Updated: 10/5/2020

Happy Mothers Day!

This Chapter is for all the Mum's out there. Especially my Mum her has helped me so lot in my life.

Chapter .5.

That Night…

Harry had a busy afternoon talking to Lady Minerva, Lord Jupiter, Lady Bellona and Lord Mars. Harry had suggested not just the three demigod camps. But also the Hunters of Artemis and the Amazons. So every group could show their potential. The Gods loved his idea and said they would talk with Lady Diana/Artemis and Lady Juno/Hera to talk to their groups to see if they wanted to participate.

Now Harry was in the Great Hall to see the drawing of the Champions. But his gut told him something was wrong. Harry could feel foreign magic on the goblet. And Harry knew he should listen to his powers. But it was hard. He just prayed he was wrong for once. But if what happens does happen. Then the Fates must hate him. And this would complicate matters.

So for once he hoped he was wrong.

As he ate he sat together Ginny, Daphne, Astoria, Draco, Tracey, Blaise, Padma, Parvati, Susan, Su, Fred and George. Others sat near them being Neville, Angelina, Alicia, Katie and Fay and others. They were allowed to sit anywhere as they were Magical Demigods.

He was sneakily feeding his familiar Stellamaria as Dimensional Serpent some food as she was curled in his lap.

"Who do you think will be chosen?" Ginny asks curiously

"I would say a child of the big three", Padma says wisely

"There are two in the Greek Camp and Two in ours", Draco informs them

"Perseus Jackson son of Poseidon, Nico di Angelo son of Hades. The daughter of Zeus is with the Hunters with the other child of Hades a girl named Bianca, Nico's older sister. The daughter of Zeus is Jason's elder sister. Apparently Zeus had an affair with their mother in both aspects", Harry tells them

"Your siblings", Tracey states

"Are you going to tell them?" Susan asks softly

"Not yet. Later I will tell them. Anyway things are busy at the moment", Harry replies

"Tell them about Lord Jupiter, Lady Minerva, Lord Mars and Lady Bellona coming to you", Daphne says

"While we were making out", Astoria replies smirking

"What did they want?" Fred and George ask

"I will tell everyone soon as the details are more concrete", Harry replies

"Who will be the Champion for Durmstrang or Beauxbatons?" Blaise asks

"Maybe the Veela? Do you think she knows she is a descendant of Lady Aphrodite?" Neville asks

"I don't think so", Harry replies shaking his head.

"The Veela are descendants of Aphrodite and a Phoenix weren't they?" Orla Quirke asks curiously

"That is correct. Like vampires were made from Hades and Aphrodite. Dad Jupiter had banned Aphrodite from making anymore Magical Races", Harry tells them chuckling

"If only Hogwarts taught the origin of Magical Races", Lilith Moon replies wistfully

"Maybe one day", Harry replies

The plates disappeared. Harry bids his Mates and friends goodbye and went up to Reyna. Stellamaria goes invisible on his neck and shrinking in size. They were standing with the other leaders. Waiting for the choosing to begin.

"I have a funny feeling", Harry whispers to Reyna

"What?" Reyna whispers

"Just be ready for anything", Harry replies not moving his lips so nobody could tell they were speaking.

The goblet had been moved from the middle of the room to in front of Dumbledore's chair which was empty.

Dumbledore moved to the front off everyone.

"Well, the Goblet is almost ready to make its decision", Dumbledore tells everyone, "Now just to be clear the dubbed 'Magical Demigods' have been given permission from 12 and up to enter their names. Remember this students have been trained and that is what they could"
"Because of Potter", Harry hears Ron mutter

Harry saw that Ron was still in the clothes Lady Venus had dressed him in. Hermione was sitting next to him trying to keep him calm.

"I estimate that it requires one more minute. Now, when the Champions names are called, I would ask them please to come up to the top of the Hall, walk along the Staff Table, and go through into the next chamber", he indicates to the side, "Where they will be receiving their first instructions"

Dumbledore takes out his wand and gave a great sweeping motion and all the candles except those inside the pumpkins ere extinguished.

Harry rolls his eyes at Dumbledore's dramatics.

