Hey guys EpicZL here! I've really been in the mood for a My Hero Academia story so I just felt like doing one. We'll see how this turns out and if you don't get the character's quirk then an explanation will be at the end.

Chapter 1: Beginning the path

Pain, Fear, and Sadness. These were the only things he could feel at the moment as he was crouched on the concrete in the middle of a heavy rain. He was a young child with short black hair with matching onyx colored eyes which were currently flooded with a mixture of tears and rain drops. In his arms was an old man with a muscular physique in a yellow and black hero suit. The suit was stained with a large quantity of blood from three large gashes in his chest, arm, and the side of his face.

"Come on now... you wanted to be a hero right? Then stop crying, you won't be able to help anyone like that", The old man said weakly as he smiled to the boy.

"B-But grandpa... you're really hurt. We need to get you help now", the boy said between sobs.

The old man slowly shook his head. "No, it's too late for that. I've taken a lot of injuries in my life, so I know when I'm finished".

"No! People still need you. The world still needs you", the boy said as his sobs intensified.

"Hehe... Don't worry about that. We still have All Might and all those other great heroes. As long as they're around, we'll be fine. Besides I've still got you to take over for me, Zen", the old man said as his breathing grew heavier and deeper.

"No, I can't! There's still so much you need to teach me. I can't possibly do it without you!", Zen said as he tightened his grip on his grandfather's suit causing the blood to further stain his hands.

The old man continued to smile as he placed his hand on the child's head. "You've already learned all I have to teach you. Besides you're way tougher than any kid your age should be anyway"

He then began to cough profusely as more blood seeped from his wounds and from the corner of his mouth.

"I will tell you one last thing though. Engrave this on your heart because its the most important thing I'll ever tell you".

"W-What is it?", Zen said, wiping away his tears.

"Remember... Whenever you feel like you're losing your way... or you don't know what to do... al...ways..."

Soon his grandfather's voice disappeared as everything around him turned to darkness. The looked frantically around for his grandfather, but soon the darkness turned into something completely different. He then found himself surrounded by flames inside of a familiar house. His eyes widened when he saw a familiar body on the ground with a large amount of blood pooling under him. He had short black hair much like Zen and was wearing a suit that became stained in red.

"D-Dad!", Zen said frantically as he rushed down to his father's side. His father slowly opened his soft brown eyes to the sight of his crying son.

"Z-Zen, you need... to... run", He said as he began coughing up more blood. Soon he choked up and his body went limp.

"D-Dad? Dad? Dad?!", The boy cried even harder as he tried to shake his father, only to recieve no response. He frantically looked around the burning building for help but his widened even further when he saw two other figures in the house. He saw his mother, a youthful looking woman who had short crimson red hair and onyx eyes, being held by the throat by the gloved hand of an unknown man. The man was wearing a black cowboy hat which obscured most of his upper face. All that could be seen of his face was a sinister smile which held a cigarette in his mouth. He was wearing a long black trench coat over a white undershirt along with dark pants and black boots.

"Z-Zen, please go. We'll be fine, so please", she said weakly as her attacker tightened his grip on her. Zen was completely frozen in place. He had no idea why any of this was happening or what he should do.

The unknown man looked back at him and Zen was able to catch a glimpse of his cold malicious eyes.

"I suggest you take her advice, kid. I don't feel like staining my hands with the blood of a child tonight", he said, puffing out a cloud of smoke from his mouth.

"Go!", she screamed at him with flowing out of her eyes. Zen clenched his fists and grit his teeth hard. He ran towards the open door with tears constantly flowing down his face. Just before he reached the door, however he heard his mother screaming out in pain. He slowly looked back only to be horrified when he saw his mother had been impaled through the chest by five long blades that came from the man's fingers.

As he saw the blood flow from her wounds and as her eyes began to weakly close, it was as though all time had stopped for him. All that could be heard was the sound of his heartbeat racing continuously faster as time went on. At that point, something within him snapped.

