A/N: I do not own Inuyasha or anything from the Marvel Universe.

"Excuse me." I mutter. Weaving my way through the crowded streets. Glancing at my watch I increase my pace. Mentally berating myself for being late. Hopefully he won't mind too much. I start a small jog as I see the bakery coming up. Eyes scanning the street for a head of blonde hair. I frown when I can't find the right shade of blonde. As I come up to the front of the bakery I move to where I won't block the street. Nerves building up I start to worry I've been stood up. Feeling a hand on my shoulder I whirl around. Mouth open and ready to yell at the person who grab me. Only to come face to face with Steve in Cognito. He's wearing a black cap and sun glasses. Dress in his signature brown jacket, dark blue jeans and a light blue V-neck that would've compliment his pretty blue eyes. Mouth snapping shut I give him a once over. Deciding not to question his choice of attire. I look to where his eyes would be. Smiling I wave and whisper out a breathless hi. He smiles and returns the sentiment. His hand reaches up and removes his glasses. And I feel myself relaxing. Glad I wouldn't be spending the night talking to his sun glasses.

"You look nice!" I compliment. He bows his head, a shy smile appearing on his lips.

"So do you." He comments shyly. I smile at his awkwardness. Making sure to thank him before changing topics.

"I hope your hungry." I say. He looks up and nods.

"You told me to come hungry." Amusement peaks through his gaze along with curiosity. I beam at his reply, glad he followed my advice.

"Good! Let's go!" I grab his elbow, missing the look of surprise that crosses his face. Too excited of the thought of food. As we weave through the crowd and break through to a clearer area I let go.

"Sorry." I mumble sheepishly. He waves me off with a polite smile.

"So, there's this awesome taco truck by the park. I thought we could grab a bite before we hit the good stuff." He nods and then tilts his head in question.

"Nope, not telling you. It's a surprise," I make a zipping motion in front of my mouth. He smiles before following beside me.

"Any hints?" He asks. Shaking my head in amusement I tell him no. Thankfully the sun is about to set. So hopefully we won't have any awkward run ins with anyone who may recognize Steve. He hasn't told me his real identity since we met a week ago. And I would like for him to be able to tell me on his own terms.

After I gave him my number, things were stale. No progress was being made and the possibility of a friendship was slipping away. Growing frustrated by the lack of development I decided to make the first move. I offered to show him a couple of cool spots that I knew. Waiting for a response never felt so agonizing. I was scared he rethought us being friends. Worried I had been ghosted. It wasn't until hours later, when I was getting ready for bed that he responded. He apologized for being late and reasoned he was busy body guarding an important client. Receiving another text, I quickly opened it and I couldn't restrain smile that adorned my lips. He agreed. So, after setting a date and time I spent days wondering where to take him. Where do you take a man who's been asleep for 70 years?

"So how's your week been?" He asks. Turning to him, I answer.

"Good, I'm getting ready for open house next week." His brows furrow and before he can ask I explain.

"It's so the parent's can see the progress of their kids and know what they're doing in school. It's also so my kids can show off their work to their parents." I smile, at the thought of my kids excited faces when I mentioned open house this morning in class. Feelings his gaze on me I turn to him, he's smiling, and I tilt my head in question.

"You refer to them as your kids." I nod.

"They are, maybe not by blood but I adore every one of them. Even when they're being little a-holes." I hear Steve chuckle and I find myself smiling even wider. Liking the sound.

"That's great that you care so much about them." I lower my head at his words. Blushing at the approval that seeps through his tone.

"How are things going for you?" I ask instead. His face becomes somber and I feel bad for bringing it up.

"I'm still adjusting." He says, and I nod not wanting to press. I continue to walk, intending to give him space only for him to break it.

"Thank you for tonight." Turning to him, I meet his gaze. I feel myself swallow a bit too hard at the intensity. Throat dry, I can only nod.

We continue to walk, and I lightly tap his arm. Gaining his attention, I point to the taco truck up ahead.

