AN: The song from this movie is going through my head as I write this. This is not going to be a shot-um-up kinda story. For one thing, I don't write those type stories. And for another, I couldn't kill off my boys, it would make me too sad.
Washington D.C. was not a usual destination for the Winchester brothers. They had friends in D.C. for sure. But they also had the prospect of the FBI looming large. Even though they did have a friend or two in the FBI, these friends could not and would not stand up for them. The brothers knew that and understood. They had 'done' too much in the eyes of the law to ever be considered anything by cold-blooded savage killers; even though that moniker could not be further from the truth. Dean pulled the Impala into a parking spot in front of one of Very Special Agent Anthony DiNozzo's favorite water holes. Sam and Dean got out of the car and strolled into the bar, taking a seat in the back near the back exit. As was their custom, Dean ordered a burger and fries. He loved greasy pub food. Sam turned his nose up at his brother's choice. But he, too had to order a sandwich when he saw no salad choices on the menu.
Dean could not help but grin at his brother's predicament. He admired his little brother for eating healthy and all that. But, he didn't, and he was in good shape. Dean just couldn't figure out why Sam made such a fuss all the time about it.
"We don't even know if Tony will show up. And, here we are eating this awful food for nothing." Sam said as he wrinkled up his brow, again, at the menu selections.
"You are such a girl!" Dean stated as he took a swig of his beer.
"Dude, shut up!" Sam shot back.
Dean just grinned as he surveyed the scene, hoping that Tony would decide to make an appearance.
Tony had had another long day with Gibbs. He had been told to go out and get food for the group. He didn't feel like going far and he liked the greasy fair McKinney's Bar offered. He called in his order as he was leaving the NCIS parking garage. With traffic, by the time he got there, everything should be ready. He walked in the door almost 10 minutes ahead of schedule. Good, he said to himself nothing can go wrong now, nothing can…shit! What are Sam and Dean doing here? I don't have time for this.
Tony knew that they would not risk getting caught. It had to be something big. He sighed and made his way over to the table. He motioned to Maggie, the waitress, to bring the food over when it was ready.
Tony fell into the booth beside Sam. "Do I want to know why you two are in town?"
"Probably not." Sam admitted.
Oh great. Tony thought. "What is it…vamps nest…killer clowns? What?"
"Crossroad demon deals." Dean answered.
Tony just looked at Dean. He had no idea what a crossroads demon deal was.
"It has to be made where two roads cross. You bury certain things and then you say an incantation, and…." Dean stated.
"Are you talking about summoning a demon?" Tony asked, knowing he was right and hating the fact that he even knew that much.
Both Sam and Dean nodded.
"How do you…?" Sam started.
Tony shook his head. "Back in Baltimore…we had a few kids, aspiring Satanists if you will. All they managed to do was to catch things on fire. I, at first, thought that they were just amateur pyros. But, what with the other evidence we found. It was scary, and they were just starting out."
"For some reason a lot of contracts are being made with military personnel lately." Sam stated.
Tony looked at him for a moment. "I won't ask you how you came to know that. I'm not sure…." Tony didn't know what to make of that. He didn't know how many people did that, if any. It's not like there are surveys out on such things. "Okay, I really don't want to know this. But, I guess I'm going to have to find it out. Who told you…how do you know?"
"Crowley…he told us." Dean hesitated.
"What? What's the problem?" The agent asked. "Who is Crowley? What's his first name?"
"You won't believe it." Sam added.
Tony looked at Sam and then back at Dean.
"What?" Tony demanded as he glanced at his phone. He was surprised Gibbs hadn't called him to see where he was yet.
"He's the…the King of Hell." Dean stated.
"Ain't that Satan's job title?" Tony paused. "Good ole Lucifer?"
"Well, there was kind of an overthrow. Crowley locked Lucifer in a cage." Dean explained.
"Won't hear about that in Sunday School." Tony said, shaking his head.
The brothers didn't say anything else for a few moments. Not until after the waitress delivered Tony's order to the table and walked away.
"If I'm not mistaken, the only possible thing that we humans have that would interest a demon is our souls, right?" Tony asked.
The brothers nodded.
"So," Tony said, talking it out. "Are we talking about your average solider or are you talking about the commanders, the higher ups?"
The Winchesters looked at one another. They didn't know the answer. Crowley never said.
"It's pretty important, you guys. The average G.I. won't have much intel. But the higher up you get…." Tony shuttered.
"Soldiers are giving demons military secrets." Sam said.
"But what are the soldiers getting in return?" Tony asked. "What the hell can be so attractive to give up secrets, possibly commit treason?"
Tony's phone rang, and he nearly leapt out of his seat. He knew who it was, so he didn't bother to answer. He just jumped up and grabbed the bag. He started to run out the door. Then he turned back to his friends.
"Sorry guys, I gotta run." Tony held up the bag of food. "Come by my place after work."
Both Sam and Dean nodded. They had a few hours to kill, so they decided to summons Crowley and get more information.
"What kind of deal are these people being offered, Crowley?" Dean asked after they had summoned him and trapped him.
Crowley just grinned. He knew that he was walking into a trap when Sam and Dean called. But, he really needed the Winchester's help. Whatever these demons had planned, if they managed to carry it out, it could mean the end of his reign. And he could not, would not, have that. This King of Hell was going to stay king for as long as possible. Any band of demons trying to gain control had better be prepared to defend their treasonous actions to the death. Because when Crowley found out who they were, he was going to kill them. But, not before he had a little fun torturing them.
Usually Crowley paid little attention to what went on 'up top' as far as politics and the like. But, if his opposition could get somebody in military power and then bring that power into the White House, that could put demons in charge. Not that that would be a bad thing, not bad at all. As long as he was the one pulling the strings. Maybe Crowley would let them all do all the work for him. He could let the Winchesters identify his most dangerous threats. He could let the other demons build the relations he would need. He would allow them to set things in motion. Then all he would have to do would be to step in at the right time and take over.
Crowley laughed, thinking to himself. Yes, that would be perfect.