Without even thinking, his body instinctively began to run back in the opposite direction towards his mother. Although he felt more fear as he got closer, he couldn't stop himself from moving. He clenched his fist as it began to glow a white color. He then jumped and lunged towards the unsuspecting man. Just as he turned his head around, the side of his face was met with an overwhelming force from the kid's fist.

The power was so sudden and powerful that he was sent flying towards the back of the house into the flame where a loud crash could be heard from the impact.

Zen was panting heavily while both his arms and legs were shaking as he tried to process what just happened. He then looked over to his mother, who landed on the ground after being released from the man's grip.

"M-Mom...", he said slowly as he ran to her side. Just before he could reach her however, he felt a sharp pain in his chest. He slowly looked down to see that one large metal blade had completely skewered through him all the way to his back. He saw that the blade extended all the way to where he had sent the man flying earlier.

"That really hurt, you know", a voice said. The man walked back into the room with one hand covering where Zen had punched him and the other hand had turned into a long blade that stabbed Zen. The blade slowly retracted as he got closer but now before using it to lift the kid into the air. Large quantities of blood dripped down the blade from both the massive wound and the kids mouth.

"You know kid, I was going to let you off the hook, but then you had to go and mess up my face like that", the man said angrily as he brought Zen closer. Zen was unable to say anything as he felt a large amount of blood and bile clogging his throat.

"Do you feel it now, brat? That pain? That is what happens when weaklings try to stand up to the strong. Although that punch of yours wasn't bad, you are still far too weak. If you were stronger or if your parents were stronger, then chances are, you could have protected them".

His words struck Zen just as hard as the blade in his chest did. Tears began to flow even more down his face, mixing together with the blood from his wounds, as his vision began to blur.

"In this world, without strength, you can't do anything. Protecting others, fighting enemies, achieving your goals. Without individual strength, things like this are inevitable", he said coldly as he retracted his blade to reform his hand, causing Zen to fall to the ground with a grunt.

"Remember these words well kid, although I suppose it doesn't matter too much since you're about to die anyway", the man said, readjusting his hat.

Soon the sound of sirens could be heard from outside the house along with flashing red and blue lights through the windows. "Hm, it looks like I finished just in time", the man said as he fixed his clothes and prepared to leave. He tired to place his hand on his face again but winced at the pain and quickly recoiled.

"Damn, it looks like that punch hit harder than I thought", he said as he looked down at Zen who was barely conscious at this point. Afterwards he quickly ran out through the back and disappeared from sight.

Soon the flames around the house intensified with a large amount of burning debris beginning to rain down around them. The red haired woman on the floor struggled desperately to try and keep her eyes open as she could feel herself getting weaker and weaker.

"Z-Zen...", she said weakly as she tried to reach out to her son, who still lay on the floor with critical injuries. The boy barely managed to keep his eyes open and looked to his mother, but he was not able to move a single part of his body. She was able to force herself to crawl a bit closer to him until she was close enough to begin caressing his cheek.

"You really are your grandfather's child. The blood of a hero runs in you just as much as his. It's too early for you to give up here", she said as her hand started glowing the same white as it did for him earlier. Tears began to stream down her eyes as she smiled at him.

"I'm so sorry... I'm so sorry that your father and I won't be around to watch you grow up, but I'm sure you'll become an amazing hero. There's still so much I want to tell you, but this is the most important thing- N-"

Suddenly once more he couldn't hear anything around him including his mother's words. Soon after she finished speaking, his hearing returned as he saw a large amount of debris above them begin to fall down.

"W-Wait... Mom...", he could barely force out as she gave him one last tearful smile. Suddenly he felt an invisible force push him rapidly towards the open front door. He then saw the sight if his mother being replaced by all the burning debris with a loud crash.

"Wait...Please!", he said as he tried to reach out his arm towards her. Soon he was encassed in complete darkness. "Wait!


(6 Years Later)

Zen gasped as he opened his eyes and bolted upright. He looked around and noticed he was on his bed in his room.He saw that his hand was outstretched towards the ceiling. He sighed as he took his hand to wipe the sweat from his brow.

