Once the meeting was over, Shunsui turned to his friend.

"They all seemed very happy to have you back"

"They did"

"Speaking of the people being happy to have you back.

-Your siblings still doesn't know you're okay do they?"

He couldn't help but chuckle at Jūshirō's reaction.

"How could I forget about them. They must be worried that they haven't heard anything from me in almost two months.

-Unless you told them"

"I was gonna send a message when the war was over but I couldn't get myself to tell them about you.

-Luckly, the news from Kurotsuchi came two weeks later"

"I guess I should go to Rukongai then"

"Sounds like a wise idea but maybe stop by the 13th first.

-I think your men deserves to see you now when you're back"

"You're right"

The two walked out of the meeting room were the two 1st division lieutenants waited.

"Okikiba could you please take Jūshirō to the 13th"

"Of course sir"

Okikiba led Jūshirō through the streets that were being reconstructed until they reached the 13th division grounds.

"Lieutenant Kuchiki"

"Oh Lieutenant Okikiba. Thank you for bringing my captain"

"My pleasure"

He then left and Rukia led Jūshirō into the grounds.

"Everyone stop for a moment"

The members of the division turned towards her and when they saw their captain, they let go of what they were doing and gathered around their superiors.

"Welcome back captain, said Sentarō"

"We've missed you sir, said Kiyone"

"Thank you everyone. It feels good to be back"

A couple of hours later.

"Could you handle the last hours of the day on your own Rukia?

-There's somewhere I want to go before it gets too late"

"Of course sir. I'll take care of it"

"Thank you"

He then looked at their men.

"I'll see you tomorrow everyone"

"Yes sir"

Jūshirō smiled and made his way out of the division grounds and to the gate that led to the part of Rukongai were his siblings lived.

He walked down the streets until he reached the right house.

Taking a deep breath, he walked up to the door.

A moment later, it opened and there stood one of his oldest nephews.

"Hi Isamu"

"Uncle Jūshirō..."

Jūshirō smiled at him and the boy soon threw his arms around him.

"I'm so glad to see you uncle Jūshirō

-Dad and the others have been so worried"

"That's why I came. To show you that I'm okay"

Isamu then let go of his uncle and looked at him before grabbing the sleeve of Jūshirō's Haori.

"Come. Dad and the others will be so happy"

Jūshirō followed his nephew inside until he stopped walking.

"They're in here"

He opened the doors and walked in while Jūshirō stayed behind.

"Who was it at the door Isamu?"

"Someone you all will be glad to see"

Jūshirō took that as a sign and walked into the room were his brothers and his oldest sister sat.

They all looked at him with wide eyes until Tatsuya stood up.

His grey eyes looked into his older brother's hazel eyes and he smiled before hugging him.

One after another, the rest of them took turns hugging Jūshirō.

"We were so worried, said Izumi"

"I'm sorry you didn't hear anything sooner but I was in the 4th division for a long time.

-Today was my first day back with my division"

He let go of his sister and looked around the room.

"Were is Ayame?"

His siblings looked at each other before smiling.

Izumi walked out of the room and the next time the door opened, it was their youngest sister Ayame that was standing there.

She looked at her oldest brother with wide eyes before tears appeared in them and she threw her arms around his neck, sobbing into his shoulder.

"Big brother, you're okay"

"I'm sorry for worrying you"

Jūshirō held onto his sister until her sobs died down before letting go of her and dried some tears from her face.

"There's someone I want you to meet"

Ayame turned to Izumi who was holding something and when she turned back to her brother, he saw that she was holding a baby.

How could he forget that his little sister was expecting.

"Her name is Mirai"

Jūshirō looked up at his sister and then down at the little girl.

"How old is she?"

"A little over a month"

"I see"

Mirai then opened her eyes and looked up at her mother.

"Mirai, this is your oldest uncle, Jūshirō"

The baby looked at Jūshirō with big grey eyes before lifting her hand towards him.

He raised his own hand and she grabbed his finger which made him smile.

After a while, they all sat down.

"So what happened, Tatsuya asked

-You said you were in the 4th division for a long time and that's why you didn't send a message"

"Did something happen while you were fighting, Kenta asked"

Jūshirō sighed and told them everything.

That he used the power of Mimihagi to try to save the Soul King, how Akon brought him back and that he had spent the past month recovering under the care of the 4th division.

"So you're free from it, Izumi asked"

"Yes. According to Shunsui, Akon restored my lungs as healthy rather than how they were before"

"That's amazing, said Kazuki"

"It is. It was hard to believe at first but now, it's begun to sink in that I'm not sick anymore"

"You also look healthier already, said Kenji"

"He's right, said Ryouta

-Even thought you were in the 4th division a whole month, you don't look as pale as you've always been"

"And when I hugged you, I could feel how much stronger your breathing was, said Ayame"

"We couldn't be more happy, said Tatsuya

-To see that you're okay and that you've been cured from your illness is the best news we could have gotten"

Jūshirō looked at his oldest little brother before looking at the other six and smiling at them.

He stayed for a while longer before he had to return to the Seireitei but he promised to come back as soon as he got the chance.

His siblings in turn said that they would come stay at their family estate in the Seireitei sometime once the rebuilding was finished.