A young woman stood in her elaborately decorated apartment. There wasn't much as far as furniture went – there being only a bunch of pillows and bean bags around in the main area and a long coffee table. It was clear the resident put far more effort into the murals painted on the walls than the furniture.

She stepped back to take in her newest painting on the wall and blew some of her brunette hair out of her face. She was determined to finish this mural before her twenty-seventh birthday – which wasn't too far off. If her boss didn't send her away again on assignment, then she would.

Just as that thought went through her mind, there was a knock at the door. She set down her painting supplies and wiped her hands on her paint-covered overalls before answering it. "It's a bit early for house calls ain't it, boss?"

Her boss, a middle-aged, dark-ish skinned bald man wearing a button-up shirt, sweater vest, and glasses entered her apartment. "Not when there's a scoop, Miss Parker."

"I've been working for you for how long now?" she asked as she closed her door. "Howard, I think it's about time you called me Haven."

Howard smiled, "Very well." He looked around her loft. "I see you still haven't bought any furniture. What do you do with all your paychecks?"

"Coffee, paint, and food. In that order." Haven went into her little kitchen area to pour herself and Howard a cup of coffee. "You said something about a scoop?"

"Ah, yes." He handed her over a folder. "My sources tell me that a fugitive named Jonas Lester escaped federal lock-up nineteen hours ago and killed a guard doing it. It's supposed to be very hush-hush, but it will make one hell of a story."

"One hell of a story that just might put your tiny, hardly read magazine on the map?" Haven grinned as she looked it over. "So, let me get this straight, you want me to go investigating this deadly guy just so you can get some clout in the journalist community?"

Howard nodded his head a bit. "Something like that." He could see the doubt on her face so he added in, "You'd be going to Maine. Haven, Maine."

Haven flipped the paper over and found that was exactly where she was going. She was going to turn down this assignment but as soon as she discovered where she was going, she couldn't. "Alright, I'm in. But this better be worth it, Howard. I'm as good a writer as I am an artist and you can clearly see how good I am at that."

"Clearly." Howard saw the book 'Unstake My Heart' on the kitchen counter. "A fan?"

"My sister sent me a copy. Audrey loves sending me random things just so I know she's thinking about me." Haven picked up the book ad flipped through it she tossed it down and went into her fridge for some cream for her coffee, not noticing that Howard had pocketed the book.

Howard pushed up his glasses. "Have you seen Audrey lately?"

"It's been awhile," Haven replied then shooed his out the door. "I already know you're going to tell me to get right on this, so that's what I'm going to do. Now shoo."

"Good luck," Howard said as he walked out the door and when Haven closed it behind him, he smirked mischievously, removed his glasses which he put in his pocket, and headed down the hall.

Haven looked at her mural with a sigh as she drank her coffee. "I'm coming back for you. Mark my word on that."

Haven drove her vintage red VW Beetle all the way to Maine. After getting a room at the B&B, she got all her gear unpacked and went right into investigator mode. It didn't take her long to get her police radio set up and after finding the correct wavelength she heard about a dead body that matched the description of the Jonas Lester guy she was supposed to be looking into.

"This is either going to make a very interesting addition to the story or a very bad one." She'd find out one way or another, so she grabbed her messenger bag, camera bag, and a baseball cap before heading out the door.

The beach below the cliff where the body was found was completely taped off but Haven managed to get some good pictures thanks to her handy-dandy telescopic lens and by standing on the roof of her car for different angles. The cops around seemed pretty much oblivious to her presence, until a young-looking male cop with brown hair shouted towards her,

"Hey, what are you doing?!"

Haven moved her camera to the side can called back, "Tap dancing! What's it look like I'm doing?" She was about to take another picture but froze when a the blonde woman who was examining the body stood up and turned around. "Holy shit," she said to herself and lowered her camera completely.

Audrey turned around and couldn't believe her eyes when she saw her younger sister standing on top of a car taking pictures. "No way."

"You know her?" Nathan asked, his attention now turned to Audrey.

