(Hey everyone, How is 2020 treating you all now? Well I'm just hoping that we'll be able to pick ourselves back up as a community here in the USA after the horrors the last 4 years we had to endure...

Well... As you know this is my last chapter while working with Ryujudge6614 and I need to say it has been an honor working with him to help his story along.

Reminder: This is a story that works in correlation with Ryujudge6614's "Transformers RWBY: The Flames of Redemption", which focuses on Yang and Ruby while my story focusing on Weiss and Blake after the Fall of Beacon. Even though Weiss' story is now being taken over by Ryujudge.
I strongly suggest that you all who have not read his story do so, it's what inspired me to go to him and work with him by writing this very story with his. Our stories are connected together as the same universe in case it's not been cleared up.

Disclaimer: I do not own anything of Transformers Prime and RWBY they are the property of their respective owners.

Now please Read, Review, and Enjoy.) -No really, please do enjoy this chapter as much as possible.)

(Day 13)

For the majority of their journey, the Faunus from Menagerie had to take shifts to train, with not as much room as there was back in the monastery, they had to make each training by the squadron instead of the larger groups. And of course that meant they needed to be sure everyone was fed and well rested before they reached their destination. Predaking, not only working in helping those falling behind to catch them up with their comrades, also had to test the members of his personal members to prove their worth of the name "Predacon". Though he wished he could've done his idea of a Trial of Fire, he was convinced not to by everyone on the ship, especially Blake.

The one trial he had devised was most crucial, the Trial of Loyalty, will be shown when they arrive and stand with the Menagerie Militia when they face Adam. They were able to pass a few of his recently made trials during the past five days. Predaking had dubbed as the Trial of Strength, where they had to face him in what was their strength, not just physical. The Trial of Conviction where he had denied them anything to eat to see how long they'd last. The Trial of Honor will test their honor as a person and with those they fight with as well as their enemies.

Predaking stood before those who would join him in battle, "As you know, tomorrow will be the day that we will reach the Kingdom of Mistral and face the usurper Adam Taurus and his conspirators. If a fight is to occur, remember your training. Show our enemies your strength and your conviction. Fight with honor and loyalty to our cause. And remember that while fighting never lose your heart to the battle lest you wish to be seen as the opposition wants to portray you."

The Faunus before him lowered their heads in respect. Fennec and Corsac stated, simultaneously, "Yes, my king."

Predaking looked at them all before stated, "You are dismissed."

They left to get ready for the most likely battle. As Predaking looked at the large piece of Cybermatter he found back at Mythos, more questions on how it was to be found here on this planet. Could the ancients have come to this world before the coming of both human and faunus? Or is there more to these people's creation tale than any previously thought.

Soon he heard someone come in. Without turning his head, Predaking asked, "What do you want now, Sun?"

Standing by the door was Sun Wukong, leaning against it with his arms crossed, "I'm just trying to figure out how come you seem so focused on that large piece of metal?"

"Do you not recollect what I spoke of? This metal is from my homeland." Predaking snapped turning to face the blond simian.

Sun shrugged, "So?"

"Has all reason left you? If anyone of ill intent discovers this metal and are able to duplicate then no force could stop them, after all you've seen my armor and gauntlets withstand a crushing balcony." Predaking remained, though calmer as he looked at his armor.

"So?" Sun asked, again. The blond monkey's attitude confused the Predacon.

Predaking stood his full height and asked, "Why are you living up to your… heritage's moniker of 'trouble maker' to me?"

"Just wondering why you're obsessed over a hunk of metal when there's someone who might need your help and attention more than it does." Sun said shrugging, moving his hands to rest behind his head.

Predaking blinked and asked, "What are you attempting to tell me?"

Sun face smacked himself at the question before shouting, "DUDE! You need to talk to Blake!"

"For what reason? Are we being assaulted?" Predaking asked, getting on edge.

"Wha?! No! Just talk to her!" Sun said in disbelief, before stating, "She just needs someone to talk to, and I think if I did it I'll just get slapped again."

Predaking stared before Sun said, "Just promise me that you'll be there for her no matter what happens."

Predaking was about to shout at the stupidity of Sun's words when… he saw the look in the blond's eyes. It wasn't the same jovial or as jesting as he was on other occasions. There was some anger in his eyes but Predaking answered, "You have my word."

Sun then dropped the serious attitude and grinned as he usually does, "Great then! No need to worry then."

Predaking was stunned by this sudden change of emotion before they heard members of the Menagerie militia and the Predacon squadron heading to dinner, as they heard from the captain that tomorrow's the day is when they'll make dock and with the evidence get to help save Haven academy.

Sun then asked, "Hey you hungry? How about one last meal before we reach shore?"

Predaking blinked before following the blond faunus out. During the ship's dining area, Predaking was to sit by himself, before Sun pulled him along to sit at the same table as where Blake and Ilia were sitting at while Sun passed off, "Hello ladies, how's it going? Anyone else sitting here with you?"

Before either of them could speak Sun kept talking, "No? Great. Can we join you?"

Annoyed, Blake tried to speak this time, however, Sun kept talking, "We can? Thanks you're real pals!"

He sat opposite of Ilia while Predaking sat directly across of Blake, who seemed to be avoiding eye contact with him. This confused Predaking more while Sun groaned and Ilia seemed a bit relieved. Sure she doesn't hate Predaking anymore, but she's not sure if Blake would be happy with a clone. However when the two heard this both Sun and Ilia stared at each other before becoming serious.

Predaking began to eat as he usually does with the meat food on his plate. Blake tried to eat in peace however seeing the dragon Faunus before her, his eyes glancing in her direction as he chewed on his food. Blake kept trying to avoid contact for reasons unknown to Predaking.

Unable to think of anything else Predaking remained silent, as to not make things worse. He ignored anything that happened between Ilia and Sun. It felt like a long time in the pair's silence.

He sipped on his glass before setting it down, seeing Blake had left. And the wrestling between the two others at their table seemed to be attracting a crowd so Predaking left them to it while he went looking for Blake.

Some time he found her at the bow of the ship looking at the moon. Though he was confused why the moon's phases were like that instead of how it was on earth, but seeing the feline faunus before him.

Predaking did his best to not let his feet announce his presence but Blake sighed and asked, "What is it Predaking?"

"Nothing, other than wishing not to see the renewed feud between our two allies." Predaking stated, standing next to Blake with his arms behind his back, like how the general Ironwood did before the Fall of Beacon.

Blake sighed looking out into the ocean and the starry night sky. Predaking looked at her and asked, "Are you worried for how the operation will progress or if we will face opposition from the humans in power?"

"I'm just hoping that everything will go all right when we arrive." The black haired faunus told him though.

Predaking, however, stated, "The battle tomorrow will decide the future."

Looking at him, annoyed, Blake asked, "Is EVERYTHING a battle to you?!"

This accusation raised Predaking's brow as he asked, "What sort of inquiry is that?"

"How can you think about fighting when lives are on the line!?" Blake asked getting angrier.

Predaking looked and stated, "Sometimes words can be useful. However, sometimes actions are required to resolve situations."