"There." He nods, and we speed up our pace. There's a small line and I tell him it's usually longer and how we luck out. As we look at the menu, I see a couple across the street stop and point to Steve. I feel myself panic and I reach out to grab Steve's arm. Tugging him so he's directly behind the two men standing in front of us. Out of sight from the couple. Seeing Steve looking at me I point towards the menu. Showing him my favorites and what I want to try. He takes the bait and doesn't question me further. Sighing in relief, we both slowly move to the front of the line. Once it's our turn, we both order. As he reaches for his wallet I put my hand on his arm. Stopping him. He glances at me and I shake my head. Hand already giving the man my card.

"I got this one." I tell him and before he can protest I remind him that I owe him. He submits, the man already running my card. Once we get our food, we sit down on one the tables under the tree. The taco truck is by a park and there's a few benches and tables decorating the field. The leaves rustle in tune with the wind and I find myself relaxing. My energy humming in tune with the nature. The weather is beautiful, and we sit in silence, watching the sunset. Our silence is comfortable, both of us content to sit and enjoy the peaceful evening. I turn as I hear a yell and I see a dad and his son holding hands and spinning around. The pair have huge smiles on and I find myself joining in. I turn towards Steve and I see he's watching the pair also. Pausing, I take the chance to study him. He looks relax. A small smile gracing his lip. It makes him look more approachable. More handsome. But even though he looks content, his eyes seem weary. Like he's seen too much. His eyes catch mines, startling me.

"Looks like fun." I blurt out. Mentally I scold myself. Last thing I want is for him to think I'm checking him out. Thankfully, he remains oblivious. He instead stares at the pair as he answers.

"People in this time seem disconnected with life. Too engross with technology." He turns to me, eyes far off. "It's nice to see people out enjoying life and making memories. Tomorrows never guarantee." He trails off. I nod my head agreeing.

"I used to be like that." I admit. It seems like another lifetime ago.

"What changed?" Glancing up, I see curiosity peaking through.

"When I turned fifteen, my world shifted… I met new friends and my priorities changed." Turning my gaze towards the field I stare at the scenery. I replace the picture with the one from the past.

"No longer was I all about boys and gossip. Instead I got the chance to travel." I smile, meeting his gaze. He is leaning forward. His body language showing his interest. I wonder if I should continue.

"Where are you from?" He questions. "If you don't mind me asking?" He quickly adds. His polite nature kicking in. Waving him off I answer. Glad he's showing interest.

"No, not at all. I'm from Tokyo, Japan." He nods, a glint in his eye. It passes far to quick for me to decipher.

"So, you're from the city?" He prods. His brows furrow in confusion when I shake my head.

"My family owns a shrine, so I guess you can say I was in the outskirts of the city. I grew up in a more traditional setting." He nods his head understanding.

"Any siblings?" He asks.

"I have a little brat name Souta." He smiles, mirroring mines.

"He's a good boy, well man." I shrug my shoulders at my slip. He brushes it aside, not paying it any mind.

"They grow up fast huh." Nodding I blurt my next question without thinking.

"What about you?" He pauses, eyes far off. My back is so stiff I force myself to relax.

"No siblings." He provides. I nod. Looking around as the lights decorating the park turns on. We're both finish with our food. I stand up and begin grabbing our trash. Brushing Steve's hand away with a smile as he tries to help. Walking to the nearby trash can I throw it away. Turning around, I see Steve standing besides me.

"So, how was it?" He smiles, patting his stomach.

"It was good." Frowning I glare at him.

"Just good?" He smiles and nods.

"It's nice, the atmosphere is very calming. I wouldn't mind coming again" His expression is honest. Making me feel content with his answer.

"Well, I hope your not too full." He looks curious and before he asks I repeat the zipping motion.

"Not telling." I motion for him to follow and we make our way towards spot number two.

"What do you like to do on your free time?" I ask. Curious if there is anything I could use for next time.

He ponders for a moment before answering.

