Author Note

I know a few people wanted to me to write Ancient Gothic, so I was wondering if they'd accept me doing a Stargate: Atlantis story as part of the Jump Chain.

Character Sheet

Body Mods

-Point Allocation (600 CP)

-Build: Average (600 CP)

-Body Type: Athlete (500 CP)

-Strength x1 (450 CP)

-Endurance x1 (400 CP)

-Speed x2 (400 CP)

-Dexterity x2 (400 CP)

-Appeal x1 (350 CP)

-Shape x1 (300 CP)

-Sense x1 (250 CP)

-Endowed x1 (200 CP)

-Metavore (100 CP)

-Ever-cleansed (0 CP)

-Flexibility x1 (0 CP)


-Point Allocation (150 CP)

-Electricity (140 CP)

-Plumbing (130 CP)

-Heat/A.C. (120 CP)

-Force Wall (100 CP)

-Shelving (100 CP)

-Terminal (90 CP)

-Robots (70 CP)

-Housing (50 CP)

-Medbay (30 CP)

-Portal (0 CP)

Companion Housing Complex

-Point Allocation (1000 CP)

-Electric (1000 CP)

-Plumbing (1000 CP)

-Heat/A.C. (1000 CP)

-Deluxe Bedroom (900 CP)

-Deluxe Bathroom (800 CP)

-Dining Hall (750 CP)

-Deluxe Kitchen (600 CP)

-Entertainment Centre (500 CP)

-Library (300 CP)

-Garden (150 CP)

-Cleaning Closet (125 CP)

-Maintenance (125 CP)

-Medical Bay (125 CP)

-Rooms with a View (100 CP)

-Phone (50 CP)

-Theme (0 CP)

The Bay

- Budget (20cp)

- Maintenance Drones (16cp)

- Fuelling Station (12cp)

- Garage (11cp)

- Machine Shop (10cp)

- Automated Machine Shop (9cp)

- Industrial Engineering Tools (6cp)

- Matter Furnace (0cp)

Space Dock Add-on

- Budget (200cp)

- Maintenance Drones (185cp)

- Fuelling Station (165cp)

- Crew (140cp)

- Cloaking Device (125cp)

- Observation Deck (120cp)

- Shields (100cp)

- Hanger Bay Doors (90cp)

- Extra Dry Dock (40cp)

- Size Increase 1 (20cp)

- Extra Docking Ports (10cp)

- Defence Turrets (0CP)

Mass Effect Jump

- Budget (1000cp)

- Race: Human (1000cp)

- Age 2d8 + 20 = 23 (1000cp)

- Eden Prime (900cp)

- Marine (800cp)

- Sentinel Tech/Biotic (800cp)

- Finesse (500cp)

- Supportive Mindset (350cp)

- Not A Stupid Grunt (50cp)

- Loadout (50cp)

- Extra Credits (0cp)

- Shepard's Flock (100cp)

- Assistant VI (0cp)

Terminator Jump

Drop-In - You wake up in your chosen location with no overlapping memories to mess with your mind.

Smash Those Metal Motherfuckers - You have received several years worth of training on how to fight. Giving you basic proficiency with the all hand-held weapons used in the 1980s to the 2000s. You won't necessarily know the entire ins and outs of the weapons, but you will know how to shoot them reliably. You also have a general idea of what kind of weapons would be needed to deal with armoured targets.

Judgement Day - You automatically know the exact date and time to Judgement Day. Outside this jump, Judgement Day counts as any mass extinction or apocalyptic event for sapient species within 100 years and how, but not why, it happens. Because the future is not written, this perk will keep track of the event to the hour. So if the 2 year away apocalyptic event turned into 2 weeks and 3 hours, you will instantly know.

Most Paranoid Delusions Are Intricate - For the normal person it's hard to find out who's actually telling the truth and who needs a straight jacket. You, however, can spot these. Whether it's through experience or a gut instinct, you will know if an apparent conspiracy theorist/nut-job is actually telling a factual or rational account. Grows in power and accuracy in relation to the threat. If they're telling the truth about the end of all mankind, you will know 100%.