That Goblet now shone more brightly than anything in the whole Hall, the sparkling bright, bluey-whiteness of the flames almost painful on the eyes. Everyone was watching it.

Harry frowned there was foreign magic around the Goblet and that couldn't be good. His mothers Lady Hecate, and Lady Isis. And his father Prince Loki gave him more magic power. As all three were the gods of different magic. And it branched out and showed in different ways with his magic. And all three sides told him something was wrong.

'Shit. This doesn't bode well for me', Harry thinks begin his calm emotionless face.

The flames inside the Goblet turn suddenly red. Sparks began to fly from it. The next moment, a tongue of flames shot into the air, a charred piece of parchment fluttered out of it.

Dumbledore caught it and held it at arms length. As the goblets flames turned back to blue white.

"The Champion for Durmstrang", he says in a clear voice that travelled over the length of the hall, "Will be Viktor Krum!"

A roar of applause came from Durmstrang and many other Hogwarts Students who were fans off his. Harry saw Krum get up from the Slytherin table and walks proudly to Dumbledore then turned and walked along the staff table and out the side door.

"Bravo, Viktor!" Karkaroff booms loudly for everyone to hear, "Knew you had it in you!"

The clapping and cheering died down. Now everyone's attention turned to the Goblet, which for a second time turned red once more. A second piece of parchment shot out.

Dumbledore catches it, "The Champion for Beauxbatons is Fleur Delacour!"

Harry sees the part Veela gracefully gets up with her schoolmates clapping politely but Harry could tell they weren't happy.

Fleur disappears into the side chamber.

The Goblet of fire turned red for the third time and a third piece of parchment flies out.

"The Hogwarts Champion is Cedric Diggory!" Dumbledore announces

Hufflepuff cheers and so do the magical demigods as Cedric was one of them. Harry nods at his soulmate who gives him a discreet smile.

When Cedric had left the Goblets lights up for the fourth time. Flaring with red flames it shot out another piece of charred parchment.

"The Champion for the Magical Demigods is…Astoria Greengrass!" Dumbledore announces to the shock of the Hogwarts students and himself.

Harry smiles as he sees his young 13-year-old mate get hugged by her sister and comrades before walking forward.

"She is only 13!" people yell

"Quiet! This has already been explained. Miss Greengrass", Dumbledore states gesturing to the side chamber.

Astoria smiles at him brightly before disappearing.

Harry saw that Snape was looking at Astoria in shock and worry. Harry knew there wasn't anything to worry about. Astoria was a well-trained daughter of Venus.

The goblet of fire flares red for the fifth time. And another charred piece of paper gets shot out. Dumbledore catches it.

"The Champion of Camp Jupiter is…Jason Grace!" Dumbledore announces

Harry and Reyna clap with the Roman Legion who were all cheering Jason's name. Harry saw Octavian the Legions Augur looking mad. Harry would have to keep an eye on him.

Harry also saw Percy, Annabeth and several others looking at Jason shocked. Harry knew it was because off his last name. Sharing it with his famous sister.

Harry could only think of a few who would be good champions for the legion and Jason was one of them.

Jason salutes to Harry and Reyna before disappearing into the side chamber.

The Goblet off fire lights up bright red again for the sixth and final time. And shots out another piece off paper.

"The Champion for Camp Half-Blood is…Perseus Jackson!" Dumbledore announces

A Roar of cheering comes from the Greeks who were all slapping Percy on the back. Showing him how happy they were for him. The daughter of Athena actually kissed him passionately in front of everyone.

Harry rolled his eyes. No control with the Greeks. So now he had two mates, and two brothers in this Tournament. Oh lucky him.

Percy leaves out the side door.

"Excellent!" Dumbledore calls happily, as the last bit off cheering died down, "Well, we now have our five champions. I am sure I can count upon all of you, including the remaining student from Beauxbatons, Durmstrang, Hogwarts, Camp Jupiter, Camp Half-Blood and the Magical Demigods to give your champions every ounce of support you can muster. By cheering your champions on, you will contribute in a very real –"

Dumbledore stops as the Goblet lights up scarlet red this time for the seventh time. Dumbledore automatically snatches the piece of parchment out of the air and read it.

