Hey, everyone! I'm bringing you guys another chapter of my PJ Masks/Incredibles fanfiction. Sorry it took me forever, again, to update this. Sometimes, when I'm writing a story, I can get ahead of myself, and think too far ahead of what I'm writing and think about what a future chapter will be like. I've been wanting to do some other stuff, like trying new foods and playing some games that I have. I've also been doing my new job, which just recently ended, so I'll try to make more time for my writing

Also; I don't remember if I said this in my previous chapter, but this story takes place during season 2. So, An Yu and Motsuki don't appear in this story since they debuted in season 3.

For those of you who thought I gave up, as you can see I haven't given up. I published a new story, and I'm doing this new chapter for a story that I've been taking a while to update.

Now, let's get into this chapter.

Disclaimer- PJ Masks belongs to Disney Junior and Entertainment One, and The Incredibles belongs to Disney Pixar. Not me.

Chapter 5- Helping the Villains

The PJ Masks and Kevin are flying around the city in the Owl-Glider, while the Incredibles and Voyd are following them in the Incredibile, and Frozone is following them in the sky with his make-shift ice skating.

The Owl-Glider lands on top of a roof, and Owlette flies out into the air.

"Owl Eyes!"

The other Masks and Kevin get down to the street, where the others meet up with them. Owlette comes down, as the family and Voyd come out of the car.

"Alright. So, Luna Girl is that way," she points to the right, "and Night Ninja is that way," she points to the left. "I think that the best way to handle this is for us to split up into three groups. Two groups will look for the other two villains separately, while one group stays behind on lookout for Romeo and the Underminer. I'll stay here for that."

"I'm staying, too," said Kevin. "If they do show up, and there's a chance for me to save Rip and Howler, I'm definitely taking that chance."

"Ok, Kevin."

"Alright. Here's how we'll split up," said Elastigirl: "Frozone and Voyd; you'll stay here with Owlette and Kevin, and keep them safe. Bob, Violet, and Gekko; you guys will look for Luna Girl. And Catboy, Dash, Jack Jack and I will look for Night Ninja."

"Ok. Let's go," said Mr. Incredible, as he, Violet, and Gekko get into the Incredibile, and drive off.

"Let's see who finds this Night Ninja guy first," said Dash, who ran off superfast.

"Here we go again," Catboy sighed, as he followed Dash at the same speed.

"Good thing I have something to help catch up to those two," Elastigirl said to Jack Jack, who she was carrying in a carrier pouch. She presses a button on her watch, the Elastibike arrives, and she hops on to follow them.

Scene change: Gekko's symbol.

In the Incredibile; Mr. Incredible presses a button on the dashboard, and a periscope comes down.

"Gekko, since you know what Luna Girl looks like, we'll need you to look for her so I'll know which way to go," said Mr. Incredible.

"I'm on it," said Gekko, who proceeded to look through the scope. He finds Luna Girl fighting a certain armadillo-themed hero. "There she is! With Armadylan."

"Who?" Violet asked.

"He's another hero that we know."

"Well, let's see what's going on," said Mr. Incredible, who drove them closer to the scene.

Luna Girl was shooting her Luna Magnet at Armadylan, who was rolling around dodging the beams. Her moths grab ahold of him, and he forms back to his normal self as he's being held up in the air.

"Put me down, Luna!" said Armadylan.

"Sorry, Arma-ding dong," Luna Girl said with a laugh, "but I'm not giving these toys up so easily."

Just then; a force-field appears around Luna.


Gekko runs up to Armadylan and the moths. "Shoo! SHOO!" They fly away, and drop Armadylan on the ground. "You okay, big guy?"

"Yeah. Thanks, Gekko," said Armadylan.

Luna shoots her Luna Magnet inside the force-field, but the beam bounces around.

"I wouldn't do that again," said Violet, whose voice caught Luna's attention. She turns around, and sees Violet and her father standing side-by-side.

"No way!" said Luna. "It's… It's…"

"Mr. Incredible!?" Armadylan said. "Gekko; you know Mr. Incredible, and his family?!"

"Well, we met a few days ago, and-"

"And, you guys are going to show these villains the true meaning of justice!"

"Only to two villains, and she's not one of them. We're actually here to protect her."

"Protect me? From what!?" she asked.

"Romeo and the Underminer."

"Ok. First of all; let me out of this thing! And second;-"

Violet pops the force-field, and Luna falls to the ground.

