Disclaimer: I do not own Twilight
Chapter 1: Memory Loss
Hazel's POV
The feeling of a rock hitting my body is what began to arouse me. Sometimes getting sleep was just impossible here. People never left me alone and they never stopped gawking either.
When another rock hit me my eyes shot open and began to search for the culprit. I spotted him pretty fast. A young boy, probably about seven or eight years old, stood there with several rocks in his arms.
"Come on you stupid wolf do something!"
I snarled at him. Of course no one thought to stop the boy from pelting me with rocks. All around people watched me. It had been that way since I arrived here a few weeks ago.
To be honest I didn't even know how I got here. There was a blank space in my brain where my memory should be. The name Hazel bounced around my head from time to time and I figured that's what my name was. As for everything else? There was nothing but a blank space and a massive headache whenever I tried to think about it.
I sighed as I turned around and headed toward the den. People started yelling all around me trying to get me to turn back but I ignored. Although ignoring the boy that decided to throw a bunch more rocks at me was harder to ignore.
There were three other wolves there. All of them much smaller than I was. They were the only other occupants that I was forced to share my enclosure with. Typically they ignored me and I was fine with that.
I was three times their size. About the size of a horse really. These wolves weren't stupid. They knew I was different and that made them wary of me. I knew I was different even if I didn't quite know what I was.
No one knew who I was but that didn't stop them from trying to figure it out. When I woke up a few weeks ago with no memory scientists and veterinarians started taking samples of my blood. They took my blood, my fur, just about everything they could from me.
When I wasn't being forced to give blood or fur samples I sat in my enclosure for people to come gawk at me like some sort of spectacle. I had learned from some people that I was in a zoo. The San Diego to be more specific.
I hated it here. All I did all day was pace my enclosure or sleep. It was driving me insane being here. I didn't know where I was supposed to be but I knew that it wasn't supposed to be here.
I felt something kick inside my stomach when I laid down. I smiled. Soon after I got here it was discovered that I was pregnant. I was going to have a litter of six pups. The veterinarian thinks it might not be that much longer until I give birth since my mammary glands are starting to swell.
This often got me thinking about my life before my memory loss. If I'm pregnant that must mean that there was a guy in my life at some point? Was it another wolf my size?
Who knew? Whatever my life was before it had to have been better than the life I was living right now. Locked up at a zoo. Being poked and prodded every single day by scientists and veterinarians that were just a little too eager to study you.
I watched as one of the other wolves, a male, stand up and leave the den. If you could even really call it a den. Everything about this place was artificial. I got up and walked out once again myself. The crowd had all but disappeared.
I looked around wishing I could just find a way to escape but everything was blocked off. I couldn't even jump out if I wanted to.
Pretty soon a people started to gather around again. I should've known that was going to happen. That's always what happened. My sheer size alone always attracted attention.
I didn't pay the people much attention though. From where I was I could see some of the other animals in the other exhibits. Usually they weren't doing anything or they were pacing back and forth. Most of them looked like they were bored to death here. Much like I was.
The idea of spending the rest of my life in this place scared me. Being locked up with no other place to go was not somewhere I wanted to be. Nor was it a place I wanted to raise my pups.
I had to escape. I didn't know how but I needed to escape. I didn't know where I would go since I didn't know who my family was.
I snapped out of my thoughts when I heard the door to the enclosure open. I smelled the meat and my stomach growled loudly. The zookeeper stayed long enough to make sure all of us wolves got enough to eat.
He kept an eye on me the longest as I ate. The interest these people had in me scared me. Whether it was looking at me or taking blood samples from me it terrified me for reasons I could not explain.
I felt one of my pups move as if he or she could sense my fear. Would they be as interested in my babies as they were in me? I hoped not but something told me it was as a useless hope.
Once it got dark and everyone left I was able to go to sleep peacefully. Until I heard a strange noise just outside of my enclosure. I sat upright when I heard the noise. The zoo was closed as far as I knew and all the zookeepers has gone home for the night.
So why was I hearing noises? I walked outside of the den and saw a much elderly man standing outside. He looked at me weirdly and started talking in a language that I didn't understand. The only words I caught from that sentence were "Taha Aki," and even that didn't make much sense to me.
When I looked back the strange man was gone.
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