"You could say that," Audrey answered as she walked towards the yellow tape. "She's my sister."

Haven chuckled as Audrey and the cop came over to her. "Fancy finding you here, Sis. How you been?"

"What are you doing here, Haven?" Audrey cut right to the chase. As much as she was glad to see her sister alive and well, this wasn't the time or place for a reunion.

"Working," Haven answered simply enough. "Just like I assume you are. So…what can you tell me?" She wiggled her eyebrows and smiled in a 'come on, you know you want to tell me' manner.

"Nothing," Nathan interjected. "This is a crime scene so I'm going to have ask you to leave."

"Actually," Haven countered and pointed to the taped off area, "that's the crime scene. Right here," she waved her hand around them, "is outside the yellow line so I am well within my right. It's not a crime that my camera is good enough where I don't have to be that close."

Audrey had to cut in there. "Your rinky-dink barely noticeable magazine-paper-thing found out about this and sent you here to cover it? I find that hard to believe, Haven."

"What can I say? My boss's connections finally had something good." Haven lifted her camera and took a picture of Audrey and Nathan. "I've got all the pictures I need. Now, if you're not going to tell me anything, I have more work to do." She jumped off the roof of her tiny car and landed with ease.

Audrey went around the car to talk to her sister some more. "You're just asking for trouble."

"Isn't that what you've always said about me - That I'm a trouble magnet?" Haven raised her brow and walked over to one of the officers that was leaving the scene. "Excuse me, sir. I'm Haven Parker from the Ye Olde Herald," she showed him her credentials. "Is there anything you can tell me about the death of Lester over there?"

"I'm Chief Wuornos," he introduced, "and the only thing I'm going to tell you is this – The best thing Jonas Lester ever did for this time was to die. So, as far as I'm concerned, we're done."

Haven wrote down what he said and asked, "So, does that mean Agent Parker is taking over the investigation since Lester did kill a federal employee in his escape? And why did he come back to his hometown? On top of all that, how did he die?"

"Like I said, we're done. If you're so interested in this story, talk to Agent Parker." Chief Wuornos was about to walk away but stopped to ask her, "Parker, eh? Any relation between you two?"

Haven knew there could be an accusation of conflict of interest, but she answered his anyway. "Sisters."

Chief Wuornos didn't say anything to her about that and just went on his way.

When the Chief turned back again, Haven lifted her camera and took a picture of him. She thought of something in that moment and went back to her sister and Nathan. "I have a proposition to make."

Audrey looked at her skeptically. "What is it?"

"You let me tail you for my article but I promise I won't send it to my boss until you look it over for any redactions that may need to be made." Haven held her hand out for a shake. "Deal?"

Audrey thought for a moment then shook her hand. "Deal. Only because this will be the longest we've spent together in years."

"Shared blame, sister. Shared blame." Haven took out her cellphone and wiggled it. "I have a call to make real quick and then the tailing shall begin!" She turned around on her heels to make a call into her boss. He answered after the second ring. "Hey, bossman, so the article has taken an interesting turn."

"How so?" Howard asked from his end of the line.

"Well…Lester's dead so I probably won't be making my deadline. My sister is lead on the case so I'm gonna tail her and find out what happened to the guy." Haven hoped that her boss wasn't going to make her come back because she really wanted to see this through.

"I'll extend your deadline. Find out what happened and send me a hell of a story." Howard sounded supportive of her staying there.

"Thanks, bossman. I'll give you an update later." Haven ended the call and rejoined Audrey and Nathan. "For the record, what's your name again, Copper?"

"Nathan," he introduced, "Wuornos."

Haven raised a brow at him. "As in Chief Wuornos?"

"He's my dad," Nathan answered, not liking the fact that he was answering questions to a reporter-type-person.

"Well, look at that," Haven beamed at Audrey. "It's a family affair all around."

Haven went with Nathan and Audrey to the top of the cliff. She stood at the edge of it and took pictures of the ground below – mainly where Lester's body landed. "Okay, I know I'm not a Copper, but there's no way he fell from up here. Not unless he was thrown by a cannon." She didn't know that Audrey had made a similar comment like that earlier.

