Yoyoyoyo back with chapter three not much to say here. You'll pretty much just see so on top reviews and to everyone who doesn't like the story just don't read it n definitely don't leave hate mail


DRADX: I made him 6'7 so that he stands over everyone but he can change his form to fit his needs

Guest: thx

Jojotheshadow: yeah lol I had out pre-written

Guest: I plan to finish this story so I'm not going anywhere

Guest: I'ma just post what you said and go from there "Blond hair black tip? 6'7 height ? Is this a yu-gi-oh attack on titan au crossover. Stupid ass get outta here"

Now for one you have to be too young to know or remember what Yugi looked like and I don't think he was 6'7 anyway. And just because I included characters from other fandoms don't make this a crossover between all of them.

It you don't have any constructive criticism don't even bother commenting

He Who Seeks The Joys in Life: nice name m8 but theirs only 2 bad reviews so your statement is invalid

Guest: Tiffany's identity is a surprise although if you watch Lucifer you'll have a idea of who and what she is

.3950: I didn't think that anyone would bring up Shalltear this early but I won't ruin the surprise

SPark681: yeah I'm building up for the next ark

luffyxrobin-luffyxnami: I feel kinda slow now lol I always thought he was saying chu, I'll have to go back and correct it.

ThePhenoix11:It's only 3 crossovers m8 Naruto lucifer and highschool DXD. Not sure if you know this but the show lucifer is a part of the Dc universe so Naruto being able to go to those universes isn't crossing over with DC since it's a part of lucifer. As far as my other characters from horror movies and animes they are just characters in my story so that I can make Narutos peerage fit someone like him. Im not really moving fast the story starts a few days before Issei was killed then I skip a week and change bc Naruto was on in japan for a PR event after than skip the fics moving at the same pace as the show. And ive explained things pretty well thus far, I explain things as they come.

Rickjames 196: seems like something issei would do. Apparently jasons isn't saying chi he's saying kill never knew lol. Yes Naruto's brother is still alive since this follows canon. Yea im a big luci fan been watching it for years and they didn't cancel it, Netflix brought it over the summer and their already recording the new season 4 as we speak its going to come out in 2019. Ik I should use rias for the main paring but its just ive read so many fics with her paired with naru its kinda boring to me now. I kinda made rias a bit OC but im pretty sure any devil would shoot first ask later if someone says they are related to the former lucifer.

I own nothing but my OCs

Lux Japan, penthouse

Night quickly became day as the sun's bright beams slipped through the curtains.

"Mm, who turned on the light" Naruto pulled his pillow over his head to block the blasted light that interrupted his beauty sleep.

"mm to loud"

Naruto's sleep addled mind took a second to process that the voice wasn't his. It also took an additional second to notice that he wasn't wearing his nightwear and Albedo didn't have red hair.

When it finally hit him, he shot out of his bed in panic, landing on his back and backpedaling to the wall"The fuck! Rias!?"

Said girl sat up and yawned giving Naruto a generous view of her assets. "Good morning Naruto-kun, did you sleep well?"

"Don't act so casual when your breaking and entering!" was what Naruto yelled outwardly inwardly was another story ' This was a serious miscalculation Sirzechs said Riser wasn't due for another week and how did she get past the security ruins or Raynare and Kalawarner for that matter. Ok Naruto you can punish them later for now improvise!.'

"I thought you'd be happy to see a naked woman in your bed or surprised" Rias said with a pout

Naruto's eye started to twitch "One I wake up with naked women every other day. Two nudity doesn't affect me, never has, now please explain why you're in my room."

Rias lost her pout and began to seductively crawl towards the blond "I want a favor Na~ru~to~kun"

The teen cocked an eyebrow "Go on" 'why am I playing dumb again?... Oh right'

"Have sex with me" their faces were only inch's apart

"What do I get out of it aside from getting to say I screwed the sister of the false Lucifer. I gain nothing for it while you gain allot more than I"

The sister of the red devil lost the seductive look and gained an annoyed one "what do you want?"

"Ah ah ah you asked for the favor so make me a offer" ok he was just being a cunt at this point but she offered the deal and he didn't really find her interesting enough to fuck for fun

"I'll do what ever you want"

"Nope already have people who do that try again"

"I'll pay you"

"Yea... no I have enough money and you don't have enough to even cover half the amount I want"

"I'll let you have sex with me when ever you want." she growled starting to get annoyed.

