A/N: Hi! This chapter has been edited.
Starts around episode 6 of season 2.
Without further adieu:
I only own my OCs and this storyline, the dialogue and events from the show belong to their respective owners.
Sentences like this in quotations are grounders, or anyone, speaking in Trigedasleng. Other sentences in the same form are thoughts.
ONE: Captured
"Keep moving."
A hand pushes her forward and makes her stumble slightly until she manages to make herself stand right while she tries to listen for any kind of detail that could tell her where she was. How far did they take her? Wasn't there a creek a mile back? Dammit...She thinks to herself, wishing she was as good at observation as Finn. Rory was more concerned about where her friends were. She wanted to know if they managed to win against Anya's army...or if they died. The grounder behind her grabs her shoulder before she hears him speaking with someone, another Grounder probably. They escort her through a building and stop once again.
"Throw her in there and tie her up."
A squeaky door opens and the bag is taken off her head as she's pushed inside. A bulkier grounder comes in to look her up and down before ordering the one who captured her to take off her jacket. He rips it off her before she can protest as the taller one comes over and chains her up to cuffs extending from the ceiling. The girl finally gets a look around the cell as she takes notice of the dry blood coated on the walls. The sight causes her to grip onto the chains before she sees the knives and other devices to the corner to her right. Were they planning on torturing her?
"Let the Commander know that we captured another one. Tell her that this one is from the ship that came before." The one who brought her in tells the warriors stationed outside the room. She wished she understood what they were saying, but could only watch as they leave her with the taller one and her captor. The smaller grounder starts to move towards the knives when the taller one stops him by grabbing his arm. This makes the grounder angry so he shrugs off the taller one's hand before he grabs the first knife he lays his eye on and walks over to the girl before glancing back to the taller one. The grounder holds the knife against the girl's forearm then digs it in deep as he slices the blade across her skin without looking.
The taller one glares at the grounder cutting her when he switches sides and does the same thing again. The girl withholds each cry of pain until tears start rolling down her cheeks as he continues to cut her on each side. She bites her lip hard enough to draw blood as she struggles to lean away from the grounder which only makes him angrier. A hard fist collides with her jaw that held more strength in it than he had meant to push through. Blood starts to run out of her nose as he does it again and again. She starts to taste copper in her mouth when he moves to punch her gut three times and she lets out a cry of pain.
"Keep crying, little girl." By the way his voice sounded, she could tell he was taunting her.
"Kieran, that's enough. The Commander would have your head." The taller grounder says, grabbing the smaller one's arm again.
"No, she won't, Gustus." The smaller one says as he pays no attention to the black liquid seeping out of her veins. "She's just a weak sky girl and one of the ones who helped kill our warriors." The smaller one lifts up the girl's shirt slightly before he makes two more cuts on her abdomen. The girl doubles over in pain as more tears fall down her cheeks. The grounder is only fueled by her obvious display of weakness as he kneels down and creates two more on her left leg before digging the knife into her right thigh until there was no more blade to go in, making her scream. He takes it out but the grounder stops after he finally notices the black liquid flowing down her stomach when the girl falls down to her knees. He then looks at her arms and his eyes widen. His bloody knife falls to the ground as his surprise causes him to stop hurting the girl.
"Natblida…" The two grounders in the room mumble to themselves as they watch the girl bleed.
The cell door opening makes both the taller one and smaller snap their heads towards it as a girl who looked to be around Rory's age walks in. "What do you think you're doing, Lieutenant?" The green-eyed girl asks, not paying any attention to the dark-haired girl. As Rory examined her appearance, the red sash connected to her shoulder guard told her that she held some sort of power.
"Her blood, Commander…" The smaller one points to the girl.
She sees the black liquid and Rory could have sworn she saw the smallest sliver of surprise in her eyes, but it was gone just as quickly. "Out. I wish to speak with her alone." The girl with the red sash says, waiting as everyone scrambles out of the cell.
Once they were alone, the girl with the red sash comes closer, "What is your name?" She watches Rory move away slightly, fearful that she might torture her as well.
The chained girl was hesitant to answer, "R-Rory…" She speaks quietly.
"Are there others like you?" The girl asks, beginning to pace in front of her.
Rory furrows her brow, "Others...like me?" She asks, confused.
"Nightbloods." The girl says.
"I don't…" Rory then glances where the other girl was looking at the knife on the ground still coated in her blood and realizes what she was talking about, "No...I'm the only one." She says, casting her gaze away. The subject of her oddly-colored blood was a sore subject.
The other girl nods, not asking any more questions, before she calls the tall grounder back inside, "Take her down and put her with the other two. She is not to be harmed. Understood?" She orders him, walking towards the cell entrance.