"Damn it... I still can't hear them", he said. He looked over to his digital clock to see that it was nearly 8.

"Oh right, tommorow's the day".

He got up and went to go and take shower. He took off his shirt and looked in the mirror to wash his face. He was young man who was 15 years old. He had short black spiky hair and a face that many described as handsome and as being nice to look at. Although his face nearly always carried a serious and often times cold expression. He had sharp onyx eyes which often had a cold look in them. He was fairly tall and had a very muscular and athletic build for someone his age but his most notable feature that stood out was the scar on his chest. It was a long slightly slanted scar that went from below his collarbone to just above his six pack. Another of the same scar was on his back in the exact position from the front meaning that it was from the same wound that had gone completely through. Although it was largely faded and light now, it was still very noticeable from the mirror and very few people knew about it.

After taking a shower, he threw on his school uniform, which consisted of a white button up shirt with a dark navy blue jacket over it. He went downstairs to the kitchen and began cooking breakfast. After about 5 minutes he placed two plates on the dining table, each covered with a sunny side-up egg, sausages, and several pieces of sliced oranges and apples.

After finishing his breakfast and washing his plate, he grabbed his backpack and prepared to leave, just as he was about to exit the kitchen, he heard a loud yawn. He looked up the stairs to see someone lazily walking down. It was a slim, youthful looking woman in her mid twenties who was about his height. She had long straight red hair that reached her back. She lazily opened her eyes to reveal soft brown orbs under her red circular rimmed glasses. She was Zen's older sister, Hina Takeda. She was still in her nightgown as she lifted her glasses to rub her eyes.

"Oh, good morning Zen. You're sure up early today", she said tiredly as she yawned.

Zen let out a sigh as he looked at the time on his phone. "You do realize what time it is right? You're going to be late for work at this rate".

She blinked a few times before pulling out her phone.


She quickly bolted back upstairs to the bathroom. Where Zen could hear her racing around to get ready.

"Ah jeez. And how old are you? How many times are you going to do this?". He said scratching his head. In a few seconds he saw her running back down the stairs, this time in white dress shirt, blue jeans and a white doctor's coat on her. She frantically ran past him into the kitchen with a frantic look on her face. "Oh no! I'm going to be so late! The hospital's going to kill me!", she said as she quickly began to eat the plate that Zen had prepared earlier for her.

Zen sighed as he slipped his black shoes on and opened the front door. "I'm going now. Don't forget to lock the door when you leave", he said as he closed the door and began to walk to school.

About halfway there, he noticed a group of students who wore the same uniform he did. They had fully surrounded a girl with the same uniform. She had long brown hair tied into a ponytail with matching eyes. She was tightly clutching her books with a scared look on her face.

"Please I'm sorry! I didn't mean to bump into you like that!", the girl said meekly as she clutched her eyes shut.

"Heh! Didn't mean to, eh? Don't worry we'll make sure it never happens again!", one of them said as he raised his fist.

"You moron causing trouble again?", Zen said.

They all stopped immediately and broke into a cold sweat upon realizing who it was. They turned around to see Zen walking towards them.

"T-Takeda!", one of them said nervously.

"I see you haven't learned your lesson yet", Zen said as he glared at them.

"No! Please! We know, it was just in the spur of the moment, that's all!", one of them said as he bowed towards Zen.

"I'll let you idiots off this time, but..."

He grabbed the collar of the one who tried to hit the girl earlier and looked at him straight in the eye. The boy could only feel fear as he saw the coldness of Zen's onyx colored eyes.

"Just because I won't be around anymore, it doesn't mean you're free to cause trouble again. If I hear so much as a word about you all then I promise you all won't get off so easy next time", he said seriously.

The teen whimpered at Zen as he recalled the last time Zen had "disciplined" him and the others.

"We promise we won't cause anymore trouble! From now on we'll even keep other's in line for you!", they all said bowing to him.

