Love's Journey 3

by Castlefan6

Authors Note This is the continuation of Love's Journey, originally authored by The Muse of Apollo, chapters 1-7 of the original story, all following are work of Castlefan6' IF you haven't read the original Love's Journey, and Love's Journey 2 please do so before proceeding with this,

I don't own Castle, I use the characters for amusement purposes only

Chapter 10

The Letters


"Lexi Jess was one of the smartest people in the world, but you know what made her special to so many people? She was able to love everyone no matter what, and she taught your Dad and I how to forgive each other, so whenever someone does you wrong just think what would Jess do? Bet you will know how to handle almost anything if you do that"

Office of Attorneys, Friedman, Morgan and Daw

New York

10 weeks Later

Rick and Kate are sitting in the big vestibule awaiting their appointment with Stan Friedman, the attorney who represented Jess since she first published her book. Rick and Kate both were told that the will would be read, and since she had no surviving relatives of record, they both must be present.

Kate is using her detective skills taking in every aspect of the office. It displayed signs of success and wealth, without the huge gaudiness that was often found in offices of this type. Yes, this would be the type of office Jess would have chosen, and promptly at 10:00 AM, a gentleman approaches them and says Mr. Castle, Ms. Beckett? I am Stan Friedman, I have represented Jessica Hawthorne since she signed her first book deal, thank you both for coming down, I apologize in the delay, but there was an issue with someone contesting the will.

Kate replies "Oh really who would do that,"

"Jess's Sister was the reply, but she died two weeks ago, funny she would barely talk to Jess when she was alive but was first in line for the spoils. Any way all cleared now, can we proceed to the large conference room and may I offer you anything to drink, coffee, tea, water?"

"I'll have water please" Kate and Rick respond in unison,

"Stan looks over his glasses, Jess warned me about how you two complete each other's sentences you are so connected. He makes a motion to a young lady and then leads Kate and Rick to a large conference room, already setup with the overhead projecting "Last will and Testament of Jessica Hawthorne appearing on the screen.

"Kate this part is more for you than Rick, but Jess wanted to be sure you both knew what direction she desired for her estate." Stan says

"Excuse me Stan, but how does this relate to me?"

"I thought you knew, you are the Executrix for the estate"

"I'm what, Why, How I'm sure that's an error, I'm sure she meant Rick"

Stan smiles, "She told me you would say exactly that, and here is her video response, as Jess comes on screen,

"Kate, I chose you because I want you to handle this for me" OK, I know you can do it, just have faith in yourself", as the screen dims

Stan smiles at Kate, "You know how organized Jess is, well was. She had a vision and knew you would do all you could to carry that out"

"Let's get to the financials and her bequests, shall we?"

Jess's total estate totaled over 20 million dollars, most coming from royalties from her book, and her refusal to touch any of it so interest compounded added up. Rick had to hold Kate up,

"Rick, I'll screw this up that money is hers Please help me"

"I'll be by your side Kate, Always Rick whispered

Jess had laid out funding for the next 5 phases of the Lost Innocence project including a land purchase she had made, for the remainder of Washington Heights Sub Division, as well as leaving her Lexi one million dollars to either start or support a non profit cause she was passionate for, The money could be spent now but would require Kate's approval until she reached age of 21, then she could do as she wished BUT it had to be for a cause

The balance of her assets were to be sold and money donated to the charities she had detailed in the percentages specified.

Kate broke down in tears, when she saw the name Johanna Beckett Scholarship fund, $750,000, as one of her top causes.

As Stan said the rest was routine, with Kate approving their services for an additional fiscal year at the same rates, and then finally they had worked through the stack of paperwork.

Stan looked over his paperwork and said just a couple of more items, then I will let you go"

The first is a letter from Jess to you Rick, the hard copy is printed out for both you and Kate, but Jess will appear on the screen as soon as I leave the room.

A few moments later Jess appeared on screen looking just like she did the day Kate met her, then read a letter to Rick,

Dear Rick,

I've written and re-written this letter so many times, my fingers hurt. If you are reading this my love, then my race is over, and I'm at peace. I know it didn't end the way any of us planned or wanted it too, and I'm sorry but remember my Mom's lesson to me, we are here to do our best for the purpose we were put here for.

I think I was so blessed to be your love, your world, and I know I could have been your wife eventually had life not dealt us a different set of cards. Confession time, Honesty, always right? I saw the engagement ring Rick, and I want you to know that I cried all night, thinking about how lucky I was, you made me feel so alive like no one else. But Rick, that love you thought was mine was Kate's she was, is and will forever be your true love,

I think you know how much I love you, yes love even if I am gone my love will own a piece of that heart of yours forever, and my only desire is for you, Lexi, my sweet Lexi and Kate is to be a family, a true family Rick. You'll know when the time is right, just ask her, she will say yes, I promise you. I know you love Kate, and there is no other woman I would ever want to see you with, she loves you Rick, more than you can even imagine.