Thank You, Jumper, For Your Courage Through The Dark Years - Your skills in passing on knowledge and raising people are great. You could train and raise a child to be able to fight and survive during humanities darkest hour. Whether it is one-on-one or with groups, you can give them your knowledge and courage.

Hey, Wait! You Swore! - Whenever you make a deal with someone, whether it be through a legal document or a pinky promise, they will not break it. If you make a machine that was built purely for assassination swear to not kill any human, no human casualties will accrue because of it. This doesn't give you a blanket cover. Said machine from earlier will still maim people and break ankles, but they will live. A person with an incredible amount of willpower can resist this perk. But no matter what, they will still feel really hesitant to and guilty if they do.

No Fate But What We Make - You are not bound by fate nor is anyone you work with. Your destiny is only what you make of it. No magician or time-traveller can ever force you onto a different path against your will. This extends to the point that people and things that are deemed unstoppable or even unkillable, just because they are destined to, can be killed by you permanently. Finally, it protects you from time-travellers in general. For if someone wants to kill you. They have to kill you in the present. Travelling through time to kill your mother won't work.

One Possible Future. From Your Point Of View - Time travel is anything but simple. One trip can be complicated. 5 can be downright absurd. But not for you. Not only can you tell what the date it is at any time, but you have a mind that can organize and understand the convoluted nature of multiple timelines.


And Your Motorcycle - A 1990 fatboy with black paint with red pinstripe, leather seating, leather side bags, chrome covered piping, and a chrome covered engine. This particular one is strong enough to carry a person weighing upwards of 800lbs and can keep going after falling down over 20ft and not loose any speed. It also comes with an infinite fuel supply.

Star Trek: Voyager Jump

Budget - 1000cp

Stowaway - 1000cp

Human - 1000cp

Trader: Mercantile & Diplomacy - 900cp

Adaptable - 850cp

Tapestry of Life - 700cp

Romulan Ale - 700cp

Disruptor Rifle - 500cp

Life Support Belt - 200cp

Runabout (free trader) - 200cp

Companions - 0cp


Budget - 200cp

Stowaway - 200cp

Human - 200cp

Operations: Quartermaster - 200cp

Ship Shape - (free operations) - 200cp

Cloak for Runabout - 100cp

Tractor Beam - 0cp

Tali - 200cp

Budget - 200cp

Stowaway - 200cp

Human - 150cp

Operations: Engineering - 150cp

Ship Shape - (free operations) 150cp

TR-116 Rifle - 0cp

Jump Chain Gothic 4 - Atlantis

Part 1

Cosmic Warehouse. Outside of Time and Space.

"You know this is the fourth Jump I've started, but I've never actually chosen where to go" I informed the group of women who over the years had become my companions "Mass Effect was chosen for me by that scary Jump Chan lad. Miranda chose Terminator for the perks, and Tali wanted Trek for technology. Now Seven wants Stargate: Atlantis".

Seven of Nine, the newest member of the team, gave me curious look.

"I was given the impression that I would be choosing this Jump" she said "Your offer was to aid me in obtaining perfection, in exchange for me joining your harem. Do you intend to go back on our deal".

Indeed that was what I'd offered, and Seven hadn't exactly been thrilled about returning to Trek Earth so soon after leaving the collective, as such she'd taken me up on my offer. Not that she would be gone long since time in the Trek verse we just left was frozen, but she'd have time to adjust.

Plus she could return with goddess like powers, which would prevent her from ever being locked up and studied. She been concerned that this would happen as Starfleet would want to learn about the Borg. I didn't think this would actually happen due to Starfleet being made up of sissies, but if she wanted to spend more time exploring and learning before returning to her home world then all the better for me.

As for the whole perfection thing, she seemed to think learning about Ancient technology while exploring a whole new galaxy, or maybe several would improve her as a person. I would have thought her becoming closer towards perfection would have involved improving her body as well as her mind. Then again with a body like hers perhaps she did need any.

Although thinking on it, we might be able to become more evolved like the Ancients by achieving a state close to ascension, but that was something to think about later.

"I'm picking the next Jump for sure" I told the group "It's going to be somewhere I can learn magic".

No one had anything to say about that. I did have plenty to say on the subject, but I didn't think anyone cared to listen.

"Okay let's set things up" I said.