Haven turned around and took pictures of the uprooted trees. "Audrey, seriously, this is weird. Are you seeing this?"

Audrey was and she agreed. "Do you guys get tornadoes up here?"

"Maybe one a year," Nathan answered.

"Well then something went 'Hulk smash' on these trees." Haven crouched down and took pictures of the footprints.

Nathan thought she was taking her job in a different direction than the norm. "For a reporter you're sure acting like a crime scene investigator."

"That's probably because she was one until she quit." Audrey sounded pretty bitter about that.

Haven let out an exasperated breath. "You're never going to let me live that down are you? I'm sorry I quit the job you got for me, okay? But come on, Audrey, you knew that's not what I wanted to do." There was more to her story but this wasn't the time or place to get into it.

"Even though you studied for it in college," Audrey shot back.

"Only because you encouraged me to!" Haven took a deep breath. "This is ridiculous. We're not having this discussion again."

"Only the best artists make money to live, Haven. Forgive me for wanting to make sure that you actually survive." Audrey had nothing left to say about that, especially since she realized that they were having this out right in front of Nathan. Getting back to the case, she asked him, "Any wind last night?"

"None," he answered, not acknowledging what just went on between the Parkers. "I already checked. Couldn't find a cannon either."

Haven rolled her eyes at his joke then went off with Audrey to see what else they could find. After a bit a searching, Audrey found a revolver – one that Haven took pictures of.

"Nice gun," Nathan commented as he rejoined them. "Lester wasn't shot, though. I did find this." He held up the hat he found, and Haven took a couple pictures of that too. "I know a guy who wears a hat like this."

Audrey put the gun in an evidence bag. "So do I, but that doesn't make it evidence."

"Lester stole all my guy's money." That's why Nathan thought it was pertinent to the investigation.

Haven let her camera hang around her neck as she rubbed her hands together. "The plot thickens."

Audrey ignored Haven's comment and said to Nathan, "Okay, let's go talk to your guy."

On the drive into town, Nathan said, "Welcome to Haven. You like pancakes? We've got some great pancakes. I really like pancakes."

Haven shrugged. "Eh, I'm more of a waffle person myself." She leaned into the front seat and pointed to the hat, "So…who does this hat belong to anyway?"

"Is all this on the record?" Nathan wanted to know that before answering.

Haven nodded. "Yes, but I promised Audrey redaction rights before sending the story to my boss so she'd let me tag along."

At Nathan's raised brow expression, Audrey said, "Trust me, it's better than the alternative."

Nathan pulled into a parking spot on the side of the road and got out before answering Haven's question. "The hat belongs to Conrad Brower, Gulf War Vet, local handyman. Went into service with Lester. Conrad came out an unemployed hero, Lester came out a loser with computer skills."

As they walked Haven took notes on what Nathan said and stopped every so often to take pictures of the town. "Let me guess, he hacked into bank accounts and that's why he did time?"

"Close," Nathan replied, "he did time for stealing VA benefits from the guys he was in with."

They crossed the street and approached a man who was fixing flower boxes in front of a shop's window. "Hey, Conrad," Nathan greeted. "Helping Marion again?"

While they chatted, Haven took pictures, only taking notes if she felt they were pertinent. At that moment, Haven felt like the pictures were worth more even though she wasn't sure why. She stopped taking pictures when Audrey started asking questions and took note of the fact that Brower claimed to be up on the cliff – the bluff that morning to watch the boats and apparently forgot his hat.

Haven raised her camera again when she saw a woman standing in the shop's window looking out at them. She snapped a few pictures of her and Brower and just as she lowered her camera, the entire town seemed to fill with a very dense fog. So dense you could barely see what was right in front of you. "Okay…this is weird. This is so weird."