Zen let go of his collar as he meekly stepped back.

"Good, now get going. You're going to be late", Zen said. They all quickly nodded and ran in the direction of the school. The girl stood there amazed as she clutched her books closer to her chest.

"U-Um, thank you so much, Takeda", the girl said shyly.

"It's no problem. You're Irumi from my class, right? If you see them causing any more problems, the. Tell me alright", He said as he began to walk to the school.

"U-Uh, right...", Irumi said while hiding a blush as she followed behind him.


Later, Zen sat in class with a bored expression on his face as his teacher gave a lecture on their final day. Irumi sat a row behind him, while occasionally stealing glances at him. Their teacher was pacing back and forth while giving a speech. He was an old man, who had a small white mustache, bald, and round glasses. He wore a standard suit and tie and had a kind face.

"Now everyone, seeing as this is our final day together, I want to wish you all luck on pursuing your futures. Whether you want a career in medicine, law, engineering, or perhaps even being a hero, I hope you don't forget the lessons you learned here. And speaking of being a hero, I know that one person here is taking the U.A. Entrance Exam tomorrow", the old man said while smiling.

Everyone in the room began to talk and whisper to each other.

"Yeah, it's Takeda isn't it?

"He's the only one strong enough here to do that"

"What is his Quirk anyway?"

"Not many people have seen it, he rarely ever uses it. He doesn't even need it, and he was still strong enough to beat up all those bullies. They're all terrified of him now"

"Man, top grades, crazy strong, and all the girls love him, thats just unfair..."

As everyone was talking. Zen wasn't paying attention as he looked out the window boredly while leaning on his hand. Soon the day went by in a flash, as everyone said their goodbyes to each other. Zen was the last one in class as he put his backpack on and prepared to leave.

"Oh wait a moment, Mr. Takeda", the teacher said from his desk.

"Yes sir?", Zen said as he walked up to his desk.

"I just wanted to say, it's been a pleasure having you here at this school and that we'll miss you", the man said.

"No, it should be me thanking you. You've taught me a lot these past few years and I'm grateful", Zen said politely.

"No, what I've done is trivial. You've done far more for this school than we could ask. You've subjugated those delinquents effortlessly and kept them in line all these years. Although I don't usual condone violence, you've managed to set them straight and now they are all model students. You've also helped out around the school far more times than I could count".

"Well even if I didn't do it, someone else would've done it anyway. Well, if they ever get out of hand, just give me a call and I'll be happy to come back and put them in line", Zen said.

The man chuckled. "I don't think that'll be necessary. They all seem quite well behaved now. Well, Either way I wanted to wish you luck on your exam tomorrow. You're the first person from our school to take that exam in a long time now. I have no doubt you'll do fabulously on it".

"Thank you, sir. I'll do my best", Zen said as he started walking out.

"Oh wait. One more thing", he said. Zen stopped and looked back at him.

"I know that when it comes to smarts or strength, you are unmatched here but please take some moments to get along with others when you can. I know that these past years you've been here, you haven't really made any friends. I hope you'll take the time to get to know others. I'm sure it'll help in you in the long run", the old man said.

Zen sighed, "I'll take those words into consideration". He appeared unmoved by the man's words as he left the class and closed the door behind him. As the old man sat on his desk, he sighed.

"(Even after all these years, the coldness in his eyes still haven't changed one bit. He's one of kind and I'm sure he'll be a great hero, but I really hope he'll meet someone who can ease the pain in those eyes)", he thought as he looked at the sunset through the window.


As Zen left the school and began walking home, he heard the sound of someone running behind him.

"Takeda! Please wait a moment".

Zen turned around to see Irumi, the girl from earlier in the morning, running up to him.

"Yes?", he asked.

"There's something I've been wanting to tell you for a long time now...", she said as she twiddled her thumbs together. Her face was burning red and she could feel her heart pounding in her chest.

"Seeing as how this probably the last time we'll see each other, I have to say... I like you! Please go out with me!", she blurted as she bowed her head to him.