"How can you say that?" Blake asked, not understanding.

"Because that's how Adam will be." Predaking answered, making Blake's eyes widen in fear from that.

Seeing the look on her face he said, "I had fought the usurper before. And words will not be enough to convince him to lay down his sword. He needs to see himself bested in battle by a superior opponent to shake his resolve."

Blake stared, even more concerned than ever, but Predaking added, "And there is, of course, the occasional settling of the score for you with that dishonorable cur."

The moment Predaking said that, Blake felt her cheeks heating up and turning into a fair pink color. Then, Blake thought, 'He wants to fight Adam… for me?'

When Predaking was ready to go turn in for the night he heard.

"Umm… Predaking."

He turned to face her as he asked, "Yes?"

She seemed to be shy about something as she took a deep breath and said, "That word that I believe you personify? I think I finally found out what it is."

"And that would be?" Predaking asked, feeling his tiredness close to overpowering him.

Blake's face, becoming red, though in the light of the moon, she looked radiant to the dragon as she said, "Love."

Though confusion of the word, Predaking immediately his chest began to quicken in its beats as he asked, his tiredness forgotten, "How do you mean?"

"When we first met. I thought you were a 'strange'. When we had to fight, I saw 'protection' as how you were in defending people you hardly knew. After seeing how well you took to leading and organizing like a king from one of the fairytales or books of legends, I thought you 'majesty'. When you talked me out of putting myself down 'compassion'. When you helped protect Sun and my family, 'self-sacrifice'. While you took the time to help train those who volunteered to come with us 'carrying'. But all these are words that led to something that linked them all together. You even shown 'forgiveness' for those who were once thought of as your enemies."

Blake stood there while Predaking let her words fill him, but she was not done, "There was also 'loyalty' for when you immediately want to stayed with us throughout that whole thing. You cared so much for the others who you saw as your brothers that you were willingly going to face the danger for their sake. The anger you felt for failing to protect them, and the at discovering the truth, all proved that you loved your people more than your own personal well-being as well as how you use every bit of strength to keep us safe, that all proved to me that you are the personification of love." Blake explained. As she spoke she felt the heart beating in her chest coming in a fast pace and pressing harder against her ribcage. She had never felt like this before, not even when she decided to go to that dance with Sun. Not that she was telling Predaking that she was in love with him… was she? No… they only met months ago… How could she begin to have these feelings for someone she met months ago?

Throughout Blake's speech Predaking felt his chest warm as well as his face, not the same anger that burned whenever he used his Dragon-fire. This warmth… it felt… pleasant... as though it was like the great fire in the sky. But that doesn't answer the question as to what the word love has to do with all of those other words. All he ever knew were: pride, anger, sadness, hatred, loyalty, faith, trust, bewilderment, understanding, pain, and betrayal. What was the general sense of the word love? He was never taught that or felt that emotion before in his life, and nothing from his original's memories.

Could this word, this 'love' be what the prime had said when they last spoke at the oasis? Predaking did not know for certain, but as the prime… as Optimus said, Predacons are different than the other sub-species of Cybertronians. Predaking looked back to her and said, "I had been detecting similar virtues within you, Blake."

Blake looked confused by his sentence as he took this time to explain, "When we met you were what I would call… 'bewildering'. Then 'infuriating' by how you were not wishing to embrace the fact of humans seeing your heritage, 'courage' when you came to your homeland to face your parents after what happened between you when they left the White Fang. Then you became 'understanding' to my plight… You showed great 'patience' with me while I was enduring my lengthy exile from the populace. 'Trust' as I helped you faced your old friend and 'faith' as I helped train your militia even though I had no formal training myself. I am now convinced that no matter the battle I know that you will never let myself or anyone else down with your many great virtues."

While hearing him speak of how she was with him. At first she was annoyed. Then calm, soon her cheeks heated up and turned even pinker with how he thought about her.

Seeing her stunned for reasons still unknown to him, Predaking bid, "Good night Blake, see you on the morrow."

"Good night, Predaking." Blake said, her voice seemed different. Predaking wondered if she could she be embarrassed? No… it was not the same tone. It sounded softer…

As he went to his room to lay down on the same bed he laid on before arriving at Menagerie. Predaking undressed himself enough for his armor and clothes to make his sleep more comfortable, Predaking laid down on his side and let sleep take him again.


Predaking was seen running as the flames of destruction that have struck the planet. He looked down and looked at two of his species' hatchlings. Two very small Predacons in their true forms, wrapping themselves tightly to be protected by the effects of this catastrophe. Gritting his dentures at the betrayal by their… bipedal "Cousins", Predaking kept running, letting the heat and the radiation do damage to his frame while he protected the only two remaining Predacon younglings with all his might, 'These two are the last of our kind's future, and they must be protected while I search for shelter against this cataclysm. I swear on my title as Predaking to protect these hatchlings with my life.'

Originally, Predaking was not alone with these hatchlings, he had aid from both Twinstrike and Laserback, two of his most loyal supporters. However… they did not last as they had to fend off a pack of their own frenzied brethern who lost themselves because of the intense heat and radiation from this cataclysm. Predaking then found what looked to be an entrance that leads under the planet's hot surface.

"King, I don't feel so good…" The one Predacon hatching groaned, using contractions while in beast mode. These two younglings had not yet learned how to change into their bipedal forms yet. It was something all Predacons learn to do while not being in their true forms to communicate to the other children of their planet. However, because of the Prime's betrayal, many of his race had perished by the intense flames and radiation of the burning skies. Even his own queen… Predaking squeezed his optics shut as he remembered seeing the deaths of his people. He was only able to save the two hatchlings that he was carrying in his arms throughout this entire tragedy.

Looking to the children in his arms he assured them, "Do not worry young ones, the ancestors have brought shelter to us."

As he entered the underground cave, he began to feel cooler and his body beginning to heal itself as he continued deeper, "There, see? We are safe now."

He carefully set the two young Predacons down. To allow them to rest. However, they were still… unnaturally still. Fearing the worse, Predaking assumed his true form and nuzzled them, as if trying to wake them.

Predaking withdrew as he could not detect any signs of life in either of the hatchlings. Unable to hold back to hatred inside his spark Predaking let out his trademark roar before unleashing a powerful blast of fire that began to melt the walls around him in the underground chamber. While in his rage he kept thrashing about at the loss of these two innocent creatures because of Prima's arrogant hubris. He thought that the younglings' true forms, due to the mass and thickness armor, that they would survive long enough for him to get them to safety, before he could teach them how to change into their own bipedal forms that Predaking and many of the older Predacons learned how to do to communicate with the other bipedal species of Cybertron.