"Honestly, I don't have much free time. But I guess run and spar." Eyeing him, I let him catch my gaze.

"We should spar some time." It had been awhile since I had a spar with someone. I know my reflexes were getting a bit rusty and the thought of all my training going to waste made me uncomfortable. He looks a bit hesitant and this time I press.

"I won't be easy." I say. Not liking the feeling of being undermine. He shakes his head.

"Sparing is hard for me because I can't pull my punches very well." He tries to assure me, but it does the opposite.

"I never asked you to pull your punches." I say. And I have to remind myself not to get defensive. He had every reason to be wary. With no way of knowing my miko would protect me from his strength.

"You don't have to, just putting it out there." I say, trying to lessen the tension in his shoulders and it does. Grabbing his arm, I guide him to our next place. He looks at the sign in front and then looks at me. Nodding my head, we head inside. Taking our spot in line I explain the menu.

"So, this place is known for its doughnut sandwiches. You choose your preferred doughnut and pick your favorite ice cream. Then they make a sandwich out of it." His eyes are wide as he takes in the menu and I feel myself inflate at his awe. Mentally patting myself on the back I explain the other items. I watch as his eyes greedily take things in. Who would've guess Captain America has a sweet tooth.

When we get to the front he orders a strawberry cream doughnut with gummy worms on top and vanilla ice cream. I go for the raspberry sorbet. Before I can pay he pulls out a twenty and places it on the counter. "I got this one." He winks at me and I quickly divert my gaze. Feeling my face growing warm. I thank him and congratulate myself on sounding normal. As we get our dessert I gently elbow him. Nodding my head towards the door.

As we walk outside I tell him we have one more destination for the night. Walking, we eat our dessert in silence. Steve looks like he's loving his doughnut sandwich and my sorbet is amazing as always. I cut through the field, Steve following beside me. We make our way to my secret spot. Breaking through the trees and sitting on top of a small hill we're greeted by a big screen. I turn to Steve and motion for him to sit.

"It's a drive-in theater." I explain. He nods and turns to me. Tone slightly cynical.

"Aren't we supposed to have a car and you know pay." Biting my lip, I try to keep my giggles at bay. I meet his gaze.

"VIP." I supply. And he shakes his head, a small chuckle escaping his lips.

"What movie are we watching?" I answer, not missing a beat.

'Lion King." He squints his eyes and I can tell he doesn't know what it is.

"It's a classic." I say. "Plus, its family night." I add. He nods, and I can tell he's hiding his confusion. There were other options but what ninety-year-old can go without watching Lion King. It's absurd. I tell him we're a bit early. He doesn't seem to mind, too engross with his dessert. As he's finishing his last bite, he turns to me. After giving him my attention, he speaks.

"You said you grew up on a shrine." At my nod he continues.

"Any tales you care to share?" Pausing I immediately think of one. I shift my gaze to his, gauging his expression. I can tell him Inuyasha's and Kikyo's tale. Introduce him slowly and test the waters.

"I have one, it doesn't have a happy ending though." His brows furrow.

"It's ok, not all stories have happy endings." I pause, searching his face but his eyes are glue to the ground. My heart aches for him, and I swallow the words that want to burst through. Instead I begin the tale.

"There once was a priestess named Kikyo. She was loved and revered throughout her village. It was said, she had the power to slay demons." I feel Steve's gaze on me, but I ignore it. Feeling myself drown in a story that paved an intricate path to my own involvement.

"Her power was known throughout the surrounding villages. It was because of her strength and purity that she was entrusted with a sacred artifact. The Shikon no Tama. A jewel able to grant your deepest desire and increase your strength tenfold." Steve tenses beside me, mind whirling with questions. Connecting dots that didn't fit.

