As punishment for missing an important meeting Pepper forced him to interview potential employees, but on the bright side he is down to his last one and he can leave once he is done. Regina Ngoh, age 23, worked in Singapore's military as an engineer, she has a great track record and would make a good addition to his company.

Many people would kill to work for him, after all, he is Tony Stark, which is why the unhappy female who entered his office surprised him. She looks like she wants to be anywhere but here and he wants to know why.

"So tell me, why should I hire you?" He is curious to see what her answer will be.

"You shouldn't." She crosses her arms. "I don't want this job and I never wanted it!"

This surprised him on so many levels, who in their right mind won't jump at the chance to work for him? "If you didn't want this job then why did you send us your resume?" He asked curiously.

She sighs softly as she runs her hand through her hair. "I didn't, my sister was the one who sent in my resume. I don't want to spend my life building and maintaining weapons of war, there are already too many people doing that, focusing on the war instead of the soldiers after they have returned."

"You sound like you have some ideas on how to help them." He has to admit, he's only thought is on how to protect soldiers on the battlefield and never on how to help them once they are home.

She shifts slightly as she nods her head. "Robotic prosthetic for people who have lost their limbs, a device to help the paralysed walk again, there is many things that could be done for them and it can also be useful for anyone who needs it."

If he builds what she has suggested he could branch out to do more and make SI more than a weapon company. He grinned as he leans against his desk. "Would you be interested to join Stark Industries if there is a division to help soldiers?"

"I will be the first to sign up for it." She answered honestly.

"Great! You're hired!" He said as he pushes the contract and a pen towards her.

"What?" She asked in confusion as she stares at the paper.

"What you said has gotten me thinking and I agree with you, there aren't enough people helping soldiers when they come home and I want to help them."

Regina can't help but smile as she picks up the pen and signs the contract. "Here." She said as she hands it to Tony.

"Great! You belong to me and have to go whatever I say from now on!" Tony said cheerfully as he takes the papers back.

Regina raises her eyebrow. "Please tell me I didn't just sign myself over to a secret supervillain who is planning to take over the world." The slight smile on her lips gives away the fact she is joking.

Tony laughed as he nods his head. "Sadly you did! But don't worry, if I like you I won't have you killed once I am the world's supreme ruler!" He chuckles softly as he plays along to see how far she is willing to take this.

"How generous of you, Sir. Should I start calling you Your Highness from now on?" She tries to keep a straight face and now laugh.

"Not yet, won't want people to find out about my plan." He said as he stood up. "Come, my minion! Let me show you to your new workplace!" All the labs are used right now so they'll be working in his personal lab.

"Yes, Sir." She said as she follows her new boss out of his office.

"So my dear little minion, have you found a place yet?" He asked as he leads her to the lift and presses the button to the car park.

She shakes her head. "No, I wasn't planning to stay long."

"Great!" He said happily as the door open and he steps out to head towards his car. "You'll be staying with me from now on!"

"Why the hell would you invite someone you don't know to stay with you? For all, you know this could all be an act and I'm actually sent here to kill you." She frowned, wondering if she should worry about her new boss's safety.

"All the labs are in use so we'll have to work in my own personal lab and it will make everything easier if you just live there." He gently pats her head. "And there is no reason to worry your pretty little head about my safety, my security system will kill you before you can end my life." He said as he opens the car door for Regina. "After you~"

"Wow, you are such a gentleman." She said sarcastically as she entered the car and moves to the other side so Tony can get in after her. "Just what every girl likes to hear, that she can easily be killed before being let into the car first."

Tony chuckle softly as he got into the car and closed the door behind him. "I know! That's why many girls find me so irresistible~" He smirked as he turns towards Happy, who was waiting to bring him home and asked him to bring them home.

Tony sent Happy to pick up Regina's luggage from her hotel room as they started working on the blueprint of the robotic prosthetic. They worked for a few hours before Tony had to leave for a meeting.

"I'll be back around 6." He said as he takes out his credit card and hands it to her. "Get yourself something for dinner and order Chinese for me." He said before leaving. "Don't work too hard!" He waves as he exits his lab.

Regina stare at the credit card before looking at the nearest camera because she feels awkward talking to Jarvis without looking at anything. "So...what does he usually order?"

"Welcome back, Sir." Jarvis greeted as Tony entered the tower.

"It is good to be back, J." Tony smiled as he takes off his tie and shoved it into his pocket. "Is there anything to eat? I'm starving."

"There is fried rice in the rice cooker."

That made Tony stop in his step. "I have a rice cooker?" He asked in confusion.

"You do now, Sir." A hint of amusement can be heard in Jarvis's voice.

Tony raised his eyebrow as he walks into the kitchen and opens the rice cooker. He starts salivating at the fragrance of the food. "Damn, I sure hope it tastes as good as it smells." He said as he served himself a plate full of the fried rice before taking a bite. "Mmm...where did she order this from?" He asked Jarvis as he walks down to his lab.

"She cooked it herself." Jarvis answered.

"She did?" He raises his eyebrow. "Maybe should have hired her as my chef instead." He said as he entered his lab.

Regina looked up from her work when she heard the door open. "Welcome back, Mr. Stark. I've made a few changes to the blueprint that should make the robotic prosthetic move more natural."

"Let's take a look." He looks through all the changes she made. "It'll work better if you change this part to this." He said as he made a small change to her work.

She studied the change and nods her head. "It'll work even better if you change this part." She writes down the change next to the original formula so Tony can check it before erasing the original.

Tony nod his head. "That would work but you forgot this part." He said as he put his plate down to add a little to Regina's formula.

"Oops." She chuckles softly at her mistake. "What if we change this part?"

They continued on tilt the early hours and would have continued if Pepper hadn't step in to check on Tony. Tony had a big meeting in the afternoon and Pepper wanted him to sign a few things before it started but when she found out that he has worked through the night again she forced him to go to bed. Regina didn't escape it either, she did try to so she can continue their work, they were so close to working out all the kinks and is almost ready to build it. But no, she has to sleep because sleep is important.

Regina can't help but sigh as she lay in bed, she did not expect to get a job much less stay in the US for long but she loves how wrong she is. She can see Tony, he had asked her to call him that an hour before Pepper came and force them to rest, doesn't fully trust her yet but she didn't mind. She will earn his trust and show him that she is worthy of it no matter how long it will take.