Author's Note: Okay so here's another story. People are probably going to be pissed because not only do I have another story I haven't updated in a couple weeks but I also just published a new one on here. The thing is that I've had these stories in my document folder forever and I only just decided to publish them because I'm kind of frustrated with 'Some Things Never Sleep' right now. I wrote half a chapter that somehow got deleted and now I can't recover it so I'm going to have to re-write it but I'm not ready yet. I just need a little time to get back into it.

So 'One Word from You' is a story I've had around for a long time but have never published. I just read this really good Tony Stark/OC fanfic the other day and came to the conclusion that there isn't a ton of Tony Stark/OC fanfics out there so I decided just to publish this one to see what people think. The face claim for this story is Anna Kendrick by the way.

There's not a ton of dialogue in the first couple chapters because you find out that the main character is super lonely and is always alone with her thoughts which isn't entirely healthy. She's been through a lot so it's understandable but there will be a lot more dialogue in the third chapter.

I'm also planning on updating 'Sweet Dreams' next. I'm nearly finished with the next chapter. I thought I'd just let people know in case there's any fans of that story reading this one.

I don't own any of the characters in this story except the ones I make up like Mia. Everything else belongs to Marvel. I also don't own the song 'First Love/Late Spring' by Mitski. The title of the story actually comes from one of the lyrics.

I really hope you enjoy this story since I've been keeping it to myself for so long. Let me know what you think.

So please hurry leave me
I can't breathe
Please don't say you love me

One word from you and I would
Jump off of this
Ledge I'm on

Tell me "don't"
So I can
Crawl back in

-First Love/Late Spring by Mitski


If someone had asked Mia if she ever thought she would be here a few years ago, she would've said they were crazy…that they were sick and vindictive because nothing like this would ever happen for a million years. Not to Mia. Mia wasn't a bad person. She thought she was a good person or whatever. Mia recycled and every time the cashier at a department store asked if she wanted to round up to donate money to whatever charity the store was working with, Mia always said yes. Well, Mia didn't go to church anymore so maybe that was it. Maybe God was punishing her for never going to church. That had to be it, right?

"I'm so sorry, Amelia." Her cousin told Mia as said cousin gave her a look full of pity.

"Thank you, Amanda." Mia told her as she faked her best smile. Mia and her cousin Amanda had been very close growing up but then the inevitable happened. Amanda grew really tall and developed big boobs during eighth grade. Suddenly Mia became the lame cousin that she didn't want to hang out with anymore. Ever since then Mia and Amanda's relationship had been frosty which was why Mia wished her of all people weren't here. She was probably smug about the whole thing.

"Really. It's just all unexpected about poor Michael. Who would've expected this to happen?" Amanda said in a false sweet tone. Mia knew her well enough to know that Amanda was only pretending to be polite. Her dear sweet cousin was a terrible actress. Mia just nodded.

"Yes, well, it is happening." Mia told her and Amanda continued to smile at her.

"Just let me know if you ever need anything. You can call me." Amanda told her and Mia just faked another smile.

"Thank you." Mia told her and Amanda gave her one last smile before walking off to probably go get a plate of food. That was probably the only reason Amanda was there. To get free food.

"What a bitch." Holly muttered as she went to stand next to Mia. Mia looked up at her older sister in surprise.

"Holly!" Mia said in surprise but Holly didn't appear phased.

"Come on, Mia. You know she is." Her sister told her knowingly. "Why else would she come here? She just spent the last half an hour bragging about her modeling career, at JC Penny's of all places, at your husband's fucking funeral. Who does that?" Mia sighed tiredly.

"I guess you have a point." Mia said softly and Holly just nodded.

That's exactly where Mia was right now yet she could hardly believe it. She was at her husband's funeral. Her husband who had been dead for exactly six days now. Six days and Mia could still barely understand the concept that he was dead now. She glanced back at the picture of him that her mother had set up in the living room of their apartment. Mia swallowed hard as she saw the picture of her husband.

Michael David McCallum.

With his dark brunette locks of hair and his pale blue eyes. Michael with his blindingly charming smile. When Mia first met him she had been nineteen and she thought he was handsomest man she had ever seen. She couldn't believe it when he actually seemed to take an interest in her. Mia couldn't believe it when he proposed to her two years later either. Now she just couldn't believe the fact that she was a widow at twenty six.