"Harry Potter", Dumbledore states.

Harry swears in his head. And Stellamaria hisses angrily on his shoulder.

~They will pay~ she hisses

'Fates I WILL find a way to kill you. Lady Ananke your mother won't be able to stop me', Harry thinks

Everyone had looked up to the leaders. To look at him. There was some applause from his comrades but no one else and Harry didn't expect any.

"Harry through the door if you please", Dumbledore says turning to him

Harry saw that Professor McGonagall's face was pale. Snape was glaring at him Chiron looked complexed. Reyna had her mask up bet he could tell she was furious at whoever did this. Madame Maxine and Karkaroff looked furious. Harry could see his mates were angry on his behalf. Ron looked ready to blow a gasket with Hermione starring at him her face white.

Harry turns around stiffly and walks through the door.

"I am killing the fates", Harry mutters going into the room.

Jason, Cedric and Astoria turn to him.

"What is wrong Harry?" Astoria asks worriedly

"What is it?" Fleur asks, "Do zey want us back in ze Hall?"

"No unexpected complications. And some devious plans have come up", Harry replies

The sound of the door open and Ludo Bagman comes down.

"Extraordinary!" Ludo tells them trying to take Harry's arm but Harry gives him his death glare.

Ludo gulps before continuing.

"Absolutely extraordinary! Gentlemen, Ladies. May I introduce the seventh Triwizard Champion?!" Ludo tells them

Krum straighten up his face darkening looking at Harry. Harry gives Krum his death glare till Krum backed down.

Fleur tossed her hair.

"Oh, vairy funny joke, Meester Bagman", she says

"Joke?" Bagman repeated, bewildered, "No, no, no not at all! Harry's name just came out of the Goblet of Fire!"

Krum and Fleur looked angry.

Percy looked undecided whether to believe it or not.

Cedric and Astoria look at him shocked and he could tell they were furious at whoever put his name in.

So was Jason as Jason knew his Praetor didn't put his name in.

"But evidently zair 'as been a mistake", Fleur states at Bagman, "E connot complete. E is too young"

"Excuse me Heiress Delacour by I am YOUNGER then Harry by a year. And your not saying anything about me. I suggest you think before you speak", Astoria tells her eyes flashing.

"Well… it is amazing", Bagman continues rubbing his chin and smiling at Harry, "But, as you know, the age restriction has been changed for our demigod friends. And only the age restriction was for the Wizarding Schools as a extra safety measure. And as his name's come out of the Goblet…I mean, I don't think there can be any ducking out at this stage…it's down in the rules, you're obliged…Harry just have to do the best he –"

The sound of the door open and people hurrying in came. And they saw the Crouch, Madame Maxime, Headmaster Karkaroff, Dumbledore, Professor McGonagall and Snape, Reyna, Chiron all come in.

Harry could hear the students outside talking loudly. Harry twists his communication ring three times to call a meeting of Magical Demigods after this one.

"Madame Maxine!" Fleur says at once, striding over to her Headmistress, "Zeu are saying zay zis little boy is to complete also!"

"Once again he is older then me", Astoria says glaring at Fleur.

"And I am far from a boy Heiress Delacour. I am a Praetor of Rome. A Godling. I am as far from a boy as I can get", Harry replies coldly.

Madame Maxine draws herself up to her full height she nearly bushed the candles of the chandelier.

"What is ze meaning of zis, Dumbly-door? Praetor Ramirez-Arellano?" Madame Maxine asks

"He could not have crossed the age line. As it was only lifted in front of us. And Mr Potter never left his post besides us", McGonagall says sharply.

"And my Co-Praetor had witnesses that would place him with him all night and day. So he couldn't have time or opportunity to do so", Reyna states coldly

"I can vouch for this Afternoon", Astoria replies, "So can my sister"

"I can vouch too", Cedric adds

"And me", Jason agrees

"It is possible, of course", Dumbledore says politely

Harry wanted to growl but his praetor mask was up. But Stellamaria hissed angrily at Dumbledore.