Stopping in his anger, Predaking went to give the two younglings a proper burial in the customs of his race, before sending their bodies into the great fire. As he watched their remains burning Predaking looked at a reflective surface made by his anger and approached, he had suffered great heat and radiation damage, but protecting the youngling made him bear the pain for the hope of them to survive and rebuild the Predacon race. Feeling the effects of the damage after his reasons to endure it had… passed on… Predaking went deeper into the caverns, shifting into his true form as he crawled down and deeper into the depths of the planet. He kept on this trek until his servos could not support him any longer. Breathing heavily, Predaking looked out into the empty space before him as he growled, "Great ancestor, Onyx Prime… hear me… Why? Why have we… been betrayed by… those who… were born similarly to us? We have done nothing to warrant this… extinction… We kept to our promise when I lost to their leader, Prima, fairly… And yet he left us to burn…"

He then spat, "The 'noble Prime of Light'? He is a deceiver who blinds those to his doctrine… and to those different… he reveals his true evil…"

Predaking looked and thought he saw a younger version of himself as he spat, "Hear me, child born from my remains, you must never trust a Prime. They are liars, and deceivers of treachery, offering empty promises as they plan your destruction."

The last king of the Predacons felt his head grow too heavy as he repeated, "Never trust a Prime."

Now much quieter, Predaking said, "Never trust a… Prime…"

"Never… trust… a Prime…" All the while the Predaking of the present had witnessed his original's final hour…His eyes widened with emotions at this.

=Dream End=

Predaking let out a yell as he jumped and sat up in cold sweat. He had a cold sweat before, but this… this was worse… The door was then knocked on as Blake's voice was the first to ask, "Predaking?! It's me, Blake! Are you alright?!"

Predaking, still in the heat of what he witnessed from his original's last moments, immediately went to the door.

He opened the door to see Blake standing there, a worried look on her face. Seeing her worried expression made Predaking's spark hurt as he looked at her face.

(Few minutes ago)

Blake was lying in bed, unable to get to sleep, thinking back to the conversation that she had with Ilia back at dinner.


The two ladies had gotten their meals and looked for a place to sit. Blake spotted one, "Over there."

She then lead the two of them as Ilia asked, "Hey… Blake?"

"Yeah? What's up?" Blake asked as she ate her fish like meal in peace.

Ilia looked a bit uncomfortable as she said, "I've been wanting to say this, but didn't know how… I'm sorry for the stuff I said back there, that night… I was so angry and confused that I came up with these crazy ideas that you and Predaking were…you know…together."

Connecting the dots, Blake's cheeks when scarlet as she shook her head, "Nope! We're not!"

Ilia gave a sigh of relief before saying, "Oh, that's good."

Seeing the strange look that she got from her friend, Ilia then clarify, "It's just he's the leader of an organization and… well."

"I don't think it's what you think it is Ilia." Blake told her, trying to keep unproven rumors from spreading. Ilia was still unconvinced, especially when she spied on how close they were the day they oversaw everyone boarding the boat.

-{Flashback End}-

Blake, thinking about this made her cheeks turn pink. She then pulled the sheet closer to her face as she said to herself, disheartened, "There's no way we can be… After all… He's a clone…"

Though remembering everything and remembering how closely he worked with not only people of his personal squadron but also the militia personnel she, along with any admirers noticed how Predaking looked without a shirt on and everyone saw what they dubbed as "Primordial body" with muscularity being different than expected under the robe-like coat-top of his outfit. She then remembered what Predaking said to her and she shook her head. Her cat ears pressing against her head. She then closed her eyes to sleep.

It has been some time before she heard what sounds like screaming. It jolted her awake as he looked around. She then put on her boots and jacket when Sun and Ilia came running into the room, dressed in their sleepwear, "Blake you okay?"

"I'm fine. But, what was that?" Blake asked standing up. Sun then asked, "If it wasn't you then…"

"Predaking!" Blake then rushed out as she went and knocked on the door, "Predaking?! It's me, Blake! Are you alright?!"

When the door opened, Blake saw him, shirtless, from the door. Seeing the signs of sweat and his wide eyes, she thought he had another dream of his original's memory… She then led him back inside to sit as she just sat with him, though she was curious what he saw this time, but by how on edge he was from it, Blake chose to respect his privacy.

(Day 14)

At sunrise everyone was up and ready to make port. They were, however, halted when members of Mistral's police arrived, who seemed to be expecting trouble. Predaking's presence made the humans in the kingdom's police nervous, not just his height, or his heritage, but also by the look in his eyes.

Before open conflict could occur the ship's captain and his first mate approached and told the police how they were giving these good people a ride to help the huntsmen who helped him, especially when the White Fang plans to do something to CCT near the academy. While some of her officers were skeptical of it, the police chief looked over the evidence on the scroll of the White Fang's plans with Haven Academy. Looking over at Ghira, the police chief said, "This does prove your story. But this is official police business now, I can't let civilians get involved, even if you have Huntsmen with you."

"Thank you for your concern, but you do not know the numbers that the enemy forces have, let alone if they decide to use Grimm as they at the Fall of Beacon. You will need our assistance. Chieftan Ghira may be able to talk the enemy into surrendering if they see the faces of the people who they were fighting for initially before being warped by Adam's furious logic." Predaking stated, remember what Sun and Blake said when he first met the Albain brothers.

She looked at the reptilian Faunus that somehow was born with both horns and claws who was close to Ghira's height. Seeing his size and the fire in his eyes did make her heart quicken in fear but hearing him speak did make sense to her. Thought she and her officers were numerous, they weren't used to dealing with Grimm like the huntsmen. Sighing in surrender the police chief said, "Very well…"

"Ah, come on, chief –" One of the officers began. By the looks of him, Predaking could assume that he was an elitist upstart who believes that they don't need help from the people that are not members of their order.

The police chief interrupted the young man, "You know we're not used to fighting Grimm. If the White Fang are going to use Grimm in their attack tonight, we're gonna need all the help we can get."

Just as Adam received word from his followers that the bombs were in place, they heard something going through the wall of the academy's grand hall and outside to the quad. Adam Taurus and his White Fang soldiers there look on from their work. Seeing the human that Adam brought into their headquarters standing up again.

The White Fang soldier closest looked to Adam and asked, "What's going on in there?"

"None of your concern..." Hazel answered, calming down some as he looked to the White Fang.

Adam and his followers stare in amazement as they watch Hazel get back up. He then takes out a pair of red Dust crystals and stabs them into his arms. He let out another roar as he felt the surge of energy from the crystals flow through his body. To be sure everyone inside heard the recent roar.

Adam smirked at that before he began to walk away, telling his men, "Stay focused! Our friends are almost done here."

Adam and his followers went to get back to work, but then they hear a voice call out to him.


They all look up and see Blake Belladonna standing proudly on top of the roof of a nearby building.

"Blake?" Adam asked, surprised.

Hazel noticed the one who Adam knew and asked, "Who is that?"

"Stand down!" Blake demanded.

The White Fang soldiers aim their firearms at her.

"Wait!" Adam ordered, putting his hands up. The White Fang soldiers stand down. Adam then laughed evilly before addressing the girl, "To think that I went through so much trouble to find you, only to have you deliver yourself to me."

Blake then cried out, "This isn't what's right for the Faunus!"

She then demanded, "Stop what you're doing and we can end this peacefully."

"You're wrong, Blake, and you can't stop us." Adam said grinning, knowing what and who he had for support.

"No, I can't. Not by myself." Blake said, not letting fear take over.

"That's why she didn't come alone!"

