Any question, comments, concerns, or ideas let me know -BlackBird
"Do you need anything?" Dyson asks as he helps me sit on Trick's couch in his lair.
"I'm okay, thank you."
"Are you sure?" I nod. He hasn't left my side since he helped me out of the cave. Everyone is upstairs now. Bo is helping Lauren get things together to do a more thorough exam of me. Kenzi is helping Trick cook something. Tamsin left, and Hale is filling out paper over the Kitsune.
"Are you honestly homeless?" How the hell does he know?
"I'm not homeless, I have a car." He gives me a look.
"That's not the same, Hazel." He chastises.
"No, but it's shelter." He sighs. This isn't a topic I want to go into right now. I doubt he wants to hear that I was offered a place by Vex and turned it down.
Trick and Kenzi come down the stairs stopping this conversation.
"I made some soup. It shouldn't upset your stomach since you haven't eaten in a few days."
"Thank you Trick." Kenzi leans against the back of the couch.
"You are moving in with Bo and I. There's a basement room. No discussion." I see Dyson smile out of the corner of my eye.
"Did you even ask Bo?"
"I agree with her." Bo and Lauren come down the stairs.
"Guys- "
"No arguments. It'll be safer." Lauren nods at Bo as she sets her work bag down.
"Fine." This makes them all happy. I continue to sip my soup as Lauren starts checking me over. Dyson stays next to me on the couch the whole time.
"So, this is your room." It's a nice sized room with four small square windows. I can still smell the paint that they used. Since it's the basement it has more walls than the rest of the place. Bo and Kenzi painted it grey for me.
"Dyson and Hale are bringing some furniture now." Dyson didn't leave my side until Bo called him away this morning. I spent the night at Tricks and Dyson and I talked until I fell asleep.
"Special delivery." Hale calls down. He and Dyson are carrying a full sized mattress down the stairs. I'm sure they both could have brought it down without help.
"Look who we found." Dyson nods his head behind himself. Behind them is the blond doctor.
"Hey Lauren."
"Hey, how's the bruised ribs?"
"Still bruised." She gives me a half amused look before hugging Bo. Kenzi starts bossing the guys around. Looking around at the makeshift family, I feel a bit at home.
After about an hour, my room is put together. My bed is in the far corner with a nightstand with two drawers. Across from my bed is a dresser with five drawers, all practically empty. Hale offered a shopping trip for Kenzi and I, which she gladly accepted for both of us. Next to my nightstand is a full length mirror. I also have a closet, which is still empty, next to the stairs. I also have another door that leads to more of the basement, but it is bolted shut.
"Trick wants to talk to me. Kenzi is going to come with. Something about our case. You okay here by yourself?" Bo asks handing me a water. Dyson got called in and Hale drove him.
"Yeah, I'll be fine. Might go take a nap on that new bed." Bo hugs me and Kenzi waves. I walk back down to my room. I'm still exhausted from lack of food during the Kitsune incident. My bed is so comfortable. I don't know who picked it but they did an awesome job. It's not long before I doze off.
A loud noise wakes me. I'm not sure I heard it until I hear more loud noises.
"What the hell?" I get up and slowly make my way upstairs. It sounds like someone is ransacking the place. Too bad I left my phone in the kitchen to charge. Peeking around the door frame I see three Redcaps looking for something. Of course, there are Dark Fae rummaging around. I go to go back downstairs, still injured from the Kitsune, but one of the steps creeks. I freeze hoping only I heard it.
"Your Vex's friend aren't you?" Hands grab me and drag me back upstairs.
"What are you doing here with the Succubus?" The first man has a strong grip on my upper arms.
"Does it matter?"
"Only if you know where the right is."
"What ring?" I'm truly confused. What ring? What the hell has Bo gotten into?
"That succubitch took a ring from our leader. We're her to get it back." The man holding me punches me in the right side. "You are going to give her a message."
"You really want to piss off the Light?"
"We know about you. The Protected. You're as unaligned as the succubus and her pet." This time he back hands me. I jam my heel in the foot of the man holding me then I headbutt him. He lets go and I punch the man in front of me. I quiet third man comes at me and I run towards the fireplace. I know there is a baseball bat there that can help me. I grab it and swing it at the third man hitting him in the head. The first two come back at me and I hit one of them in their knee. He doubles over but grabs the bat as he does. He stands back up and takes a swing. I barely get out of the way. The first man punches me in the face. I black out for a moment. He grabs me by the hair. The room looks like it's spinning.
"You are going to tell that succubus that we want the ring back." He punches me again knocking me out.
Kenzi's POV-
"Hey Hazel, want to go get something to eat? What the hell?" The place looks like a tornado hit it. "Hazel!" I hear a moan. Pulling out my phone, I get ready to call Bo. Stepping farther into the place I see a foot peaking out from behind the couch.
"Hazel!" I rush to her and decide to call Lauren instead. Pulling up her 'Doctor Hotpants' I immediately hit call. "Come on Hazel, wake up." Her eyes flutter a little.
"Kenzi, what's up?"
"Lauren, you need to come to the house now. Hazel was attacked."
"I'm on my way." I hear her say something probably to Bo. "Is she awake?"
"She's in and out I think." She gives me some instructions before hanging up.
"Hey, stay still. The others are on the way. Lauren needs to patch you up again."
"Kenz, they were looking for a ring." Shit.
"I'll talk to Bo and Trick, you just rest okay but stay awake." The next ten minutes were the longest filled with me asking Hazel a bunch of questions.
"Hazel." Dyson is the first on through the door followed by Lauren. He takes over as I meet Bo.
"Hey BoBo, Redcaps were here."
"What? Are you sure?" I nod.
"She said, whoever did this was after a ring. That leaves the Redcaps."
"Damn it. I'll talk to Trick later."
"Dyson seems pretty upset." Bo gives a little smile. "Okay succubabe, what's up?"
"Nothing. Yet." I go to say something but Lauren interrupts with helping Hazel up. Dyson takes over and helps her sit on the couch. She seems a little dizzy.
"She'll be okay. Mild concussion. Some more bruises." Bo hugs the doctor.
"Thank you for helping again."
"Anytime Bo."