In the midst of the fog confusion, Conrad Brower took off, Haven almost got hit by a bicyclist, cars crashed down the road, and Nathan almost got ran over by a truck. If Audrey didn't dive him out of the way in time, Nathan would have become as flat as the pancakes he seemed to love so much.

A few moments later, the fog lifted as if it never even happened and Haven quickly changed out her memory card before taking pictures of the aftermath. Haven was starting to think that this Lester story wasn't anything compared to the story of what was going on in this town. She smirked a bit at this thought because she only promised Audrey redaction authority over the Lester story, not the new one that was already brewing in her mind.

Cops and ambulances showed up to deal with what happened and Haven snapped a picture of the EMT-Lady, Eleanor, who was patching up Nathan.

"Congratulations, Nathan," Eleanor said to him, "now you get to come back with me for an MRI."

Nathan was used to this. "Lucky number nine."

"Cheer up," she said with a joking smile. "The tenth one's free." She looked back at the Parkers. "He's a regular. I'll be back in a jiff."

Haven went over to Nathan and was tempted to poke him, she even got as far as sticking her finger out but recoiled when she got shocked. It must have been static electricity or something. "So…you don't feel pain? At all?"

"It's called idiopathic neuropathy," he explained.

"For the record, I'm going to making idiot jokes based off that in the future." Haven couldn't help that her mind went there.

"Go ahead, you wouldn't be the first one." Nathan had gotten used to it – to a degree anyway. He stared at her blankly when she reached out like she was going to poke him. "I won't be able to feel that either, but I can feel a headache coming on."

Haven took back her hand with a muttered, "Sorry."

Audrey looked around them and changed the subject. "So, that fog was pretty weird."

Nathan pulled back on his sweater. "Maine gets lots of kinds of fog."

Eleanor returned to bring Nathan back to the hospital. "Let's go. Get in the back of the ambulance and don't even think about arguing with me."

"Go," Audrey urged. "I'll check in with the Bureau and look into Conrad's alibi."

While Audrey was doing that, Haven took some more pictures and ended up taking a couple of two men coming right towards her.

"You must be the out of town journalist we've heard so much about," the shorter one with glasses said to her. Except for the fact that this guy was short and white, he reminded Haven of her boss.

"That'd be me," Haven replied as she raised her camera for a visual aid. "And you are?"

"I'm Dave Teagues and this is my brother Vince." Dave took out a business card and handed it to her. "Publishers, editors, and every damn thing else at the Haven Herald."

Haven looked impressed by that. "That's pretty cool."

"We thought Lester would be out lead, now it'll be the fog," Vince said to her.

Audrey joined them in time to hear that. "Yeah, that fog was strange, right."

"Welcome to Haven," Dave chuckled. "You must be Agent Parker. I'm Dave and this is my brother Vince."

"Audrey," she introduced and gestured to Haven. "My sister, Haven. But you probably already knew that, seeing as I'm late to the conversation."

Vince looked between the Parkers. "I keep feeling like I've seen you two somewhere before."

Dave chuckled again, this time at his brother. "Didn't sound creepy at all."

Vince realized that it did. "Oh, Lord, it does, doesn't it?"

"Only because you said it, Vince." Dave turned back to the Parkers. "How about we drop by later and you can answer a few questions for us about the case?"

Audrey gestured to Haven. "Sorry, guys, but I promised my sister here the exclusive tag-along-interview."

"Oh, well, if you change your mind, you know where to find us." Dave and Vince waved goodbye to them before going to their double-seated bicycle.

Haven tried to hold in her laughter but couldn't, "Oh my god, they were so weird. I'm not sure if I should love them for it or look into getting a restraining order."

Audrey rolled her eyes with a scoff. "You really haven't changed at all."

"I blame it on the last foster home I was in. That one was just weird." Haven took a quick candid picture of Audrey and grinned. "Mind if we part ways here and you can fill me in later? I think I'm gonna explore a bit and see what other weirdness I can encounter."

"Meaning you're going to go to the souvenir shop and buy everything with 'Haven' on it?" Audrey shooed her along. "I'll be sure to take extra detailed notes for you."