"Dumbledore, you know perfectly well you did not make a mistake", Professor McGonagall says angrily, "Really this is nonsense. He could not have past the age line unless he did it when his comrades were entering"

"It might be possible. Praetor Potter who are your Godly parents?" Chiron asks

"That is private information Trainer Chiron. It is rude to ask about Parents in the Roman Legion and especially in the Magical Demigods", Harry replies coldly

"Unless he asked someone older to do it for him", Snape says coldly

McGonagall, Reyna, Astoria and Cedric glare at Snape.

"Mr Crouch, …Mr Bagman", Karkaroff says, "You are our – er – objective judges. Surely you will agree that this is most irregular"

Bagman wiped his face with a handkerchief and looked at Mr Crouch.

"We must follow the rules, and the rules state clearly that those people whose names come out of the Goblet of Fire are bound to complete in the Tournament", Mr Crouch states

Harry could tell something about Mr Crouch wasn't right. He would have to investigate that.

"Well, Barty knows the rulebook back to front", Bagman says beaming and turning back to Karkaroff, Madame Maxine, Chiron as though the matter was closed.

"I insist upon resubmitting the names of the rest of my students", Karkaroff says with a very ugly look, "You will set up the Goblet of Fire once more, and we will continue adding names until each scho…group has two champions. It's only fair, Dumbledore, Praetor Ramirez-Arellano, Leader-Praetor Potter"

"But Karkaroff, it doesn't work like that", Bagman tells him, "The Goblet of Fire's just gone out – it won't reignite until the start of the next Tournament –"

"- in which Durmstrang will most certainly not be competing", Karkaroff explodes, "After all our meetings and negotiations and compromises, I little expected something of the nature to occur! I have half a mind to leave now!"

"Empty threat Karkaroff", a voice growls

Harry knows it was Moody. Like Crouch there was something wrong about him. Stellamaria hisses agreeing with him.

"You can't leave your Champion now. He's got to complete. They've all got to compete. Binding magical contract, like Dumbledore said. Convenient, eh?" Moody says

Moody limped into the room his robotic eye swirling around.

"Convenient? I'm afraid I don't understand you, Moody", Karkaroff replies

"Don't you?" Moody says quietly, "It's very simple, Karkaroff. Someone put Potter's name in the Goblet knowing he'd have to compete if it came out"

"You have thought this out", Chiron states

"Evidently, someone 'oo wished to give 'Ogwarts or Demigods two bites at ze apple!" Madame Maxine exclaims

"I quite agree Madame Maxime", Karkaroff says bowing his head too her, "I shall lodging a complaints with the Ministry of Magic and the ICW –"

"If anyone's got tot a reason to complain, its Potter", Moody growls, "But…funny thing…I don't hear him saying a word"

"Why should 'e complain?" Fleur bursts out, "E 'as ze chance, 'asn't 'e? We 'ave all been 'oping to be chosen for weeks and weeks! Ze honour for our schools! A thousand Galleons in prize money – zis is a chance many would die for!"

"Maybe someone's hoping Potter is going to die for it" Moody states, with the merest of a growl,

A tense silence follows.

"It makes sense. Praetor Potter has many enemies", Reyna says

"I agree", Astoria states.
"It is a ploy many have used", Jason agrees

"Moody, old man…what a thing to say!" Bagman exclaims

"We all know Professor Moody considers the morning wasted if he hasn't discovered six plots to murder him before lunchtime", Karkaroff says loudly, "Apparently he is now teaching his students to fear assassinations, too. A odd quality in a Defence Against the Dark Arts Teacher, Dumbledore, but no doubt you had your reasons"

"Imagining things, am I?" Moody growls, "Seeing things, eh? It was a skilled witch or wizard who put the boy's…"

"Praetor", Harry corrects finally saying something as he watching.
"Praetor Potter's name in the Goblet", Moody continues

"Ah, what evidence is zere of zat?" asks Madame Maxine, throwing up her huge hands.

