Jonah stares down at the test in disbelief. They were having a baby? This wasn't some cruel joke? He was gonna have a little one that was biologically his? Not that it made Emma or Bella lesser in his eyes, but this was actually happening?

He looks into Amy's eyes. He can't quite read them. Which happens sometimes, so he doesn't worry too much. He just hopes she's happy.

"Is this for real? You aren't like joking?" He doesn't know what he'd say if she was.

"This is really happening she says," getting up to hug him.

He beat her to it, he's spinning her around, and he sets her down and he kisses her. He's just so happy. He's going to have a little one. They were having a little one. "When did you take the test?" He wonders how long she's known.

"I took it this morning before I left for work. I called my doctor on my break and I have an appointment next week just to make sure, but I have a feeling it's going to go well." She's smiling. Emma walks down the stairs and Jonah shoves the test in his back pocket. They would tell her, just not yet. Not until they were past a safe point in the pregnancy.

She grabs a water from the fridge and give them a weird look. "I'm gonna go keep writing my research paper, you guys are kind of creeping me out with the laughs that just died when I came down. I'm watching you two," she laughs sweetly and heads up the stairs. Jonah and Amy just can't stop smiling.

"I'm glad she likes to come home on weekends, but we might need to move Bella into her room as well," Amy says. "She'll understand." Emma was always good like that, with her sister at least.

"Or we could ask her if she would mind moving into that room down in the basement I use as my little hang out space. I can clear it out, it's okay." He smiles. "Then all the littles would have their own rooms."

"That just might work, we'll see. When the time comes, we'll talk to her about it. I don't think she would mind all that much. She would understand why we were asking it of her, and with her not living at home most of the time she would probably be okay with it. She was thinking out loud.

"And who knows? Maybe we'll have to paint the room from pink," Jonah kids.

"Jonah I have had all girls, the probability of this being a boy is slim to none."

"Maybe it wasn't because of your end, but Adam's." He looks at her, "It could be different now."

"Maybe. We'll just have to wait and see," she says placing an arm protectively around her stomach. "It's up to this little one to see that," she looks up at Jonah. "We got this."

"We do, this will be all good, we can have another one and it will be amazing."

Emma sneaks back up the stairs from sitting on the bottom step, without a word so they didn't even know she was there. She sits on her bed. "I'm going to be a big sister again," she whispers to herself, and breaks into a huge smile.

AN: You can message me thought or ideas as well! Please review!
