O MY GOSH! Thanks for your reviews! I love you all! Jenny, I think I might just use you in this story. You will be with. . . Dean Thomas I think. But you might be with Seamus. Ok, Ginny is with Blaise and this chapter is Ron and Cho. If any of you care. Anyway. In this chapter. Cho is the Astronomy teacher. And Ron does her! YAY! Anywho. On to the story. This story is going to be a bit funny. Cho gets drunk and bumps into Ron. Which leads to the Astronomy tower which leads to other things. Anyway. Read on!

Toms_Luva: Don't worry. There will be a LOT of Hermione and Draco. Believe me! Get ready for Angst, and Comedy, and Fantasy and all that other stupid shit! Yeah!

Hello Diana!

Jenny would you tell me who you would like to be with? Dean or Seamus?

Chapter 3. Ron and Cho

Ron sat in the common room, looking at the fire. Harry and Hermione weren't back from their detention yet, and Ron was hoping that they were alright. Come on, wouldn't you be worried for your best friends if they were in a room alone with their worst enemies? Ron stood up and walked out of the portrait hole. He knew that Hermione was with Draco Malfoy in the Transfiguration room and that Harry was with Tomolay Riddle in the Potions lab. He then started to walk toward the Transfiguration room.

Thirty minutes of fast speed walking, he heard foot steps. But the footsteps were out rhythm and they would sometimes stumble. He quickly hid behind a statue of an eagle. "Ninety, uh, three ::hiccup:: bottles of, ::giggle:: beer on the. . . what was that? ::hiccup:: Oh yeah! Wall! Ninety three bottles of fricken' beer on the wall. Take ::Giggle/Hiccup:: one down, pass it around. Um. . . ::hiccup:: Ninety two bottles of fricken' beer on the fricken' wall!" someone sang. Ron was holding down a laugh. Then the person came into view and Ron gasped. Professor Cho Chang was walking, wobbly, down the long corridor, laughing and singing. In her left hand she held a bottle of clear liquid and was wearing a short red dress with large boots.

She stumbled past Ron and towards a flight of stairs. When she reached the bottom, she looked up to the top. She then fell backwards and burst into a fit of giggles. Ron stepped out from behind the statue and rushed over to the intoxicated professor. "Professor Chang. Are you O.K.?" he asked. She stopped laughing and rolled over to face him. "Oh my god! Your head is on fire!" Chang screeched. Ron rolled his eyes and looked at her horrified face. "It's my hair, Cho. Stand up," he grabbed her by the waist and set her on her feet. She then fell against him and fell asleep. Ron rolled his eyes and sighed. He scooped her up in his arms and started to carry her towards the Astronomy Tower.

When he got there, he sat her down on a couch and tried to wake her up. "Professor. Are you awake yet? Please wake up," he slapped her face gently, but she didn't wake up. Ron grabbed the bottle of transparent liquid and took a sip of it. Ron made a face of approval when he found out it was Vodka. "Ronald Weasly! You're drinkin' my good stuff!" the Professor slurred. Ron looked at her in surprise. She grabbed for the bottle of alcohol and took it from him. She put it to her lips and took a large sip. Ron looked at her wide eyed as she chugged half of what was left in the bottle. Ron grabbed it back from her and put it on a high shelf. "You dick!" Cho screeched. She lunged, rather clumsily, at Ron and tackled him to the floor, but Ron stood, picked her up and threw her over his shoulder. She started to hit and kick him. Even though she was just a year older than Ron, she still acted like a kid. But who could blame her? She was drunk!

"Where's your bedroom?" Ron asked. She needed to sleep. "Why?" she asked stupidly. "Because you're going to bed. You drunk to much," Ron informed her. "Why, Ron! Are you going to punish me for being bad?" she asked. Ron raised his eye brows in surprise. 'What was that supposed to mean?' he asked himself. Cho giggled, then started to laugh. "My bedroom is over there," she said, pointing toward a wall with a large tapestry that had a moon and stars on it. "Um, Cho. There's only a tapestry," Ron said to her. "I know that, jack-ass! You have to go up to it and say the password!" Cho said, getting angry at Ron's stupidity. Ron shrugged and walked over to the wall. "What's the password?" asked the moon. "Nutcracker," Cho said and laughed. "Get it?!" she asked him," nutcracker!" she started laugh. Ron sighed. The tapestry became a door with the moon still on it. He turned the knob, that was in the shape of a star, and opened the door.

