It's so surprising how fast 5 weeks fly past. She truly felt so much closer to a man she never thought could show such subtle forms of affection, simple gestures like pushing a piece of hair behind her ear, when it fell in front of her face, stroking her hands or cheek with his thumb. It's such a small, yet significant gesture, that it always makes her feel warm inside. She knew for definite that she was on the way towards falling for the man that was sleeping beside her. He looked so vulnerable beside her. He no longer had the scowl upon his face, his face looked smooth, calm. His lips were no longer firmly shut, but they were full, slightly parted, so she could see the light breaths against the pillow.

"Staring is very rude, Miss Granger." He said, with his eyes still half closed, his lips tugged upwards to show a genuine smile.

The moment was very quick, but she felt herself lunge forward and place her lips upon his, brushing her tongue gently against his bottom lip, requesting entrance.

Before she knew it, she was straddling him, and got carried away. She didn't intend for it to get so far, but she wanted to taste the smile that was formed by his lips.

"Mmm. I wouldn't mind that wake up call again." He said.

"Of course you wouldn't." She said, with a smirk tugging at her lips.

Hermione reluctantly got out of bed, and pulled on one of Severus' shirts, fit to her size, over her head, and walked towards the kitchen. She made them both a cup of tea and two slices of toast, and brought them back to the bed, where they sat in near silence, and enjoyed their small breakfast.

"I've got my last doctor's appointment in a couple of hours." Hermione stated.

"Indeed. Would you like my company?" Severus asked.

"That would be nice." Said Hermione.

"Miss Granger, we're going to be late! You're going to the doctors not a fashion show." He said trying to suppress a scowl. He really didn't have the patience for this.

Stumbling into the room, whilst trying to get her boot on, "Oh, calm down will you? I'm ready." She said with an exasperated sigh.

Severus Snape's face was an almost picture-perfect moment. He really did appreciate the view. Hermione was wearing a burgundy knitted jumper, which was tucked into black skinny jeans. Small black ankle boots upon her feet, with grey woollen socks peeking just above. Her hair was draped down her back, her curls defined with one of the new products she purchased. And finally, her sun-kissed, freckled face hiding beneath the curls. Plump lips, small nose, slightly flushed cheeks, and her soft eyelashes downcast. Enveloping the honey coloured eyes he knew that were within.

"Look at me.", he murmured. Her eyes rose to meet his. For a moment, he thought he saw her face flush even more, "you are absolutely beautiful." This was accompanied by a genuine smile, one he usually doesn't get to practise often. He liked the feeling.

"We're going to be late." She squeaked, betraying her thought process of ditching the appointment entirely. A smirk crept onto Severus' lips.

"We're going to be late." She said more clearly. She will not be intimidated by this man. This wonderful man.

"Well, it's safe to say that you are pregnant! I'd say around two weeks. Congratulations!" Said the Nurse.

Hermione looked up to Severus, who was looking at the ultrasound. His proud eyes scanning their unborn child. A small smile grew on her face. She knew he would look after her and their child, even if their relationship didn't progress, and she was grateful. If their child could be half as intelligent, half as brave, half as beautiful as Severus Snape, then they were a lucky person. She could just imagine a little Severus running around their house. A head full of black, curly hair, intelligent as anything, and a powerful magical core. Strong, and full of wisdom, in spite of their young age, with a constant thirst for knowledge, just like their their mother. She would be happy for that future, with Severus.

"Mine." He whispered. Barely inaudible. As soon as he saw that little blob, he knew that they were both exactly what he wanted. He enveloped her with his large arms. Unspoken words were understood between them.

"Looks like no more wine for you." He teased, a smooth chuckle caressed his vocal chords. A giggle from the woman in the bed, she playfully swatted the man's arm. A strong desire for this man had washed over her as soon as contact was made. This man will be the one.

A/N: Right guys! It's finished! I have updated the last chapter (finally) as people thought it was a little rushed. I hope this is okay? I am by no means a writer, but I enjoy reading fanfics so I hope this might have ticked some of your fic reading fantasies! I know that both of the characters are very OOC, but it had to be done in order to get the story done in a short amount of time. Again. I really hope you liked it 3