Background: Drop In

Starting Location: Uninhabited Planet with a Stargate


ATA Gene (50 CP) (950): You seem to have a strong expression of the Ancient Technology Activation gene: enough for Ancient devices to respond to you, which would make you valuable to the Atlantis Expedition for this reason alone. After this jump, you may choose to emulate the bare minimum gene sequences that alien biometric sensors look for in "friendlies" to reactivate, though you don't gain any functionality of those genes. Whether this perk involves actual biology or fiat is up to you, but either way it still won't help if tech is locked to unique individuals rather than general groups.

ATA Gene Natural (50 CP) (900): Basically an improved version of the above perk allowing for better control of Ancient technology.

Still in There (100cp) (800) : Molecules discorporated to be recorporated someplace else? Consciousness uploaded into a digital realm? Frozen for thousands of years as a cryogenically preserved meat popsicle? Split into multiple versions via technobabble? Or just being tortured, killed and resurrected over and over again? All of these arguably involve being technically or temporarily dead, which can end a Jumper's chain. But you no longer have to worry about such thesian maritime issues. Your continuity of self endures, even if there might not be much for you to be aware of. There's no worry of going mad (not from the death part anyway) if you were disposed to such things, but this perk only goes so far; if you die by accident or by the deliberate intent to end you permanently, this perk won't activate.

It's All Kruvis To Me (Free): Whether you're in another country or another galaxy, understanding people you've never met before or reading the local signs just isn't a problem – everything you focus on seems to be spoken and even written in your language. Convenient! It doesn't even look dubbed or subbed unless you concentrate, which you can also do to toggle this perk off or on. Works both ways if you're trying to communicate with people, but doesn't help with technobabble or if you aren't paying attention.

Aurora-Class Battleship (800 CP) (0): While it is built with the timeless aesthetics of all Ancient craft, this vessel is a little short on personal luxuries; it is a Lantean warship, over three kilometers long and used in the war against the Wraith. This ship has a galactic-class hyperdrive and amazing sublight engine performance, able to be modified to push nearly c. Comes with a ZPM, excellent shields, batteries of pulse weapons and a full complement of drone missiles for armament; more than a match in a fight for any one of the other starships listed here except a fully-supplied City Ship. Its hangars are small, but twenty puddle jumpers can be found therein. Enough to evacuate the whole crew, assuming there is anywhere to go.

"Okay let's give everything another look over, and then everyone over than me get into stasis for the Jump" I ordered.

Hopefully I was going to have some fun with this Jump, and after years spent on Voyager I sure as heck needed it.

(Line Break)

Unknown Planet. Pegasus Galaxy.

Cameron and I appeared on an Earth like planet, that was somewhere within the Pegasus galaxy, a mere moment after starting the Jump. Unsurprisingly, at least for me, we found ourselves in a wooded area that could have been a wilderness in North American, the only odd thing about this place was the huge Ancient made Aurora-class battleship which could be seen poking above the tree line.

The Aurora-class battleship was one of a series of Lantean battleships used during the Lanteans' war with the Wraith. They were among the most advanced class of warships ever created, at least in this universe. This ship was more than a match for any vessel native to this galaxy aside from a fully functional city-ship, or maybe a ZPM powered Hive Ship.

Upon inspection it was clear that the vessel was long and slender, being far longer than it was wide. The craft possessed a light brown hull with accents of dark brown outlining sections at the front and rear of the ships. Not my first choice for a paint scheme, but it would do.

While at a distance the Aurora-class appeared rather sleek and symmetrical, the hull of the ship was somewhat chunky being lined with arrays of weapons turrets, armour plates, viewing ports, as well as other things I couldn't identify. At least not yet.

"How do we get inside?" Cameron wondered.

That was a good question, and I was pleased that starting a new Jump hadn't reset her personality to the point were she'd stand around not saying or do anything until either spoken to, or ordered into action.

During the setup for this jump my bodyguard/sex bot, had been rebooting or something like that, in order to be prepared for the next Jump. However I need not have worried, she was still Cameron.

Unlike my other physical companions, and I did consider her to be one of my compionans, even if she was technically a perk given as a bonus for completing a Jump.

Cameron did not wear any kind of bodysuit. She wore more normal clothing, at least by the standards of my time.

