Johnny is freaking out.

Him, the Human Torch, the ever reckless troublemaker, Jonathan Spencer Storm, is currently freaking out. What to do? What the fuck to do? Oh my God! What to do?!

Johnny had never felt this distressed nor panicked before, not even when he forgot to buy Sue's birthday present, it's even in the same degree of freaking out when he was trapped in the space, without a chance to go back-

Scratch that.

This is almost worse. Worse.

The fact that he has an unmasked Spider-Man, who was literally the most wanted vigilante in every superheroes' book? The fact that the said vigilante is literally Johnny's best if not only friend? The fact that the said vigilante gets real dodgy about his real identity? The fact that the said vigilante is laying motionlessly on Johnny's bed in Baxter Building, bleeding and supporting nasty wounds?

All of those facts are making Johnny even more panicked.

It had been the usual battle, Dr. Doom had teamed up with some other villains for what probably the twenty sixth time. It had been very tricky to beat back the prick, very bad. The Avengers even couldn't held themselves as they also suited up to help the ol' Fantastic Four, naturally, because the scale was huge. Johnny got no idea just where Dr. Doom seemed to have the never ending fund for his evil plans, probably some alien sugar mommy, but whatever.

Naturally, it also alarmed their ever so helpful friendly neighbourhood, Johnny's best friend, Spider-Man.

With the force of Avengers, Fantastic Four and some stray Supers, who got dragged in with or without their consents as the enemies attacked everyone and anyone indiscriminately, they succeed in beating the evils back and triumphed.

In the middle of proud "Hey, good job," "You too,"s, Johnny is probably the only one that noticed how Spider-Man limped away sneakily from the public's eyes. Knowing the arachnid is intending to sneak away with severe wound yet again, Johnny gave a chase. Johnny also intended to scold Spidey anyways, the vigilante freaking held an entire slowly falling building just so everyone will finally get out of safety. Johnny had lend him a hand in flying inside and dragged several people out, before swiping Spider-Man away from the falling building.

However, when Johnny gave a chase to Spider-Man, he followed the guy until a pretty isolated alleyway. Before Johnny could open his mouth and rant, bitching, dissing, whatever same words with same meaning are, Spider-Man pulled off his mask, rendering Johnny speechless and losing his voice for quite sometimes.

Granted, Spider-Man didn't see Johnny when he pulled it off, probably all those blood lost and concussion, but the fact that Johnny suddenly saw a mop of fluffy brown hair out of that mask... Johnny knew he was screwed.

Not even Stark, heck not even SHIELD has the luxury in even knowing the haircolour of Spider-Man, yet here he is, seeing it in all his glory.

Then, Spidey had doubled over and collapsed right there and then. At that moment, Johnny threw all basic common sense and scoop him up, bringing him to Baxter Building of all places!

"Johnny! Are you inside!?" Sue's thunderous calling woke Johnny up from his internal freaking out.

Johnny instantly bolted off to the door, which was opening rather snappily, and slammed it close again with full body force. "I'm here! I'm here! I'm inside!" Johnny exclaimed hastily.

"Johnny, what was that?" Sue demanded.

"What?!" Johnny snapped.

"Why did you slam the door on me?" Sue emphasized stressfully, she just got home from a though fight, losing the sight of Johnny and figured out maybe the boy is back in his room, licking off his wound. Now the boy had suddenly slammed the door on her, she's stressed.

"Well, maybe you should learn how to knock first!" Johny gritted his teeth.

"Come on, let me see your wound, you were injured in the battle right?" Sue sighed.

"No, I'm fine. I'm healthy, you don't have to fuss over me, just treat your own wound," Johnny also sighed as he leaned back on the door, staring worriedly at the unconscious brunette on his bed. What should he do now? He really need to get Spidey fixed up, but he's wearing his freaking Spider-Man suit, only a fool would believe he's not Spider-Man. Johnny should change Spidey's into his own shirt.

But would it be weird if Johnny suddenly has a stranger- teen (The thing that made Johnny is even more stressed and shocked is that Spider-Man looked no older than he is, no wonder Johnny connected to him faster than a star falling to its death) on his bed, after big battle, and the said teen have so many injuries to even stay alive. How? Moreoever what if they took a blood sample? Spidey once mentioned that his gene is mutated.

Oh damn it, Universe must've hated Johnny... or Spider-Man.

Universe must've hated Spider-Man. Johnny looked at the brunette in pity.

"C'mon Johnny," Sue's voice came again from the other side of the door. "We have Dr. Banner as our guest, although he didn't have medical degree, he was still a good medical personel. He'll patch us up until the more professional one came along."

Say what?! "Dr. Banner is here?!" Johnny freaked out. "Oh Sue, Don't tell me the whole Avengers are here! I dare you!" Johnny snapped.

"Well, Reed invited them over for a night to discuss something," Sue said before adding, "Everyone aside for Iron Man is staying over for a rest."

Johnny couldn't hear Sue after that, too focused in his own internal screaming. Universe hated Johnny, Universe hated Spider-Man.

Universe hated both of them.

