Sam dropped down on the couch a bit harder than she intended. She hated moving. "Ruby if I ever get it in my head that we need to relocate again remind me of how terrible moving is. I'm not talking just a new city. No new houses either."

Ruby sat down next to her mom and laughed. "Well that choice is really up to you. I'm all for making National City our new home. I don't like moving either. But hey you don't have time to lounge around. Lena invited you out to meet her friends here in National City. You need to shower and change."

"But what if I want to stay here with you? Watching a movie and ordering take out sounds much more appealing."

Ruby quirked her eyebrow at her mom. "Nope we just moved to a new city and as much as I love spending time with you, you need to make some friends that are adults. Plus, it's been forever since you've been out without me so please just go. I'll be fine. Miss Queller seems like a nice lady. If she turns out to be some crazy serial killer I know who to call."

Sam gently shoved Ruby which elicited a laugh from her daughter. Ruby was right she hadn't had any friends in metropolis because she was so focused on taking care of Ruby. Lena had been her only friend that had stuck by her once Sam found out she was pregnant with Ruby. She also had to admit she was curious about this group of friends that Lena hasn't been able to stop talking about for months.

"Okay fine I'll go."

Ruby shot a fist into the air, "That's the spirit!"

It had been a long day at the DEO. Alex didn't want to go out tonight. Going home and crashing on her couch was all she wanted to do. But Kara had forced her to come based on the fact that Lena's oldest friend had moved into town and she wanted her to meet everyone. Kara had used her pout and being as mentally exhausted as she was she couldn't say no. Plus, Lena would take one look at her and realize that Alex had a day at work and buy her a couple of drinks to say thank you for coming out instead of going home.

Alex knew Lena was nervous about introducing Sam to everyone. Alex and Lena had become close over the last couple months. Kara had lied to her and Lena shut her out. Even though Alex was Kara's sister Lena never blamed her for not telling her that Kara Danvers and Supergirl were the same person. It wasn't Alex's secret to tell. It took some time but eventually Alex got Lena and Kara to sit down and hash out their differences. It hadn't been pretty. A lot of tears had been shed and a lot of hateful words exchanged but Lena had agreed to give Kara another chance.

She had taken too long in the shower and was running late. She pulled up on her Ducati just in time to see a beautiful brunette climb out of a Lexus. She was wearing a black blazer with the sleeves rolled up, a light grey V-neck t-shirt underneath, black skinny jeans and black boots. Her gorgeous light brown hair cascaded over her shoulders in loose curls. Before Alex could dismount her bike, the brunette looked in her direction. Alex was captivated by this woman. She knew she shouldn't keep staring but she couldn't take her eyes off of her.

Alex dismounted her bike and removed her helmet. Shaking out her hair and running her hands through it to smooth it out. After securing her helmet to her bike she turned toward where the mysterious brunette had been she was surprised to see her walk toward her. Alex got nervous all of a sudden and hoped she didn't make a fool of herself.

"That's a nice bike you've got there."

"Thanks. You ride at all?"

Alex watched as the woman's smile faded slightly. "I rode dirt bikes growing up. Was in quite a few races. Got pregnant at 17 and never rode again."

"That's a shame. About the riding thing not getting pregnant." Alex started rambling nervously. She ran a hand through her hair to help calm her nerves. The mysterious woman chuckled.

"I knew what you meant. It is but it is more dangerous than driving a car and being a single mother I didn't want to take any unnecessary chances with my life. My daughter would have been left with no one to take care of her. God now I'm rambling. You probably have someone waiting in there for you, so I'll let you go. It was nice meeting you."

Sam didn't know what had happened. She got out of her car and saw her dream motorcycle pull up with skin tight jeans and leather jacket clad driver. She hadn't intended to make her way over but when the rider took off her helmet Sam was drawn to the red head. Before she knew it she was standing in front of the bike.

"That's a nice bike you've got there" Geez Arias what was that. She wasn't surprised by her response. Nor did she expect the nervous rambling from the red head. If she was being honest she found it adorable. Sam hadn't meant to ramble on either, but the red head had the sexiest voice she had heard in a while. It did something to her. So, she got away before she made a fool of herself even more.