Right now she was wearing a pair of really tight jeans, which made her ass look super great, along with boots that were both practical and still somewhat fashionable, at least according to her.

Underneath her leather jacket was one of my t-shirts, which Cameron had taken for herself, as females often did, it declared her support for the band Black Sabbath. I was pretty sure that she wouldn't recognize their music if I played it.

Currently she wasn't wearing a bra, and as for underwear, she'd picked out a pair for me to approve of her wearing, and they were small enough to floss with. Not that I'd tried, and not that she would mind if I did.

In other ways she did not look so normal, her belt was a life support belt, which she didn't really need for the most part, however the device did act as a weak personal shield, and combined with the kinetic barrier generator that she also carried, she was well protected even without taking into account how tough terminators were.

Last of she carried a phaser, but one of a pistol design I'd recreated from old records while on Voyager, she also carried a shotgun made from Mass Effect technology. Which had been modified for Borg killing and should make short work of any Wraith we met. Regenerative abilities don't matter much if you freeze someone solid and then shatter them, or incinerate them so that they turn into ash within seconds.

While I couldn't see to check I was fairly certain that she was also carrying a nine millimetre pistol somewhere on her person, as well as a couple of daggers. She took her role as my bodyguard very seriously. To her protecting me was even more important than our sex life. And to her that was extremely important.

As for me I wore my Colossus armour, which had served me well for many years, I carried a weapon of my own invention called a phased particle rifle, which combined Trek and Mass Effect technology. Of course that wasn't my only weapon. I also carried a dagger hidden on my person, a pistol and a couple of grenades.

Like Cameron, I had on a life support belt, and I was protected by a powerful kinetic barrier, this combined with my armour meant I was safe enough that my sexy cyborg wasn't too worried about me being outdoors and exposed like this.

"I'm not sure" I told Cameron as we can walking towards the ship "I guess it will have an air lock or a loading ramp that we can use to get on board. I have the Ancient gene so the ship should just let me in once we find a entrance".

Being an Ancient vessel, both in the sense of having built by the Ancients and possibly being more than ten thousand years old, it make might use of ring platforms for boarding. If so I'd hopefully be able to trigger them.

If entry did require a loading ramp or an airlock I wasn't too worried about gaining entry, one of the perks I'd chosen for this Jump was to have the ATA gene naturally, this meant I should have the same level of control as John Shepard did when he used Ancient technology.

Hopefully this meant the craft would respond to my thoughts as well the manipulation of the tactil controls. If it didn't then I'd have to spend quite a lot of time figuring out what all the buttons did.

"Can it take off and reach space?" was her next question.

I remembered an Atlantis episode involving a ship like this one being stuck in a base that was on top of an exploding volcano. Mckay had to use the battleship's hyperdrive in order to get into space while the ship was being thrown into the the air by the eruption. Hopefully we could just use the craft's thrusters.

"No idea" I admitted "We'll find out more once we get on board".

First things first. We needed to find a way in.

(Line Break)

Aurora-class Battleship. Pegasus Galaxy.

Not long after entering the ship, and after opening a door to the Cosmic Warehouse so that I could free Miranda, Tali and Seven from stasis, I found what passed as a command centre and what looked like the captain's chair.

Once I sat in it, the ship seemed to come to life. Lights came on, the life support systems began circulating the air, and I became aware of the ship's controls and layout.

It was an odd feeling, I'd not been able to imagine what being mentally linked to a ship was actually like, and I knew that if I'd tried I would have gotten it totally wrong. It was super weird to think at a ship and have it do stuff.

Thankfully either my perks were working well or the ship knew that I didn't really want to fire the weapons despite having just thought about them. It could have gotten messy if I'd not had proper control.

The ship had physical controls that humans could use their hands to interact with, but these seemed to require me to unlock them. Which I was able to do simply by touching the consoles.

Getting up I went over to what passed for a tactical station on this ship. Unlike Starfleet the Ancients hadn't felt the need to sugarcoat the truth of how violent space travel could actually be by calling their defensive and offensive systems 'tactical'.

Ships of the Aurora-class boasted an arsenal of drone weapons capable of destroying a Wraith Hive ship in a single salvo. They were fired using Control chair, but those were not the only weapons this ship had.