"Yes, Commander." The tall grounder says as she walks past him out of the cell.
He walks over to the girl and ignores her attempts at moving away as she becomes frightened until he unchains her. The grounder picks her up when he sees she couldn't walk then he takes her out of the cell to another five doors down from where she had been. The girl catches sight of two faces she recognizes but no relief flows through her at seeing her faces. The grounder opens the door and carries her inside to set her down against the wall slowly. She notices that he makes no move to chain her up like the other two were. The grounder soon leaves which prompts Marcus Kane to be the first to speak up. "Aurora? Are you okay?" He becomes overly concerned about the girl when he sees the cuts and notices a bruise starting to form on her jaw.
Rory narrows her eyes at the use of her real name but fights against yelling at the man for using it as she nods slightly while trying to hide her pain, "Just a few scratches." They both look at her like she was crazy after seeing the deep cuts all across her body, "Okay fine, I feel like shit. Fuck, Murphy wasn't kidding about how cruel they are."
"Maybe peace isn't an option if they're torturing our people, Marcus." Jaha says as he starts to break a stick he picked up off the ground.
Marcus shakes his head, "No. I still have to believe that we can live in peace." He says to Jaha.
Rory lets out a small laugh at the sound of his words. "You sound like Clarke and Finn, Kane." The seventeen-year-old girl cradles her stomach in pain when she tries to get more comfortable. Whatever Marcus had to say was cut short when the cell door opens again. Marcus stands abruptly as the grounder that carried her in walks inside with a few other warriors. Rory notices that he was wearing the red sash that the girl was which causes her to furrow her brow. The warriors all glance at Rory with the same look of curiosity before the taller grounder orders them to go over to Jaha. They start picking him up before punching him and Marcus tells them to stop but they don't listen.
"We came in peace." Marcus states as he looks over to the warriors still beating Jaha before turning back to the main grounder, "We came in peace! Please!" He says more sternly.
Rory watches as they stop and hold Jaha up as the grounder looks over at a girl behind him that the dark-haired girl immediately recognized, "You speak of peace while you send an assassin into one of my villages." The tall grounder says.
"What are you talking about?" Marcus asks, confused as he steps forward.
The grounder ignores his question as his eyes glance between him and Rory. "Blood must have blood." He looks to Jaha before taking out his knife and pointing it towards the two men. "One of you will die. Here. Today. By the others hand. I will hear the terms of your surrender from the man who lives." He drops the knife onto the floor before turning to the girl who had just entered the cell.
"Fetch us when it's done." He moves to leave.
Marcus steps forward again but is stopped by the chain around his ankle. "And what about her?" He motions over to Rory who had been wondering the same. "Does she have to be a part of this? She's just a kid." He says, hoping that the grounder would see reason.
The grounder looks over his shoulder to see who Marcus was speaking of and shakes his head immediately. "She is a Natblida. No one will touch her. And no harm will come to her. Not even from either of you, or we would have your head." He glances over at the girl that came in who nods silently.
"What do you mean?" Marcus asks, wondering what the word meant.
However, the grounder ignores him as he leaves which makes both Marcus and Jaha glance down at the blade before looking at each other. Rory moves her attention to the other girl in the room when she pretends to limp over to her with a bowl in hand. Rory went to stop her, to tell the girl that she didn't have to but the girl dips a cloth into the water before reaching up to clean Rory's wounds. The green-eyed girl focuses on cleaning her deepest wound, the one on her right thigh, and wraps a tight bandage around it. Rory felt uneasy that the girl who stopped her torture was there with them, but she doesn't speak up about it as the green-eyed girl stares at her as if daring her to actually say something.
As she lets the girl tend to her wounds, Marcus and Jaha sit back down in defeat, "Why did they call you that, Aurora?" Jaha asks.
"Don't ask me." Rory shrugs, just as confused as the other two, "And don't call me that." She blurts out with a glare she sends to the Chancellor and glances away from Jaha when he goes to apologize. They leave it be after that and Rory calms down enough to find her thoughts going back to what they called her. Just what did Natblida mean? She felt like asking the girl cleaning her wounds, but she also had a feeling that she'd get no answer in return. Marcus starts to rub at his ankle again while he tries to get the cuff off and only succeeds in drawing more blood from his tender skin. Rory watches him struggle until the girl was done as she limps back over to the wall across from her.
Marcus and Jaha both suddenly look back at the knife, "They want us to turn on each other." Jaha says to Marcus.
"They want justice." The girl finally speaks up.
Marcus grows angry, "Lives have been lost on both sides." The girl looks at him, almost ready to attack if need be, "That's why we need to end. This. War!" He takes off his jacket and throws it towards the cell door, making the girl flinch.
