(Here's Chapter 3! C:)

Luna was sitting at the kitchen table with her cup of hot chocolate, smiling as she listened to the parents talk about how proud they were that Sam took up music and asked Luna if she could personally give Sam music lessons.

"I do a wide range of musical instruments," Luna said politely as she sipped her hot chocolate. The introduction went well and Sam's parents took a liking to Luna right away.

"That's good to know. I've always wanted to learn the saxophone when I was in high school." The mother said, sighing softly. (Keeping the parents vague because Luna and Sam are the main focus.)

"My dad knows how to play the saxophone," Luna said and turned to smile as Sam came from the main hallway handing the sheet music back to Luna.

"I know most of the songs except for this one, but it shouldn't be that bad." Sam smiled as she gestured for Luna to follow her to the living room, where their piano was.

"Have fun you girls, we're going out to get some groceries." The dad said as they walked out.

"I hope they hurry back before it snows.." Sam remarked as she looked up the forecast. Usually, Royal Woods would get snow in early December, so it wasn't uncommon that it snowed on the first of the month.

"When is it going to snow?" Luna asked as she sat down on the piano bench and started to play some random notes.

"It starts in about 15 minutes... Don't you think you should ask your parents to come and pick you up? We can start practicing tomorrow." Sam suggested as Luna set the sheet music on the piano bench.

"I want to stay here with you. I like the peace and quiet. Besides, we don't have a piano at my place." Luna admitted as she played a few bars of the music, the sweet sounds of the Grand Piano echoed throughout the living room. It was tuned as well, sounding clean and beautiful.

"Hm, do you know the piano?" Sam asked as she pulled up a chair to sit next to Luna to watch her play. Luna nodded smiling.

"I took lessons when I was tall enough to reach the keys. I always wanted to learn how to play the piano, especially because it is usually learned first before other instruments. And it helps me read sheet music." Luna answered as she read the sheet music quickly. Sam admired her talent, enjoying the sweet medley as it bounced off the walls. She should ask Luna if she could play a favorite song of hers.

"Hey Luna, if we're lucky, they can cancel school tomorrow, if snows fast enough, and you could spend the night." Sam offered. Luna perked up at the opportunity. If that was the case, she wouldn't mind staying up all night with Sam to get to know her better then the info she knew already about Sam.

"I would love to spend the night if it comes to that. Besides, my family wouldn't mind if I told them."

"Why don't you text them before it gets too dark?" "Great idea!"

"How could you keep a secret like this long from us for so long?!"

All of the sisters were talking at once, Lincoln had trouble focusing on any of them.

"ENOUGH!" Lincoln shouted and his sisters looked at him in surprise.

"Look, I know I kept a secret of this value for a long time, but Luna told me first. The reason she told me first was because she trusted me with it. She was scared of what you girls were going to think of it. So I suggest we all calm down and tell Luna what we think when she gets back."

They all calmed down before Lincoln asked a question.

"Wait, who figured it out? I was talking to Clyde when I told him.."

"I did." Lucy freaked out everyone when she popped up from behind them. "I was in the vents because it's as dark as my soul and I overheard Lincoln. I didn't know what bisexual meant, so I asked Lori. She told me that it meant that a person likes both genders, and she asked why and I said that you said Luna is bisexual. So Lori gathered everyone up and told them... Is being bisexual a bad thing?"

The sisters may have different personalities and views on many things, but this was the one they could actually agree on.

"I don't think it is. Besides, the fact that Luna came out is a remarkable thing to do because many people don't accept people for who they are. She has our full love and support." Lori answered and all of them agreed.

"But what are we supposed to do with Mom and Dad?" Luan asked, starting to juggle some bowling pins. She originally asked for chainsaws, but the student council said no for very obvious reasons, so the bowling pins were a compromise.

"Luna will tell them when she feels ready, we'll interfere if necessary," Lincoln said and they all agreed.

"So, who does she like?" Leni asked cheerfully, she honestly believed that everyone deserves love, no matter what their sexuality is.

"Her name is Sam." Lincoln said, breathing a sigh of relief. All of his sisters were okay with Luna being bisexual, so that took some pressure off of him if he had to defend Luna by himself. Lincoln was grateful for his sisters finding out, but he would've kept it a secret if it killed him. If he didn't reveal it, that is.

"I thought Sam was a guy's name?" Leni said, scratching her head in surprise.

"It can be both ways, like Jesse, Riley, Bailey, Taylor, Max…" Lori answered as she texted Bobby on when they could go shopping for some cute matching accessories for the winter dance.

"I didn't know that!" Leni was pleasantly surprised to learn that.

The sisters returned to their normal hobbies. But Lincoln wanted to get some of the sisters who didn't voice their opinions.

"I think we should love whoever we want." Luan answered, smiling as she thought of a certain someone.

"I don't mind, besides, it'd be nice to hear more of their sick drum beats so I can time my hacky sac kicks!" Lynn said as she proceeded to play catch with Charles.

"Sam sounds like a nice person. Oh! Maybe she can give me tips on how to unclog the toilet without a plunger!" Lana had finished fixing the toilet. It was clogged with a bunch of hairballs.

"Maybe she can give me fashion tips!" Lola was dressed for her tea party.

"This kind of relationship would be very interesting to research." Lisa suddenly pushed Lincoln out of her room and whatever chemicals she had mixed exploded. "I'm okay!" She shouted.

"Poo poo!" Lily was biting her toes. Lincoln groaned and braced himself for a diaper change.

Lincoln smiled before he radioed Clyde on the whole situation and his sisters' responses.

"I'm glad they think that way, some people aren't accepted so easily. I saw it on a Lifetime movie before with my dads."

"I know right? I think she'll come out to Mom and Dad when she's ready."

"Yeah. Oh! You might want to look outside!" Lincoln hopped out of his bed and threw open his curtains.

"GUYS! It's snowing!" All of the girls cheered and ran outside to embrace the snow that was falling quickly.

"Judging at the way it is falling and the speed at which it is descending at a rapid pace… The snow will be roughly 2 feet and 7.2 inches in two hours." Lisa calculated like nothing.

"Maybe school will be canceled until the town gets the snow plows working!" They all cheered before Lincoln suddenly gasped.

"Luna won't be able to come home until the snow from the road is cleared!" And that's when Rita and Lynn Sr. returned home.

"Girls, and Lincoln, Luna said that she can't make it home tonight so she's spending the night at a friend's house... Who is this friend?" Lynn Sr. asked as he showed them his phone with the text message that Luna sent. "Her name is Sam." Leni smiled. "Well then, it's fine with us. We'll pick her up when the snow clears tomorrow." Rita confirmed as they walked inside the house.

"I hope the power doesn't go out." Lola whined as they walked back in the house, shivering. A few seconds after she said that, the power went out. "You had to say that!" Lana shouted at Lola while everyone screamed at the darkness that followed. Except for Lucy, who smiled.

(I am just listening to YouTube as I'm writing lol, mainly Dagames c: I will keep writing and post whenever I'm done typing. I can't wait for the winter months, that's my favorite time of the year.)