My wish, and please Love, do this when you feel it is right. I would like for you and Kate to revisit the Hamptons, not with bad memories, but with all the love you both showed me on our last trip. Rick, make love to her, show her she is now your one and only as you did me. Please make her feel as special in your life as she has been, she is a wonderful woman Rick, the only one I would trust with the heart I held so close to mine.

Remember Rick, Kate was your first love, I was your rebound and I am so grateful that things worked out for me to spend the time I did with you. I had more love with you than I had my entire life before you, and I feel I cheated you out of the life that you could have had with Kate, but then I thought, it wasn't the right time for you both. I was so happy to be there when both of you got your head out your Asses and realized you did love each other.

I knew then that my work was almost done, and I could go without regrets, I only had to make sure you both would not revert back so there is a piece of Art that you both need to see together, instructions are left in another letter so not to worry about that now.

Rick, please listen to the song I pasted below, it's by Joey and Rory written before her tragic death, when you are afraid, feel alone, or just anxious, reach out to Kate, she is your Rock, your way now, I am your yesterday, a beautiful yesterday but live your life my love, I will see you both again someday,

All My Love

Now and Forever


When I'm Gone,

A bright sunrise will contradict
the heavy fog that weighs you down.

In spite of all the funeral songs,
the birds will make their joyful sounds.

You'll wonder why the Earth still moves.
You'll wonder how you'll carry on.

But you'll be okay on that first day when I'm gone.

Dusk will come with fireflies and whippoorwill and crickets call.

And every star will take its place
In silvery gown and purple shawl

You'll lie down in our big bed
dread the dark and dread the dawn.

But you'll be alright on that first night when I'm gone.

You will reach for me in vain.
You'll be whispering my name

As if sorrow were your friend
and this world so alien

But life will call with daffodils
and morning glorious blue skies.

You'll think of me-some memory
And softly smile to your surprise.

And even though you love me still, you will know where you belong.

Just give it time. We'll both be fine when I'm gone

Kate was fighting back the tears as they listened to the song together, and then another envelope was handed to her

"Kate, you had to know Jess wouldn't let you off the hook, didn't you?" Rick smiled as he grabbed her hand so sweetly,

As she opened the envelope she remembered Jess sitting at her desk signing documents in her eloquent handwriting it was almost like calligraphy it was so neat and precise.

Once again Jess appeared on screen reading Kate her letter,

Dear Kate,

I hope you listened to me when we last spoke and you were with Rick when he read his letter. I really don't have the energy to repeat all what I said to him, but you know how I feel about you, and I'm pretty sure you remember the night I gave you my blessings to pursue a romantic, make that romantic with SEX relationship with Rick.

I knew he must have loved someone very deeply to be as hurt as he was when I first met him, that hurt has healed Kate, DON" T keep revisiting it. Rick forgave you years ago and has slowly been taking the steps to build something he has always wanted with you, the absolute, total, and honest love of a woman he can return without any hesitations.

I've asked him to prove to you that YOU are now his ONE and ONLY and I will ask you to do the same to Rick, you won't regret it for one moment. The timing of when you two are together is up to you but Kate, Don't fight it, not for one minute think I would be sad, because the way to make me happy is to make Rick happy, please. I love you like a sister, and I know I was loved by you in the same way, so now Kate, Be Happy, Be free, and Get Laid, God you have to be so horny by now. (and there was that beautiful laugh)

Sorry the last part was so crude, but Sweetie you waited for your man, now make up for all the time you lost, you made my life so worthwhile and I Love You Always,


Poem for you, Author unknown

When tomorrow starts without me,

And I'm not here to see,

If the sun should rise and find

Your eyes full of tears for me.

I wish so much you wouldn't cry,

The way you did today,

While thinking of the many things

We didn't get to do or say.

I know how much you love me,

As much as I love you,

And each time you think of me,

I know you'll miss me too

When tomorrow starts without me,

Don't think we're far apart,

For every time you think of me,

I'm there, right in your heart.

Rick smiled as he gently dapped at Kate's tears,

"What do you say, you want to go to the Hamptons to see what other surprises are in store for us?

"When, How, she was so sick Rick, how did she pull this off? I think the Hamptons sounds great, just the two of us, I know I need to talk to you from my heart, and the interruptions here just won't allow it, don't worry Babe, it's all good" she says as she notices the stress lines come into his face.

The Hampton Beach Home

4 hours later Same Day

As they pulled up to the gate, Kate moved from holding Rick's hand, to cup his face towards her and gently kisses him, "We'll get through this Babe, together, Always, OK?

Rick answered with his own sweet kiss then Kate heard the word, "Always"

Rick had called and had the home opened, aired, pool serviced, and laundry all put out fresh. As they walked to the front door, hand in hand, each were lost in their own thoughts. Both remembering the last visit with Jess, deciding on visiting their spot before entering the house. They moved slowly to the boat launch, where Rick noticed carving into the wood, funny he didn't remember it being there before, and he was fairly certain Jess couldn't have done it.