"Kikyo accepted the burden. She protected the jewel without fail, never faltering until one day she came across a hanyou. Half dog demon and half human. Never too be accepted in either world, he was lonely. His name was Inuyasha. He had sought the jewel and intended to use it to become a full demon. No matter how many times he tried to steal the jewel Kikyo found she couldn't slay him. She would always end their fights with a nonlethal blow. One day, instead of trying to steal the jewel Inuyasha confronted her. He wanted to know why she didn't kill him. It was the start of a tragic love affair. At the time Kikyo had been taking care of a wounded bandit named Onigumo. His body was gravely burned and left to die by the bandit he betrayed. Kikyo found him and took pity on him. Nursing him she unknowingly sealed her fate. Onigumo was a deceitful man filled with deep hatred. He developed an obsession with Kikyo. Knowing he could do nothing to claim her in his current state he made a deal with countless demons. Allowing them to devour his body in exchange for a new one. A more powerful one, which he could use to claim her. The new body resulted in Onigumo being reborn as a half demon named Naraku. Naraku's goal wasn't to obtain Kikyo, but the jewel she protected. He fatally wounded Kikyo disguised as Inuyasha. He then disguised himself as Kikyo and attacked Inuyasha. Planting the seed of doubt that grew into hatred. Inuyasha angry and confused went back to the village to retrieve the jewel but Naraku was already one step ahead. Still disguised as Kikyo he went to warn the villagers that Inuyasha was coming and to protect the jewel. They did, forcing Inuyasha to use force. Inuyasha succeeded in getting the jewel and ran away with it only to be stopped by Kikyo's arrow. Using the last of her strength, Kikyo sealed Inuyasha to the Goshinboku, the Tree of Ages. Naraku miscalculated, he assumed Kikyo would use the jewel's power to heal herself. Instead she requested for the jewel to be burned with her body, so it can be taken to the afterlife with her. The jewel was gone from the world unfortunately taking Kikyo with it. And Inuyasha was pinned to the Goshinboku. Forced into an eternal sleep." My voice trails off in a whisper, reciting the last line of a story that is deeply ingrain within my soul. Slowly I look to Steve, his gaze is somber. Brows pull together and lips titling down.

"Any particular reason you picked that story?" His eyes are inquiring, and I take a moment to steady myself. Words on the tip of my tongue. Hanging off the edge. Begging to be said.

"The Goshinboku is located on my shrine. The story is said to take place on my land." His eyes light up. A look of surprise on his features. I feel myself wilt. Disappointed with my evasion.

"That's some nice folklore you got there." My stomach knots and my smile's a bit too tight."

"My grandfather loves telling it to our visitors. He even has small Shikon no Tama trinkets." I say. Trying no to let my mind wander. I feel myself yearning for Steve to ask the right questions. To see through my facade. But for him it's just a fairy tale.

The lights around us go dim as the screen lights up. The movie is starting. Shifting in a more comfortable position I push back any residual feelings brought up from the story. Instead allowing myself to enjoy the present. Appreciate the company of a friend. As the movie starts, I find myself watching Steve's reactions during my favorites scenes. Smiling when I see him let loose and enjoy himself. After a while I lose myself in the movie, singing along to my favorite parts. Not caring that Steve is watching me. Utter amusement clear in his eyes. As the credits show I stare at him, waiting for his opinion.

"Well?" I implore. Feeling giddy with anticipation. He smiles, nodding his head. The look of approval on his features.

"I can see why it's a classic." He says and laughs when I give a big whoop. I start to pick up our trash, his voice stopping me.

"Thank you." I glance to him, taken aback by the sincerity in his gaze. Shuffling my feet, I shrug.

"No problem." I respond. Not knowing what else to say.

"No, really. It's… been hard adjusting." He swallows hard, and I wait for him to continue.

"I was hesitant on taking you up on your offer." He looks at me his gaze full of something I couldn't make out.

"I'm glad I did." He finishes. Starring at him, I have to remind myself to breathe. Of all the times for words to fail me, why now.

"Thank you for taking a chance." I say. And I really mean it. I know I need this, maybe even more than he did. His gaze lingers on me and I wish I can read him. I feel my Miko rise under my skin, the temptation to read his aura. But I push it down. One day, just not today. He moves to stand and a big part of me wishes there's a destination four. But hopeful there will be a second meeting. Once he's up we retrace our steps. Heading back towards the street I turn towards him. I wait till he turns my way before speaking.