"You okay, Mia?" Holly asked her in concern and Mia finally tore her gaze away from his picture to look back at her sister. She smiled as best as she could.

"Yes. I'm fine." Mia said quietly even though she was lying. She didn't think she was ever going to be fine again. "I just drifted off for a moment there."

"You do know that Mark and I are here for you, right?" Holly said sympathetically but her sympathy was genuine unlike Amanda's fake sympathy. "I know we've been kind of busy with the kids lately but I'll always be here for you. I can make time for you."

"I'm fine, Holly. Really." Mia told her but Holly still didn't look like she believed her. Holly knew her too well. Her older sister just nodded but gave her an unconvinced look.

"Still…you can call me any time and I'll be here. Kids or no kids." Holly said as she then wrapped her arms around her younger sister. Mia just nodded as her sister hugged her but she didn't think she would take Holly up on her offer. Her sister had a family now and a career. Mia doubted Holly would have any time for her sad little widowed sister.

"I know, Holly." She told her sister anyways. Holly smiled at her before something else seemed to catch her attention. She frowned when she noticed her kids causing mayhem in the kitchen. "Damn those kids. Hang on, Mia. I'll be right back."

"Take your time." Mia told her as her sister hurried off after her kids. An unreadable look came across Mia's face as she watched her sister tend to her kids. That should've been me, Mia thought to herself. She should've been the one chasing after a couple of hyper children. That's what should've happened at least…if Michael was still alive.

Mia hadn't wanted to start trying for kids yet. She said she was too young and not at a good place in her career. Mia had wanted to wait until she was thirty. Michael had been a few years older than Mia so he had been more insistent about having kids but he accepted the fact that Mia wanted to wait like the supportive and doting husband he was.

Mia didn't know why she wanted to wait. She didn't think it was because of her career because her career was doing more than fine which was a lot more than what most novelists could say. She had gotten a couple of her books published and they were currently on the New York Times Bestseller list. There was even talks of a movie deal coming so you could imagine the cash flowing in at this point. It had been the perfect time to start a family but Mia supposed she had just been scared…scared that she and Michael would end up like her parents. Mia could see that was stupid now because she was twenty six with a dead husband and no kids. She was starting to realize that she had spent all that time being scared and it was all for nothing.

Michael was dead and she was alone.

When everyone had finally left the wake, Mia found herself alone for the first time. Her mother had caught a flight back to Maine which wasn't that far away but it still didn't help Mia from feeling less alone. Her father and his wife had returned to Florida with Mia's half-siblings which Mia really didn't mind. Her father had never cared for Michael but Mia didn't really care for her father either. Her sister and brother-in-law had returned to their Park Slope townhouse in Brooklyn with Mia's adorable niece and nephew. Holly had tried to tell her that she would stay if Mia needed her but Mia knew that she was going to have to be alone eventually. Why pretend any longer?

So here she was in her and Michael's Williamsburg apartment in Brooklyn. Wait…no, it was her Williamsburg apartment in Brooklyn. It was no longer her and Michael's apartment because Michael was dead. He wasn't there anymore. It was just Mia now.

It was only then that she realized that this was the first time she had ever lived alone. Mia had gone straight from her childhood home to a college dormitory and from there she moved in with Michael. Mia had never lived alone before because she never had to. Now she was officially alone and she didn't know what to do with herself.

Who was she going to talk to in the mornings? Who was she going to watch Friends re-runs with at night? Who was she going to complain to about her annoying publishing agent? These were all the things she did with Michael but now it was just starting to sink in that she wasn't going to be able to do any of those things anymore.

Then there was that other thing her Great Aunt Ethel told her at the funeral. Mia didn't really like the old lady because she was a horrible gossip and snob but Mia couldn't help but let her aunt's words get to her.

You're still young. You can find another husband.

Another husband? The very idea made Mia want to throw up. How was she going to be expected to go through all of that again? Now Mia was starting to wonder whether she would be alone for the rest of her life or if she would have to start dating again. Neither prospect seemed appealing to her but Mia always had a way of looking too far into the future. It was something Michael always made fun of her for. Her need of overthinking and over planning everything.

