Chapter 5

The month passed without indecent thankfully and summer had just started. My days consisted of work for Arthur and training with Leon. When I wasn't there I was learning skills from Gaius or gathering herbs like I was this morning. It was relaxing way to spend my morning off. I would hunt well I was out and which Gaius appreciated since that mean less money spent on meat in the market.

"WATCH OUT!" I heard suddenly I turned but before I could see I was knocked to the ground and tumbled down a hill into a stream. Of course I landed on my old bow and snapping it. I looked at the man that knocked me down ready to yell at him until I saw the beast.

Above us was a larger flying creature. It had wings, feet, and head of and eagle. The body and legs were that of a lion. It was not normal creature and it didn't look happy.

The man jumped up and swung a sword at the creature. The blade hit the beast but no damage was visible. All it did was scare the beast away. So I got up and brushed the mud off my bag with my herbs and rabbits.

"Thanks," I said but he didn't respond. Instead he fell forward and I only just caught him in time before he was face first in the stream. Now sitting in the stream myself I could see his back. He must have been clawed by the beast when he knocked me down. "Well guess its off to Gaius then,"

The man was to heavy for me really to carry alone. We weren't to far from Camelot but without help was going to take me time. I quickly fashioned a litter out two branches, my coat, and my broken bow. With that done I placed him on his stomach and started to drag him back to the city. The litter broke but thankfully I was near the gates.

"What happened?" Leon asked as he came to me.

"I was gathering herbs when he stopped me from getting attacked by this strange beast," I said as he grabbed the man and we were off to the physicians quarters. Thankfully Gaius was in and started to treat him well I cleaned up a bit before I would have to go to the king.

During the bath I realized that I had gotten cut as well. I wasn't sure if it was from the beast or when it happened but I cleaned it out and bandaged it. Leon then came in and said he had gotten me an audience with the king. Once there I repeated the indecent in detail to him and Arthur.

"Are you sure you can't identify the creature?" Uther asked/demanded.

"No sire," I said "I have been in the woods a large chunk on my life. This is not something I have seen before. I will be looking threw books once I return my quarters sire,"

"Very good then," he said "Arthur we ride out after you test the new candidates for the village that was attacked. This creature may have something to do with it,"

"Yes father," he said as Uther left. I took that as my que to leave. I was headed back when Arthur caught up with me.

"Why does it seem its always you?" he asked

"I don't pick it you prat," I said "It was my day off from you and relax well hunting and collecting herbs."

"How is the arm?" he asked genuinely.

"Good," I said rubbing the bandage. "I didn't even notice until I cleaned up and it was done bleeding. Bandaged it just to keep it clean well I am working."

"I will see you on my return, and I expect more horses groomed at least," he said

"Today is my day off," I said "and I got research to do,"

He then shrugged and was off. I then was off to my own work in my chambers. With all the books that were in the main chamber you think between the two of us we could have found the beast. It had been something quiet unique and you would think would be easy to find but wasn't any where to be found.

I didn't think we were going to find it at all. At some point between the search and looking after the man still unconscious in my bed I had fallen asleep at the table. I was woken by a book, and a rather large one at that, falling in front of me. Rubbing my eyes I looked at the drawing laid out in front of me.

"That's it!" I said

"It is called a Griffin and it means we have a bigger problem," he was going to continue but our guest woke and was standing at the door.

"Where am I?" he asked. I went to help him down the steps and to a chair well Gaius answered.

"In Camelot," he said getting new bandages. "My ward here brought you in after you were injured."

"Thank you my lady," he said turning to me

"I am not a lady," I said "My name is Merlyn and I am a servant here in the castle,"

"Lancelot," he said as Gaius finished the bandages. "So this is Camelot,"

"Yes my boy," Gaius said "My name is Gaius and I am the Court Physician. Your wounds are healing nicely. In a few days you should be up ready to head where ever you were going,"

"I was coming here," he said.

"Oh," Gaius said as I went to get some porridge. "Work or pleasure?"

"Work I guess," he said nodding in thanks as I handed him the bowl. "I came to Camelot to become a knight,"

"Well that will be difficult," all of us then looked to the door to see Arthur. "My father wanted to know how your search was coming,"

"We found it Sire," Gaius said.

"What do you mean it will be difficult," I said "I am sure Lancelot here can pass that test you give recruits. I have seen the lot the lords have been sending."

"True I have only passed 1 in the last 3 test groups but the first rule of Camelot," he said but I was confused so he continued. "To be a Knight of Camelot you have to be of noble birth and I can guess your new friend here is not,"

"No," Lancelot said.