"So, what was your favorite part?" He tilts his head back, eyes going skyward.

"Mhmm… When he claims his throne." Frowning I ask why.

"He overcame his worst and rose above his fears. He did what was right even though it was easier to do nothing. He came out stronger" Pausing in step, I can't help but stare at him. He meets my gaze, eyes questioning.

"That's very profound." He shrugs his shoulders. And I find myself respecting him even more.

"What about you?" he asks. And I feel my cheeks growing warm.

"I like when they sing Hakuna Matata." My voice is sheepish, and I blush even harder when I hear his booming laugh.

"That was a good scene." He affirms, and I relax, thankful he wasn't judgmental. He gave this insightful answer and I said I like the scene where Simba learns to eat bugs and dive into a river.

Throwing the trash into a nearby trash can we stop under a light pole. The streets are clearing. The moon high in the sky. It was getting a bit late, a lot of the mom and pop stores already closing.

"I'll walk you home." Steve offers, and I nod, already knowing he won't take no for an answer. If I am honest, I don't want to say no. Tonight being the most fun I've had in a very long time. I didn't want the night to end. We fall into step, enjoying the calm that came with it being nightfall. The only sound being our footfalls and the wind playing with the leaves of the trees. A beautiful tune until it's broken by a chilling scream.

We pause in step. Our eyes meeting before we take off in a sprint towards the scream. Adrenaline is coursing through me. Blood rushing through my veins. I hear my heart pounding in sync with my footsteps. Hoping we make it in time. We turn around the corner in time for a second scream. Our pace increasing, I focus on Steve's back. His super serum giving him the advantage of speed. I reach the scene a few moments after him. Steve's already in action. Throwing a man towards the wall before raising his hand to block the punch aim at his face.

Tearing my gaze away from him. I search for the woman who screamed. I see her being drag into an alley by two men. Acting fast I make my way to them, my footsteps barley making a sound. It's the woman's gaze that gives me away. The first man comes at me knife in hand. He aims at my stomach and I quickly intercept it, putting pressure on the inside of his wrist. I turn it. Raising my other arm, I aim for his throat. Immediately he staggers back, hands rising to wrap around his throat. Not giving him time to recover I rush at him, ducking at his weak attempt at a grab. Moving behind him I hit the back of his neck, knocking him out.

Turning around towards the second man I see him holding the woman against his chest. Using her as a shield. Pausing in step, I glare as the man leers at me. Eyeing me up and down. I tense. Grabbing a button on my blouse I rip it out. Charging it with my energy before throwing it at his shoulder. The man doesn't dodge, and I smirk as it hits him. Throwing him back a couple feet. The women lurches forward and runs towards me. Her eyes frantic. I turn towards Steve. Wanting to make sure he's alright. He's finishing the last man off. And I watch in horror as one of the men on the ground pulls out a gun. He's aiming it at Steve. Before I can open my mouth to warn him Steve turns around and kicks it. Accidentally aiming it towards me as it goes off.

A loud bang pierces the night and I freeze, my heart screeching to a stop. Steve quickly turns towards me our eyes meeting. I can see the horror in his eyes and it takes me a moment to realize why. Hearing a thump behind me I whirl around. Staring in shock as the woman falls to her knees. Blood is trickling out of her mouth. A small red dot appears on her chest. The blood quickly spreading and staining her blouse crimson. Her gaze is on me. Eyes wide in terror. She slides down to the ground, and I hear her gasping. Her breathes coming out in shallow pants. Her hand rises to her chest attempting to put pressure on her wound. Trying to stop the bleeding to no avail. The blood keeps coming, the thin liquid seeping effortlessly through her fingers.

Coming out of my shock I rush to her. My hands frantically flutter above her wound. I avoid the eyes I feel peering into mines. The realization that her wound is fatal preventing me from doing so. My mind is racing, and I feel my hands rising. I can heal her, I think to myself. My hands go straight to her wound. Only to hesitate. My eyes meeting hers. They're pleading.