"Cameron this will be your station" I decided "I know how much you like big guns".

She nodded in confirmation of this.

"According to the read out this ship has 16 pulse weapon turrets placed around the ship, allowing for complete coverage of the vessel" I said to her.

While these weapons were far less effective than drone weapons, they are still capable of heavily damaging a Wraith Hive ship if my memories of the show were correct.

Also the ship had some impressive shields. Unlike the "bubble" shields used by most other vessels that I'd seen in action, the Aurora-class's shields closely coutured the hull of the ship. I didn't know if this was better or worse than "bubble" shields, but I guessed we would find out.

Next were the controls that over saw power generation and energy use. This included the ZPM, which was currently helping to power the shields, weapons and engines. Other systems, such as sensors and life support, didn't require so much energy and ran off the ship's main reactor.

"Miranda you can have this station" I offered.

She'd never had a place on the bridge before, even on the Normandy she'd rarely worked in the C&C, but if she was pleased to have a station here she didn't display any feelings on the matter. Not that I looked at her face for long as she was rocking that old black and white bodysuit, which always drew my attention to her ass and boobs, and that was totally by design.

"Okay this one is hyperdrive and propulsion systems" I said "Tali your up".

The quarian was currently in her human form, and like Miranda she wore a tight body suit, which should be impossible to move in, yet she might as well have been naked as it didn't seem to limit her body's movements at all.

"Aurora-class ships have an interstellar hyperdrive" I explained to the brilliant young engineer "Which while much faster than Mass Effect or Warp drives still limits us to the Pegasus galaxy".

As the Ancients had clearly possessed intergalactic hyperdrive technology at the time that the Aurora-class was created (proven by the fact that such hyperdrives were present on city ships which had been built before the Aurora-class) it was possible that this interstellar limit was intentional, perhaps to prevent the Wraith from reverse-engineering their own intergalactic drive.

"But since we have ZPM we've got more than enough power for a hyperdrive fast enough to reach other galaxies, so if we can figure out how to upgrade to the type of hyperdrive to the city-ships have we could explore other galaxies" I went to say "Something for you to look into".

I had more to say.

"Once we get this ship to the space dock I want to try to install a tractor beam and a transporter, and maybe a few replicators too" I said to Tali.

If nothing else that would save on having to store lots of food, and other supplies on board. As for the tractor beam well my space dock could house two ships so if given the chance I might want to two another ship to the space dock.

"Aye-aye Skipper" she replied.

The Space Dock Add-on had been awarded to me as a bonus for completing the Voyager Jump well before the ten year limit was up. This had been accomplished by getting the Starfleet vessel back home using Quantum Slipstream drive and my AI Cortana, who'd been able to deal with the many course adjustments with the speed of a machine mind.

Once we got this ship off the ground I should be able to fly it to the Space Dock, and once there we could refit it to our heart's content. We could also pick up our robot crew, which would make flying the ship easier.

I should be able to fly it just using the control chair, but that would be a strain and I suspected that in battle I'd find controlling the ship to be overwhelming. Hence I was glad for my skilled harem and the fact that Ancient technology was pretty use to use.

"Which will be my station?" Seven of Nine enquired.

There was much more to this ship than what could be seen on the few consoles currently running.

For example Aurora-class ships possessed a subspace communications array allowing them to send out distress signals or communicate at faster-than-light speeds with other vessels over interstellar distances. However having the former Borg drone oversee that station would be pointless since there was no one to talk to here. Well actually there was, but I didn't think calling them would be a good idea.

Aside from that we had many stasis pods and holding cells, but they also rather useless at the moment since we had no need to put anyone to sleep for a long journey or to lock them up.

The ship also had an impressive set of sensors, that were based on subspace technology much like those used on Starfleet ship, so Seven should have no trouble using them.

"You'll be here" I told my fellow cyborg as I directed her to the console which monitored and directed the scanners "You're the science officer".

With that I went and sat back down in the command chair.

"Okay I'll try to fly into orbit, then we can worry about charting a course in hyperspace to the space dock" I decided.

Best to deal with one problem at a time. Defy gravity now, break the light speed barrier later.