The room was huge. The ceiling was charmed to looked like the night sky, and on the walls were stars and moons that would glow a light pink in the dark. Underneath a large bay window, was a large king sized bed with midnight blue comforter and black sheets with black drapes over the bed's outside. He walked her over to the bed and set her on it. "Come on, Cho. Get under the covers," Ron said lifting the covers. She crawled under them, but right before Ron put them on her, she pulled him down on top of her and put her lips to his.

Ron was caught by surprise. For a girl, and someone drunk, she was very strong. Ron got up, struggling, trying to get her off and managed to sit up, but she wasn't giving in. She wrapped her legs around Ron's waist. "Come on Ron! Loosen up!" Cho said, trying to take off his shirt. He grabbed her arms. "Cho! Stop! I'm a student and you are a teacher! We will get in a lot of trouble!" Ron said, half annoyed half wanting to go along with it. "So," Cho said shrugging. "So?! So, you'll get fired and I'll get expelled!" Ron told her angrily. Cho grabbed her wand, that was in the inside of her boot, and pointed it at the door. She said a spell in Korean and Ron heard the door lock. "That won't work, Cho. They can use a spell to open it," Ron said and she moved to take off his shirt again. "No. It will work. It's one that won't unlock unless the person who cast the spell reverses it," Cho said. "You know, for a drunk person, you are very smart," Ron marveled. "I know," Cho said.

Ron finally let her take off his shirt and she ran her fingers over his wash board abs. 'Those three years as a Beater really did this boy some good' Cho thought, abnormally clear. She put her lips on his and her head misted over with red and gold fog. Ron put his hands on her hips and they laid backwards onto the large bed. Cho removed her boots and Ron's shoes and she sat at his feet. She then started to undo his pants with her teeth. She had obviously done it before because the button came undone instantly and the zipper slowly unzipped.

Ron's erection was pushing painfully hard against his pants and the way Cho was moving was making it grow. If possible. Cho took off his pants and threw them towards the foot of the bed, but they just landed at the foot of it and slid off. Cho shrugged. "You know. This would hell of a lot more fun if I took this off. . ." Cho said and removed her dress, reveling her red lace bra and panties. Ron thought it looked perfect against her creamy skin and it meshed perfectly with her black hair. Cho then straddled herself onto his bulge and started to swivel her hips. A look of ecstasy flashed over Ron's face features and he bit his bottom lip. Cho grinned seductively at him and started to make larger and slower circles on his bulge.

Ron couldn't take it anymore. He flipped her over quickly onto her back and kissed her passionately. He took off her bra started to leave a trail of kisses starting from her chin to right above the top of her low, low rise underwear. Cho shivered at his every touch. His fingers sent electric shocks through her body, starting at her brain and ending between her legs, leaving a hot, burning sensation. Ron put his fingers around the band of her red lace underwear and took them off of her. He then laid on top of her and they started to kiss, their tongues fighting with one another.

Cho then pushed him back onto the bed and removed his boxers. Ron was grateful because his erection was so large, it was about to poke a hole into his boxers. Cho then slid herself onto his member. She then started to ride him into orgasm. Ron put his hands on her upper legs, making sure she wouldn't stop.

"God, Cho," Ron moaned. Cho just kept riding him and Ron let out a loud moan when he came inside of her. He moved Cho of off him and laid on top of her. He looked at her and she nodded. He then pushed himself into her and Cho made a noise that should have woken up the whole castle, if Ron wouldn't have put a silencing charm on the room right before he pounded himself into her. Cho then moaned in pain and pleasure. She didn't know which it was. Ron was large and Cho wasn't exactly a non-virgin. Too bad she was too drunk to even care!

"Keep going," Cho breathed. Ron did as he was told and moved in and out of her. Cho wrapped her arms around his neck and her head lolled back and bobbed each time he shoved himself into her.

Ron had never felt so good with any other woman before. Yeah, Lavender and Parvati were good, and Hermione was better than them, but Cho was the best. Cho was extremely beautiful and it was hard for him to resist her. Cho let out a loud cry and climaxed right as Ron did.

Ron put them both under the covers and Cho rested her head on Ron's chest and stayed up looking at the ceiling. "Why didn't you tell me?" he asked her. "Tell you what?" Cho asked. "That you were a virgin," Ron replied. Cho sighed; "I don't know," Cho said simply. Ron sighed and wrapped his arms around her, and Cho did the same to him. They then fell asleep in each other's arms, not caring about the world around them.