Review Replies to Chapter 10:
Replying to deathwearsblack: Your welcome, I hope you enjoy this chapter!
Replying to Radeisth: This is one of the rare times I will reply to a review not for the previous chapter. I noticed you made this deduction on chapter 4; I believe I made it clear in the A/N that the first several chapters had to be similar to the movie, and I absolutely hated doing so. I needed to provide a base for readers, a jumping off point where things change; not only that, this universe is NOT a copy of the MCU at the very beginning, let alone later on. If you don't want to read on that is your decision; I thank you for reviewing, though please don't be hasty and call stories a waste of a read when you've only read a couple of chapters. Other authors on the site would be a lot more hurt by your comment than I am, cause I know I'm trash anyways lol. If you do continue on I hope you enjoy this chapter, which is more living proof contradicting that statement!
Replying to Dark Neko 4000: If you are reading this then that means you are also about to read the answer to your question!
Replying to sweet-chaos-chan: Thank you for the compliment! I hope to really get deep into the souls of all the Avengers here, or at least my version of them. This story really has a mind of its own, and past events that occur or will occur in the prequel may very well be revisited.
Thank you guys as always for reviewing, I hope everyone enjoys the chapter!
Chapter 11(Tower of Family Part I): Home, Permanently
Harry was exhausted after the battle of Jurassic World.
Immediately after seeing that Sirius and Teddy were fine he had stumbled to an appointed guest room, blacking out on the bed. He only woke up when Steve shook him awake again next midmorning, which finally had no violent reaction and more of the flinch that Sirius received doing the same thing. The rest of that next day was mostly spent debriefing at the Hub, which was quite monotonous, only broken by a surprise visit from SHIELD's highest.
Harry's perfect mental clock told him it was around midday. The present Avengers were seated in chairs around a table in a dull dark grey conference room, having been told to wait here before debriefing. Hedwig was perched on the back of his chair staying slightly closer than normal as she always did after dangerous encounters.
The door at the end of the room opened, and all of them were quite surprised to see Nick Fury, looking dangerous as ever, strode confidently inside followed by a man in an even crisper suit that Harry did not recognize, but almost reminded him of Arthur Weasley. He was somewhat elderly with chiseled features, smile wrinkles, and greying brown hair, but his eyes and appearance showed this was no benign fool.
"A pleasant surprise Director," Steve began but all eyes now turned to the third newcomer who strode in the door.
"Natasha!" Harry cried half springing up before giving a controlled blush at his excitement and waving at her. Natasha looked a little surprised and warmed and gave him a slight smile and nod in return taking a seat next to Steve. Harry figured she chose which emotions and how much to show, and that bothered him a little but he decided that was an issue for later. Nick and the strange man remained standing.
"Well, well, well, here we are again - far too soon for my taste. You've been busy, Avengers." Nick clicked a button on a remote pointing it at the TV on the other far end; it immediately began to play cellphone video of the Avengers defending the resort as news commentators offered their pointless commentary on it.
"I'd like to introduce to you all Alexander Pierce," Nick continued. "He is secretary of the World Security Council and will be personally debriefing you on their and SHIELD's behalf."
"I must say it is an honor to meet every one of you," Pierce said humbly going around and shaking each of our hands. Harry was immediately taken in by his excellent manners and courtesy; only Steve seemed a little less welcoming but certainly no less friendly. Interestingly Hedwig too did not take her eyes off of him, though Harry reasoned it was simply because he was a new face.
"So…" Pierce said clasping his hands together observing the group, "Who wants to go first?"
Steve immediately volunteered and followed him out of the room. Harry's own debrief wasn't as bad as he thought it would be, though much stricter than the lax, Pensieve augmented debriefs done as a member of the Order of the Phoenix. Harry only told Pierce exactly the information he asked, not willing to give this man anything too important about himself. The less any governmental organization, even SHIELD, knew about him the better.
Natasha unfortunately had only been here by sheer coincidence and disappeared after seeing the team was still intact. Steve seemed to Harry a little frustrated, which he could understand; the soldier had spent the past few days trying to bring the team together but Natasha looked to have little interest.
That evening the Avengers took a Quinjet Steve had acquired from Pierce back to Malibu, Tony almost instinctively disabling every tracker standard or otherwise on the aircraft. They spent the night there, Tony promising Stark Tower, which he had rechristened Avengers Tower, would be ready for them in the morning.