"But from what Merlyn has said you saved her from the beast," he said "if you can meet the standards for guard or soldier I can see getting you work. If not I can find you work. Now that you are awake though it might as well attend the meeting. Merlyn after I have another group to test and will need your assistance with. Throne room in 10 minutes,"

"Yes Sire," Gaius said before pushing porridge into my hands to eat.

"So who was that?"

"That was Prince Arthur," I said eating the food.

"The Prince of Camelot," Lancelot said stunned and I nodded with my mouth full. "Why would you be needed to help test?"

"If they don't get past me and/or Sir Leon then they don't fight Arthur," I said.

"Your a knight? I wasn't aware they had female knights in Camelot,"

"They don't," I said finishing throwing a clean shirt we kept spare for patients. "I am Arthur's personal servant. I showed some skill and have been training to fight differently then knights. Arthur thought it would be a good pre test for them,"

"Thankfully no Lord or the King has seen it," Gaius said "I don't believe Uther would approve of you learning to fight."

"He would have it that I couldn't read either but to bad for him," I said as we left. Lancelot was surprisingly able to walk on his own to the Throne room. We were informed that the beast that had attacked me had attacked a sizable village about 2 league away and only a league from where it attacked me. We gave Uther the news that the beast was in fact a griffin.

"Well we know it so it should be easy to kill it," he said "The path shows it should start attacking Camelot,"

"Griffins are creatures of magic Sire," Gaius said "They only way to kill such a beast is with the use of magic."

"Preposterous," Uther said "It is a creature of flesh and blood. Dragons were creatures of magic as well but we killed them with mortal weapons,"

"Griffins are….," Gaius tried to tell him more but was ignored. Instead Uther ordered Arthur to ready the Knights and get the new ones tested. With that Uther was gone and I followed followed Arthur.

We had 7 prospects today and none very good. 3 down right refused to fight me saying I wasn't a Knight and I was a women so I wasn't worth of their time. As it was determined by lots who the would fight they all ended up with me and all ended up on the ground with daggers to there throats. One made it to Arthur threw Leon to be tested another day. There was 2 from the other day that were going against Arthur today and neither made the cut.

"Damn these men," he said as I took his sword.

"If they get past Leon why don't they pass?" I asked "He is the head Knight,"

"Because it is up to me to say exactly who is to be a knight," he said "I have been tasked with testing the last year."

"They really aren't that good," we turned to see Lancelot. "Sorry to interrupt Sire but Gaius let me out for a bit and I thought I would watch. You fight very welly Merlyn,"

"Thank you," I said as I started dismantling his armor.

"And it is fine Lancelot," Arthur said "and you are right they are not but with a total of 50 high noble families in Camelots boarders and another 135 low noble ones all with sons they think they deserve a knighthood. For the minor families being a knight means a chance to move their family up with the more sons knighted."

"Don't forget we have nobles from other kingdoms as well come," I said taking off the last bit of armor.

"So what happen to the men that fail?" Lancelot asked as we started to walk.

"Some return to their families lands and others return to being squires to knights until they are allowed to retest," Arthur said. "What worries me is none who have fought Merlyn have made it past her,"

"And I still can't beat Leon," I said "The problem is they underestimate me because I am a women and they don't adapt to fight other styles other then a knights. Will Aldwin and the earlier man be Knighted today?"

"Tomorrow as none passed today," he said "It cannot wait as the beast will be here soon."

He walked off after that. It was hard on him more then I expected. When I asked Gaius I got a simple answer. Arthur didn't like the thought have having his men dying. It was something that was yet to happen to him. He had never had a man die in battle under his command and he dreaded that day.

To me it seemed strange to think that Arthur could be sensitive to things like that. On the outside he was the rough tough save the damsel type. Inside though the reason he was saving the damsel was not because of pride but because she deserved to live. If it came to it as of now I think he would even let a magic user go if they didn't try and harm him or someone he cared for. Behind closed doors he was different to what he showed the public.

After finishing my duties I was off to show Lancelot the town. Of course we ran into Gwen in the market who was overjoyed to see me. Lancelot seemed to have taken to her immediately and by the blush on her cheeks she didn't mind. She even walked with us as we brought Lancelot to the Raising Sun Inn since he was staying awhile it was better that I had my own room. The chamber was also no where near big enough for two let alone an unrelated male to make three.

"Hey Merlyn could we talk," Gwen asked and after saying night to Lancelot it was off with Gwen. She seemed off but then again she had been off since her father got sick. We were silent until we made it to her home.