"Awww you do love me!" Haven winked playfully before heading off down the street, taking pictures as she went.

Haven didn't encounter any weirdness that day, but she got a lot of great pictures and bought one of everything with 'Haven' printed on it at a local souvenir shop. She loved walking through that town – a feeling she didn't feel about places often. It was getting dark by the time Haven made it towards the docks, but that didn't stop her from snapping pics here and there. She set her bags down and started taking pictures of a nearby boat with the name 'Cape Rouge' painted upon it. "Love the name."

Haven was about to snap one more picture when it started to storm. Rain and hail fell down hard all around her. "Crap!" She crouched down and quickly put her camera into its bag and closed it up. Just as she stood to take off, the electrical box she was standing by combusted and threw her right off the dock, landing unconscious in the water.

When Haven woke up, it was the next morning and she found herself in a bed, in a bedroom of some boat. She bolted upright when she realized this. "Oh, come on, I didn't even have anything to drink last night!" At least she was wearing her bra and underwear, so that gave her a bit of hope that a one night stand didn't happen since she didn't remember anything once the storm started the night before.

Haven looked on the nightstand and found a folded up shirt there so she put it on and ventured up onto deck. What she found surprised her – an attractive man reading his morning paper…in Chinese - Mandarin by the looks of it. "If you wanted me to take my clothes off, you could have just asked."

Duke lowered the newspaper and smiled at her. "Good morning. And I couldn't exactly check with you while you were unconscious. Do you say that to all the guys?"

"Only the ones who read their morning paper in Chinese." Haven took a couple steps closer to him. "What did you do with them anyway?"

He set his newspaper down with mild amusement. "Well, I laundered your clothes and I saved your life. Which is an odd combination if you think about it. If you want to think about it."

Haven crossed her arms a bit and stared him down while he poured some coffee from the French press in front of him. She tried very hard not to smile when he looked at her, but dammit there was something about him and she couldn't stay serious. "Who are you anyway?"

"Duke," he answered as he brought the cup of coffee over to her. "Cream, three sugars, right?"

Haven stepped back when he said that. "How did you know that's how I take my coffee?"

"It is?" Duke chuckled. "It was a lucky guess. Pretty cool though."

Haven took it from him with narrowed eyes and took a tentative sip, but enjoyed the taste immensely. "Mmm…elixir of the gods."

"I'm pretty sure there will be people who'd argue with you about that," Duke smiled and led her to the nearby clothesline where her articles hung.

She took her torn in the knee jeans off the line, saying, "I'm Haven by the way."

"I know," Duke replied as he walked back to his seat. "I saw your ID and even if that wasn't your name I would have called you that anyway. I also caught a glimpse of all your lovely 'Haven' merchandise." He couldn't stop himself from looking back as she pulled on her pants while he talked.

Haven shook her head when she caught him doing that but since he'd already seen her in her underwear modesty was out the window so she didn't make him turn around. "Mind if I ask you a few questions about a case I'm working on?"

"I don't speak to cops," Duke sat down and returned to his newspaper.

Haven had finished dressing and slipped on her black and white tennis shoes before grabbing her red leather jacket. "You just save them, launder their clothes, and serve them excellent coffee?" She sipped at it with a smile. "And for the record, I'm a journalist not a cop."

Duke had to give her that, so he lowered the newspaper with a playfully challenging gleam in his eyes. "Alright. I'll answer one question if you can read one sentence from this newspaper."

Haven set down the coffee, plucked the newspaper from his hand and read the first sentence her eyes landed on which happened to be a movie review. "The innocence portrayed by the leading lady astounded those…" she was cut off when Duke took the paper back. Haven figured he was trying to find what she was reading so she tapped the paper.

Duke was dumbfounded by this. "You're fluent in Mandarin?"

"In several languages. Well I can read and write in more languages than I can speak, but still." Haven was pretty proud of this fact. "One of my foster families lived in Chinatown. You pick things up real quick when you have to." Haven picked up her coffee, sat down with one leg crossed over the other and smirked, "I believe you owe me an answer."