The next morning in New York City looked crisp and bright, as beautiful weather reigned supreme that spring day.
Clint on Tony's smug request had the Quinjet circle the building once before landing. And the change, even in the two weeks since he had last been there, was stunning to Harry.
The biggest change was the new hangar. Harry assumed Tony had planned on getting a Quinjet because it was obviously made for one, allowing the aircraft to be stored inside the top of the tower. The top fourth of the tower looked completely fresh and new while construction continued below. Instead of STARK on the side there was a simple A for Avengers. All the new windows were completely tinted a light blue, and Harry had no doubt they were far more capable of resisting attack than the windows during the Chituari invasion. Besides that, the tower mostly resembled the way it was originally constructed. The modifications within a few weeks should have been utterly impossible by muggle means, but it had been done.
The Quinjet landed almost soundlessly the ramp opening with a hiss. All the Avengers exited with their mostly scanty belongings; Pepper and the on trial Owen went to prepare lunch. And from the top down, Tony decided to take them on a tour of the building. At least there wasn't any elevator music.
Each of the personal rooms were enormous, with one wall being made entirely of extra tinted glass that Tony boasted could tank an RPG. A luxurious bathroom and bedroom connected to each one, though the main part of each room, besides a homy fireplace and black painted walls, was left bare for each Avenger to personalize, Harry's having no electronics whatsoever. Floor 93, being the uppermost floor in the building belonged to Clint on personal request, citing he always like to have the high ground. 92 belonged to Natasha, 91 Tony, 90 Thor, 89 Bruce, 88 Sirius and Teddy, 87 Harry and 86 Steve. In each room a cardboard box with 1 million dollars was found, a gift from Tony to "get them started" with the bare necessities for their own rooms. Steve attempted to refuse until Harry stated that if Steve didn't use the money for his room he would use his own on it.
85 was quickly deemed the war room. The floor, ceiling, and walls were all a shiny black marble; in the closest right corner was an empty arms rack; on the right wall was a massive TV display, and in the center was an also black marble circular table with a holographic setup in the middle and comfy swivel chairs all around. Harry, aided by Steve took the Pensieve from one of their mega spacious sacks and set it up to the left on a quickly conjured coffee table courtesy of Sirius.
Floor 84 was totally comprised of the most incredible tech lab Harry had ever seen, putting SHIELD's to shame; a white and gray array of advanced machines, monitors, and half-done projects.
82 and 83 were still combined into a larger room but had been updated to provide a sort of living room for more people, including the bar. Comfy upholstery was everywhere, and a balcony and partial upper floor overlooked the main area. Tony insisted that it be named the Party Room.
80-81 had been combined to create the still unfinished Quinjet hangar bay, and every floor below that was significantly larger than the upper stories. 79 was a maintenance area, 78 an entire floor dedicated specifically to creating Iron Man suits, but the one massive room comprising stories 74-77 interested Steve, and indeed Harry himself the most. Unlike the others the majority of the windows had been blocked off with steel walls, the floor also being padded. Punching bags, even a few specifically made for Steve, with other training equipment lined the walls.
The next few hours the group dispersed, Harry heading to his room to first help set up with the use of Sirius' magic and then lazing about taking care of Teddy for a few hours while Sirius set up his own.
That night, after dinner the Avengers, minus the absent Thor but plus Sirius, met in the war room to discuss the next few weeks, beginning with the schedule.
Tony pressed a recording button embedded in the table nodding to Steve, who cleared his throat.
"Avengers assembled, meeting #2. Absent: Thor Odinson, Natasha Romanoff. Guests: Sirius Black." Steve looked around at everyone before continuing. "Our first order of business is deciding the schedule for the Avengers through the month of May. This is not a war briefing everyone, feel free to say what you like."
Clint, who was lounging back in his chair, immediately spoke up.
"I'll be stickin around for, oh 4 days or so Rogers, then back and forth," he said nonchalantly, but the stress lines on his face showed he was still recovering mentally from being brainwashed. Still, Clint looked loads better to Harry than the last meeting, making him wonder just where he had gone besides the Hub.
"How long will you be gone?" Steve asked simply.
Clint shrugged. "A few days. Never longer than a week, and certainly here for Thor. Natasha should hopefully be here within a few days"
"Good. I'm going to have a talk with her when she arrives."
"To keep her here?" Clint asked keenly.
"Is that a problem?" Steve asked calmly.