Zen turned away from her and sighed. "Sorry, But I can't accept your confession", he said coldly. Irumi froze at his words and slowly looked back up.

"Look, I don't mean to hurt your feelings but it's me, not you. Your a smart and kind girl and I could never give you what you would want in a relationship. Besides, you and I barely know each other. What you feel for me is just a little crush, you'll get over it before long. So I'm sorry", he said as he started walking away.

"I understand... A lot of girls have confessed to you over the years but you've rejected everyone of them so I already expected this. I just wanted to tell you before you left is all", she said with sadness in her voice as she clenched her fists tightly.

Zen stopped but didn't look back. "Irumi, you wanted to become a nurse right?".

She looked up surprised. "Um, yes I do".

"I'm sure you'll become an amazing one so good luck. Also my sister's a doctor so if you ever need it, I can ask her to put in a good word for you in the hospital", Zen said.

"Thank you... that really means a lot to me. And I'm sure you'll become a great hero. I'll be rooting for you all the way", she said with a tearful smile.

"Thanks. Well see you", he said as he walked away.

As she saw his figure growing more distant, she could help but continuing to smile even with the sadness she felt in her heart.

"(He was so cold and yet he was so kind at the same time. He really is special)", she thought sadly as she put her hand over her heart.

Later as Zen was nearing his home, he felt a buzz from his pocket. He pulled put his phone and saw a text from his sister.

I'm sorry, I'll be home late tonight. You can just put my food in the fridge. I'll eat later. THX

After getting home, he put his things away and began cooking. After finishing, he quickly ate his meal before putting his sister's in the fridge. Soon he took off his shirt and stood in front of a large reinforced metal door in his house. He took a deep breath and began stretching his arms. "Alright. Let's make this one good before tomorrow", he said as he opened the door.

Once inside, he found himself in a large room with all of the walls and the floor covered in silver metal. When he walked in, several compartments in the floor opened up and various targets and obstacles popped up from them. He got into a fighting stance and closed his eyes.

"It all starts tommorow, watch over me Grandpa, Mom, Dad... I will get stronger no matter what", he said as he reopened his eyes and his fists started to glow.


The next day, Zen steadily woke up to the sound of his alarm clock with all of his muscles feeling sore. Upon remembering what day it was, he quickly went to the bathroom and got ready. Afterwards he rushed downstairs and to his surprise, his sister was already sitting at the table fully dressed for work.

"Actually up on time today?", Zen asked as started cooking breakfast.

Hina pouted at his comment. "Meanie, I can get early on time if I want to. Besides, today's an important day for you isn't it?".

"I guess so", he said nonchalantly as he placed a plate of food in front of her.

"Come on, surely you're at least a little excited or maybe nervous", Hina said as started munching down on her food.

Zen put his plate down and started eating with her. "Not really, I've been prepared for this for a while now besides it's just an entrance exam. If I'm not able to do this then I'll never be able to become a hero".

"Oh come on, you've been training nonstop everyday in your life. I'm one hundred percent sure you'll ace it!", she said with a smile.

"Hm, we'll see", he said as he finished his food and started to wash his plate.

"Either way, I'm rooting for you. Also, do you need a lift to U.A? I know it's a little far from here", she said as she handed him her plate.

"Nah, it's fine. I'll just take the train", he said as he finished washing the dishes. He put on his school uniform and grabbed his backpack as he headed towards the door.

"Hey wait. One more thing Zen", Hina said.

Before he could turn around he felt a pair of arms wrap around him from behind.

"Good Luck, alright?"

Zen's expression was unchanging as he nonchalantly said, "Yeah, thanks sis".

He closed the door behind leaving his sister there to sigh.

"It still hurts, huh? Mom, Dad... please look after him".


"So this is U.A...", Zen said to himself as he marveled at the large building before him. He looked around to notice countless other students entering the building, each one wearing different uniforms. There was one student in particular who caught his eye.

