Aoyama wakes up with his hands in the air, and his stomach poised in position to attack. It's strange, he thinks, how realistic the dream he had. There was nothing good, or sparkling about it.

It was a...

He moves through the hallways like a zombie, still clad in his sleep shorts. He ignores the looks of his classmates when he sits in the cafeteria by his friends. They're intently talking about something.

"...Nightmare. Midoriya-kun died and I couldn't do anything about it."

At these words, Aoyama's head immediately snaps up. Toru Hagakure was sobbing, and the sounds of water droplet hits onto the table. No one can see the invisible tears. But for once in his life, he's paying extreme attention to someone other than himself or his opponents.

As they talk, he notices that there was something eerily similar about her dream to his. He catches Rikido Sato's eye and the muscular man shakes his head. He's unaware that his mouth is open and everyone was staring at him, waiting for him to speak.

"Ah, mademoiselle, what an unfortunate dream you just had! I am sure with some of Sato's tasty new macarons, you will be comme neuf!"

Her crying turns into sniffles, "I would like that."

Aoyama can't help but try to shake off the feeling of dread.

"That wasn't a dream," Sato slides the baking sheet out of the oven.

The half-eaten macaron falls to the ground but no one makes a move to pick it up. The floating uniform freezes and Aoyama doesn't dare to make eye contact with either of them.

"Que veux-tu dire par là?"

"English please," Sato sighs.

"What do you mean?" Aoyama's words come out in a jumble, "I know my dream and Hagakure's match up, but it just might be a really weird coincidence!"

Sato shakes his head.

"S-So you're saying that the villain-ambush was real...?"

There's an uncomfortable silence that passes between the three of them.

"I saw Midoriya die the first time a few days ago. October 7th-"

"That's impossible! It's October 13th today!" Hagakure protests, and whips out her phone, "Look!"

She shows them the glowing screen of her phone.

Right below the black, bold letters of 07:25 was September 31st.

"Mademoiselle, your phone must be glitched! It says September 31st."

His palms are sweaty. It must not be good for his thin, fine French hair. He just had a perm. What if he went to go get another one. Wait, then wouldn't he not have it anymore if the time resets itself? What was he thinking about again?

"Your phone is definitely wrong," Aoyama says, his voice shakes and he doesn't know how to stop the silly tremors that wrack his hands, "Look at mine."

Both of them stare at his glowing screen, blinking owlishly.

07:25 September 31st

The only noise was the sound of the second tray of sizzling, burning macarons in the forgotten oven.

"It always resets to September 31st. Today was the first time Midoriya gets killed, but I'm not sure who was the first witness. He's supposed to get hit by Katsuki's quirk," Sato's voice is rough.


"October 7th," Sato interrupts the voice of Hagakure, "Izuku overexerts himself during training against Ectoplasm and Recovery Girl accidentally drains him of all his stamina. And then we have October 13th, yesterday's incident, which I have yet to know anything about."

"Y-You weren't with us?" Hagakure asks.

Her voice is shaking, and her knees are trembling. There was no way this was real.

"I've been in six resets so far, and in those, I've only witnessed a total of two deaths myself. There are three others, excluding yours, that I don't know about," Sato says.

Aoyama hates how Sato is handling this situation. It was as if he had already adapted to it as if it was part of a normal lifestyle. He hates how calm and constructed Sato looks and hates how weird it feels.

"We were actually going on a run," Hagakure finally speaks up, "Not sneaking out for arcade games. Aoyama and I wanted to build our endurance... So he can use his Navel Laser Beam for longer and I can hold my new ability longer. Since we saw Midoriya running the other day, we asked to join him."

"Before long, monsieur, we had reached inner city. The next thing we knew was being attacked." Aoyama shutters, "I saw Midoriya's face right before he died... I think we would've also died last night had it not been for the 'reset' you talk about."

Another moment of uncomfortable silence passes them.

"If you both haven't figured it out already..." Sato scratched his head with a frown, "My theory is that every time Midoriya Izuku dies, time resets itself to September 31st."

"All we have to do is save him from dying, right? Shouldn't be too hard."

Sato frowns.

"I wish it was that easy. Except there are probably more people a part of this, and we don't know who they are. We need to know who they are so we can figure out when and how we can prevent Midoriya from his deaths. Before we can figure it out, we can't save him from every time. Judging by how long he lived by yesterday's reset, I say that they're doing a pretty damn good job at saving him."

Todoroki couldn't help but get a sense of Déjà vu as he talked with Izuku. He felt like he had the same conversation over and over again the past few weeks. There was something off about this—

"Todoroki-kun, you alright?"

"Hm? Yeah."

—What was he thinking about again?

while you're at it, please visit my etsy shop! it has the same shop name (TheVeryCheesyAuthor) as my username on fanfic. thanks