Adam and his followers turn to the left in surprise, seeing Sun Wukong standing in front of a massive legion of Faunus all armed with blunt weaponry, their shields bearing the old White Fang symbol.

Finding it impossible to believe, Adam asked, "What?!"

"Who's there?" A white Fang soldier asked, hearing more Faunus approaching.

They then turn to the right, and see Ghira Belladonna leading another massive legion of Faunus, he answered, "Your brothers and sisters."

One of the White Fang Soldiers lowers his weapon, recognizing one of the Faunus in the crowd, "M- Mata?"

Holding a club and shield, Mata pleaded the soldier who called his name, "Please... stop this..."

Adam and his followers look all around them assessing the situation. He then saw Fennec and Corsac, their usual garb replaced with one that bore the mark of that Dragon Faunus. Adam glared, 'So… they've all been corrupted by that fake!'

"Make no mistake, brothers! These are our enemies! And we will not let them ruin-" Suddenly, Adam is interrupted when a Mistral airship shines its searchlight down on Adam and his group. The Mistral police captain is seen on the airship with Kali Belladonna and Predaking. The Mistral Police Captain then spoke over P.A., "Adam Taurus, this is the Mistral Police Force! Lower your weapons and surrender peacefully."

More Mistral airships arrive, shining their light on the group attempting to destroy the Mistral CCT tower. Soon more arrived, as their lights and the sounds of their engines would attract the attention of those inside.

Blake landed on the ground from the roof while Adam was having trouble processing what's happening. Looking at her, he asked, "How?! How did you do this?!"

"Adam, it's over." Blake said, ignoring his question.

Adam looks around as the crowds of Menagerie Faunus get closer to him and his group. He then pulled out the detonator for the bombs they planted on the CCT tower, "Then it's over for all of us."

"Hey wait!" A female member of the White Fang exclaimed, just as he pushed the button. Adam's followers hold up their arms as they brace for the impending explosion. Adam presses the button, but nothing happens.

"Huh?" He pressed the detonator button a few more times, nothing happens.

The White Fang soldier who recognized Mata asked, "What are you doing? Trying to get us all killed?!"

Suddenly, Adam grabs his collar, then yelled enraged, "I am making humanity pay for WHAT THEY'VE DONE!"

The way he yelled that made Predaking remember his own anger getting the better of him before when he fought Megatron and the demon who had controlled the tyrant like a puppet.

Adam let's go and pushes the White Fang soldier back when Blake said, "We sent someone over to confirm your explosives, and once we did, she disarmed them."

Adam turned to see Ilia, wearing clothes somewhat different from her uniform in the White Fang, walk out from around the tower, dropping her camouflage as she held the wires in her hand that disabled the bombs. Adam seethed, realizing that the situation is no longer in his favor.

Turning to Hazel, Adam asked, "What do we do?!"

"This... is your business. Not mine." Hazel said, almost as if it was to get back at Adam for something before now, cracking his knuckles before he told Adam, "Fix it."

Adam just glares back at him before turning to Blake, who said, "I told you, Adam. It's over..."

Adam, not having any of it, yells out in frustration and charges forward toward Blake. He takes out his sword Wilt from his rifle/sheathe Blush to slash at her, but Blake used her Semblance to get out of the way and she knocked him down by balling her fists together and hitting his back. Adam falls to the ground on his knees, before yelling out to his followers, "KILL THEM!"

However, before a battle can begin, something heavy landed down behind them. Adam and his followers turned to see the dragon Faunus there, unharmed by the fall as Predaking said, "ADAM TAURUS! Face me!"

Hazel watched, one of his eyebrows raised when he saw this new Faunus, it was as their "partners" said. A living Dragon Faunus cloned from the original's remains. The younger man was indeed close to his height, but he cannot be certain unless he was right in front of this Predaking to be certain. He stuck around, wanting to see how the high leader will deal with this one, before he himself enters the fray and then gets back to his own revenge.

"Why should I? You're not a true Faunus, just a fake created by our enemies. I've seen the reports on your creation! I know the truth about you! You're nothing more than a weapon of the humans, a fake!" Adam shouted back.

Seeing as Adam was trying to using his own anger against him, Predaking smirked and said, "If that is what you believe then why hesitate? I'm sure a true Faunus, as you say, would hold no issue in putting down a fake as I. And after witnessing the kind of leader you are, trying to take both ally and foe with you into the inferno, I challenge you, for the good of your brotherhood! If I am victorious then you will remove yourself from leading the White Fang and submit yourself to the full extent of the human law."

Adam glared behind is mask, wondering what the fake was up to before he asked, "And when I win?"

Predaking did not blink as he stated, "If you are the victor then you may have my life and continue on killing more of your people than the humans you despise so much."

Everyone outside who heard this were shocked that Predaking was willing to risk his life again for them. Adam then asked, "Why… why would you allow yourself to die by my hand? Was it a part of your programming or are you just tired of your fake existence?"

"I am merely attempting to stop more of the needless bloodshed." Predaking said, surprising the bull Faunus' followers. Then it got them thinking, if he was a fake like their leader said he was then why is he trying to save their lives as well as everyone else's.

Looking around Predaking ended the matter as he said, "This is a duel between myself and the usurper. Is that understood?"

"Yes, My king!" The few voices of Predaking's private squad chorused, including Fennec and Corsac who bowed their heads in respect. Blake looked shocked by this, but Predaking gave her a look that told her that she can trust him to win.

Hazel himself was surprised by the selflessness of the clone. Adam laughed before he said, "This has been a very good performance, but I'm not gonna waste my time and energy fighting a human's weapon."

Looking to his soldiers he ordered, "Kill it."

They raised their guns, but didn't fire. Confused by this, Adam looked to either side of him and repeated his order, "I said… Kill the fake!"

"Why?" The same female soldier from before asked.

Adam turned and snapped, his sword at her neck, "Because I'm ordering you to kill the fake and cleanse Remnant of its vile presence!"

The male soldier from before said, "High leader… you're not afraid to fight him are you?"

"What? Of course not!" Adam shot back, indignant to the remark.

Lowering his rifle the soldier said, "Then you wouldn't mind showing us why we should keep following you after you tried to kill us with the Belladonna girl. Besides he did issued a formal challenge to you. If you back out now then you'd no longer be seen as the high leader we should follow."

Mata looked to Ghira and asked, "Is that true?"

"Yes, any Faunus is allowed to challenge the leader to a duel for leadership, if Adam backs out or loses then all of his support and allies will be lost." Ghira explained, "It was what Sienna added before her death…"

Hazel heard what the other man said and grimaced, 'If only they knew what really happened to Sienna Kahn.'

Gritting his teeth tightly, Adam snapped, "FINE! As soon as I kill this freak of nature I'm gonna make you all see why you should be following ME!"

The other soldiers lowered their weapons, seeing Adam approach his opponent. Hazel was again surprised by how the clone before him had swayed Adam's followers by his words and not his physical prowess. Predaking readied his claws as Adam held his sword in his sheathe.

Only for a blood curdling scream to echo from inside the main entrance of the academy. Those who recognized the voice stood in horror. Adam was surprised to hear that, wondering what Airachnid and that cybernetic human did to her.