"What does Romeo and this Underminer guy want with me?" she asked, getting up.

"We think that they might be planning to capture all the villains so that they could be the only ones left," said Mr. Incredible.

"In that case, there's no way I'm going to let them get me!" she said. "I'm going to need some extra firepower, and you know what it is that I need."

"The Moon Crystal," said Gekko.

"Moon Crystal?" asked Violet.

"Yeah. It's a crystal that she got from the moon, obviously, and it enhances her powers."

"Wow. Sounds like you guys have had a LOT of adventures."

"We have." Gekko approaches Violet. "Listen, I need you guys to…" He starts to whisper something in her ear.

"Ok. We'll do it."

"Great. Luna, I'll take you to HQ to get the crystal."

"Alright, Lizard Boy."

Gekko and Luna Girl head to the PJ Masks HQ, leaving Mr. Incredible, Violet, and Armadylan in the middle of the street.

"Ok. He asked me if we could return the toys to their rightful owners, so we need to get to work until they get back," said Violet.

"Alright then," said Mr. Incredible.

Scene change: Catboy's symbol.

Meanwhile; Catboy and Dash were racing around town to find Night Ninja, while Elastigirl and Jack Jack were following them on the Elastibike.

"Do you even know what Night Ninja looks like?" asked Catboy.

"No. But, you told us that for a ninja, he likes all the attention," said Dash. "So, watch as The Dash will find him single-handedly with no trouble at all.

"YOU watch as the amazing Catboy searches for those ninjas with his Super Cat Ears, to listen for the sounds that they make, and he'll know which way they are!"

He hears some Ninjalinos laughing, and runs to the right. Dash starts to get irritated, and his mother drives up next to him.

"Dashiell Robert Parr, I'd listen to him if I were you," said Elastigirl, who drove off after Catboy, and Dash followed suite.

Catboy stops at the library to find Night Ninja on the roof next to the skylight, and some books being thrown to him.

"Hurry up, Ninjalinos!" yelled Night Ninja. "We need all the information we can get."

"Hold it, Night Ninja!" said Catboy, whose voice catches the aforementioned ninja's attention.

"Don't interfere with me making new sticky splat, kitty litter boy."

"I'm not here to interfere with anything." This had Night Ninja confused.

"What? Then, why are you here!?"

"Well, it's not just me. I've got-"

"I don't care who else is here! Either you leave this place a once, or else!"

He starts throwing sticky splats at Catboy, who was dodging the splats until he gets his tail stuck in the bushes. Night Ninja was about to throw another splat at him, until Dash pushes him out of the way.

"Dash… You saved me… Thanks."


"So, there're more goodie-goodies. No matter. Ninjalinos, splat attack!"

All of the Ninjalinos come out from the library, and start bombing them with sticky splats, but Elastigirl and Jack Jack show up in the nick of time, and she starts firing Jack Jack's laser eyes at the splats before they hit Catboy and Dash, giving them time to get away from the other splats.

"Super Cat Stripes!"

Catboy fires a cat stripe at Night Ninja, and gets him all tied up. He, Dash, and Elastigirl go up on the roof to confront him.

"Listen, Night Ninja; you're in danger," said Catboy.

"Me? In danger? What are you talking about?" Night Ninja asked, confused, and a bit worried.

"Romeo's teamed up with the Underminer, and we think that they're going to capture all the other villains. So, we need your help."

"Really… Why should I help you?"

"Because, if they capture you, they'll be the best, the baddest, and the ONLY villains around."

This started to affect Night Ninja's ego.

"Ok. I see your point. Now, let me out of this!"

Catboy undoes the cat stripes wrapped around Night Ninja, and the latter stands up and adjusts himself.

"Alright. In order for me to help you, I'll need to some extra strong splat from Mystery Mountain."

"Mystery Mountain?" Elastigirl asked.

"It's a long story," said Catboy. "I'll tell you guys on the way."

Night Ninja and Catboy lead the other three to the portal where the aforementioned mountain is.

Meanwhile; Gekko and Luna Girl arrive at HQ. They go in as Edna and PJ Robot were having a conversation, head to the vault, and grab the Moon Crystal.

"My God!" said Edna, who was enamored by the crystal.

"Remember to give it back when this is over," said Gekko.

"Ok," Luna said with a sigh.