Rory notices which makes her glare at the man. "Hey, dial it down a notch?" She suggests to Marcus before nodding over to the other girl as she becomes uneasy after he was done. Even if she had been faking it, she could see his outburst certainly surprised her.
Marcus sighs before grabbing his boot to put it back on, sliding the cuff up his leg while Jaha gets up to walk over to the girl, "What's your name?" Jaha asks as he squats down next to her.
She doesn't reply right away and then looks at him from the corner of her eye, "Lexa." The girl says.
"Lexa." Jaha repeats and he watches her for a moment, "I'm Thelonious." He then turns to point at Marcus and Rory, "And this is Marcus and Rory." Rory was glad he didn't say her real name again but she doesn't show it as she starts absentmindedly playing with her necklace, "Your Commander spoke of an assassin in..in a village?"
"Yes." Lexa spoke softly while Jaha narrows his eyes, "Eighteen of our people were murdered. Elders. Children." Her words make Jaha furrow his brows and look at Marcus.
Marcus sits forward and faces her, "We had nothing to do with that." He says.
"It doesn't matter. The Commander thinks you did." Lexa looks at Jaha, "One of you must pick up the knife." She pauses, "That is our way."
"And if we refuse?" Jaha asks.
Lexa looks at him, "Then the Commander will use it to slit both of your throats." She says.
Marcus glances over to Rory, "And why not her? Why did your Commander call her a...um.." He struggles to say the word.
"Natblida." Lexa finishes for him.
"Yes. What does that mean?" Marcus asks.
Lexa doesn't reply, not wanting to tell them one of the secrets of their culture. Rory sighs and hits her head against the wall softly while wishing that these grounders weren't so stubborn. She stares at the ceiling in thought as she wonders if the others were all right. She was worried about Raven the most since the older girl was practically her sister but also because of the state that the mechanic was in from being shot. A cold breeze passes through the cell that makes her shiver and Marcus is the first to notice. He gets up, grabbing his jacket before putting it over her.
She mumbles her thanks as he sits back down and looks over at the knife, "This has gone on long enough. There has to be another way to resolve this." Jaha says when he moves from leaning against the wall and stands next to Marcus, "Something we haven't thought of yet."
"There isn't." Lexa states, making Jaha look over at her.
"She's right. They're not budging." Marcus says.
Jaha leans down to whisper, "We can offer a trade. These people are primitive. I've seen how they live. Our technology, our medicine. All we'd ask for in return is peace." He suggests, hoping the man before him would agree.
Marcus looks at him, "If we truly want peace...they told us how to get it." He says.
"Through murder?" Jaha says, nodding over to the knife.
"Through sacrifice…" Marcus whispers.
Marcus stands and walks over to the knife, leaning down to pick it up as he stares at it, "Marcus. What are you doing?" Jaha asks.
"If we don't make a choice...then we'll both die." Marcus looks over to Lexa, "And the killing won't end." He holds the knife in front of him before standing up and turning to Jaha, "There's only one way out of this." Jaha stands up as Marcus walks towards him before holding the hilt end of the knife out to him, "You have to kill me."
Rory stares at Marcus for a few seconds before looking at the knife, "You're going to sacrifice yourself?" Her question causes him to glance over to her.
He nods and looks back at Jaha, "You have to do this. It's our only choice." He urges him to take the knife.
However, the man shakes his head instead, "Kane, no." Jaha says.
"They respect strength. Let's show them ours." Marcus states, still trying to get Jaha to take it.
"I said, no." Jaha then lets out a sigh, "You did not order the massacre."
Marcus lets out a laugh, "Not that one." He says, referring to the ones they killed off before the flares were sent to signal that the 100 were still alive.
"Marcus, you don't need redemption. The choice we made on the Ark was about survival. We did what we had to so that the human race could survive." Jaha tries to make him see reason.
"The human race was already surviving." Marcus says.
"Then we did it for our people." Jaha says.
"Yes, and now we must do this." Jaha only shakes his head at Marcus's words, "It's the only way." Marcus says.
"Not gonna happen." Jaha continues to stand his ground.
"You're a good man, Thelonious." Marcus steps back, "I won't let you die for me." He proceeds to slit his wrist.
"Marcus, no!" Both Jaha and Rory move to Marcus as he falls and lets go of the knife while Jaha tells Rory to keep pressure on the wound before he looks at Lexa, "Help us, please." She doesn't move, "Please." Lexa looks over at Rory who pleads with her eyes before Lexa grabs one of the bandages.