She walked into the bar and found Lena instantly. She made her way over to the small group of people. She was so nervous. These were Lena's new group of friends. Sam was happy that Lena had made some friends in National City. Sam was the only friend Lena had because when you're the daughter of an alien hating sociopath with the last name of Luther nobody wants to come near you.

Sam walked over to the booth everyone was sitting at and slid in next to Lena. "Sorry I'm late got caught up in un-packing and organizing the house."

Lena gave Sam an understanding smile, "You're not the only one running late." Lena motioned to the red head that Sam had talked to outside. Before Sam could fully compose herself, she had slid next to her in the last open seat in their booth.

Sam looked at her and they both smiled at each other. Sam could detect a slight blush creeping up on her cheeks just as she saw the same thing happening to the red head. They both continued to stare until Lena's voice got her attention.

Sam snapped her head toward Lena's, "What were you saying?"

Lena just quirked an eyebrow and filed away what she saw happening between Sam and Alex for later. "Sam these are my friends Winn Shott, James Olsen, Kara Danvers, and Alex Danvers. Everyone this is Sam Arias."

"It's a pleasure to meet you all. I've heard so many nice things about all of you and the epic game nights that you insisted Lena be a part of. I look forward to getting to know more about you all." Looking directly at Kara and pointing a finger in her direction Sam stated, "And how you managed to get Lena to agree to come to a game night and enjoy it enough to agree to attend regularly."

Kara laughed but it was James who answered, "Fair warning Kara has a pout that would put a puppy that got in trouble to shame. Very hard to say no to. I think the longest anyone has held out was 24 hours. The only person who is immune to the pout is Alex and that's only because they are sisters and she has learned to ignore it through years of practice."

"Also, because she's Alex 'I know how to torture you 6 different ways with my index finger' Danvers."

Winn was muttering to himself but Sam swore she heard him say something about torture with an index finger. Sam just shook her head and turned to Alex, "So you and Kara are sisters?"

Alex took a sip of her beer before she replied, "Yeah I only became friends with Lena because of that dork. Lena was struggling with something in her lab and Kara told her I would help Lena before I had ever agreed. That was 1 of the 5 times as an adult that I haven't been able to say no to the famous Kara Danvers pout. Not mad though Lena and I managed to figure out a solution and have been good friends ever since. So, I count that as a win."

Alex gently clinked her beer bottle with Lena's wine glass. She had disliked Lena at first because she was a Luthor. After working with her she had come to realize that she was basing her opinion of Lena off of her brother and mother's reputation and that wasn't fair. Lena was nothing like Lex and she definitely wasn't her mother. If anything she was the exact opposite.

"I'm just glad to know that Lena finally has a group of friends that care about her as much as I do. For the longest time we just had each other. Even if you guys end up not liking me I'm glad Lena's got you." Sam turned her head toward Alex just before she said the last part. God why couldn't she keep her eyes off of Alex?

It was Kara that spoke next, "Any friend of Lena's is definitely a friend of ours."

"Consider us like the group of misfits who don't fit in anywhere but somehow fit with each other. We each have our issues but we all seem to go through our lives better when we're together."

Winn said that with such fondness that it touched Sam deep in her core. She was beginning to think that maybe she would be able to fit in with Lena's new group. But before she could say anything someone from across the bar spoke.

"I never really thought of it before but misfits is definitely the term I would use to describe you all as a group. Because you, my beloved children are just that, a group of misfits. The name is J'onn and as much as I hate to admit it I have become the father that they all have been lacking in their lives. Sam it is a pleasure to finally meet you. Lena has been worried about you meeting her new-found family but I must say that her worry was unfounded. I can already sense you've got a good head on your shoulders, so you will do just fine with this group of misfits."

Sam picked up on the look J'onn and Alex shared immediately. It was something she recognized immediately. It was the same look she would give Ruby when she was particularly proud of something her daughter had done. She also noticed the way Alex looked at J'onn. This man was more important to her than he was to everyone else at this table.

