Prologue - An Odd Girl

Hermione Granger had always been an odd girl. She seemed to never fit in with her peers, not in kindergarten and not in school. She had always been a bit too smart and too ambitious, had always loved learning and preferred to read over playing outside with other children. But there were a lot more reasons why the little Granger girl was an odd one, like the neighbours used to say.

Hermione Granger was an odd girl because, for some reason, there were odd things happening around her. When she got mad things would break or fall off the shelves. Children, who scared or bullied her, would have accidents like tripping suddenly or breaking their favourite toy. Of course, it wasn't something the girl did, she couldn't. Most of the times teachers or other grownups were present and could testify that it wasn't something Hermione did. It just happened. But still, it was odd.

And as Hermione grew older, she accepted that she was different from other children and instead of trying to fit in she fled into the world of books, where adventures and magic awaited her. Inside these fantasy realms she felt at home and secretly she always thought that maybe, just maybe, she was born into the wrong world. Maybe one day she would finally find her magical wardrobe or an old wizard would pick her up for a journey. Her parents always took these hopes as the fantasies of a little girl, who just needed some time to find her place in the world.

But the older Hermione got, the weirder the accidents and happenings around her became. And so, no one in the family was really surprised when a small - well, not a tattoo, but something oddly similar - mark appeared on her skin the day she turned eleven.

It was a wonderful, warm September day when Hermione woke up and jumped out of bed, excited for the day and her gifts. She hoped that her parents got her some of the books she had put on her growing want-to-read-list. As she prepared for the day, she discovered the small mark on her stomach. It was right under her navel, but deep enough to be covered up by her underwear. Curious Hermione looked at the black pattern in the mirror. It was just as big as a walnut and showed a closed flower bud surrounded by a few tiny leaves. Hermione instantly fell in love with the beautiful mark but also became quite excited. As a dreamer and reader, she hoped deeply that this was it. Her ticket into a world of adventure and magic. The mark that gave her access to everything she ever dreamed of.

Well, as the following month went by and nothing happened, that hope grew smaller and smaller until it finally vanished. Instead, Hermione had to live with her parents freaking out about the mark and visiting countless dermatologists with her. But no one could give them a logical explanation and after one almost called the police because he thought the Grangers had gotten her underaged daughter a tattoo, Hermione's parents finally gave up. Covering up or hiding the tattoo became their new obsession instead and it worked quite well since the mark was at such a convenient place. Needless to say, that Hermione didn't care about all of that and just grew more and more frustrated.

Almost a year went by when in during the summer holidays of 1991 her ticket to magical adventures finally arrived in form of Minerva McGonagall. The deputy headmistress was in charge of informing muggle-born students and their families while all other children simply got their letter. Hermione was the one who opened the door the day the old witch came by to tell the family about Hogwarts and the magical world.

Minerva McGonagall was reluctantly welcomed into the Granger's house when she explained, that she was sent by a school for, especially gifted children. And while she carefully explained what Hogwarts was and that Hermione, the odd girl, in fact, a witch, Hermione's heart began to race with excitement. She almost jumped up in joy when her parents demanded proof and the old witch turned all the teacups on the table into tiny squirrels. And Hermione almost cried when she opened her letter and found the list of books she had to buy. She was so excited and only one thought constantly flitted through her mind: She had been right. She was different. She wasn't a freak or odd, she was just different. And going to a magical school, where she could learn and discover her powers, well that was the cherry on top. But knowing that nothing was wrong with her, that was certainly the best thing.

The weeks till the school year was about to start went by in a blur for Hermione. After she had visited Diagon Alley with her parents and the headmistress to buy her school supplies, Hermione spent every moment with her new books. McGonagall had suggested Hogwarts: A History to the girl and Hermione found it terribly interesting. She read the book three times before the school year started and all of the other school books at least once. Granted, there were a lot of things she didn't understand, but she was keen on changing that.

And so, with pure excitement rushing through her veins and the biggest smile plastered on her face, the odd girl entered the Hogwarts Express on September First - the mark on her stomach all forgotten - hoping for her new life to be as wonderful and magical as she always hoped for.

So, this is my new story. It will take me two or three weeks to really get it started because I want to finish Adore You first, but I had to release the prologue in order to participate in the Slow Burn Challenge of Bellanoire. So be warned: it is a slow burn and it will take its time. But I hope you are patient enough to stay and enjoy this journey together with me.