Duke conceded, bowing his head. "I always pay my debts…well, I eventually pay my debts...most of the time...some of the time. What's your question?"

"You know a Jonas Lester?" Haven really wanted to ask what was up with how weird the town was, but didn't think she'd get very far on that.

"I know his dead," Duke replied. "Other than that, nope."

Haven narrowed her eyes at him a little bit because she had the feeling he wasn't telling her something. "Whatever you say."

Duke looked at her in amusement. "You don't believe me?"

"Can't say for certain. I'll have to get to know you better before I can tell when you're lying or not." Being a kind of lie detector was just something she could do once she knew someone well enough.

"Why Miss Haven, are you asking me out on a date?" Duke was clearly teasing her and wasn't expecting what she said next.

"Well, you've already seen me practically naked, so why not?" Haven took another sip of coffee before asking about her stuff. "Did everything drown or did my bags survive?"

"I found your bags on the dock." Duke reached behind his seat and pulled them out to place them on the crate between him and Haven. "However, your phone is toast, but I got you a new one." He went into his pocket and pulled out a red one with pink hearts all over it.

"A red princess phone? Seriously?" Haven laughed at this.

"You really should work on your thank yous," Duke stated as he handed it over.

Haven accepted the phone with a childish grin on her face. "Oh, I wasn't being snarky. I officially love this thing."

Duke, once again, was surprised by her. "Seriously?"

"Yep," Haven beamed. "Seriously. And thank you for everything." Their conversation was cut off when Audrey came aboard the boat. "Ahoy, big sister!"

Audrey froze where she stood and did not like seeing how comfortable Haven appeared to be. "I've been trying to call you. Did you stay the night here?"

"Yes." That's all Haven was going to say about that because Audrey's face was just too amusing. She grabbed her things and started to head off, saying to Audrey as she went, "Remember, you still have to fill me in. I have an article to write!"

As Haven walked down the dock she flipped open the phone to find one phone number on the contacts list, Duke's. "Smug, eh?" She said to herself with a smile as she walked. "I just might have to knock you down a peg."

Haven was working on the article in her room at the B&B and was going through the pictures when her phone rang. "Parker."

"I need you to come down to the police station," Audrey answered from her end of the line.

"Now this is why I gave you my new number," Haven joked as she gathered up a few things. "I'll be right there."

When Haven arrived at the police station and went into the bullpen she heard a cuffed Duke say to Audrey, "I have a general rule not to talk to cops."

"I figured as much from our previous conversation," Audrey replied and saw Haven approach. "Which is why I called in backup." She looked at her sister. "Find out what he knows about Lester." Audrey walked away but stayed close enough to be within earshot.

"I knew you knew more than you were saying." Haven sat in the seat across from Duke, pulled a bobby-pin out of her hair and slid it over to him. "Just in case you decide you want to make a break for it."

"You're just full of surprises, aren't you?" Duke took the pin and put it in his shirt pocket.

"I have my moments." Haven pulled out a tape recorder, turned it on, and poised a pen over her notebook. "You, Lester, go."

Duke leaned back in his chair. "Lester wanted me to run him up to Canada, but smuggling escaped felons is not on my to-do list."

Haven slid the picture of some numbers written on a paper over to them. "And these?"

Duke shrugged, making Haven narrow her eyes. "Sorry, Haven, but I don't particularly want to make this easy for Nathan over there. You see, making each other's lives miserable is kind of our thing."

"Sounds like me and my sister." Haven turned her head around and called back. "Ain't that right, Audrey?"

Audrey come out of her hiding spot and went over to their table. "That's not funny." Her words were directed right at Haven.

"I never thought it was funny," Haven countered. "I thought it was true."

Audrey walked away with a scoff to discuss the case and the weird thing that happened to her with Nathan.

"You're going to let me go at some point, right?" Duke called out but his words reached deaf ears.