She had no idea how J'onn knew she had a good head on her shoulders, but she definitely couldn't argue. Becoming a mother at 17 would do that to you. Sam sat back and watched the group of friends interact. It became clear pretty quick that they weren't just friends. No that term wasn't correct in describing this group. Family is the word she would use to describe this group of people.

Alex had finished her beer and offered to grab refills for the rest of the group. Sam excused herself on the premise of helping Alex bring all the drinks back but in reality, she just wanted to talk to her alone for a minute.

"So, tell me the truth…Is Kara's pout that hard to resist and is J'onn more than just a father figure to you?"

Alex laughed at the questions. It was a nice throaty laugh. Something Sam could never get tired of hearing. God getting to know Alex Danvers was going to be the death of her.

"Kara's pout isn't hard to resist if you have the ability to restrain yourself. It's easier for me because I've been showing restraint since I was 17. That was when I decided I couldn't keep giving in to her every whim. Resisting was hard at first but going away to college helped with that immensely."

Sam noticed that Alex had ordered another beer but also 2 shots of whiskey. She downed the first pretty quickly. Before Sam could say anything, Alex started talking again.

"J'onn is more than a father figure. At least to me. It's hard to describe what exactly J'onn is to me. He became the father I needed when mine was taken by CADMUS. But is also my boss. Well had been my boss for 7 years."

"Sorry about your dad. Being taken by Lena's mom must mean your dad is a scientist, engineer, or something of that nature."

Alex gave Sam a sad smile then took her remaining shot of whiskey. "Both actually. We had gotten him back briefly last year but turns out it was a set up. The ultimate betrayal for J'onn and I."

Without asking another shot of whiskey appeared in front of Alex. She smiled at the bartender. Sam noticed it was an appreciative smile something that said this isn't the first time she has been to this bar and talked about heavy topics.

"Was the betrayal personal or did it have something to do with your job? I can tell this is a deep subject and if you don't want to share this with a complete stranger I understand."

Alex looked at Sam then back at their group. She hadn't talked about Jeremiah in almost a year. She has no idea why she started telling Sam, a woman she barely knows, about her dad. She turned to look at Sam and there was something she saw in her that made her feel safe. She decided to give her the short version. God knows she would gladly sit here and tell her the full story, but it would be rude of Alex to monopolize Sam the entire evening.

"The short version is, both. Before my dad was taken by Lillian he had worked with J'onn at the FBI. When he came back J'onn and I both were blindly trusting that he had truly run away from them after 14 years. But it was all a lie. He was only there to steal something from us that Lillian desperately wanted."

Sam listened and tried to keep her face neutral but when Alex mentioned that she was an FBI agent it was hard to keep a straight face. "I can see how that would be the ultimate betrayal. Lillian is a total nut job who is blinded by her hatred. I've known Lena since middle school and Lillian has never been the warmest person but has always been driven by her passions."

Alex simply nodded she did admire Lillian for that. She found herself gazing at Sam not caring that Sam knew she was doing it. God she was beautiful, and she seemed nice. Alex wanted to forget about her friends for the rest of the night and take Sam away so they could talk. Get to know each other better but that would have to happen another day.

Alex tilted her head toward the booth, "We should probably get back to them. Wouldn't want them thinking I was monopolizing you the entire time." Without thinking Alex winked at Sam

Sam smiled, grabbed the drinks Alex couldn't carry, "No we wouldn't want that Agent Danvers." Responding with a wink of her own.

Alex just watched Sam walk away. She found herself starring at Sam's ass and those incredibly long legs. She shook her head and made her way back to the booth. She set the drinks down and slid in next to Sam. Before she knew what, she was doing she leaned into Sam and whispered, "It's Director Danvers." She leaned back and took a sip of her beer. She watched as that information sunk in.

"My mistake Director." Sam noticed the twinkle in Alex's eyes when she called her Director. She also noticed the smile that spread across J'onn's lips. There was no mistaking it as anything but the smile of a proud father.