"Johnny? Did you hear me? C'mon out now, or I'm coming in," Sue tried to open the door again to found out that the door is locked, "Johnny!" Sue exclaimed, "What are you doing in there?! Out now or let me in!"

"No!" Johnny sounded like a child throwing tantrum, but he couldn't careless as he blocked every secret passages in his room, determined to let no one in.

"Johnny, don't make me use the hard way," Sue narrowed her eyes.

"What's wrong?" Reed came after hearing his wife's incessant yells.

"Johnny refused to leave his room and not letting me in," Sue gestured helplessly.

"Wow, is this always happened?" Clint stepped out of Reed's back and whistled lowly.

"You bet!" Ben yelled all the way from the lounge.

"Johnny, see? You made our guests uncomfortable, stop being so stubborn and get out!" Sue yelled, her brother is acting strangely, don't tell her he got attacked by something weird and not wanting to talk about it? What if he got mutated weirdly and was afraid to let her know? She's really worried now.

"Don't want to! I'm fine, Sue, Just leave me alone!" Johnny yelled desperately as he covered Spidey with a quilt, not caring if it gets more bloodied. He tried to get the costume off as fast as he could, without hurting his friend more than- ouch, Damn, that blood gash looked nasty- ow, Those were- ugh, Johnny couldn't even looked at the wound without violently grimacing and flinching.

'Damn Spidey, no wonder the usually invulnerable you was down,' Johnny thought as he slowly peeled off the costume.

"Oww-" Spidey groaned lowly, still unconscious, and Johnny practically flung his hands up in panic, joining Spidey in groaning painfully.

"WHAT WAS THAT?!" Sue freaked out from outside the door.

"Shit..." Johnny cursed as he picked up his pace in stripping the unconscious vigilante.

"JOHNNY!" Sue yelled in worry as she banged the door several times furiously. "Open the door, young man!"

"Sue, please, I'm fine!" Johnny yelled back.

"Erm, Torchie, I think you should open the door and let us see your condition," Clint crossed his arms and said his suggestion.

"Johnny, open the door. Don't let Sue keep panicking," Reed also urged.

"I'm fine!" Johnny insisted- Fuck, Why can't the the fabric slipped off of Spidey's hands?! Fuck! The boots can't too! Is his power is still on, and still sticking to his-

"Is he okay?" Steve Rogers came and asked in worry.

"Make way, Sue. Oi, Kid! If you're anywhere near the door, get away," Ben finally had enough of the commotion and also came personally.

Johnny's breath hitched in horror, "NO! You can't come in!" Johnny flipped the quilt to cover Spidey like he's covering his own partner in clandestine love affair and fled to his door.

"And why is that?!" Ben challenged.

"Because... It's because... I..." Johnny thought hard for a good reason.

"Alright, get away from the door," Ben stated.

"I'M NAKED!" Johnny claimed desperately.

"..." Silence is the only thing that could be heard from the other side of the door.

"Funny, now get away-"

"No no no no! You don't understand, NO! Ben if you destroyed my door again, I swear you won't live up a good life!" Johnny threatened.

"Ugh-" Johnny snapped his gaze to the moving bulge covered in quilt on his bed.

Oh no...

The quilt was pushed off, "What..." His voice is weak, terribly weak, hoarse and very weak, unlike Spidey's usual happy, cheery and snarky voice. He's so pale.

"Who else in there?" Of course, Captain freaking America out there actually picked up the soft unfamiliar voice. But Johnny couldn't bring himself to answer him right now.

Soft brown eyes met Johnny's electric blue ones, both set of eyes widened in shock and apprehensive respectively. Spidey looked around, he looked down on his battered- bare body before slowly favoring one side and bringing up his hand to felt around his face.

No mask.

Johnny could almost hear Spidey's internal freaking out. But he's willing to bet it was "What the fuck, what the fuck, what the fuck?!" on repeat.

"What... the hell?" Spidey stared in disbelief.

"Is there anyone inside aside for Human Torch?" Outside, Steve turned to ask the Fantastic Four solemnly.

The three adults from Fantastic Four looked at him in confusion and shook their heads, "No, Johnny has this room to himself. I don't let him bring any girls in," Sue said confidently.

"None that you know of," Ben grunted out.

"Why?" Reed asked.

"There's someone else inside, I can hear his voice," Steve explained.

"What? Someone else?!" Sue is the only one who looked shocked. "Johnny?! Who is inside?!" Sue pushed past Ben and began to bang on the door loudly again.

Meanwhile, in the room, the two teens are still in a lock-down. Johnny inhaled deeply and raised his (a bit bloodied) hands up, "Calm down..." Johnny said slowly.

Not good, Spidey looked even more panicked instead.

"No one know!" Johnny hastily said. "You're in a really bad condition- no! Don't move!" Johnny flickered again to hastily held Spidey down.

"Hey, what's up? Why is everyone crowding here?"

"Tony-" Fuck! Johnny cursed, why does that man came back?!

"Aight, kid. I don't care whether I accidentally hit you or not," Ben stated.

Johnny flickered back to his door, "Dammit! NO!" he snapped. "See if I don't die after you punch out, I dare you!"