Fennec and Corsac stared in horror as the elder brother breathed, "It can't be…"

"It is not possible…" Fennec stated, mirroring his brother's thoughts.

Refocusing his efforts, Adam was determined to find out what was happening after killing the fake before him, showing everyone why he should lead the White Fang.

-{Play: Lionized RWBY Vol.6 OST}- (AN: The Completed version not what was played during Adam's short like in one of the more earliest chapter of this story.)

-{Instrumental beginning}-
Quickly both opponents had rushed each other as blade met against scales, causing a shockwave around them. The two seemed to be struggling to push each other back, Adam getting energy due to his sword absorbing the impact of Predaking's fist. But, they were able to push each other away as they both landed and charged again.

-{"Taunted and tortured"}-
Adam made quick slashes with his sword to which Predaking was able to, either, evade or block with his aura. Adam then began firing his rifle/sheath, Blush, at Predaking, trying to weaken the dragon's aura more.

-{"Insulted and reviled"}-
Predaking charged in adding his powerful punches into his opponent only for Adam to block many of them with his sword. Predaking feinted himself backwards before making a right cross, to which Adam moved out of the way in time, only for him to see that the Predacon had let himself continue to spin into the punch as he gave Adam a powerful reverse kick to the chest, sending Adam flying.

-{"In thrall to human overlords"}-
The tyrant of the White Fang straightened himself in midair and fired three rounds, to which Predaking used his arms to cover his anatomical weak spots, giving the bull faunus more time to sheathed his sword as he landed, then fired the blade up where he kicked it to spin like a buzzsaw in Predaking's direction. Predaking put his scaled arms together letting the weapon try to cut through his aura covered scales before it bounced off. Predaking had only a second as he saw Adam use his foot to drive it at Predaking like a hammer on nail.

-{"Since I was a child"}-
The Predaking was able to move out of the way in time while Adam landed next to his sword and sheathed his sword again. Predaking and Adam gritted their teeth as they kept fighting intensely, both remembering what caused them to fight with much ferocious fury.

Predaking pressed his attack moving his punches with more speed thanks to the couching he got from Saber back on Menagerie. Majority of which was absorbed by Adam's sword.

-{"Surrounded by weaklings"}-
Predaking then feinted and slammed his fist into Adam's mask covered face. He continued this feinting tactic which made Adam furious. Before using his semblance to make images appear, having them make the same movements he would make before he caught up with them and slashed again.

-{"Pathetic and oppressed"}-
Predaking felt his scales holding on but the quick movements was chipping away at his Aura. But his will power will hold out as he broke off the attack by spreading his arms and running after his opponent roaring.

-{"Satisfied to gnaw on scraps"}-
Adam had to leap back before firing his rifle at Predaking who kept on charging. Predaking attempted to slash with his claws but Adam blocked with Wilt before slashing back, making Predaking fall backwards to avoid being cut.

-{"Afraid to leave the nest"}-
Predaking then pushed himself off with his arms high into the air before Predaking aimed his mouth and let out a powerful blast of fire at Adam, who, unable to use his semblance to stop something not entirely solid, moved out of the way of the intense flames.

Predaking pushed off the ground as he soared after the retreating leader.

-{"Won't apologize for Re-tri-bu-tion"}-
Adam fired on Predaking with his rifle, Blush. Bullets bounced off Predaking's aura as he flew closer. Predaking then moved himself through the air and made his foot go ahead of him, his foot connected with Adam's sword, moving it away from the swordsman.

-{"Punishment is well-deserved"}-
Predaking turned in the air made a left hook with his arm. Adam blocked with his sheath, but the force of it made him flying away from his opponent as he sheathed his sword and rushed forward, firing Blush at Predaking who, not wanting anyone to get hurt, let his arms and aura take the blow.

-{"Subjugate, humiliate us rob us of our pride"}-
Unable to take his opponent's "pre-programmed" actions, Adam got ready to slash with his sword. Predaking side stepped him before giving the swordsman a slash with his claw, cutting the fabric of Adam's uniform.

-{"Watch them fall as I am glorified"}-
Seeing this Adam jumped away from the claws before looking at his uniform, seeing claw marks on his arm. Not feeling it cut into his skin as he did when they made contact with his sleeve.

That was a mistake on his part for the distraction gave Predaking the chance to let out a burst of fire in Adam's direction. Adam looked up, by hearing the sounds of fire, and yelled as it made contact with him, sending him back some feet as he rolled on the ground.

-{"You'll see"}-
Adam looked up to see Predaking standing there, glaring down at the mask wearing faunus.

-{"I'm their hero"}-
The two glared at each other as Predaking reared his fist back. Adam pushed his sword out with his thumb.

-{"I'll be lionized"}-
He then struck as both yelled, his fist met with Adam's blade again, making an indent as Adam was pushed down towards the ground. Along with a loud klang when the blade met with Predaking's scales.

-{"I have the strength to do what's needed"}-
Predaking kept pushing against Adam's sword, as the dragon Faunus lets out a loud roar. Adam, shocked by Predaking's physical strength.

-{"Unify our people with no compromise"}-
All the Faunus around watched as Predaking used his aura as a gauntlet as he pushed Adam backwards. The police captain looked to Kali in shock at the fight between the Dragon Faunus and Adam Taurus.

-{"Champion the truth until they recognize"}-
Adam stood up, both rearing back and attacked again. As they struggled, Adam tried to use his rifle to fire, hearing the click of the hammer, Predaking moved his head to the side, as the bullet whizzed by him, grazing his cheek.

-{"Lead them to salvation and regain our lives"}-
Predaking growled before using his other claw. Adam leapt backwards, firing more from Blush, Predaking used his arms to protect his head and vitals, even though his aura was protecting him, he wasn't going to take the chance of them breaking through.

-{"Behold your flaccid leaders"}-
Adam, having contained all the energy he needed proceeded to launch his counterattack. Thinking, 'Now to really cut this fake loose.'

-{"Too weak to take the prize"}-
As he ran towards Predaking Adam used his Semblance to make black and red images that would confuse anyone. This is because some of the images appeared before him and some appeared behind him with each step he took.

-{"Replace them with a warrior"}-
As he took a step and slashed with his sword, to which Predaking ducked. When he stood straight he saw the images went before Adam and moved as though the swordsman was continuing his moving in his place. Predaking blocked with his scale covered arms.

-{"It's time we mobilize"}-
Adam went forward almost like he was playing catch up before he swung at Predaking, who blocked with his scaled covered arms.

-{"Depose the feeble cowards"}-
Adam smirked as he moved faster, the energy in his sword making everything red on the masked swordsman glowing as he swung. Predaking moved himself out of the way, actually being pushed back as he wasn't sure his scales and aura would be enough to block his enemy's empowered blade.

-{"Heed this battle cry"}-
Predaking let out a roar letting out a blast of fire and from the flames came a fiery Griffon, though its body was more robust than the Grimm of the same species.

-{"Vengeance on the human filth"}-
It let out a fire made birdcall like roar as it charged at Adam.

-{"The time is now we rise"}-
Adam, initially surprised by the fake's Semblance to make more fakes with its fire.