Her father must have been working late tonight as he wasn't home. It was a lovely but small home. Her father had a room on the on the ground level where she had a loft above. It was likely her father had it done for her and her brother to give them their space away from their parent. Now though it was only her so she kept her cloths up there and out of the way of her fathers blacksmith equipment.

"What is wrong?" I asked as we went up her stairs. "Did something happen?"

"I wanted to thank you," she said sitting on her bed.


"What happen with the sickness a few months ago," she said "I didn't get a chance to talk to you about it and then you got poisoned and after busy the last month with the Knights. I also didn't know what to do at first honestly,"

"Is this cause the thing in the throne room?" I said "I honestly thought it was for the best and I knew you didn't use magic."

"I saw," she said finally looking at me "I saw you as you left. I woke to your voice and then saw you as you left,"

"You…," was all I could get out. Gwen knew about my magic and I was sent into a panic. My breath became fast and I started to back up but she grabbed my wrists and pulled me to sit.

"Its ok," she said "I am not going to tell,"


"I know magic is not evil like Uther says," she said before going over to a drawer and grabbing a crystal pendent. The stone looked to me like quarts. Wire was wrapped around the stone and a leather cord to secure it on oneself. I also saw a small metal charm that hung off with a symbol that looked like old runic, one of a few magic languages. One thing I could sense from the stone was magical energy. "This was my mothers. She escaped the purge because no one but my father and she couldn't do much magic,"

"You mom studied magic?"

"No she was born with the ability to use crystal stored energy," she said "depending on what the crystal was depended on what the energy could do. She herself wasn't able to make her own usable energy."

"Wow," I was shocked. "Can you?"

"No," she said "I can't even sense anything magic. I wanted to tell you though since it would make you be comfortable. I also know you are a good person and your not here to harm anyone. You drinking that poison was proof of that,"

"Thank you," I said giving her a hug. "You don't know how nice it is to have someone other then Gaius."

Then on we talked and she asked questions about my magic. She was shocked to hear I was able to move things before I could even remember. In return she told me more about her mother and what her father had told her. It was an ability I had never heard of obviously but it was so interesting. Eventually I had to leave though but it was getting late and I had to be up early to prepare for the knighting ceremony.

~Next Day~

I was up with the sun to start my prep. First was getting his ceremonial sword polished along with his armor. Then it was off to deliver Arthur's meal and do my chores before helping set up for the ceremony. There was a lot of hustle and bustle around for the event.

Knighting happened roughly every 3 months if candidates came forward. Just before my arrival there had been one. Now the soon to be Sir Aldwin and Robert, who passed before I started helping, would be knighted with all the fanfare that came with it. After there would be a large party celebrating the men.

I changed into my red tabbard before heading back to the castle. Many of the servants had loved my new garb for official events. A few of the men had even started placing orders for themselves. The women on the other hand were by far more conservative then myself. There were many whispers among the staff that they weren't aware I knew of. Even some of the Ladies of Court indulged in the rumors some even starting them.

One particular rumor was outlandish. Gwen had heard it and quickly enlightened the person. It was said that the events with Lady Helena was staged so I could be close to Arthur and I was his consort. They said Arthur had found me in a tavern in Ealdor, which we didn't have, and fell for me but as I wasn't a lady of court I couldn't be his consort so he staged it so I became his servant and it not look out of place to spend our time together.

Gwen put it down that they were jealous of my looks as it turned out the women who started this was Lady Esobel Dye. She was a nasty looking women who was a countess which meant she was pretty high in the line of nobility and belonged to one of the lower end of high noble families. The high nobles made up the titles of Dukes or Duchess, Marquess or Marchioness, and Count or Countess. These families all had land they governed under Uthers laws and with his finale say. The low nobles had smaller sections and answered to the higher nobles. They were the Barons or Baroness which made up most of the nobility.

With Lady Esobel she was trying to work her way up. At 20 she had yet to be wed and if she wed lower she would lose the title of Countess. Her goal was Arthur and she saw me as a wall between her and him and spreading the rumors that I was his a glorified whore she thought I could get removed from court. She was really hurting her own chances honestly and there was no way Uther was marrying of Arthur to anything lower then a Duchess.

"The Lady Esobel is at it again I see," I said as I walked over to Gwen grabbing a serving tray as the gathering started. "She really thinks Arthur would go for her?"

"All the higher nobles want their daughters to be the next Queen," she said as we started making our rounds with the wine and small foods.

