Love's Journey 3

by Castlefan6

Authors Note This is the continuation of Love's Journey, originally authored by The Muse of Apollo, chapters 1-7 of the original story, all following are work of Castlefan6' IF you haven't read the original Love's Journey, and Love's Journey 2 please do so before proceeding with this,

I don't own Castle, I use the characters for amusement purposes only

Authors Note: WARNING there is a character death in this story. I wanted to portray the journey of people as they pass through life, finding love, losing love, dealing with heartbreak, and what could be possible if the promise of be true to yourself first, and all others next was followed. This will be the last installment of this story, again, Thanks to all who have made the journey with me, and special thanks to Matt, The Muse of Apollo for allowing me to continue his creation and allowing me to run with it in my own way.

For everyone who has left a review, or comment Thank You. For those that sent messages that were less than professional, Thank You as well, through your ignorance and disrespect it formed a greater appreciation from me for all of those who are brave enough to publish their works.

Although this is my second FIC I have watched Trolls chase away countless brilliant writers in the past who I enjoyed, net result, we all lost. I never delete a review, good or bad IF there is a name attached to it, if you choose to go the Anon or Guest route, I do monitor those very closely, and will not allow a coward hiding behind an IP address to have a voice on any of my stories. Your attempt to spew your sense of how the story should go, or the correct real life procedure for something is ridiculous, this is Fiction, live with what writers use with the limited research we get to do and enjoy the story, OR if you don't Pick Another One.

My style is not for everyone, but the beauty of this is I write for my enjoyment and owe no respect to anyone who doesn't have the courage to log in or provide a return email address to discuss points or the direction I went the way I did. I replied to every review that I could and once again Thank You. For those who enjoyed the story, I am glad you did, for those who didn't and are still reading at this point, I question if anything you do in life will make you happy, especially to the guest who wrote they wished the story had stayed abandoned for Part 1 and were back with another review last night, (definition of insanity doing the same thing over and over in the same manner and expecting different results) Thanks to All, working on the next story I would like to begin, and have it down to a final 5 list. Hope to see you on a future work,