"No, but let me talk to her. I can get her to stay." Steve gazed at Clint as if assessing the man then nodded in agreement. "Tony?"
"Uh, back and forth closing off business but Pepper convinced me that I belong here," Tony sighed. "She'll be handling the company either from Malibu or here."
"You know the rest of us aren't going anywhere," Bruce added seriously.
"What about you Steve?" Harry asked curiously.
"SHIELD wants me to be available to work with STRIKE. After you and Thor leave on the 26th I'm going down to DC to check on my apartment-"
"I thought you lived in Brooklyn, we found you there," Harry said confused.
"It's not the same Brooklyn," Steve said with a tight smile, then continued. "I'll stay here most of the time Harry, you don't need to be worried."
"A-Actually Harry maybe you should have Thor stay around a few days," Bruce interjected.
"What? Why?" Harry asked confused. Bruce looked a little guilty but plowed on.
"I noticed Tony's birthday is the 29th," Bruce said hiding a smile. Clint smirked at the scowling Tony.
"Oh, hey, let's bow down and worship your great provider, get the cone hats and party streamers," Tony said irritably.
"Birthdays are important to celebrate Tony, they show your appreciation for each other," Steve chided.
"Aunt Marge certainly did," Harry muttered with an unpleasant jolt. Sirius winced but Steve carried on as if he hadn't noticed.
"I expect everyone to give me the date of their birthday so they may be recognized, is that clear?" Steve asked. Everyone nodded mutely or gave the thumbs up, and he switched topics.
"Training will be every morning, 6-8 in the training hall. Harry, I know you will be there every day, make sure you are well rested or I won't do anything that day," Steve warned. "It's not mandatory for anyone but I strongly advise attending." Harry grumbled but knew he was so right from experience in the Voldemort war.
"Tony, what kind of image do we present to the public?" Steve asked abruptly. Tony looked intrigued that Steve asked this kind of question.
"Isla Nublar really gave a boost in our stat points, but there is a sizeable faction of people who feel our existence is a threat. Nobody seems to know what to make of us yet." Steve considered that for a moment.
"Keep our secrets but be entirely truthful. We want to present the image of servants to the world."
"Hold on - when did Mr. Righteous become a politician?" Tony asked.
"I promoted the war effort back in the 40s for a solid year," Steve reminded him. "I know how this works, so I also know you left something out. How much media is trying to reach us?"
"More than you can imagine," Tony replied snarkily.
"Just keep them the hell away from me and we'll all be fine," Harry interjected strongly.
"Seconded," Clint agreed. "The news is raving about Harry's mysterious, unknown guardians letting a minor kick ass, and it hasn't quieted down yet."
"So I'm in more trouble?" Harry asked Tony upset.
"Kid, I got you covered. They'll forget about it soon enough," Tony replied.
"We can only hope," Sirius said solemnly. Wizarding media was bad enough, but even Sirius knew that muggle media could discover everything about you if given half a chance.
The conversation continued for hours exhausting Harry - he tended to draw into himself naturally because of the Dursleys during long discussions.
Sirius and Bruce would work together to create some sort of potion to let Bruce keep his mind when in the Hulk, though Bruce, to no one's surprise, was pessimistic about success. Sirius in contrast looked quite upbeat, repeatedly referencing how Remus during the war used Wolfsbane during the full moon to become one of the most powerful figures on the battlefield, having both his magic and superhuman werewolf capacities brought to bear on the enemy.
Tony had also chimed in claiming more of Sirius' time by requesting periodic research into magical-technical interactions. Sirius also wanted to magic proof the tower as best they could without destroying any electronics but Harry shot him down saying once his powers were back he would have more spells, more raw magic and the ability to work outside at his disposal. Between Teddy and the two scientists Sirius would be very busy anyways.
The last order of business was Steve reminding everyone that in 3 days they would be reviewing all the memories of the violence on Isla Nublar to learn from there mistakes and catch up those not present on what had transpired.
It being now pretty late the meeting disbanded Harry falling asleep immediately on his unbelievably soft bed.
Harry did not pay as heavily for forgetting to set an alarm that morning as JARVIS pleasantly woke Harry up around 5:30. Being in a tower with only the people he trusted Harry went with simple black shorts and shirt, forgoing the bands in an attempt to cast aside his self doubts. He was fresh and ready in the training hall by the time it was 6. Steve was already there testing out one of the new punching bags designed for him. They were strong, but the bag was visibly losing. He stopped upon seeing Harry walking over to greet him then suddenly the hairs on his arms raised and he turned just in time to find himself on the ground an arm around his neck.