Mia knew she wasn't going to start dating now. Her husband just died for crying aloud but was she going to have to start dating eventually? It was either that or be alone forever but how was Mia going to date? She hadn't been in the dating scene since 2006 when she started dating Michael who happened to be her first boyfriend. It turned out that Michael had been her first when it came to a lot of things.

Still…How did dating even work now? Didn't people have apps for that now? How was Mia even supposed to get back out there because she doubted she was the woman of some guy's dreams. No guy dreamed about dating a widow. There was another question in Mia's mind too.

Did she even want to date again?

Mia didn't think so even though it was way too early to be thinking about this sort of thing. Michael would just roll his eyes if he was here and tell her how much of an insane person she was. But that was exactly Mia's point. How could she ever move on from Michael? It wasn't like he was some asshole who left her. He didn't choose to leave her.

He died.

He was the love of Mia's life so how could she ever date someone else? That would be like a betrayal or something, right? Cheating. While, Mia didn't actively go to church or anything like she did when she was little, she did believe in God. She believed in heaven and she believed in the fact that Michael was up there somewhere with little angel wings waiting for the day when she bit it. If Mia married someone else then that would be pretty awkward. It would be like having two husbands unless that husband was Satan or something and never made it to heaven.

Ugh! Mia really was going insane. Here she was sitting alone after Michael's wake thinking about the fact that she would be alone forever. It was never supposed to be like this! Mia and Michael were going to start trying for kids in a couple years. She had it all planned out. She planned on having their first child by thirty then their second one by thirty three and the last one by thirty six. Just so there was enough time between them that they wouldn't have three newborns all at once but also so that their kids would be close in age.

They were finally going to move out of this small apartment in Williamsburg and move into a more spacious house in Brooklyn Heights. Somewhere that was a good neighborhood and had an amazing school district. Then they'd raise the kids. Mia was already setting up a college fund because with three kids she knew they'd need it.

Their oldest, Ben, was going to be a marine biologist because that was Mia's dream profession when she was little until she realized that she had to have an understanding of science on some level. He'd get into Culver University and graduate with honors because he was the genius of the family. William, their second oldest, would study business abroad in Paris where he would meet this beautiful French girl and fall in love. They'd buy a beautiful house in the South of France and have adorable French children. Then there would be Violet, the baby of the family but also the wild child. Violet would drop out of college before traveling the world and seeing all it had to offer. Violet would be an artist but she would also be a free spirit.

Through all of this, Mia could see her and Michael growing old together as they watched their children grow up and make mistakes but also succeed. Eventually Mia and Michael would tell their children about how they fell in love in Edinburgh. Mia even saw the two of them going back to Scotland, where Michael was from and where she met him, as an elderly couple.

Mia always knew one of them would die before the other one but she thought it would be like in the Notebook. Where James Garner and Gena Rowlands died in each other's arms which was an ending that made Mia cry every time she saw it. Mia just always assumed that her and Michael would be in their eighties before they had to worry about death. Boy was she wrong.

Her life wasn't like The Notebook as it would turn out. No, her life was much more like P.S. I Love You which wasn't the romance movie anyone wanted their life to become. Besides…at least Gerald Butler's character knew he was going to die in that movie. He left Hilary Swank's character loads of letters and even a vacation to Ireland. Michael hadn't known he was going to die so he didn't have time to write her letters that would comfort her after he died. There was no vacation to Scotland he had planned out for her either. There was nothing but an empty apartment.

The only thing he left her was all his possessions inside that apartment that Mia knew she would have to eventually pack up but she couldn't bear to at the same time. Both options were heartbreaking to Mia. She could either leave all his things out which would be a constant reminder of his death and her heartbreak or she could pack up all his things and sob over the fact that he was gone forever. Both options were equally as bad as the other so Mia chose a third option.

She chose to ignore all his things and bury her face into her pillow on her bed so she couldn't see any of it. Mia was already completely wasted at this point so what other option did she have? It was either sob into a pillow or miserably sing karaoke like Hilary Swank did in P.S. I Love You while wearing her dead husband's clothes. Although Mia was sure her mother would admit her into a mental hospital under suicide watch if she caught her doing that unlike Kathy Bates in the movie who basically did nothing.