"Who do you think has a chance?" I asked. I was still naive as of the who was who of court.

"Well of Camelot Ladies I would have to say either Lady Amabel and Lady Damiana. Both are Duchesses from they the top families. As you know there are ten permanent families on the council and they belong to two." She said "They are also the closest in age to Arthur being 17 and 15 summers. More then likely it will be someone outside of Camelot. There are a few Kings that have daughter not set to inherent the throne and even if so they are willing to combine the kingdoms. I hear King Godwyn of Gawant is looking to marry his daughter to Arthur as his kingdom is small and he is good friends with Uther."

"Starting to feel bad for Arthur," I said looking at him from across the room. "He is a pawn in his fathers game,"

"Yes well it is a game that he will one day control," she said. She was going to continue but we were interrupted but the head servant Trevor. He was Uthers personal manservant and as such controlled the other servants. Though as Gwen served the House of La Fay as Morgana's maidservant she was not under his command. I on the other hand fell in a gray area as I was Arthur's personal servant and in turn would be the head of his household of servants; but as Arthur was a member of the House of Pendragon I would fall under Trevor but only just. Uther though had made it clear before the poisoning that I was the start of Arthur's house and therefore Arthur had final say in my orders. Trevor though could give me orders unlike Gwen as Arthur did not have full control over his line of servants quite yet.

"What have I told you of that ghastly tabbard," Trevor said. "It is not proper for a women to wear such a thing,"

"Prince Arthur has agreed to have this as his house uniform," I stated "My duties require me to do many things a dress would not function well doing. You have brought this to King Uther I presume and he must have told you it was up to the prince to define my attire,"

"Follow now," he said and I rolled my eyes but did so handing my tray to Gwen who was worried. Trevor was a temperamental man and was known to be unpleasant with some of the servants. Once we were alone he started in. He pushed me back into the wall before he started "I don't care what the Prince wants his whore to dress in,"

"Whore," I said but I was ignored.

"I don't care what kinda of dress he places you in so he can have his own eye candy at functions," he said shoving his bony finger into my shoulder "but I will not have a women in trousers and bare armed at function. It may work when he takes you along hunting or patrol so his men can do what they want but not here. You should be showing the Lords and Ladies that the House of Pendragon servants are of the highest standard.

"It is bad enough the King took some bastard child as his sons servant." He stated "But to have a women as his sons head servant. I pray that the Prince smartens up when the time comes for him to be King he drops you with this rebel phase. I have been head servant for near twenty years and have never seen a more disrespectful servant or women in my life. You never follow protocol and you act as if you are near his equal. You call him a prat. You don't follow orders and have even acted out in front of honored guest almost causing war. You think you have to learn to fight as a man when you are clearly not a man.

"You girl need to start acting like a Lady," he continued getting in my face once more. "I know the King has said if you do your job he will see to it that you get the courtier title which will grant you a noble title and I see for you beauty but you will embarrass this kingdom. You are girl not some squire to a knight. You should be showing the King you deserve this title by acting the way a girl should. What did I expect from as you are just a good for nothing bastard born of a whore...

"Listen here," I said pushing him back. "I may be a peasant and a bastard but you do not call my mother a whore. My mother was never a whore,"

"She bore you out of wedlock did she not," he said smugly and I did not answer. In the eyes of the courts of Albion my father never wed my mother. She did say the did a hand fasting in his cultures tradition and Gaius confirmed but never were they wed officially. "That makes you a bastard. She likely slept with some traveler who said he loved her to get in her draws. It was likely a way to keep food on the table after you were born. Sleeping with travelers for a few coin just to feed her bastard child that she likely couldn't rid of..."

That was it I had enough of him. I clenched my fist intent to hit the man as soon as he looked at me from turning in his speech. My wrist was grabbed though and when I looked up I saw Lancelot.

"I think you should run off," he said to Trevor.

"Who are you?" he asked

"I was running an errand for Gaius," he said "I don't appreciate though what you were calling Merlyn here or saying about her family. I don't think Gaius would approve either as this is his niece and sister you were speaking of,"

"His sister?"

"Yes Gaius, though much older, is my mothers brother," I said

"Now I think it would be best if this argument ended," Lancelot said.

"Fine," Trevor said brushing off his tunic and fixing his hair. I hadn't noticed until now but he had gotten quite riled up and I was lucky that Lancelot came. The one time I had seen him like this he had smacked a serving boy. Once wrong word and I would have been on the receiving end of a hit. "You are dismissed for the night,"

"I have to….,"

"I will have someone tend to Arthur," he said before leaving me and Lancelot.