Harry tried to squeeze right behind the bone on the elbow(the arm choking him) to release by pressure point but the assailant twisted making it impossible. Knowing this was only training he eked out, "I yield!"
Upon release Harry took a moment to catch his breath on his hands and knees, then standing rubbing his throat glaring at an impressed looking Clint, who wore simple jeans and a blue plaid shirt. The man never even spared a glance for Harry's scars either, raising further the already considerable respect he had for the former spy.
"Good job," Steve told Harry. "Next time turn like I showed you the moment you feel the arm around your neck and push down on the face of the enemy with your hand."
"You make me soft," Harry said sullenly. "I didn't expect an attack if you didn't."
"I'll help change that," Clint said dryly. "Rogers ordered me to train you in gun disarming."
"What are you doing then?" Harry asked Steve curiously.
"I may have overcompensated in the fighting department. Today I'm doing some exercises to explore agility," he said gesturing to the box of ropes behind him and the tiny hand and footholds along every wall.
Clint was an amazing teacher. He wasn't Steve, but the archer was kind, understanding and gentle teaching him, a surprise to Harry who was expecting him to be more cold and ruthless. Harry learned the basic maneuvers rapidly being both an avid learner and already incredibly dangerous with a sword.
After about two hours of this a very sweaty Harry and not so sweaty Steve and Clint headed up to the Party Room for breakfast, where they found the others already congregated. It was soon discovered that Clint had the ability to make god-like coffee, and was swarmed by requests to create more.
After a shower Harry sat down with Teddy in the Party Room watching him stumble about adorably while Sirius read the muggle newspaper. Teddy, already highly developed because of the magic in his veins, played peek-a-boo with Harry for some time, an unending novelty for the 1-year-old, before JARVIS spoke.
"Master Harry, Master Clint would like to see you in his quarters." Harry paused hoisting Teddy up in his arms and handing the babe to Sirius.
"Tell him I'll be right there. Also, please don't call me master JARVIS."
"Understood sir, however Mr. Stark specifically instructed me to refer to you as "Master Harry" at all times." Harry scowled saying nothing and taking the elevator up to Floor 93 raising his hand to knock on one of only two doors available, the other being the stairwell.
"Door's unlocked, come on in," came Clint's muffled voice before he started. Harry raised an eyebrow getting Albus deja vu before entering wondering what Clint had called him for.
Harry spent a moment taking in the intriguing main room of the suite, which was mostly set up like a normal middle class American country home. The differences were the penny-sized targets strung up in various locations and one of the massive walls covered with more displayed projectile weapons of varying sorts than Harry knew existed. Not just guns and bows; slings, crossbows, even javelins were all included. Some looked to be ancient, others decades ahead of their time. All of them looked fully functional.
"Come over here, Harry," Clint called from an armchair, gesturing to another on the other side of the gas fireplace, which merrily crackled away. In his lap was his incredible bow being modified with some SHIELD branded tools. He sat down just a little warily wondering if word had gotten to Clint about his childhood memories and yet another person was going to interrogate him on it.
"Loosen up a little man, I'm not here to question you about anything. You're here to question me," he said casually. As he wasn't using legilimency to school himself, Clint seemed to have no trouble reading him like an open book. Harry highly doubted even if he had been it would have made a difference; besides, Harry felt if he ever tried using legilimency as a barrier against any of the Avengers just once he would never be able to stop. And the Avengers were his one chance at getting a life; he couldn't mess it up.
"I… am?" Harry asked confused.
"Director Fury," he said looking down the sight of his bow briefly checking for any flaws, "wants everyone on the team to be aware of Threat Level Evaluation procedures. He tells me that is the only protocol you aren't aware of. And don't make me give the whole jazz about "
"Yeah, I'm not," Harry said relaxing into the chair a little more. "So how does Threat Level Evaluation work?"
"First you should know what the Index is, a comprehensive list of every superpowered individual, as well as those that pose a superpowered level threat, such as myself. Threat Level Evaluation is the process by which information about the individuals is gathered, if possible with personal interviews and psyche assessment."
"You know I'm not going to do that," Harry said wary again.