Kate notices it, and then says, "She did it, she actually pulled it off"

Pulled what off Kate, Rick asks, then he see's the words carved into the wood, "I love you both, Always, Jess"

"She told me the next time I came to see a sunset here I would find a message to us from her, I should have known to never doubt her, no matter how poorly she felt"

As they enter the main house both know something is different, but just can't describe it, that is until they enter the Master Bedroom, there taped to the headboard was another note that was addressed to Rick and Kate.

Dear Kate,

The bedding is new along with the furniture, I replaced every single memory in this room with a blank canvass, now Sis, what are you waiting for, make YOUR memories and don't waste a minute, time is fleeting



PS If Rick is too shy to rip your clothes off, then you start it, Girl Please you promised Love you Both.

Rick smiles with tears in his eyes, then he see's Kate, looking at him like she has never looked before. As he moved closer to her, he knew then that the wait was over, and it was time to follow Jess's request. He made sure that Kate knew, felt and believed she was his one and only and that he had found his life partner.

She hadn't ever been made love to the way that Rick did, he almost worshiped her body, so slow, so patient, and God did he know the spots to hit. She almost lost conscious with the last orgasm, but as she lay in Rick's arms, she felt all was right with the world, they now had an Angel watching over them and no matter what happened they would be together, Always.

As they lay together enjoying the feel of bodes together, in a far different setting than the last time they had intercourse, that was sex, today was making love, and Kate vowed to never let this man get away again.

Rick was the first to notice it, it was the three shells he had quickly gathered the night they took Jess home for good. They had been framed and something else**

"Kate, did you see our shells we took home from our last trip.?"

"Babe, I'm not sure what happened to them, with all of the health issues, I'm sorry.

"No, look at the wall, in the picture, I can't make it all out but those are our shells" He slides out of bed and brings the picture back to Kate.

They both smile, then kiss passionately, finally Rick has the courage, "Kate, this isn't fancy and I can't get down on one knee but" as he reaches into the night stand he pulls out a beautiful 3 carrot Marquee Diamond ring, "I know in my heart, I never want to be with anyone else, and I couldn't bare to go through life without you, Will you marry me?"

"Yes, Yes Babe you know I will" Kate says through a new wave of tears.

As they lay together, they both look at the painting closer, One shell had Rick in a tuxedo, embossed on the body of the shell, the shell next to it was a picture of Kate in a wedding gown, beautifully embossed, and above then was a smaller picture of Jess smiling down and the artist had pained her with Angel wings and a fading sunset to her right.

"I don't know how she could have pulled this off, but she was adamant about the two of us getting married and soon" Rick smiles as he caresses Kate's back

"How soon do you want to get married Rick?" Kate asks shyly

"Tomorrow would not be soon enough, but I know you want to plan out your big day"

"Don't be so sure of that Babe, I would be happy if we went to the Justice of the Peace and I made you mine forever"

"Are you sure? I mean don't girls plan their wedding day from when they are old enough to read Brides Magazines."

"To be honest, I was never that big on the big wedding, we could have a reception in a few weeks for just close friends and family and I will wear my wedding dress then, OK?"

"So, you are serious, you want to go to City Hall and get married?"

"Yes Babe, you asked, and this is what I want. We can keep it low key for a few weeks when we get home to be sure we tell Lexi and all our family, and avoid the press if we can, if not let them eat their hearts out, you are mine" she smiles

They look at the painting, then Kate looks to heaven and says "I'm trusting you Jess, watch over us, and know we love you and always will.

Rick smiles, and adds his "Angel, well you are one for real now, protect those we love, like you did when you were here"

Hampton City Hall

4:00 PM Same Day

Rick had made some calls and pulled some strings, and by 4:20 Katherine Beckett, was now Katherine Beckett Castle. As they were driving back to the beach house, both were playing with the new rings Rick had purchased from the local jeweler, when a brief shower passed over them, lasting less than 10 minutes, soft gentle rain. As they pulled through the gate of the house they both spotted it at the same time, the sun bursting out and a double rainbow stretching across the entire sky.

This was the first of many days to come where Mr. and Mrs. Castle just stole away for some quiet time, each time they felt a very comforting presence with them, both never forgetting just how fortunate they were to learn the "Guide to Forgiveness" taught by a very special woman whose life had directed them both when they were lost, back to the highway that would define their Love's Journey.

Well that's the end of the road for this journey, Thanks to each and everyone who read commented, or favored, I never in my wildest dream think I would get a response like I did, I am deeply humbled. Again, Huge Kudos to Matt, The Muse of Apollo who allowed me to pick up his story and run with it, hope to see you with a new story soon, God Bless Tim