"I'm going to be alone forever! Thanks a lot, Michael! You fucking asshole!" Mia cried into her pillow before she immediately regretted being so terrible to her now deceased husband. What kind of wife was she? Who called their dead husband an asshole? Although Mia was sure that Michael would only laugh at her. He'd give her that annoying little smirk he used to whenever he thought she was being amusing.

"You know it's okay to be mad at me, love." She could practically hear him saying in that thick Scottish accent she had always loved. His accent was actually a small contributing factor to the reason she had fallen in love with him in the first place. He always thought she was being crazy when she told him how hot his accent was. "It was kind of my fault in the first place. You always told me to stop my adventure seeking. You said it was going to get me killed one of these days."

"Yes but I always knew you would never listen." Mia said to an empty room. "You never listened to me because you were so god damn stubborn. I should've tried harder to make you stay away from the woods and that stupid rock climbing idea you got into your head. I should've threatened divorce or something." Mia pictured Michael giving her a knowing smile.

"Mia, you and I both know that you never would've divorced me." Michael told her and she just groaned as she continued to bury her face into her pillow. "You were madly in love with me."

"Were? As in past tense?" Mia questioned as she pulled her face a short distance away from her pillow. She swallowed hard as she then nodded to herself. "Right…because I can't be in love with a dead man now, can I?"

Mia then looked around the room only to realize that she was alone again with her husband nowhere in sight and she couldn't hear his voice either. It was all just a part of her weird imagination. Was she seriously hearing Michael's voice in her head now? What would her mother think? Mia didn't know and she most certainly didn't want to tell her. Her mother was already worried enough as it was.

"I've officially gone insane." Mia then declared to herself as she fell back against the pillows on her and Michael- No, her bed. There was no more her and Michael anymore. That was no longer a thing and it never would be again. It was just her now. No one else.

Just Mia.

Mia turned as she stared at Michael's side of the bed when she had yet another revelation. Mia was going to have to sleep alone now. No more falling asleep together, no more waking up together, no more cuddling…no more sex.

"You know, there's apps for that now, love." She could hear Michael saying but Mia just clenched her eyes shut as she shook her head.

Mia didn't even want to begin to think about having sex with another man. The thought terrified her. She knew it technically wasn't cheating since Michael wasn't alive anymore but it would still feel like cheating to her. No. Mia refused to think about dating, sex, or relationships. She was just going to have to do what Michael always told her. Mia was going to have to live in the present.

There would be no overthinking or looking into the future. Right now she would be a grieving widow and worry about the rest later. Mia was allowed to mourn her husband right now. That was perfectly acceptable in the eyes of the world since her husband hadn't even been dead for a week yet. Mia would just take it day by day until it started to get better. It was supposed to get better, right? She wasn't going to feel like this for the rest of her life, was she?

"I wish I knew what to tell you but I'm the one who died, after all." Michael said and she could see that smirk on his face again. "Although I'm sure I would've made a rather dashing widower."

"Very funny." Mia muttered under her breath as she faced Michael's pillow on the bed. A part of her warned herself against touching or even looking at the pillow but Mia couldn't resist. It was just too tempting to her and she didn't like feeling alone.

The twenty six year old widow didn't hesitate as she reached for the pillow and immediately pressed her face against it, inhaling the familiar scent of him. She knew most people would find it creepy but she didn't care. Mia missed him and the pillow happened to smell just like him. It was almost like he was still there…like he had taken a trip out of town and he'd be calling her any moment now to ask how she was doing.

Except that would be a lie.

Michael wasn't on a trip out of town. He wasn't anywhere except heaven or wherever people go to after they die. There was no business trip. Michael wasn't going to be coming through that door in the morning, announcing his return. He was never going to come back no matter how much Mia pretended he was. A part of her had felt like the past week was just a terrible nightmare but now that the funeral was over, with Michael buried six feet under, she knew the truth. Michael was gone and she was alone. Her mother told her that these things happened and people died all the time.

Mia just never expected Michael to die this soon.