Meanwhile; Night Ninja and Catboy have taken Elastigirl, Dash and Jack Jack to the alley where the portal to Mystery Mountain was.

"Let me get this straight," said Elastigirl; "there's a magical mountain hidden in this city?"

"Yeah," said Catboy.

"And, you've been there?" asked Dash.


"And now, we're about to show it to you," said Night Ninja, who did the hand signs to open the portal.

They go in, and Elastigirl and Dash are mesmerized by its beauty.

"Wow!" said Dash.

Elastigirl stretches her neck to see the rest of the mountain.

"This place is amazing," she said.

"It really is," said Catboy.

They reach the pagoda at the top of the mountain, Night Ninja pulls out a big pot, and opens the hatch to where all the mountain splat is.

"I'll need someone to lower me down there," said Night Ninja.

"I'll do it," said Elastigirl, who wraps her arms around Night Ninja, and lowers him down.

"Just, be careful because, it's like a volcano down there," said Catboy.

"Ok," she replied.

She feels some tugging on her arms, and lifts Night Ninja back up. His pot is full of red mountain splat.

"This should be enough to help me," said Night Ninja.

"Great. Let's get going," said Catboy, who lead everyone out of the mountain.

Scene change: Owlette's symbol.

Back on the streets; Frozone, Voyd, Owlette and Kevin were looking around the area for the Underminer's drill, and/or holes in the ground.

"No sign of any drills, or holes around here," said Frozone.

"Nothing here, either," said Voyd.

"I don't see anything yet," said Kevin

"Owl Eyes!" Owlette looks around the ground and sees some cracks forming in the concrete on one side, and sees some more cracks forming on the other side.

"What the-?"

Two drills appear from both sides.

"Wait a minute. There are two drills?! Catboy, Gekko, there are two drills here on the streets! Get here as soon as you can."

Frozone heads to one of the drills, and freezes the treads. Owlette shots here Owl Feathers at the treads of another drill, and jams them. The others show up to find the drills incapacitated.

"Gasping Geckos! Where did these come from?" Gekko wondered out loud.

"Maybe they built some more drills to cause some problems," said Violet.

Just then; some more drills come out from the holes.

"We need to do something about these drills," said Elastigirl.

"I have an idea," said Catboy. "Dash and I will run down the holes to find the source of where these are coming from, while the rest of you stop these drills from destroying the city."

"Sounds good to me," said Mr. Incredible. "Be careful you two."

The two speedsters jump down into a hole.

"You think that Rip and Howler might be in one of those drills?" asked Kevin.

"Let's find out," said Gekko.

They each split up into different directions.

Meanwhile, down in the hole; Catboy and Dash were racing against each other, again, toward the source.

"Bet you can't catch up with me when I, The Dash, reach the source of these drills," Dash said smugly, catching speed, and getting ahead of Catboy.

This was starting to get under Catboy's skin, so he caught up with Dash to confront him.

"Ok. What is your problem? Why do you keep doing this?" Catboy asked, annoyed.

"Doing what?"

"Why do you keep talking to me like I'm beneath you? What is any of that about?"

"Do you think that you're faster than me?"

"I wouldn't care if I was faster than you, or if you were faster than me, if you didn't make everything into a race."

"Really? Is that the only reason why you race against me?"

"What are you saying?"

"Maybe you thought that I was faster than you, and you couldn't take it?"

"It's not my fault that I have super speed. And, it sounds to me like you're the one who can't take having another speedster around you because, you're afraid that they'll be faster than you. And, maybe I am faster than you."


Dash tackles Catboy to the ground, and they roll around rough-housing. They stop they're fighting when they bump into something metallic. They look up, and see a big, strange looking machine with doors on each side.

"This must be where the drills are coming from," said Catboy, who got up, along with Dash.

"How do we get in there?" asked Dash.

"We?" Catboy asked, annoyed. "You just attacked me physically. I don't think that you want to do this with me. In fact, I don't think you ever wanted to do this with me, and after that, I don't want to do this with you anymore. But, I'm doing this with you because, we have to do this together. Just, don't talk to me, unless I'm talking to you…" Catboy's words shook Dash, and hurt him deeply. Catboy, then, muttered under his breath, "And, you're supposed to be older than me."

Dash didn't say anything after that, and he had a sad look on his face. He also let the words Catboy said to him sink in. Even though the stuff that Catboy said hurt his feelings, he realized that he was in the wrong. He let his jealousy of there being another speedster get to him. He felt bad for putting his hands on Catboy, and he wanted to apologize, but he knew that Catboy wasn't in the mood to talk to him.