"When you said you'd do what ever I wanted do you mean anything?" he asked while holding up a contract.

"Yes! Now fuck me!" she was running out of time Grayfia was probably looking for her.

"I will hold you to that, very well then deal accepted"

2 hours later

Naruto really hated fucking virgins like really really hated fucking them. He had to teach her how to please him and she talked to damn much during the deed. The blond couldn't fathom how someone could be so unexperienced when one could open up their phone and watch porn or something.

2 fucking hours of the worst sex he's had in his life and probably the worst he'll ever have in his immortal life. It had to be his grandfather fucking with him or something because Naruto was raised in hell but sex with Rias was worse than that.

Speaking of unexperienced red head devils for a reason he couldn't fucking fathom she was latched onto his arm trapping said appendage between her breast (not that he was complaining about that part).

"May I ask why in the name of all that's unholy are you clinging to me like we're dating! I helped you in your bid to get out of your engagement with the fried chicken"

"You knew!?"

Naruto deadpanned "Anyone whose known that cunt for five minutes knows, if he's not bragging about his harem he's bragging about and I quote being engaged to a hot red head with big tits"

The ruin princess wasn't even surprised "That sounds like him"

"Yup now are you going to let go of me"


"And why the fuck not" the whispers of the students were starting to get on his nerves especially since the teens enhanced hearing could hear the rumors being spread

"You can't sense that his familiar is following us or that him and Grayfia are at the ORC?"

"I can sense your sister in law since she's strong enough to warrant my attention sun Riser's power signature isn't worth the effort of searching for someone weaker than me. And going by your explanation your clinging to me to further piss him off and possibly direct his anger at me in hopes of him challenging me to a ratings game for your hand correct." His answer was Rias pushing his hand further into her considerable bust and gaining a love-stricken expression.

When Naruto put more thought into this development it seemed like she still gained more than he did. "Hmm you seemed to have thought this out quite a bit you're in a win-win situation on one hand when Riser finds out I took your virginity before he could, then his pride will be bruised and he'll lash out at me and Sirzech's being the bastard he is will use it as a excuse to push for a rating game with your hand in marriage being the prize and I'd accept since I view most of your species as insects. Then on the other hand just seeing us like this will wound his pride and being the egotistical cunt, he is he'll lash out and it's the second verse same as the first then either way you become the technical queen of hell since father would accept the terms just to spite me. Did I hit the nail on the head?"

The sister of the false lucifer nodded happily "No I just wanted to piss him off and get out of the marriage I didn't think about the other part although being the queen of hell does sound appealing"

The Morningstar blanked once then twice then a third time "If it wasn't ironic or sound like a bad joke I'd say you have fathers luck."

By now the unwilling duo had reached the door leading to the ORC. Pushing the doors open they were greeted by the emotionless face of Grayfia Rias's sister in law and the other members of the ORC.

Grayfia was a beautiful woman appearing to be in her early twenties, with silver hair and silver eyes. Her hair, which flows all the way down to her back, featuring a long braid on each side with small blue bows at the ends, while the rest is let down, ending in twin braids. She wore a blue and white French maid outfit with long sleeves and a white maid headband over her head, with red lipstick as a cosmetic accessory.

"Rias-Sama I have been looking for you all night your parents and Sirzech-sama were worried sick." The girl looked down feeling bad that she made her family worried

"Ello Grayfia your looking as beautiful as always and Rias spent the night at my place" Naruto explained getting into character, Sirzechs didn't tell Grayfia the plan to make it believable.

His words got various reactions mainly shock, jealousy (guess who), and thinly vailed anger from the wife of Sirzechs although Naruto was the only one who could sense it.

"I hope you didn't do anything unsavory to Rias-Sama Morningstar-Sama" the maid practically hissed his surname not that he cared whatever problem she had against him (most likely because of his idiot older brother) she could take it to the empty field of fucks he didn't give.

"Kukuku I didn't do anything she didn't enjoy or ask for *Smack*" the Morningstar slapped the Gremory heiress's supple ass causing her to moan and blush.

The red heads servant's jaws drop, while one pervert who need not be named was crying in a corner again. Grayfia looked calm on the outside but Naruto could tell on the inside she was foaming from the mouth and planning his death in various painful ways.