"Come on, please." Jaha asks as Lexa limps over to them and hands him the bandage, "Thank you." He takes it and Rory removes her hand so he could start wrapping Marcus's wrist, "I told you, we didn't come all this way to die." Jaha says to Marcus before he looks up at Lexa, grabs the knife, and seizes her as he holds the blade to her neck.
"Thelonious, no." Marcus says while Rory stands up.
"Jaha, stop. You don't know what you're doing." Rory limps over to him, the wounds on her legs reopening with every movement as she winces.
"I choose to live!" He yells at Rory and Marcus.
The guard hurries to open the door and the grounder from before comes running in, "Take off these chains." Jaha orders them while Marcus stands up.
"Thelonious, please. She's just an innocent girl." He tries to get Jaha to let her go while Rory stands off to the side, glancing between the grounder and Lexa.
"He made his choice." Lexa speaks up in the grounder language, "This one's mine." Rory didn't like the sound of her tone and she finds out why when Lexa hits Jaha's face, making him lean over before she grabs his arm to pin him down as she disarms him. She holds the knife to his throat while he looks at her with a newfound fear.
"Okay." Jaha nods and holds his hand up in surrender.
Lexa looks over to Marcus before getting up off of Jaha and taking the headband out of her hair, "I've heard what I needed to hear." She tells the three grounders standing by the door.
"Yes, Commander." They bow to her as she throws the headband into the corner and turns to face Marcus and Jaha.
Marcus stares at her as the grounder and another take the knife while they put the red sash on her from before, "You're the Commander?" He asks as she buckles the sash.
Lexa stalks forward, "I have learned much about you. It's clear your intentions are honorable. Your desire for peace is true." Marcus nods in agreement, "Free him." She orders as a warrior comes to them with keys in hand, "Later we will talk. In the meantime, your friend will be used to send a message."
"No." Marcus says as the grounder that frees him holds a knife at his throat while two more enter, "No, stop." They start to beat Jaha again, "Stop! Stop, please!"
Rory steps forward then and pushes the two warriors away from Jaha, "Stop! He had no intention of harming your Commander! He wants peace just as much as Kane." The warriors glance over at Lexa who nods.
The warriors then grab Jaha, hoisting him up while the warrior that held onto Marcus lets him go and the other two watch as Jaha is dragged out of the cell, "The massacre must be answered. Blood must have blood." Lexa says as Marcus continues to watch Jaha go.
Lexa turns to the grounder from before and the guard standing next to him, "The Sky Nightblood rides with us. Let the army know we march to the Sky People's camp." She orders the two, leaving with the guard while the taller one nods and bows to her.
Rory tries to move away as the grounder comes to her, "Wait, no-" Marcus speaks up and tries to stop him, but the grounder simply shrugs him off.
The grounder grabs her arm and drags her towards the cell door, "Kane!" She yells and struggles against the grounder's grip until they arrive outside.
Several warriors were packing up around the village and shouting at each other in their language. Rory only stops struggling as the grounder makes her stand in front of a large tent. They wait for a while with the grounder holding her at attention as she glances around at the warriors running about in a hurry until the tent flap opens. A dark-skinned female warrior walks out with a glare and she looks Rory up and down before sneering. The warrior walks away to start saddling up her horse awaiting her nearby. The tent flap opens once more as Lexa walks out, this time she wore clothing that made her look more like the title of a Commander. Rory also notices the face paint and growing uneasy again under the Commander's gaze when she approaches her and the other grounder.
"She rides with you." Lexa tells the grounder who nods as she turns her attention to Rory, "You will ride with Gustus while we march to the rest of your people." The Commander leaves then as a warrior brings her horse to her.
Rory doesn't say a word even as Gustus brings her over to his horse and helps her up, getting on after her.
Not even as the army then leaves the village.
The warriors that took Jaha leave him on the outskirts of the Sky People's camp and watch Jaha scramble up the hillside before they disappear, "Help!" He yells, but there was no answer, "Help me!" He tries again as he hears talking above and two guards from the Ark rush over to him with their weapons drawn.
"Show us your hands." The guard orders as Jaha stands up.
He faces the people, showing his hands and walks by the guard, "Stand down." He says, pushing the weapon away.
He walks over to Abby and Clarke, "Thelonious?" Abby asks in disbelief as he walks slightly past her and falls to his knees while looking at the Ark.
"I have a message...from the Commander." He pauses to catch his breath while Clarke glances at him, "Leave...or die." Jaha closes his eyes as he continues to breathe heavily, "We have two days. And Clarke..." Abby and Clarke exchange a look before the blonde leans down next to him as he opens his eyes and grabs her arm, "They have Rory."
Clarke immediately stands up and looks at her mom.
What did they want with Rory?
A/N: Let me know what you think!
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