He saw a messy green haired boy around his age in a black school uniform. He was talking to a brown haired girl with an embarrassed look on his face. Although he could be described as a rather plain looking boy, Zen felt something different about him. He shook his head to clear his thoughts.

"(I don't have time to think about others right now. I just need to focus on this exam)", he thought as he entered the building.

There he was lead to a large room with the other students. He was given his written test which he easily finished before the others. Soon after everyone was finished, everyone was lead to another room where the practical exam would be explained. There as he took a seat, a man with tall blond hair and sunglasses known as Present Mic walked up to the podium and began explaining the course. As he was explaining, Zen heard some indistinguishable muttering to his left. As he look over he saw the green haired boy from before who seemed to be in heavy thought. He was then reprimanded by a tall student with glasses.

Zen couldn't help but feel a strange sensation in his guy as he looked at the boy. "(He seems ordinary, but why do I feel so uneasy?)", he thought. He was snapped out of his thoughts when the screen at the front changed. It featured three different types of enemies ranging from one to three points along with an obstacle worth no points. After the presentation was complete, Zen received a slip telling him to go to section D. First he went to the bathroom and pulled out his clothes from his backpack. Replacing his school uniform was a black short sleeved muscle shirt that showed off his muscular top. His left sleeve had a white pattern that stretched to around his collar. He also had black and white shorts, white running shoes and black wristbands on. After putting away his things, he proceeded outside with the rest of his group.

Soon he found himself before what seemed like a massive city area. He looked around at the other examinees, but none really stood out to him. As he was looking around, an announcement came on.

"Everyone Begin! In the real world there is no countdown so I hope you're ready!", Present Mic's voice said as the gates opened. Everyone rushed in the same direction as quickly as they could leaving only Zen behind who seemed unimpressed.

"Those idiots, if they all go in the same place then there'll be less points to go around", Zen said as he closed his eyes. He then tapped his foot several times on the ground. In his head, he could hear countless footsteps in front of him moving further away. He then felt a large wave of vibrations further to the right of that group. He opened his eyes and looked to the right.

"So there are a lot from that direction...", he said as he began running that way away from the group. Soon he found himself on an empty street with no sign of anyone else. A loud rumbling could then be heard as a large swarm of green robots, each numbered from one to three, advanced along the street until they stopped in front of him.

"Alright then, let's see how tough these things really are", Zen said. The machines then rapidly charged towards him. Zen pulled his hand out of his pocket. His hand then glowed a soft white as he formed a fist. As drew closer, Zen launched a punch through the air which seemed to hit nothing. A split second later, a powerful shockwave was sent towards the robots which destroyed everything in it's path, including the road until it finally reached the army of machines. The force of the shockwave was too strong causing every robot to be instantly pushed back and destroyed, creating a massive explosion at the end of the street.

He then felt a vibration from the ground and instinctively moved his head to the left, causing a green robotic arm to just barely pass by his neck. Zen grabbed the arm with great force, denting it. He then looked up and noticed yet another robot flying towards him at a rapid speed. Zen quickly threw the robot he was holding on to over his shoulder towards the one that was approaching him. Immediately after they collided, Zen launched another shockwave, instantly destroying both of them. He then felt another vibration beneath him. Just as a robot's head popped up from the ground, Zen stomped his foot down on it's head, destroying it.

From below his foot, he was able to sense even more incoming robots from underground. He closed his eyes and focused.

"Six... eight... no thirteen...", Zen said as he focused on the vibrations from the ground. Once he got a lock on their locations, his foot glowed white and sent a another powerful shockwave through the ground. The entire ground began to crumble as his shockwave kept moving forward. Soon several consecutive explosions occured beneath the ground causing the entire ground in the area to become a pile of rubble.

"That appears to be all of them around here. There shouldn't be much time left and it doesn't look like a lot of enemies remain. I should've really kept track of those numbers", Zen said rubbing his chin. He was surprised however, when he felt the ground shake around him. He looked around but noticed nothing was nearby. He then closed his eyes to try and find what the source of the rumbling was. His eyes widened when he figured out where it was coming from. It came from the spot where majority of the examinees ran off to at the start. He quickly began to sprint back in that direction with a bad feeling in his gut.

