like I've died." Beca laughed as she dropped down on her bed, holding her hand out to Aubrey.
Aubrey groaned as she was pulled onto her bed next to Beca, "I don't know if I could do anything tonight either, all of that snorkeling wore me out."
Beca gave a playful glare, "It sure wasn't me."
Aubrey pulled her down into a hug, "Oh hush, you."
The girls changed into their pajamas and decided to spend the night in watching movies together. Beca didn't watch much of the movie, choosing instead to watch Aubrey. After the first movie, Aubrey looked at her, "What?"
Beca leaned in and kissed her lightly, "Just watching you."
Aubrey blushed lightly as she leaned into Beca, "Why?"
Beca shrugged, "I love watching your expressions."
Aubrey kissed her before turning back to the TV, "Dork."
The four girls woke the next morning to a light rain; the day looking gray and glum. They decided to pack up their bags and spend their last day with each other. They found a couple of things to do close to the hotel and spent the remaining time playing cards.
As per usual with Aubrey, they were one of the first groups down to the lobby to start loading the bus that afternoon. Beca wrapped her arms around Aubrey's arm as they stood waiting for the busses to pull into the loading area, worried that Aubrey might start pulling away now that their vacation was over, you know 'what happens in Mexico, stays in Mexico'. But then her hand absently went to the heart around her neck and she smiled, her worries easing as she thought about the look in Aubrey's eyes when she had given it to her. She squeezed Aubrey's arm, "Aubs, I hope it's alright, but I think I'm falling in love with you."
Aubrey leaned her head down against Beca's, "Good, because the feeling is mutual Becs."
Just then the busses pulled up and the girls dragged their suitcases out to be stowed. They loaded up onto the bus right away, too tired to want to stand around waiting for everyone to load. They picked the same spots they rode down in, Stacie and Chloe automatically taking the front two seats, Stacie curling up her jacket and leaning against the window, her eyes closing immediately. Beca and Aubrey slid into the seats behind them, Aubrey taking the window seat and as soon as Beca had their iPod ready for the long drive back, she lifted her arm so Beca could curl into her side.
Forty five hours later, the busses pulled onto the Barden campus. Beca woke a dozing Aubrey, who looked out the window at the campus coming to life with spring blossoms. Aubrey looked at Beca, thinking the symbolization was appropriate, new beginnings. When the busses stopped at the Student Center to unload, Beca got up and stepped back to let Aubrey out first. Aubrey smiled as she leaned back and kissed Beca's cheek, "Thanks baby," holding her hand out for the younger girl to take. Beca smiled to herself, everything was going to be just fine.