Haven pointed to his pocket. "Like I said, just in case." She turned off the recorder and put her things away before standing up.

Duke didn't think she was going to go so soon. "Leaving already?"

"I have pictures to catalog and an article to write." She winked playfully. "Later, Crocker."

Haven was on her way back to the B&B when she was stopped by the Teagues brothers. "Well, if it isn't my journalistic competition," she joked.

"We have a present for you," Vince said excitedly. "Well, for you and Audrey."

"Calm down, Vince," Dave said to his brother. "It's not like it's a puppy."

Haven looked between them. "Uhm…is someone going to tell me what it is or…" She was answered when Vince handed her a folder. "Okay…"

"This is probably why I thought I recognized you," Vince explained since what was in the folder was a copy of the 'Who killed the Colorado Kid' article with a picture on a group of people standing on the beach, two of which looked very much like Haven and Audrey.

Haven looked at this with wide eyes for more than one reason. "What is this? Where did you get this?"

"We found it in our archives," Dave explained.

"Who are they?" Haven needed to know this.

Vince shrugged lightly. "We were hoping either you or Audrey could tell us. Do you have family around here?"

Haven shook her head. "Except for Audrey I don't have family anywhere." She couldn't take her eyes off the picture and how familiar it was. "Can I keep this?"

"Of course," Vince seemed eager for her to keep the copy. "We have another for Audrey."

"Thanks." Haven still hadn't taken her eyes off it even as she continued on her way.

Once Haven got back to her room, she pulled out her art bag and found the particular sketchbook she wanted. After flipping through the pages, she finally found the sketch she wanted. Haven took the copy of the Colorado Kid article and held it up beside the sketchbook. The sketch Haven made during one of her times of being 'in the zone' looked exactly like the picture from the article. Haven had no idea why she sketched that scene before and it freaked her out to know there was an actual image somewhere.

"How – wha…" Haven sat on the edge of the bed, setting the sketch and article aside. There was no way she could have seen that article before because she would have contacted Audrey about it right off since there were two women in there that resembled them. But she must have somehow, right? How else could have Haven drawn that sketch before even coming to Maine? None of this was making any sense but it made her want answers and want them badly.

Haven decided that she needed to tell Audrey about this, the sketch included, so she put the book and article into her bag before taking off again.

A storm was brewing by the time Haven pulled up outside the Police Station. She got out of the car and found Audrey coming down the front steps. "Audrey, I need to talk to you."

"Later," Audrey called back. "Everything that happened was Marion. She doesn't realize what she's capable of."

Haven almost didn't believe her. "Are you saying that this storm on steroids is under Marion's control? Did we step into the X-Men universe and not realize it or something?"

Audrey got into Haven's car. "Just follow the eye of the storm and drive!"

Haven didn't waste any time and got her car into gear before driving off. If Audrey was right then Haven was gong to have an even better story that she thought she'd have and would have the pictures to prove it.

"It was Marion this whole time," Audrey said to Haven as she drove. "Conrad was protecting Marion – not the other way around. She inherited money and Lester was trying to steal it with Ted's – Marion's boyfriend's help. Marion just found out and now this is happening."

Haven made a silent 'wow' expression and kept her eyes on the road. "So it's emotionally triggered then? Whatever this is?"

"Seems so." Audrey still had no idea how to explain it but it didn't change the fact that it was real.

The storm was worse by now and when Haven pulled down a driveway, she stopped when Marion and Ted came into view. Marion looked pissed as hell and the angrier she got, the worse the storm became.

"Stay here," Audrey ordered Haven and got out of the car to try and get Marion to calm down and realize what she was doing.

"Like hell." Haven said to herself and grabbed her camera. She took a few pictures through the windshield then got out of the car and started taking them like crazy, glad for the fact that it wasn't raining or hailing – just a hell of a lot of wind and lightning.

She turned around just in time to find Ted shooting at Nathan. Haven got pictures of this, too, and how Nathan tackled Ted to the ground before cuffing him. Now Haven went back to Marion and the storm.