When he arrived at the main street, countless people were running in the opposite direction towards him. He found the cause when he looked up to see a colossal sized robot towering above him.

"Ahhh!!! Somebody please help!", a high pitched voice cried out. Zen looked down the road to see a small boy who appeared to have fallen down. He was a short boy with a big head and big eyes. His most notable feature was his hair which resembled grapes. Next to him were two others who were heavily shaking and appeared to be frozen with fear. One was a girl with pink skin, yellow antennae on her head and piercing black eyes. The other one was a boy with blond hair with a streak of black going through one of his bangs and yellow eyes. All three were unable to move as the machine drew closer, threatening to crush them. They all closed their eyes in fear as it came closer but to their surprise it never came.

They heard a large clanging sound as they opened their eyes to see Zen in front of them with his hand on the machine which appeared to have stopped. He then sent a shockwave through the robot which quickly sent it reeling back several meters away while destroying everything around it. The robot nearly threatened to topple over from the force but was able to regain balance with barely any noticeable damage aside from a few dents.

"It's much sturdier than the others", Zen said slightly surprised.

"Wow thanks a lot! We should use this chance to run", The grape haired boy said as he began to run away with the others.

"Hey, come on. Aren't you coming?", the alien like girl asked as she looked back at him. Zen said nothing as he looked up at the robot which resumed it's advance. Then to everyone's surprise, Zen began to run full speed towards the robot.

"H-Hey! Are you crazy? There's no point in trying to take down that thing! Besides your last attack barely dented it!", the blond haired boy said.

Zen continued running while paying him no mind. He then stopped once he was close to the robot. His feet started to glow and the force of the shockwaves sent him high up, breaking the ground below him.

"That's because, I wasn't serious yet", he said seriously as he tightly clenched his fist. His fist began to glow but this time it was different. A glowing bubble formed around his fist which let off slow yet heavy vibrations. He pulled his fist back before lunging forward. The moment the edge of the bubble touched the robot, it was as if the force of an entire earthquake hit at once. The machine was instantly forced back with a massive hole blown roght through it. Soon the rest of it's body followed as large consecutive explosions began to ignite. The force of the shockwave would continue past it, causing massive damage to all the building's around it. Soon even more destruction would be caused as the remaining pieces of the robot began to crash down on the makeshift city.

Everyone in the area had a look of utter shock as they witnessed the unbelievable sight before them. Their eyes never left Zen as he landed back down unharmed.

"W-What the hell?!"

"That giant thing got taken out by a single punch? No way!"

"Just who is that?!"

Everyone remained in a state of shock while trying to process what had just happened as they heard a loud buzzer ring throughout the area.

"And times up! The practical exam is now over!", Present Mic's voice said through the announcement but no one paid him any mind as they were still in awe at what they had just witnessed

The only ones able to move were the three who had been saved by Zen earlier as they quickly ran up to him.

"That was amazing! How did you do that?!", the pink haired girl asked.

"That was so cool! I'm really jealous", the graped haired boy said disappointed.

Zen didn't respond and didn't even turn to look at them, however as he looked down at his hand. He sighed and a had a disappointed look on his face as he clenched his fist tightly.

"It's still not enough... It's still too far away..."

And there we have it folks. The first chapter of this fanfic. The other chapters won't be this long or at least most of them won't. I'm going to be going back and forth between this one and my other story so, I'll just be transitioning between the two. So stay tuned for the next chapter!

Character Description(Narrator's Voice from MHA)- Zen Takeda! Age- 15 ,Quirk- Quake. His body creates vibrations which he can utilize to form shockwaves similar to the power of an earthquake! He can either send them as long ranged shockwaves or concentrate them into quake bubbles on his hands and legs. He can also sense vibrations from the ground to pinpoint certain targets in the area. (Think of a nerfed down version of Whitebeard's power from One Piece).