"Thank you," I said to Lancelot.

"Your welcome," he said "I was sent by Gaius to get you and Gwen told me you were pulled aside. That man is not pleasant,"

"He is threatened by me," I said as I started walking. "He has been head servant for twenty years and assumed he would then be Arthur's. Head servants of a household know every secret of their masters and control the rest of they servants."

"But if you become a courtier that changes things?"

"Yes and no," I said "As a personal courtier, which is what Uther claims I will be when he decides, is in control of the house much like a wife of the master. Even if they have a wife the courtiers still have more control of the house then a servant. They would even have to serve me as then I become a Lady of the Court."

"And that is why you came to Camelot?"

"Not even close," I said "I got the servant job for saving Arthur. Uther spoke to me the next day and said that if I became a confidant for Arthur he would reward me again with becoming a courtier to Arthur."

"Wow," he said

"What is it that Gaius needed?" I asked.

"Oh he wanted to talk with you about the Griffin," he said and we were off. Gaius had found the spell and wanted me to study it. Arthur and the men were to set out tomorrow to find and kill the beast. So my night was devoted to studying the spell. I could only hope that I would be strong enough.

~Next Night~

"I am coming with you," I said as I got Arthur on to his horse. A group of men prepared to ride knowing very well that they may not return. Wives and lovers bid farewell to the men they loved cloaked in Pendragon red.

"This is not the same as fighting the Afanc," Arthur said.

"You said I was there to patch your sorry butt up so let me come,"

"Stay here so you can do that when I return," he said before leading his men out of the city. I went back to my chambers. I backed a bag with bandages before heading to the stables. There a familiar face was waiting for me.


"Your prince left you behind," he said pulling out Willow and another horse "He is a good man but I think he needs your help more then he realizes,"

"And your coming with me?" I said getting on Willow. "How did you even get the stable boy to let you have a horse let alone two,"

"Some one has to guard you," he said getting one his own stead. "As for these beast I bought him and the stable boy said you used Willow. They think we are just going to get some late night herbs,"

"Then lets go," I said and we were off. Hours later we would return with the knights. They had all been unconscious or close to it when we arrived. I also stayed far enough back not to be heard as Lancelot threw the lance I enchanted. Now though we sat and waited outside the throne room.

Arthur was under the impression that Lancelot had killed the griffin. It was not a total lie as I could not throw a lance to save my life. Due to this heroic feat Arthur was trying to make Lancelot a knight. So far from what we could hear threw the thick oak doors it was neither here nor there.

"It should be you," Lancelot said looking at the floor.

"Don't know what your talking about." I said "All I did was patch those injured up,"

"Merlyn I heard you," he said looking at me. He obviously saw my fear and continued. "I have nothing against that skill but you should be getting the reward not me. With out you the beast would still be attacking."

"and I could not have thrown the lance." I said "At least this way one of us gets the credit. You deserve to be a knight. I have seen you practicing and your good. This way you get a chance,"

As I finished the doors swung open and we stood up as fast as we could. Arthur walked out with a smile and Uther had a scowl. I knew then Arthur had made a favorable deal. Many though he was dense but he was pretty could making deals.

"Surname," Uther said passively to Lancelot.

"du Lac sire," he answered.

"Well then Lancelot du Lac from now until I see fit you will be Arthur's squire," he said and I could not help but smile. "If you perform your duties well and meet Arthur's requirements then I will grant you knighthood,"

"Thank you sire," Lancelot said and Uther left. Once out of view Lancelot picked me up in excitement. Arthur laughed at the site before butting in.

"Seems I will be able to see what you got," he said as Lancelot put me down.

"Thank you sire,"

"You might rethink that," he said "my training is hell and I will expect the best."

"I know sire,"

"Good then I expect you bright and early for training," he said as he started to walk away. With that done it was off to make plans for Lancelots new duties.

Woot another chapter for this story. Reason it took so long was I could not decide what to do with Lancelot. So for now he is a squire so he can appear as much as I want. I saw no way around Lancelot knowing of her skills here but I wanted Gwen to know. Gwen is her best friend here so I figured it was right that she would know. Also wanted this done last night as part of my birthday present for y'all. Sadly did not feel to hot last night so did not get what I wanted done. Still though two updates in as many days it has been a long while since I had done that.

So tell me how you are liking it and tell me which episodes you would like to see. There are some I plan to skip but if people like them I am willing to do them. I just don't want this to be a rewrite of every episode.