-{"Won't accept a life of Des-ti-tu-tion"}-
Adam then cut it down with his sword, making the yellowish/white fireball in the center to fly back into the mouth of Predaking who breathed heavily once the action was done.

-{"Suffering is over soon"}-
Adam took this apparent point of weakness to press his attack, re-sheathing his sword and rushing forward.

Predaking looked up in time to see Adam about to draw his red bladed sword.

-{"Terminate, annihilate"}-
Adam swung once, then twice. Each time Predaking used his semblance to unleash a power behind the slashes.

-{"Our enemies must die"}-
He then let out a stronger blast that almost broke through Predaking's Aura, but it was still strong enough to protect Predaking's arms, and his life, from the attack.

-{"Destroy them all while"}-
Adam's contorted rage was focused on killing his draconic enemy once and for all. Especially by how close the clone got to Blake. And let out one of his signature moves, the Moonslice, as he did when he took the blond human's arm.

Predaking let out a blast of fire before channeling his aura to his scale covered arms before the slash sent him flying some feet closer to the academy entrance. Adam walking calmly towards him.

-{"I am glorified"}-
Adam then kicked Predaking in the face making the dragon faunus fall on his back. Blake and the others of the militia looked worried.

He then stood over the downed Predaking, thinking that the "weapon" had finally lost his strength. Just as he raised his sword up to finish Predaking off…

Seeing this, Blake stared, and images of the fall of Beacon flashed in her mind. And just as now, Adam stood over her before he cut off Yang's arm and wounded her. Not wanting to lose anyone else, Blake cried out, "PREDAKING!"

-{"I'm here"}-
Predaking's eyes snapped open as he raised his arm, grabbing the sword in his scaled hand and kicked Adam away from his precious sword, remembering what Ilia had said about how Adam is never seen without it and seemed to not be able to use his Semblance without it.

-{"I'm your savior"}-
Dropping the sword, Predaking let out a roar of defiance as he went and gave Adam a flurry of quick punches to Adam's chest and face. Adam felt his mask beginning to crack from the last blow to his face.

-{"I'll be lionized"}-
Enraged by his being beaten by a construct like the dragon Faunus before him, Adam let out a roar of outrage and reared back his fist at the same time as Predaking.

-{"I am… the path to reclamation"}-
Their fists met in collision and Adam felt his arm close to breaking, his aura almost gone. Adam refused to give in as he has to win, in order for the Faunus to reclaim this world and teach the humans the same pain and misery that they made to the Faunus.

Predaking saw Adam refusing to go down, even with Predaking delivering a kick to the man's chest. Which made Adam fall a couple feet away. Still not giving up, Adam shakily stood, no longer caring about his aura.

-{"This world will have no peace till our dream's realized"}-
Adam breathed heavily, blood trickling down his lips as he glared at Predaking more. He refused to give in to a human weapon take anything else from him!

Predaking stared and ordered, "Surrender."

Adam shook his head, not willing to give up. Even as Predaking made a slashing motion with his claw. The blow did damage to Adam's aura, but he used his sheath rifle to keep himself standing and tried to fire again.

-{"No mercy no compassion our fate's justified"}-
Predaking moved his head out of the way as Adam fired. The bullet whizzing past his head.

'Why? Why is this man refusing to give up? His aura should be close to being non-existent and his body is not strong enough to keep him standing by himself. So why is he still not willing to surrender and stop this? Does he truly wish to see this world burn in a war that will damage the Faunus' reputation even more?' Predaking asked himself, uncertain as to why the usurper before him still had the refusal to surrender and live…

Growling, Predaking slashed again. Adam used his sheath to block this time, only for his claw to knock Blush out of Adam's other hands.

-{"Time to turn the table on who's tyrannized!"}-
Adam let out a yell and charged. When Predaking readied himself, he saw Adam going past his opponent to reach his sword, Wilt. Turning quickly Predaking saw the bull-faunus take hold of the sword in his hand and charged, prepared to run his opponent through. Hissing in annoyance, Predaking sidestepped to Adam's left side, grabbed the hand around the sword.

Just as Adam turned his head to get a better look at his opponent, Predaking roared as he gave his mightiest punch, his fist contacting with the masked Faunus' face, causing Adam's cherished mask to crack more. At that moment Predaking detected a burning scent coming from Adam as the swordsman placed a hand to the left side of his mask. Adam's sword was flung into the air after the last blow before being imbedded into the ground. Adam laid on his back his hand over his left eye.

'What was that scent?' Predaking asked still staring at Adam who was holding his hand over the left eye piece of his mask. He then assumed it was the reason why Adam joined the White Fang in the first place.

Everyone stared at how intense the fight was, most were too silent to speak as no one has ever fought as intensely as Adam did. The White Fang and everyone then realized that Predaking won the match, and therefore became the new leader of the White Fang.

Blake stared, tears of joy welling up as she stated, "He won…"

Everyone in the Menagerie militia began to cheer at Predaking's victory. Predaking stood victorious as he remembered Blake telling him that Adam used his sword to harm her best friend and battle partner from Beacon. He figured it was time to enact the means to settle the score while also dealing a major blow to Adam's resolve, going to the sword.

Grabbing hold of Wilt, Predaking held the sword in both hands, one on the blade, the other close to the handle of it as he began to push the opposite ends against each other, before snapping it in half. Shards from the middle flew out, away from him as he glared down at Adam Taurus.

Adam gasped as he landed and fell on his back, his hand over the broken section of his mask, where he was first hurt in the first place by the humans.

'I lost…? No… I can't have… I'm supposed to lead the Faunus to the future it rightfully deserved! IT WAS MY DESTINY!' Adam thought as his first defeat since he took up his sword echoed in his mind. Seeing his sword, Wilt, broken before him was the final straw of his determination.

He watched as Predaking callously dropped the sword pieces and approached Taurus, ready to finish him then and there. Adam backed away in fear as he saw the Dragon Faunus release flames from his mouth, causing it to take on the form of a dragon like creature with feathery looking wings and a lizard/cat head. Not like any of the Grimm species, but similar in size as the griffon. It made a snarl at Adam, making him yell in fright. Predaking looked over to the construct that resembled Skylynx and ordered, "Watch him until the Mistral Police come for him."

Hazel observed the situation in front of him, impressed by the strength the younger man had in his fight to stop the needless deaths. However, he was then suddenly impaled by a white, glowing stinger. He is then pulled back inside the building and sat up to see that the white hair girl, with the armored young man that Cinder wounded was on his feet again, with a summoned Queen Lancer flying above her.

Hearing what was going on, Predaking and Blake looked to each other and nodded. The two then hurried to the entrance. Blake was much faster than the large Predacon as he kept running. Inside he could hear the sounds of fighting.

As soon as Predaking reached the academy's main doors, his eyes scanned before seeing what was going on as he rushed in, seeing another ghoul and then used all of his might to slam his fist into the face of the female undead wearing light looking armor while his scales met with a familiar sound as it was Cybertronian metal his fists collided with, meaning this creature came from Cybertron or was placed in armor made from Cybertronian metals. He kept fighting while she used her chained weapon. Predaking kept at it with his punches before the helmet broke apart, revealing the face underneath. Recognizing it, the fighting style and her face, Blake stared his horror, breathing, "By the gods…"

Then seeing a familiar blond haired young woman, Blake asked, surprised, "…Yang?"