"Fury somehow wormed you out of it, so no, you won't," Clint said with a shrug. "But all of the Avengers should be able to roughly understand the threat their opponents face, especially you as the magical world is a total unknown."
"That makes sense," Harry said nodding. "What sort of categories are used to assess people?"
"Strength, durability, skill, deadliness, supernatural abilities, and potential. The scale runs from one to ten. One is your average human and ten
Is a world ending threat. Eleven does technically exist, but to be one would be having powers beyond our comprehension." Clint continued to explain how to both identify the category of an enemy with some analysis and by interview before eventually being cut off by an over-curious Harry.
"So what are all of us then?" Harry interrupted. Clint luckily had a high tolerance for over exuberance.
"Okay young child, I'll tell you," he said causing Harry to roll his eyes. "I and Natasha recently were upgraded to five because our unique skillsets were deemed capable of matching lower down superhumans. Steve would be a five but is now something like a six-point-three because his skill impressed SHIELD so much coming out of the ice. A recent judgment of the Iron Man suit used in the Chitauri invasion put Tony around an eight. Burning leviathans to a crisp frightened analysts enough to get you at least an eight, Thor is a nine, and Hulk is considered a nine or slightly above."
"Does the number make a difference in responding?" Harry asked.
"Not for us," Clint said dismissively but gave in to the pleading eyes of a Harry hungry for knowledge. "The priority and type of response can vary, but we only need to know combat wise if we find one first. SHIELDs got all the data we could want on the knowns."
Once Clint had finished explaining the last of the important SHIELD protocols they sat in silence Harry hunched over in his chair thoughtfully chin in hand. Rather than thinking about all the boring information he had just ingested, he was contemplating Clint. Figuring out people was a skill he had had to learn very quickly during his childhood, but things just didn't add up with Clint.
"How did you-" Harry said suddenly but stopped cheeks a little pink. In his experience, Spies never took kindly to personal questions.
"I hope you don't think I can handle a question," Clint sighed.
"Well… How did you become a spy? You seem like such a… a family kind of guy. Not that you aren't ruthless, but-"
"I understand," he said giving a genuine smile of all things. "That's good to hear." This confused Harry but also added a piece to the puzzle. He quickly looked at Clint understanding in an instant only due to his own past. Leaving SHIELD yet being gone more often, his personality, Clint's interest in mentoring Harry, the room looking precisely like an American household but not a spy, and similar longings to Harry that he had observed. Clint was not a loner.
"You're hiding a family, aren't you Clint," he said quietly. Clint started but seemed to realize denial was futile. Instead he seemed to take his time answering, first in less than half a second grabbing two arrows and firing two arrows from his now satisfactory bow bulls-eyeing the penny-sized targets on the other side of the room, then slowly walking over to a briefcase on a polished mahogany desk, folding it in on itself and placing the bow inside. Closing the lid he leaned on it head bowed then spoke.
"Don't-" he stopped, abruptly changing from the hard tone to a softer one. "I'm not going to threaten you on this. But you won't breathe a word of that to anyone, not Tony, not Steve, not any Avenger."
"Of course - I know what it's like to have a secret family," Harry responded ruefully.
"You do," Clint admitted, "Which is why I trust you will forget you ever asked."
"Who else knows?" Harry asked.
"Just Fury and Natasha," he responded.
"They must be wonderful," Harry said quietly. "I gave up on trying to live that double life long ago."
"They are," Clint agreed, "And they also don't exist." He gave Harry a strangely sympathetic look. "You're too young to give up on that yet - maybe the Avengers are your chance."
Harry swallowed. "That reminds me… there are memories you need to see. From before the fighting that I showed the others. And you won't think so after seeing them."
"We'll see," Clint said simply.
"Let's do it now, I want this done," Harry said suddenly. They left for the War Room, Harry inserting all the memories of watching the battle, Marge's cruelty in the bathtub and Voldemort's torture.
The moment a shaken Clint emerged from the Pensieve Harry said vindictively, "I told you I have no ho-"
Clint cut him off with a brief hug, saying "Now I am convinced you will find your life with the Avengers."
"Why?" Why are you?" Harry demanded.
"I think you know why," Clint said quietly.
"... Could you show me how to operate your guns?" Harry asked tentatively after a beat. "It could come in handy until my magic is back."
"It would be my genuine pleasure," Clint said. For the next several hours Clint would take some of his specialized weapons down to the training room giving him tips on accuracy and handling.
