Disclaimer: I'm not the owner of The Vampire Diaries or Saving Hope. If I was, this story would have been Canon. Probably. There are many saving Hope Vampire Diaries fanfics running around in my head, this is just the first one I'm actually writing.

Chapter 1

21 year old Elena Gilbert looked up at the building in front of her, Hope Zion hospital.

'This is it,' she thought. 'A brand new future. Completely free of the supernatural.' Her phone rang and she dug it out of her pocket. Caroline. 'Almost completely free of the supernatural,' she amended as she answered her Vampire best friend's call. Bonnie, her witch best friend, was probably there with her.

"Hello," she said into the phone.

"Well?" Caroline demanded. "Have you been accepted?" Elena laughed as she heard Bonnie told Caroline to calm down and let Elena speak.

"I haven't even walked through the door yet, Care," she replied, amused.

"Well what are you waiting for? Someone to come out to you and talk to you?"

"Care, I just got here. I'm supposed to be meeting Dr Kinney in 10 minutes."

"Well you'll do fine," Bonnie reassured. "With your grades, they'll snap you up in seconds. You'll be through with your residency in a couple of years and your board exams will be passed with flying colors."

"Thanks Bon," Elena sighed in relief. Her friends' reassurance was all she needed. They said goodbye to each other and hung up. She really wished that they could be here to stand by her in person, but Bonnie and Caroline where staying at Whitmore College studying occult and drama respectively. She walked into the hospital and told the nurse at the desk that she was there to see Dr Kinney and was told where to go. When she got outside the office, she sat down in one of the chairs and thought about the past few years of her life.

After Alaric had turned into a vampire, Bonnie had found a spell to suppress the evil side which wanted to kill all vampires, especially the Originals and they had left town. She had heard from Caroline – who Klaus still wouldn't leave alone – that the family had moved back to New Orleans, where they had lived 100 years ago, something about Klaus having a baby. After that, Elena had broken up with both Salvatore brothers officially, having realized that while she loved both of them, she couldn't choose. And reason she couldn't choose was because she wasn't in love with either of them. She couldn't choose between them, so she let them both go. Stefan had accepted it pretty easily. Except for the fact that he had disappeared that same evening. Damon had done his usual. He spat insults and glares, and then in one of his usual tantrums killed Jeremy – again – and rushed off. Jeremy, luckily, was wearing his ring at the time, having yet to take it off after the spell used to desiccate Klaus, and had woken a few minutes later. No one had seen him since.

From then until graduation, it was pretty much smooth sailing and the three of them went to Whitmore College after the summer. The three of them had excelled in their chosen subject, Elena studying to be a doctor, Bonnie studying the occult, and Caroline studying drama. A few months in, her teacher, Dr Westfield, pulled her aside along with three other students, and told them they had caught the attention of Harvard Medical and had offered them positions there. After 2 days of thinking and talking it over with Caroline and Bonnie, she had agreed.

And that brought her here two years later as one of Harvard's top graduates, about to go through her residency and decide which area she would like to specialize in.

The door to the office opened and an older woman in her late 40's to early 50's with dark hair and blue poked her head out.

"Elena Gilbert?"

"That's me," she said, jumping to her feet. Dr Kinney waved her into the office and gestured for her to sit down.


15 minutes later…

Elena grinned as Dr Kinney led her out of the office.

"Welcome to the team, Dr Gilbert. I'm going to take you to orthopedics, where you'll have your first rotation. You'll be working with Dr Goran." Dr Kinney – or Dana, as she had insisted - led her over to an elevator. Once they got off, she started talking about the other doctors she would be meeting, including Dr Reid, Dr Hamza, Dr Bell, and many others she would be working with over the next couple of years during her residency. As they turned the corner, Elena bumped into someone else and the files Dana had given her went flying. She kneeled down along with the person who knocked into her and they both started picking it all up.

"I'm so sorry, I –"

"No, no it's fine," came a masculine accented – was that New Zealand? hey inner Caroline squealed - from beside her. That both got to their feet and the guy gave her back her files.

"Elena, this is Dr Goran," Dana introduced, sounding slightly amused. "Dr Goran, this is your new resident, Elena Gilbert." Elena flicked a stand off hair out of her face and got a look at Dr Goran. She froze.


This is the first chapter of my new fic, everyone. Hope you liked it. I'm going to be updating this every Wednesday. I've been looking for Joelena fanfics for days, and there are like 5, so this is my attempt at writing one. If anyone finds any good ones, please send me a link?

Am I the only one thinking that both Elena and Caroline would go gaga over the accent? Bonnie might too, actually…

You've read the chapter – unless you're the weird kind who just skips the chapters and goes straight to the author's notes (in which case, I am not judging, but please read this chapter :) ) – so now drop a review, because I really like knowing what you guys think.