Disclaimer: All Characters belong to their original owners.

Author's Note: I am Handicapped so please bare that in mind if my spelling is off. I use spell checker. I also have a slight mental disability so please excuse any mistakes. I do the best I can with writing these stories and trying to post chapters.

Author's Note: This week is my 26th birthday so as a tradition I update. So Happy Birthday to me:)!


Molly and Ron blame Harry for Fred's death. Ginny doesn't want to go against her mother and marry Harry. Molly verbally abuses Harry. Harry needs to decide if Ginny will be his Lady Potter out of 6 titles and out of another 10 girls and 3 boys that are betrothed or Life-Debt or Choice. So Molly, Ronald and Ginny get visited by ghosts…

Chapter .1.

It had been a year since the end of the war and Harry had found out a lot about himself and Gringotts had told him some information about his heritage about his betrothal contracts to Padma Patil, Daphne Greengrass, Tracey Davis, Susan Bones, Luna Lovegood, and Su Li and also a life-debt betrothed to Gabrielle Delacour. He was expected to marry them. And he had 7 titles. Lord Potter, Lord Peverell, Lord Black, Lord Slytherin, Lord Gryffindor, Lord Gaunt and Lord Evans. He was supposed to marry a woman for each title. Three of his betrothed were in line continuation contracts they were Susan Bones, Luna Lovegood and Gabrielle Delacour. His fiancees by choice where Lavender Brown, Katie Bell, Viktor Krum, Blaise Zabini and Charlie Weasley. But the one girl he wanted to marry is Ginny but she had been putting them getting back together off for a year now all because Mrs Weasley and Ron blamed him for Fred's death.

Molly had been verbally abusive to Harry every time he came around to ask Ginny out on a date and to tell her about his betrothals and the weddings that were being planned. But Ginny kept saying that she couldn't and they should wait for her mother and Ron to calm down.

Harry had been going to therapy ever sense that battle to get over his guilt and the child abuse horrors of his past. The Mind Healer diagnosed him with PTSD.

He had been seeing little Teddy everyday since the Battle too to help with Andromeda who was grateful for the help. Teddy was like a son to Harry and Harry while he was at Andromeda's got to talk to Remus and Tonks's portrait which they had made 2 days before the Battle. He also had one at Potter Manor. They helped him with his guilt over their death.

George had Harry had each other to lean on after Fred's death and they found out Fred had put a plan in place and so they had one portrait of him which they both talked to for hours some times. They hadn't told Molly or Ron or Percy or Ginny about the portrait. Anyway Fred was angry with them for how they were treating Harry the one person he loved.

Harry once again came around to the Burrow this day to try again. Ginny met him half-way up the path.

"Please Ginny will you come out with me we have many things to discuss", Harry begs

"I can't Harry. I love you, I well and truly do but I can't abandon my family. I can't especially after Fred's death. As it nearly destroyed the family. Please, please Harry just wait a little while. I'm sure Mum and Ron will come around", Ginny says

"I don't think they will. It has been a year already Gin and they still blame me for Fred's death. I don't blame them. But I did the best with the information I was given. I told Ron everything I knew. I wish I could've stopped Voldemort sooner. If I had Fred, Colin, Snape, Ted Tonks, Remus and Tonks would still be alive", Harry replies

"Harry I am trying to convince them it wasn't your fault, but you know how stubborn those two are", Ginny says

"Can you honestly say that you don't blame me even a little bit?" Harry asks

Ginny doesn't answer.

"I thought so. I loved Fred too and I wasn't even allowed at his funeral", Harry says

"They need time", Ginny says

"I needed closer. I needed to be there. But that doesn't matter does it? But what you are saying you won't go against your mother and Ron? You won't be with me unless they approve?", Harry asks

"I can't Harry", Ginny says

"What about your Dad? George? Bill? And Charlie? Don't their opinion mean anything to you?" Harry asks, "They don't blame me they told me so"

"Mum managed to convince Percy and Ron that it was your fault. You know how strong willed they are. Please just wait a little longer?" Ginny asks

"I'll wait a little longer but I can't wait forever. I can't keep doing this. It causes me pain every time. Your Mum told me I was as good as her son. But that isn't true is it? No when one of her blood children die she tosses me aside. I love you Ginevra Weasley, but I can't keep waiting and dealing with rejection", Harry says and turns to walk back up the path while Ginny goes inside the Burrow

"Harry", Arthur Weasley says

"Hello Mr Weasley", Harry says as the edge of the Burrow

"Still no luck?" Arthur asks

"No. She is still rejecting me", Harry says

"How long before your weddings?" Arthur asks

"A month", Harry says

"I will be there to support Charlie marrying you. George and Bill will be there too", Arthur says

"I know. I choose George, Bill , Oliver and Neville as my groomsmen", Harry says

"I know you loved Fred and I know you would have been marrying him in the same ceremony if he was alive. But he would want you to be happy the same with Cedric who you were courting. They will be proud of you for continuing on. I think you need to let Ginny go", Arthur replies

"You really think that?" Harry asks

"That I do", Arthur says

"I need a Lady Potter. I wanted Ginny to have it", Harry says

"I am sure Luna would help with that or one of the others. Or you can choice someone else. But you deserve to be happy", Arthur says

"Thank you Mr Weasley", Harry says

"It is Arthur too you son. Go and visit Fred's plot. I will go in and see what I can do", Arthur says

"Thank you Arthur", Harry says

Arthur watches Harry leave to go to Fred's grave and he starts to head into the Burrow to try and talk since into his wife, Ron, Percy and Ginny. Because Ginny was about to lose Harry forever…

Author's Note: What do you think? Please review:)