Hey guys! I'd just like to remind you to comment on every chapter with your favourite sentence, to show me what I should keep doing. Fair warning, this chapter is mostly just Poseidon explaining remnant to Percy. That's all for now, everything else will be in the A/N at the bottom. Hope you enjoy!

After I killed last of the dark creatures, time went by in a blur. Having used so much energy, I had only been able to stumble to cabin three before collapsing on my bed, and passing out from exhaustion. All the other campers, who had all lost someone as well, never woke me. The elder campers had warned them that I needed rest.

Well, that's what they told me, but I think that the younger campers had actually become afraid of me after the battle. I couldn't blame them though, my powers must have looked like that of a vengeful god compared to the ones they had seen before.

After my friends had explained the situation to me, how I fell asleep for 25 hours, and how they had told the campers not to wake me, I decided to go sit by the lake.

As I walked through the camp, people stared at me. I wondered why for a second, before realizing that I hadn't changed clothes when I woke up, which meant that I was walking around in a ripped shirt, covered in blood. Great.

So before going to the lake, I decided to change, and shower in my cabin. I headed towards it, and locked the door once I was inside. I undressed, and hopped in the shower. The water was cold, but I didn't care. Cold water didn't effect me very much at all. Once I got out, I dried myself off using my power over water. I then changed into some clean clothes, and headed out again.

Once I got to the lake, I immediately regretted it. I always used to come here with Annabeth. Memories flooded my brain, drowning me in me own thoughts. I remembered all the times we spent here, sitting by the lake, holding hands. All the times we just sat here and talked, for hours. Our first kiss, under the water. Everything came flooding back, and tears silently streamed down my face. I cried, but no sound escaped my lips. I grieved silently, and I grieved alone.

I must have stood there for hours, reminiscing. My tears dried up halfway through, but that didn't matter. I was lost in thought, so lost in thought that I didn't notice when my dad, Poseidon, appeared behind me, which was why I was so startled when hem put his hand on my shoulder.

I jumped back, and immediately pulled out Riptide and uncapped it in one smooth motion, getting into a fighting position.

"Percy? Son, its me." said Poseidon, a worried look on his face.

I stared sat him for a second, then put riptide away, and stood normally.

"Sorry, I'm a bit jumpy after those creatures showed up out of nowhere."

I told him, feeling slightly guilty that I had drawn a sword on my father.

His eyebrows furrowed, and he looked at me for a few seconds.

"Yes, the issue of the dark creatures. That's why I came, actually. We have a proposition for you, and your presence is requested by the council of Olympus."

This came as as a surprise, as it had only been a few days since the attack, and the gods usually argued for at least a week before coming to any sort of decision.

I nodded at him, and closed my eyes briefly as he flashed us to Olympus. When we got there, Zeus was in the middle of a heated argument with Athena, and he was obviously not very happy.

"We have no other choice! We've neglected our promise to them long enough, and we need to send someone who we know can get the job done!" Zeus was bellowing. Athena looked mad as well, but appeared to be keeping her emotions under check better than Zeus was.

"Yes, but does it really need to be him? Who will protect the camp if those creatures come back!" I could see that Athena's facade of relative calm was starting to break, and her grey eyes were even stormier than usual.

"We have other children! The roman campers could help as well! He is not their only source of protection, Athena!" I didn't know what the argument was about, but it seemed be going in circles.

Poseidon loudly cleared his throat to draw the attention of the two arguing Olympians.

"Why don't you ask his opinion on the matter, seeing as we can send him without his consent."

Poseidon's voice was icy, and Zeus started.

"Well, we could, it would just-" he was cut off by a cold glare from Poseidon, as well as some other Olympians who have been known to support me.

"Alright, I guess not." I heard him grumble to himself.

Athena cleared her throat before continuing

"Well, alright then, uncle, Ill explain the situation to your son." She then turned to me, before continuing.

"We have an issue at hand. Those dark creatures that attacked the camp? We know where they came from, and why they came." I was confused. If the gods knew about those creatures, then why had nobody at camp every heard of them?

I voiced my thoughts, and the gods shifted uneasily. They looked at each other, none of them seeming to want o explain.

"Gods almighty, ill do it!" exclaimed Poseidon angrily.

He turned to me, and sighed, his previous anger seeming to deflate.

"Long ago, we made a discovery. You see, we are not the only world out there. There are others. We ourselves, the gods, cannot go to these worlds. We learned that the hard way last time. You see, in the other world, there are other gods. Two, in fact, two brothers. And one, the older brother, created life in the day. Water, earth, plants, all forms of life were created by the elder brother. But then, when night fell, the younger brother, disgusted by the life created by his elder sibling, would destroy it all. Fires for the plants, famine to kill the animals, drought to drain the lakes. But still, when day came, life would keep on thriving, life would continue."

He paused, and looked at me.

"Are you following so far?" I nodded, and he continued

"Alright. As I was saying, life endured it all. So, the younger brother created those dark creatures. He called them the creatures of Grimm. He gave these creatures one goal, one single task. To destroy every living thing."

I shuddered, and Poseidon paused. I quickly nodded at him to continue, and so he did.

"Not wanting to start a war with his younger brother, the elder sibling proposed that they create one last thing, together this time. Something with knowledge, something with creation, and something with destruction. But most importantly, something with the choice to use their power for light, or dark. These creations became the humans of that world."

I took a minute to ponder all this information. I was about to speak, when Poseidon cut in.

"That's not all. You see, those humans aren't like the humans of our world. Their souls manifest physically in them, creating something called Aura. Its like a shield that protects them from harm, and heals any wounds they do sustain. But, it's limited, and once it runs out, they're vulnerable."

I nodded. Whatever that Aura thing is sounds powerful. I thought about everything i had been told.

"Oh, and one more thing. That Aura gives them special abilities, not to different from demigod powers, only much weaker. The name they gave to these special powers is a Semblance."

Wow. Yeah, Aura sounds really powerful. But to be fair, my demigod abilities allow me to heal myself with water, but not everyone is so fortunate.

My father spoke up, and all the gods in the room tensed.

"Now, Percy, my son, we have an offer for you. You see, when we last went to that world, it... didn't work out very well. The moon ended up breaking, and its shards can now be seen in the sky. We, the gods, cannot enter their realm. Not anymore, at least. But when we were last there, we made a promise. In their time of need, we would send a hero to help them. We have long neglected that promise, and believe it is time to pay it out. That is why we have chosen you, Percy Jackson, to be the first demigod ever to enter the world of Remnant."


Heya! Its me, Thyme. Now this is important. That's why the sign is there. I need to know who you'd like Percy to be paired with as soon as possible. So, I'm taking a poll. You can choose for him to be paired with: Ruby, Yang, Blake, Weiss, Pyrrha, Nora, or Neo. But remember,

YOU HAVE TO VOTE! Not many people are reviewing, and its possible that that a character will win with 1 or 2 votes, just because nobody else voted. So VOTE. You vote just by typing a review that says "I vote for (character name)", it's that easy. Hopefully my next update will come soon.