"I don't want to die. Please help." She begs.

My heart clenches. Time is running out. Staring at her, I know I can't ignore her. I didn't have it in me to do so. Quickly calling upon my Miko. I ignore the gasp that slips through her lips. Instead I feel myself drowning in a terrifying realization. Fear is bubbling up in my throat and I feel like I'm choking. By healing her, I've expose myself. There is no escaping this or what is to come. Steve saw her get hit. With his enhance vision he will know the wound is fatal.

I watch her eyes fall close. The purity calming her in a way words never could. I hear footsteps behind me and my hands begin to shake. Feeling Steve's energy getting closer. Instead of it soothing me it scares me. Focusing on the wound, I try my best to ignore him. The bullet had gone straight through. All I have to do it repair. The woman's breathing is no longer erratic, and I feel relief. Knowing she'll survive.

My eyes start tearing. Making my vision blur. I can feel the fear building in my stomach. Increasing so fast I feel like I'll burst. Steve knows. My thoughts are racing, and I feel dread clog my throat. Needing to distract myself, I watch as the muscles repair itself. The soft pink glow of my miko aiding it.

'Almost done,' I tell myself. 'Just a little more… There.' The lady had fallen asleep. Whether from the pain or the soothing effect of my miko. Slowly I sit back on the heels of my feet. My hands still place on top of where the wound had been. Stain red with blood. Testament of what I just did. Proof of what I'm capable of. Knowing Steve is behind me, I dare not move. I couldn't. The fear of rejection holding me in place.

"Kagome." I flinch at the sound of his voice. Not knowing what to expect.

Turning around, I face him. His expression a mixture of hurt and caution. I feel my heart sink. I can only imagine what I look like. Eyes wide, and hands soak with blood. I am a sight. His gaze shifts to the woman. Eyes focusing on where a fatal wound should be. I look away. No longer able to meet his gaze. Too afraid of his reaction. I hear rustling.

"Here." Snapping my gaze back to him. I see him holding his hand towards me. Feeling a sense of déjà vu as I stare at the jacket he's handing me.

"Give her your shirt and put this on. I have to call the police, but you can't be here when they come." I stare at him in shock. Having a hard time wrapping my head around his words.

"Kagome" he leans down. Eyes full with concern.

"Take it" He urges.

Seeing the worry in his gaze, I take the jacket. Trying my hardest not to get too much blood on it. I wipe my hands on my pants. Ignoring the blood staining them. I glance at Steve. He's turn away from me and I take it as a cue to change. The nightly chill causing the hairs on my arms to stand. Taking off my undershirt I use it to wipe the blood off. Trying to ignore the shaking of my hands. After wiping her off, I put my shirt over her head. Thankful it fit.

Sitting back, I put the leather jacket on. Taking comfort in the warmth that is Steve.

I stand up, and look to see Steve still turn away. Not failing to live up to the gentleman that he is.

"Done." I whisper. Hesitant to break the silence. He takes a moment before turning around. Catching my gaze. His expression is harden. Eyes distant. I feel myself trying not to crumble under his gaze.

"Will you be OK walking home alone?" He asks. Biting my lip, I nod. Nerves talking control of my voice.

"Go home Kagome." Nodding, I try to ignore the pressure in my chest. Feeling my world unraveling I turn and run. Too scared to look back. Too scared to stay and face him.

Surprise! Two chapters in one day. Yay! So, the last scene with the woman was written before chapter 3. It was driving me crazy because I really wanted to finish it. This chapter was fun to write so I hope ya'll like it. I'll be honest, I wasn't sure where Kagome should take Steve. He doesn't seem like he likes crowds and although Kagome is from the current timeline I can't imagine her being up to date on what's in.

CallaRose4ever: Thanks for your review on chapter 4. It helped me figure out how I want them to cross over into the friend territory. :)