"He's right, if he's injured and you hurted him more, it will be dangerous, Ben," Bruce Banner said gravely.

"What is this? I thought it was something interesting, turn out it's just Torchie refusing to get out of his room like any other teenagers," Tony sighed mockingly, disappointed that it wasn't some interesting troubles.

"Shut up! Just go away, all of you! I don't need any- Spidey NO!" Johnny blurted out as he looked back only to find Spidey is already limping to his window.

"Spider-Man is inside?!" Tony practically fled before the door when heard the word 'Spidey'.

"You're severely wounded! You'll die if your try to swing at your current condition!" Johnny scolded.

"I've had worse, it'll heal," looking at the distressed Johnny, Peter waved off his concern.

"It'll heal if you stay still!" Johnny snapped.

"Beat it Storm, I could stay alive till now meaning I'm fine," Peter snapped back before overcame by guilt immadiately, "Sorry, I meant, you don't have to worry."

Johnny shook his head, he was already used to be snapped on to care on Spidey's weak snap, "At least tell me you have your own doctor to treat you?"

"... I have," Peter's gaze flickered.

"You're the worst liar I've ever met," Johnny narrowed his eyes. It was already easy to tell Spider-Man's lie even with the mask on, now the mask is gone, it became painfully easier to tell.

"You can't possibly expect everyone has their own private doctor don't you?" Peter held his broken ribs in annoyance.

"You're making me terrified now, all this time, don't tell me you just let your wounds healed by themselves?" Johnny stressed.

"I won't die," Peter said.

"Yet!" Johnny snapped, they need to talk about this, if Spidey really lacked anything he could just came to Fantastic Four, if he kept doing this Johnny might not have any bestfriend in less than a year.

"Your family is going to come in any minute now, Johnny," Peter hissed.

"You almost died!" Johnny practically shrieked at this point, oh the satisfaction in scolding someone when he was the one who usually got scolded on.

"Johnny!" The people outside is getting more restless and it was seriously only through the team work of Reed and Sue that Tony, Natasha, and Clint didn't broke inside to finally get their data on the vigilante they desperately researched all this time.

"And I know you won't stay for a medical treatment," Johnny sighed as he retrieved his first aid box from beside the bed. "Take this with you, use whatever that could make you good again," knowing Spidey would refuse anything more, Johnny readily handed him the first aid box.


"If you refuse this, God help me, Spidey, I'll let those people outside to come in. Sue and Reed must be holding the ford right now," Johnny coldly gestured to the door and nodded in satisfaction as Spidey hugged the box close.


"Dude, you literally saved my life thrice and didn't let me to thank you, just take it!" Johnny said. "Wear your mask and get out, no matter how obsessed Stark and SHIELD are on you, they'll respect you enough to leave you if you're out there," Johnny sighed.

"Thanks," Peter nodded and put on his mask.

"I swear if you say 'Thanks' again, Spidey," Johnny rolled his eyes.

"Okay, fine. See you around, Storm!" Peter opened the window and jumped off.

"Mind your broken ribs! Stay alive, I can't see you around if you're dead!" Johnny yelled out as the door to his room finally bursted open.

Johnny turned around casually, "Sup'" he greeted his family and guests.

Tony Stark's eyes lingered on Johnny's bloodied bed and sighed, "You know, he could stay for some medical attention," the man then looked at Johnny, "That spider never stayed long enough for us to give our thanks nor medical treatment," The billionare looked genuinely regretful.

"Was he alright?" Sue asked in worry, eyes avoiding the bloodied blanket.

Johnny finally let a smile took a place on his place as he shrugged, "That guy is just that stubborn, several ribs are broken and his wounds are nasty, he freaked out when he saw me, his own bestfriend, let alone you all," Johnny looked out the window.

Captain America sighed pitily, "The young hero is taking it too hard."

"How old was he?" Natasha asked.

Debating for a while before deciding that if he really wanted this whole 'Protect this reckless hero whom always gone before getting any medical attention' project to progress, he has to betray Spidey a little, "All I can say is, he's at the age suited to be my bro," Satisfied, Johnny nodded.

Natasha's brows furrowed, well at least it narrowed the search.

Sue gasped, "Your age? The poor boy."

"I don't suppose you will elaborate more?" Clint said helplessly.

"Nope," Johnny smirked. "It was a chance that I found him unmasked, do your own research."

"Well, at least we gained something out of this?" Reed said.

"Hahh, I'm going back!" Tony dropped that sentence and walked out.

As the last person- Sue, exitted his room, Johnny looked back outside the window. After a while, he sighed. Stupid Spidey, stupid life.

The next day, Johnny spent hours making fire messages in the sky for Spider-Man. The other teen only appeared at night though, however, there's something different in their relationship now...

Nonetheless, because the cat is kinda out of the bag for Johnny, the sight of Spider-Man complaining about homework is now a routine every nights.

But they hadn't quite reached the point where Spidey gave him his real name yet. Nor Johnny wanted to pry.

I swear that ending is shitty... I'm so bad at this. So... yeah, Self-indulgence. I just want some SpideyTorch. Though, with me I have to warn you that I prefer Spidey as the uke...