Disclaimer: If I owned any of these characters, I wouldn't be writing about them at a fanfiction site. Got it? Yeah.

A/N: This story will be set in the future, we're talking sophomore year of high school. It's going to bounce from different people's perspectives just to make it interesting. A majority of the story will be told anonymously and it'll change to Lizzie or Gordo's point of view sometimes. Enjoy!

Chapter One:

It was any regular day for Lizzie McGuire. She walked into Hilridge High School with her two best friends, Miranda and Gordo, in tact. They reached her locker and she began to gather up her things for first period, while Gordo and Miranda argued about Rhode Isand.

"But, it's Rhode Island! It's neither a road nor and island! It doesn't make sense." Miranda whined.

"It's 'rhode' spelled r-h-o-d-e, not r-o-a-d. It's different! I mean, sure the island part doesn't make sense, but the Rhode part doesn't even have relevance!" Gordo retorted.

"Then what does 'rhode' mean?" she asked.

"I don't know. I can't know everything. It probably has something to do with Puritans and the day of yore or something."

Lizzie laughed at their argument. It was so typical for them to argue about something that made no sense. She was almost convinced that they enjoyed having their stupid little arguments.

"Hey, McGuire, what's so funny?" Gordo questioned.

"You and Miranda. It's like you guys like to argue!" She replied

"Hey, it's what we do. I mean, it would be like the sun didn't rise if Gordo and I didn't have our stupid arguments everyday." Miranda said, and then laughed with Lizzie.

"Hey losers!" Rang through the hallways as Kate paraded by with her cheerleader entourage. She flashed the trio a snobby look and continued on her flashy procession. Lizzie and Miranda shot a look back, but only after Kate had turned head.

"Ugh, what a snob. People like her don't deserve to parade around the school like that." Lizzie said with a grimace on her face.

"Totally." Miranda agreed.

"Don't let her bother you. People like Kate need to make fun of others just to make themselves feel better. Besides, who cares what other people think. As long as you've got your friends around to keep you in check." As usual, Gordo stepped in with his normal comments about how it shouldn't matter what people think of you. He thought by now that might have caught on. Just like how he that Lizzie might have caught on to the crush he'd developed for her. He thought it was pretty obvious. Miranda had caught on, but it seemed like Lizzie was oblivious to the obvious.

The bell for first period rang and the three headed off to English class. Today was the start of a new unit: poetry. The class groaned as this was announced, but this information put an idea into Gordo's head. Maybe writing a poem for Lizzie could be an affective way to express his feelings.

As the class ended and the three friends continued their journey onto science class, Lizzie began to complain about the tedious subject that is poetry.

"Ugh, why do they teach us about the feelings of a bunch of old, dead guys when it doesn't even make sense. I mean, they write in this weird form and.. ugh!"

"I think it's interesting," Gordo protested. "I might even try my own hand in writing some poetry."

"Just make sure that it makes sense so that in a hundred years from now, kids in my position will understand." She smiled. He had every intention of making his poetry specifically understandable to her. He just hoped this would work out in his favor.

A/N: Well, that's all I've got for now. This is my first time writing any kind of fiction. So, do the whole read and review deal. Some constructive criticism would be really nice. (