Sirius Black POV:
Sirius loved to invent.
At Hogwarts most concluded that the eldest Black child never took work seriously, always goofing off and never being productive. Only his closest friends knew otherwise.
Sirius liked it that way. He was underestimated. Creating new spells for pranking was, in hindsight, a huge part of his development to learn the intricacies of magic. Sirius was many things, but one thing he was not was ever idle. Doing nothing drove him crazy. In fact, without having the responsibility of caring for Teddy he would already be bored out of his mind, amazing as the tower was.
So he was quite happy to hand Teddy off to that sweet lady Pepper for a few hours and head down to the lab for his first session with Tony Stark, who he had already deduced perhaps had an intellect that exceeded Albus Dumbledore himself. Harry, as much as he complained about how insufferable the man was clearly cared a great deal for him.
Sirius grinned at the blaring AC/DC elevator music in the short ride down to floor 84 - this billionaire really shared his sense of humor. He wondered what kind of chaos he could cause with him, and how the man felt about pranks….
Walking into the lab he immediately spied Tony already there furiously typing on a laptop, and made a beeline for him.
"Hello there metal man, what should we start with?" he said rubbing his hands together.
"The essentials," he responded finishing typing something on a transparent keyboard. Immediately upon the main monitor in the lab a picture of a large, beefy, arrogant looking woman with a hint of a mustache popped up on screen, titled Marjorie Eileen Dursley. Scrolling text below listed all information known about her. The door, Sirius noticed, had been discreetly shut, presumably by JARVIS.
Sirius' jaw clenched in immediate hate, his happy-go-lucky demeanor vanishing in a moment - it had taken him 8 months to work Harry into showing him the demons Marge had metaphorically created to torment him, and he only decided to let the woman alone from a plea from his avoidant godson. Sirius slowly walked closer to the image, immediately turning on a much more at ease Tony.
"I'm a genius, billionaire, philanthropist, - not really a playboy anymore, just a mechanic - and certainly not a psychiatrist mind you - but this woman," Tony said shaking a finger at the screen, "Is a problem that should be dealt with."
"Don't you dare show her face to my godson," Sirius said in a venomous hiss. "You have no idea how reminders affect him - leave the past buried!"
Sirius strode forward to delete the file but Tony smoothly stepped in front of him. "You know she is doing quite well for herself? Rich, has every luxury she desires… shouldn't that be rectified?"
"Don't play stupid with me Mr. Stark, of course I want hell brought down on her but not when it would harm Harry. She is his last, major weakness, and Merlin knows his mind has been fucked around with enough."
"Let's plan a nice cozy trip then, with every Avenger, and support him as we bring this monster to justice. A counter cure."
Sirius opened his mouth to respond heatedly but the words died on his lips becoming contemplative. Tony, being the mastermind and damned genius that he was, continued the verbal assault, pacing in front of Sirius.
"I think it bothers him, holds him back. You know why? He never needed to show us that memory of Marge torturing him, the pool one already did the job!" Tony stepped closer again, saying with certainty in his voice, "I know I'm right."
"So much more than you know, Tony," Sirius said sadly staring into nothingness, looking haunted. "Often most of the summer Harry would be sent to her home while the Dursleys left on vacations…. She held so much power over his existence, abused it beyond belief… and he is afraid. His relatives did permanent damage to him, and he hates that he could stand up to Voldemort but would never dare confront Marge because of the impression left on him… and if he did and did not break that way, would he lose his mind and become another Voldemort?" Sirius stated quietly, praying Harry would not feel he had broken his trust by sharing this. The gears in his brain had started to turn though.
"What about with a team?" Tony asked quietly.
Time covered: May 14th is mostly summarized, May 15-16.
The chokehold breaking techniques are both real and extremely useful. I don't make up martial arts in this story.
Here you have your first really good peek into the home life of some of the Avengers, and I want to establish a foundation to build upon by giving you this. No leaping from conflict to conflict for me - this story will be thoroughly flushed out.
Let me just say this about Marvel's Agents of SHIELD, Season 6 Episode 6: what a freaking masterpiece. Also, I LOOOOVEEEE Enoch! I swear he will be a part of this story no matter what, that Chronicom is one of the greatest characters in science fiction I have seen.
I hope you enjoyed the chapter, the next one is titled: Chapter 12(ToH Part II): Pranks are Wack and a Badass is Back