"Take your filthy hands off my bride scum!" a voice yelled as a pillar of flames erupted from nowhere reviling Riser Phoenix lord of the douche bags himself

Naruto cocked a disinterested eyebrow "You mean the bird (its British slang) who was moaning and screaming my name a for the past 2 hours. Eh sorry mate didn't know nor care"

The Phoenix growled "You low class piece of shit I command you to get you filthy hands off my property this instant"



"Sorry mate but your princess is in my castle now. Try again in another eon or so… and if you compare me to devils again I'll make you suffer peasant" no one could ever say the blond wasn't a troll of the highest order

"You…yo- you"

"you what? Come on get your boyfriends dick out your mouth and speak pissant"

"I'LL KILL YOU YOU SON OF A BITCH!" Riser sent a torrent of flames at his fellow blond who still looked disinterested.

The Morningstar glared at the flames and the hit an invisible wall(Think like what Jiren does in dragon ball super). The satin tsked and "forcefully" summoned Sirzechs.

"RIA-TAN" the man child launched himself at his embarrassed sister catching her in a bear hug.

"Ahm, if your done Sirzechs we seem to have a dilemma on our hands" Naruto said getting the crimson Lucifer's attention

"Naruto? When did you get here?"

Said blond deadpanned "I summoned you here."

"What for…not that I'm complaining since I got to see Ria-tan"

"Well you see, SunRiser(the krystal's breakfast sandwich) here got the bright idea to attack me because your sister and I fucked like rabbits which voids the treaty we agreed on not to long ago and seems like a declaration of war."

The older Gremory became serious with the quickness "Naruto-Dono I humbly apologies for the actions of my of subject his actions don't speak for the rest of devilkind"

"I don't think I can just let this transgression slide and I doubt father will take this lightly either unless the scums head is on a platter!" black flames began to lick at the Morningstar's feet

"I'm sorry Naruto-dono but I can't grant that request, but I will sanction a rating game if that will rectify this transgression"

The Satin pondered the offer for a few minutes before he answered with a not "Fine that will do, my people will be in contact with the layout for the arena" no one saw the two wink at each other aside from Grayfia who scowled.

"I Don't ha-"

"SILANCE BOY" Sirzechs directed his powerful killing intent at the firebird making him quiver in fear.

"Now with that problem resolved Rias and I shall take our leave, hearing this pissant's voice has put me in a bad mood, I'll be at Lux blowing off some steam… oh and winner gets Rias's hand"

"Fair enough, I shall also take my leave. Bye Ria-tan don't do anything I wouldn't do!"

'Oh Dear grandfather I should've worded that differently'

Naruto took one step out of the door and his phone rung.

"Ah Mazikeen what has father done now"

"He wants to help his mother get back to heaven"

"Grandmothers in hell still, are you sure this isn't another assassin sent by grandfather"

"Yes lucifer confirmed it when he went back to hell"

"You mean when he was killed before I sent his soul back to the mortal plain and allowed him to think that grand father revived him."

"Yea whatever just come and get her before I kill her"

"Not my problem maze as it stands I couldn't hope to force her of all people back into hell when she doesn't belong in the first place"

"Well do something tell your grandfather or something I just want her gone"

"Ya cuase me and grandfather talk over a cup of coffee every other weekend I doubt he'll even listen to me or even do anything if he did. Look maze what's the harm in letting her roam around she practically harmless until the body she inhabits can't hold her power anymore"

"She cooked my friend alive shes dangerous!"

"You of all people have friends? Also its still out of my hands I cant even beat father in his sealed form much less grandmother who's stronger than father on a bad day, just deal with it and ill send a medic for the doctor"

The right hand of Lucifer screamed in frustration "you suck what happened to the old Naruto that used to love torturing damn souls with me"

Naruto deadpanned "Father decided to take a vacation and I had to be the responsible child. Naruto hung up the phone since he knew Maze wouldn't stop complaining. He honestly didn't see why Maze was so worked up, its only one human ita a billion more she could hang out with

And Donezo the field has been set will the phoenix will or will the prodigal son of hell rick roll him? Find out in the next episode of Dragon ball Z! short chapter ik but I honestly couldn't figure out how to continue the chapter.

...KNG signing out