He, the Chosen One, the Boy-Who-Lived, also known as Harry Potter, knew he was going insane. He was surrounded by those superheroes he used to see on Dudley's comic strips that didn't know the first thing about foreign countries but had terrific fighting skills. There were adults, who were in charge of supervising budding heroes and were barely legal, and crimes literally being committed at every alleyway

At this point, he'd rather go back to Aunt Petunia and Vernon's home and renounce his wizardry then be accused by a tiny rat and giant man of being some evil villain who had a habit "quirk" pickpocketing habit.

Immersed in his thoughts, he swatted away a very offended Endeavor's gloved hand.

"Boy. Boy."

His green eyes stared at the large, flaming man.

"What are you supposed to be? The person in charge of the barbeque for the wrestling superhero match?"

The man's face became a brilliant, angry red but Harry was unphased. If he was going to be the one grilling lamb chops or making some nice hot dogs, then Harry would eat his fill before doing whatever he was supposed to do in the "UA Sports Festival".

"Can you get me something to eat please? I'm famished."

Harry dropped some of those paper dollars the rat man gave him earlier into the flaming man's palms.

"Listen here you, boy,"-Harry was immediately reminded of Uncle Vernon and a flash of anger coursed through his veins, "I've heard about you, and your little quirk stick. My boy Todoroki has been training all his life and will not lose to the likes of some foreign low-income wizard. I would cremate you on the spot if it wasn't illegal-"

His green eyes darted to the paper bills burning in the palm of the flaming man's hands.

"Speaking of illegal," Harry interrupted, "Isn't burning money a felony?"

If the flaming man's face could get any hotter, it would've completely incinerated the vicinity.

"Y-You," The man sputtered.

"Yes, Police! I need assistance!" Harry waved his hands in a wild gesture, "This flaming man just committed a felony! He came up to harass me and burned money right in front of my eyes!"

Katsuki's jaw dropped.

Aizawa's mid-yawn was frozen comically.

"Somebody help! I don't feel safe in this environment!"

Immediately, the stadium snapped into action. The security who had been hired for the week to manage the festival leaped up to the stands with quirk-proof handcuffs. Some of the civilians, who were lucky enough to purchase tickets, gaped at the Number Two Hero and the black haired boy.

"Hero Endeavor, stop resisting arrest!"

Endeavor chose to ignore the two men half his size and angrily stomped towards Harry. Close up, Harry could see all the skin damage and pores that the flaming man's fire had caused. Up close, he could tell that the man neglected his skin in favor of assaulting young children.

"You know, you could really start using Retinol to reduce the size of your giant pores and sunspots-"

"Boy, when I get my hands on you, you will suffer-"

"Hero Endeavor, you are under arrest for resisting arrest and quirk damage to private property as well as harassment to children! Even though you are the number two hero, anything you say will be used against y-"


The audience streaming in from the gates paused in their ticket checking to gape at the spectacle caused in the participant arena. A large, blackened crater surrounded an enormous red and orange man.

Finally, the two men were able to catch Endeavor off guard and cuffed his flailing hands into the glowing rings. Immediately, the fire around him distinguished and his stature became smaller. At this point, everyone had stopped to stare at their firey hero.

Before, where he had flames substituting his hair and covering him, were all gone. In place, was skin that was perfectly smooth and shiny because of all the hair that had been singed off. Where his eyebrows were supposed to be, was two patches of pale, untouched skin.

In the commotion, his wig had slipped off.

His head was as reflective as a shiny piece of steel. Harry could see himself staring back it and his "classmates" snickering on the other side of it. The man's mustache was completely gone, leaving him with a shiny, smooth chin.

Other than his large pores and sunspots, the flaming man's head looked like an egg.

Harry couldn't be more amused.