"Blake, are they..." the male Faunus speaks to their friend.

"Yes... they're my friends," Blake says, still in shock of seeing her teammates here after months of separation.

Seeing the one who had obviously caused it, Predaking shouted, "Airachnid!"

Gaining everyone's attention. The masked individual turned and asked, as though seeing another familiar face in the draconic faunus, "Onyx?"

Airachnid seemed to notice the two who came in and said, "Ahh. It appears now that all of my quarry are here at last!"

Turning to her current opponent she sneered, "I'll deal with you later-"

She then went to deal with the two she recently swore vengeance on while both Faunus got ready to defend themselves. The two used their training to good use as it allowed them to protect each other from the Decepticon's attack.

Airachnid then used her webbing to make Predaking be stuck in place as she focused on Blake.

The two crossed their blades. Smirking she asked the girl, "Do you like my new pet? She was originally going to be killed by Taurus back at her throne room until I and my associate found a more delicious means of using her. She needed to go through intense treatments, which would help her retain her higher cerebral functions. However, now she's the perfect killing machine, similar to me in all except for this nasty habit of wanting her pain to end so she's a good side along."

Predaking hissed when he heard that as he found out that Airachnid found pleasure in the pain of an innocent. Though every time he pulled his arm was forced back to the ground. He heard a cry as he saw Blake being hit, but protected by her aura from Airachnid's attack. Knowing that she was in trouble Predaking used as much strength as possible before feeling someone standing before him. It was the ghouled Sienna who asked, her darkened eyes focusing on him, "Who… are you? Your aura… is different… like the sun…"

Seeing as she has intelligence, similar to Airachnid and Bombshock he answered, "I am Predaking. The new leader of the White Fang Brotherhood."

"Lies! Adam took it! Stole it from me!" She hissed holding the knife edge of her chain to his neck. Predaking looked into her darkened eyes and saw tears, of a different color, but tears all the same.

Keeping his eyes forward, Predaking told her, "I claimed the title of leader from him in honorable combat."

Sienna's eyes darted about before recognition came to her face as she remembered who Predaking was and stated, "You defeated… him?"

Predaking nodded, as he said, "And broke his resolve. You do not need to worry about the future."

He then took a deep breathe, following the feeling of his soul and exhaled some of aura in her direction as she detected it and began to inhale similarly as a person does with oxygen rich air. This act and Predaking's words seemed to have brought some life back in Sienna's eyes as she raised her chain and used the fire dust in her chain's blade to cut Predaking free of the spider's web. Predaking remained there before she said to him, "I'll distract that monster… You help who you can…"

Predaking nodded as the two split off. While Airachnid went to help Blake, Predaking went to aid the child who was being hunted down by the man who watched the duel between himself and Adam, going back to attack the child with a feline Faunus whose inheriting trait was unfamiliar to him.

Just as Hazel thought that he was going to get his revenge on Ozpin he heard a spark of flames and saw the dragon Faunus outside, coming at him with his fist engulfed in fire. Hazel gritted his teach, getting angry with his revenge being interrupted again. Pushing himself away, he saw a crater being made where he would have been. Predaking stood and went protectively before the boy, ignoring everyone else as he glared. Seeing the boy, reminded him of his latest memory from last night, and thinking of someone's attempt to end a youngling's life fed the anger that burned within him. Enough for him to exhale thick smoke from his nose.

Hazel glared at the Faunus before him and growled, feeling this was getting in the way of his revenge, he shouted, angrily, "Get out of my way!"

And charged at Predaking, who fueled by his hatred and anger at what Airachnid tried to do to Blake, swung his arm, not caring of how much of his true strength he put into his attack, hit Hazel, as if he was swatting a fly. The man stared in utter shock not only from the contact of the fist, but also by how he soared and crashed into one of the pillars, breaking it completely and through the walls, again until they heard him crying out in anger, "NOOO!".

All those who knew Hazel, Mercury and Emerald, gapped at what they thought would be impossible. He may not feel pain, but he might feel it when he reached the bottom of the mountain when he lands. The masked individual who had previously been in a stalemate with Megatron stared, in wide-eyed recognition of another person from his past.

Meanwhile, Blake continues to fight against Airachnid. Airachnid threw a kick, which Blake ducked under, and countered with a slash of her katana. Airachnid blocked, and then two of her spider legs attack from the sides. Blake used her semblance to evade them, but Airachnid's spider legs not only destroy her shadow clone, but also to kept her from attacking from the rear. Airachnid fired off her blasters along with her webbing, forcing Blake back until some webbing caught her and glued her in place. Airachnid went in for the kill, only for someone intervene in time to stop her. Blake saw how he has a visor covering his face. The guy then had mechanical tentacles shoot out from his chest, which grabbed Airachnid by two of her spider legs, and began to shock her by sending electricity throughout her body. Airachnid screamed before pushing through it and firing her blasters at him. Blake's new savior then released her to evade the attack, but as soon as she's free, a sudden chain swung by and smacked her in the face. The sadistic spider shook it off to see Sienna helping Blake out and freeing her from her webbing.

"What?! How dare you betray your savior! If it weren't for me, you would still be dead by Taurus' hands!" Airachnid yelled angrily at this betrayal.

Sienna glared back her tormentor before stating, "I'd rather be dead than put through anymore torture as your puppet," she says as Blake and the visor young man stood with her.

Blake looks to the visor young man and asked, "Listen, I don't know who you are, but we got this, can you go help the others?"

The young man stared at her for a moment, but then nodded and gone to help Ruby and Weiss, with his cybernetic falcon flying right by his side. Blake and Sienna turn back to Airachnid, who growls before she charged at them.

Predaking turned around going to the boy as he asked, "Are you unharmed, young one?"

The young man stared at him, as if he had seen a ghost, "Wh-Why are you-"

However a sound caught their attention before turning to see an elevator in front of the foyar's staircase rise up. Soon a young man with one arm, with an arm cannon on it stood there. Predaking then saw the man jump up and land before the blond that Blake blamed herself for failing back in Beacon. Her friend. The person helped Yang up, stand before her protectively, then held up a lamp like object and addressed all with the voice that made Predaking's blood freeze, as if hearing a ghost, "This battle is over. Raven has fled, Vernal is dead, and Cinder and Starscream have been defeated. They're not coming back, and the Relic belongs to us. Surrender and your lives will be spared. There is no point in fighting any further."

His eyes widened at the individual with an arm cannon. His actions, his voice, and the tone in them. They were all the same as the one being in all of existence that Predaking will never forgive or forget of their actions... All the anger and hatred that was in his spark was bubbling back to the surface and intensified in the hundreds, making him bearing his teeth and contorting his face in fury. Hearing the voice of this person also confirmed his suspicions.

Unable to hold back any longer, Predaking roared, "MMEEGGGAAATTTTRRRROOOOOOOOOOONNNNNNNNN!"