Audrey kept urging Marion to let it go and when Marion allowed herself to do just that, the storm around them stopped.

Haven captured this as well and when the last picture was taken, she lowered her camera and realized that she couldn't share this story with her boss at all. If Haven let this get out then the town would turn into a freakshow to say the least. She didn't want that for them – the didn't deserve it.

Haven returned her camera to her car and went over to Audrey and Marion. Since Marion was still crying, she placed a comforting hand on her back only to get shocked. Thinking it was just static electricity again, she carefully returned her hand to help comfort her and thankfully she didn't get shocked again.

The next day, Audrey looked over the article Haven planned on sending to her boss. It was about how Lester and Ted teamed up to try and steal Marion's money but Lester fell to his death before he could achieve it, leaving Ted to take it all for himself only to be caught by Marion and turned into the police. At least that was the gist of it.

When Audrey finished reading, she handed it back to her. "No redaction needed. I see you didn't mention anything about what really happened."

"What good would that do? My boss would think I was crazy." That's how Haven was playing it off as anyway.

"It's okay to admit that you care. Not everyone you love is going to disappear on you." Audrey was referring to a very particular person when she said that.

"You did," Haven shot back, knowing that Audrey wasn't referring to herself.

"You pushed me away. That's different." Audrey looked at her with a soft expression. "I know why you really quit the job I got you. I know it's because you were called to Luca's scene."

Haven forced herself to keep her tears at bay. "I didn't even know he was dead until that moment. I couldn't go through something like that again."

"I know. I know." Audrey moved around the desk and hugged Haven where she sat. "You have to let go too, Haven. You need to let yourself heal."

Haven knew Audrey was right and parts of her had, but losing her best friend like that stuck with her. "I know." She cleared her throat and pulled away from the embrace to take the Colorado Kid article out of her bag. "Did the brothers show you this?"

"Yeah," Audrey looked at it again. "They've got to be related to us somehow. Or we've got doppelgangers."

"I think one of them could be our mom and the other our aunt." Haven took it back and looked at it. "Do you ever think about her? Mom, I mean."

"Other than my dream that she'd pull up in a big bus and save every kid from every orphanage, no." Audrey was being honest about that. "Why, do you?"

Haven shook her head. "Never had to." She looked at Audrey. "I had you." Haven picked up her bag from the floor and said, "Later, Audrey," before leaving the office.

Audrey didn't say anything and let her go.

Haven walked down the front steps of the station and decided upon something. She pulled out her cellphone and called her boss. "Hey, bossman Howard, there's something I need to tell you. I, uhm, I'll be sending you the article today but it's going to be my last. It's time for me to go down another path. I quit."

"I understand," he replied, not upset by this at all. "You are a free-spirit. I knew that when I hired you. I'm honestly surprised it's taken you this long."

Haven chuckled at that. "Thanks for understanding. Bye, Howard."

From his end of the line, he answered, "Goodbye, Haven. And good luck."

Haven ended the call and put her phone away. She went around to her car and was about to open the door but her hand fell asleep. Wait, that wasn't right because there weren't pins and needles it just went completely numb. Haven shook out her hand and the feeling did come back but this worried her because she didn't know what caused it and it just so happened that a gust of wind shot down the street during her worry.

"Okay…weird." Haven went from worried to just wanting to ignore it, so that's what she did. She got into her car and went back to the B&B to send off her last article and catalog the pictures of all the weirdness she'd encountered since coming this this town. All the while still not believing that she'd actually decided to stay but also feeling like this was exactly where she needed to be.

End Season 1 Episode1

A/N: Hey, Readers! After much thought I have decided to discontinue Haven's Haven and focus on its Rewrite. I came up with a lot of different ideas during the process of writing Haven's Haven but it was too late at the time to do anything about them but I think this Rewrite will work out even better than Haven's Haven first go. For those who were hoping to see that story continue, I apologize. But I also hope you will enjoy the Rewrite just as much, if not more. Thank you for reading and sticking with me thus far. I appreciate it :)