"Because they hoodwinked a very powerful magical object! It would have needed an exceptionally strong Confundus Charm to bambozzle that Goblet into forgetting how many participants to complete in the Tournament…I'm guessing they put a different school like Ilvermorny or some other magical school, to make sure he was the only one in his category…"

Harry wasn't going to tell them he WAS powerful enough to enchant the Goblet. But he didn't do it. But if he admitted it they wouldn't believe him.

"You seem to have given this a great deal of thought, Moody", Karkaroff says coldly, "and a very ingenious theory it is – though of course, I heard you recently got it into your head that one of your birthday presents contained a cunningly disguised basilisk egg, and smashed it to pieces before realising it was a carriage clock. So you'll understand if we don't take you entirely seriously"

"There are those who'll turn innocent occasions to their advantage", Moody retorts in a menacing voice, : It's my job to think that way Dark Wizards do Karkaroff – as you ought to remember…"

"Alastor!" Dumbledore says warningly

Karkaroff's face was burning.

"How this situation arose, we do not know", Dumbledore says, "It seems to me, however, that we have no choice but to accept it. Harry which group will you be in?"

"I will go under Olympus. So that it is all one per group. I will have a judge for my group and for my scores to you within the next few days", Harry states

"My boy…", Dumbledore states

"That is my decision and it is final. I WILL compete under Olympus and still be a judge", Harry replies

"You can't be trusted to score fairly", Madame Maxine says

"I already sworn to be fair. But here we go again. I swear on my magic and the River Styx that I will be fair and unbiased during this Tournament. AND I didn't put my name in the Goblet off fire!" Harry says drawing his wand as thunder booms, "Lumos!" and his wand lights up.

Everyone was silent. Cedric, Astoria and Jason were smirking in triumph.

"Well, shall we crack on, them?" Bagman says nervously, "Got to give our Champions these instructions, haven't we? Barty, want to do the honours?"

"Yes. Instructions. Yes…the First Task. Is designed to test your daring. So we can't be telling you what it is. Courage In the face of the unknown is an important quality in a wizard…very important"

Harry barely listens as the rest off the meeting went on. He would have to chat with his mothers or father about the Goblet.

Everyone starts to leave. Jason nodding in respect to his Praetor.

"Now Miss Greengrass, Cedric, Harry, I suggest you go up to bed", Dumbledore says smiling at them.

"I am sure Gryffindor, Hufflepuff and Slytherin are waiting to celebrate with you, and it would be a shame to deprive them of this excellent excuse to make a great deal of mess and noise"

Harry, Cedric and Astoria leave to the Hidden Temple. Opening it to find everyone gathered. Harry's mates run to him and kiss him.
"This is bullshit", Ginny exclaims as Harry explains

"It is. But we will make do. I will say this I will complete under Olympus's name. Not ours and I will have a judge from Olympus hopefully judge Olympus's side", Harry tells them
"Who?" Fred and George ask
"I will tell you when I decide", Harry replies

"We do this together", Astoria states

"And we help each other", Cedric decides

"We will. Now off too bed everyone. Or the parties", Harry tells them.

"Ron is furious by the way", Ginny whispers too him

"I expected as much. But he already was", Harry replies kissing her lips.

They pull away and Harry sees Fay Dunbar waiting for him. He sends his mates off promising to be in Gryffindor Tower soon.

Then he turns to the Huntress.

"Please don't tell Mum", Harry says to Fay

"Don't count on it. My Lady would kill me and send me to the Underworld if I didn't tell her", Fay says

"Please", Harry begs not wanting his Mother to murder someone.
Fay smirks, "Afraid off your Mother?"

"No. Just of her murdering someone"

"So his name was put in against his will?" Annabeth asks Percy

"Yes", Percy replies

"But is that the truth?" Nico asks
"He swore on the Styx and Magic and nothing happened to him. So it must be true", Percy replies.

"One thing is for certain we have more situations to look out for", Annabeth declares

"He has all off us too help him", Will states

"Yeh like Prissy needs our help", Clarisse states

"We can still help", Katie replies

"After. Lets celebrate!" Conner and Travis state


"Milady someone is trying to kill him"


"We know Milady"


"What do I do?"

"I will be there soon with the girls. Don't tell him"

"Yes Milady"

Author's Note: What do you think? Please Review:)