The roar attracted the attention of everyone in the room. Blake turned back to Predaking, frightened by his loud roar. She never heard his voice covered in so much hatred before. And it scared her.

The Hazel saw the Faunus before him and growled, feeling this was getting in the way of his revenge, he shouted, "Get out of my way!"

And charged at Predaking, who fueled by his hatred and anger at Megatron, swung his arm, not caring how much of his true strength he put into his attack. The man stared in utter shock not only from the contact of the fist, but also by how he soared and crashed into one of the pillars, breaking it completely and through a wall, again. All those who knew Hazel gapped at what they thought would be impossible. The masked individual who was in a stalemate with Megatron stared, wide eyed as though he saw someone he knew.

"Predaking?!" Megatron stared as he tried to make an appeal, "You're here? Listen, I know you are angry at me, and you have every right to be, but you must listen. I am not the same Megatron back from our world. Things are different now!"

That only made Predaking angrier, Megatron was giving orders to him as if nothing had changed. As if he was still the master and Predaking was a simple beast. However…

"In the name of my Predacon brethren who fell due to your treachery, I shall never again yield to your charge. But I will heed your previous advice and face my true enemy once more, AS A BEAST!" Predaking roared in complete outrage, shocking everyone as he began to activate his semblance, causing powerful streams of fire to shoot out from his mouth upwards.

Back outside the fiery construct snarled at Adam just as the police arrived. Sensing something it turned its head to the doorway as it roared and flew in Predaking's direction, losing its physical shape as it and the soul piece that gave the construct life flew to its rightful place. Adam, seeing the distraction took the hilt of his sword and knew what he had to do.

The fires that were exhausted from Predaking then shaped itself as a flaming construct in the shape of the Predacon's true Beast form around his actual body size wise. But was scaled down to accommodate the change from Cybertronian to Faunus size. However, it was still very large to make everyone inside, and those who see the lights of the fire from the outside to stare in shock and awe before he attacked.

"Predaking, wait!" Blake tried to stop him, but the combination of his anger, the intensity of the flames, and the distance between them, prevented her from reaching him in time while he was blinded by his feelings of revenge.

He screeched at Megatron, ignoring the enemies, swiping at them with his claws as if they were obstacles before him as he jumped off and dived for him. Bashing Megatron with his enflamed claws.

He saw Megatron created a shield with the same power as he had when the demon possessed him, this made his anger grow as he kept pushing Megatron back with each strike of his burning claws. This was the proof that Predaking needed to let him know Megatron was still under the alliances of the demon, and that the words he was speak were all another farse!

"FIGHT BACK, VILE BETRAYER!" Predaking's voice roared from inside his fiery construct. Demanding the warlord to fight back as he did during their previous encounter on Cybertron and Earth before that.

"Predaking, I do not want to fight you! I know I betrayed you, just like I betrayed so many others, but that is why I am here: to atone for my crimes!" Megatron retorts as he sticks mainly to defense. This Made Megatron furious by the lies spewing from his mouth.

"RUINER OF THE HOMELAND!" Predaking accused attacking with another claw.

"Predaking, listen. I gave up the life of a decepticon as part of my atonement. I seek redemption for my past, to try and write all of the wrongs I have committed. Even if you don't believe me, you must hear what I have to say!" Megatron cried out as he jumped back to evade another swing of Predaking's claws.

"LYING WARMONGER!" Predaking shouted swinging his tail at Megatron, who then fell. But Predaking was surprised that warmonger had staggered to his feet.

"I know I lied to you, to many others, but you must understand, I left that part of me back at our home when I exiled myself from there. I did that because I realized I was a fool, and a monster, and a murderer!" Megatron yells.

"DESTROYER OF MY RACE!" Predaking screamed with great hatred.

Hearing the hate in his voice Blake began to worry for Predaking. Maybe some of the ideas from Sun wasn't so farfetched but, she must try to reach him before he becomes exactly like Adam.

"I know I destroyed your people because I was afraid of you, of all of you. That was my mistake, and I will never forget it. Predaking, please..." Predaking heard Megatron beg, but his words made Predaking become closer to give into his hatred for the warlord. His crimes against his brethren was too much for the Predacon to forgive.

"YOU WILL NOT LAY SIEGE TO ANOTHER WORLD UNDER MY VIGILANCE THIS TIME!" Predaking declared as he pressed his attack by a large blast of fire which clashed into Megatron's shield. He did not mind his words as his vengeance on Megatron consumed his mind and heart. As well as his promise to keep Blake and the Faunus safe from evil, especially Megatron's brand.

Due to the intensity of the flames and the power of the attack, Megatron was sent flying into the ground, his shield shattering to pieces. Everyone in the main hall watch on at the monstrous brawl as Megatron got pushed into a corner. Predaking jumping into the air towards him, fangs and claws bare as he was about to end Megatron once and for all. When...


Megatron's eyes widen as he heard someone shout his name, this made Predaking take on a shocked expression. He was not able to stop when Megatron conjured a large cannon over his right arm and fires a blast that pushes Predaking back away from him, allowing him to stand back up. Predaking could faintly hear Megatron speak, shaking his head to get his mind back in order.

"Believe me, Predaking, no one wants me to perish more than I, but... I made a promise."

Predaking stood up glaring at Megatron, hearing him say something about a promise made him look at Blake, he could see her fearful expression. He growled and promised to make her fears go away, by ridding Remnant of Megatron once and for all.

"I made a promise to one whom I've come to care about a great deal," Predaking heard Megatron say. Predaking then followed the eyes of his enemy looking over to the human female with the same hair color as Sun for a moment. Before the warlord's attention was returned to the enflamed dragon before him.

Predaking looked back at his own opponent as he snarled, a lack of humanity or consciousness in the snarl. But the mention of the word promise made Predaking regain his consciousness from within his construct.

'I too had made a promise myself… To someone I respect and care about greatly.' Predaking thought as he bared his fangs, 'A promise to make sure no harm comes to Blake and make sure that none of this world will ever bring tears to her. To make a future for the people of this world to make her smile.'

"And I promised her that I would always be there by her side, to aid her in any way that I possibly could. So I can't die now, but if it's a fight you want..." Predaking could partially hear Megatron state, his arm blade shooting out from the warlord's gauntlet, "Then it's a fight you shall have."

His eyes narrowed at Megatron's word and snarled, his construct's eyes took on a redder color, 'And to keep Blake and this world safe…

"I WILL CAST YOU BACK INTO THE PIT WHERE YOU BELONG!" Predaking roared, for all inside to hear. Seeing Megatron charge at him, Predaking met with a charge of his own, all the while, everyone on both sides inside the hallway were unable to look away. Blake placed hands over her heart, afraid for Predaking.

(There it is, the final chapter. I want to thank everyone who has been following this story since i began working with Ryujudge6614 a year ago in this collaboration between us. And I hope you all take a chance to look at my other stories and/or continue to give me your support with any future projects.

Thank you all for your support and following my story and thank you again Ryujudge6614 for allowing me to work with you on this story.

So... I guess this is it. Till all are One.)