Catboy climbs up the contraption, and finds a hatch at the top. He lets out a long cat stripe for Dash to climb up on, but he noticed that Dash was still upset from before.

"Hey!" Catboy yelled out, getting Dash's attention. "I found a way inside this thing up here. Come on up."

Dash did what he said, and met up with him. Catboy opened the hatch, and they both jump down inside.

They look around the inside, and it is similar to the inside of The Underminer's drill, but darker. They see some computer screens, and take a closer look at them. The screens show different parts of the city, and, what appears to be, the insides of the drills.

"These computers must be monitoring the drills," said Catboy. "Maybe, we can find the other two Wolfies from here."

Catboy noticed how quiet Dash was being. He remembered telling Dash not to talk to him, and clearly Dash listened. He could tell that Dash was really sad from the fight that they just had, and that he feels bad, which he should, but now, Catboy feels guilty for yelling at him. He had every right to be mad at Dash for attacking him like that, but he knew that he can't be mad at him forever. So, he decided to break the ice.

"If you have something to say, you can say it, Dash."

"Well, if this is where they monitor the drills, maybe there's a room where they send the drills out."

"And, if there is, we can stop the drills from destroying the city. Good thinking."

"Thanks," Dash said meekly.

Scene change: Catboy's symbol.

Meanwhile, on the surface; everyone else was doing their part in stopping the drills from tearing the city apart.

Frozone froze the treads on one of the drills, and stops it in its tracks. He heads to the top of the drill, opens the hatch, and looks inside. "There's no one in here," he said.

Elastigirl shot Jack Jack's laser eye beams at the treads of another drill, and heads to the top to look inside. "They're not in here," she said.

Luna Girl used her Moon Crystal powered scepter to trap her drill in some giant moon crystals, and her moths look inside and tell her the results. "No Wolfies in there, either."

Night Ninja shot some super sticky splats at the treads of his drill to jam them, and his Ninjalinos look inside and report back to him. "Not in there."

Armadylan used his Thunder Thump to break the treads, and they broke so hard, some of the concrete flew in the direction of Mr. Incredible and Violet, which made the latter put up a force-field. Armadylan went inside the drill to look. "They're not here," he said, getting out. He, then, noticed the mess he made to stop the drill, and was embarrassed. "Oops."

Voyd came out of a portal on top of drill, and took a look inside. "Nothing."

Kevin used his Sonic Howl to stop the drill, and it broke down. Gekko climbed on top, and had a look inside. "Sorry, Kevin. They're not in here, either."

"I'm starting to think that we'll never find Rip and Howler in any of these things," said Kevin, discouraged.

"Don't worry. We'll find them, whether they're in one of these things, or not. Hey, Owlette; how are things going on your end?"

"Huh?" said Owlette, who was flying around the city, using her Owl-Eyes to look inside the drills, but stopped when Gekko was talking to her. "Oh. I haven't found them either."

"Ok. Just, remember to stop the drills from wrecking the city."

"Right. Owl Feathers!" She shot her feather projectiles to jam the treads of five other drills. She, then, noticed that all of the other drills have stopped on their own. "Hey. The other drills just stopped moving. How did that happen?"

"We did that," said Catboy, on the other line. "We found the source of the drills, and we managed to shut them down."

"Do you know where Rip and Howler are?"

Catboy looks at the computer monitors, and finds the two Wolfies. "They're in a drill near the canals."

"Yes! Rip and Howler are okay! Let's go save them!" said Kevin, who ran off to the canals to save his Wolfy friends.

Back underground; Catboy and Dash were still in the machine, contemplating what could happen next.

"You know, something about this doesn't feel right," said Dash.

"Yeah. This feels way too easy," said Catboy.

All of a sudden; it becomes pitch black dark inside the machine.

"Whoa! What's going on?" Catboy asked.

And, then; the computer screens glow red, and the two speedsters look at it as something is being typed on them. They both read it aloud.

"You've just been Undermined!"

"Everyone, don't head for Rip and Howler's drill," Catboy said into the communicator.

"But, we're supposed to save them," said Violet.

"And, I'm saying stop, because it's a trap! We got a message saying 'You've just been Undermined'. Romeo and Underminer set us up!"

Gekko, hearing what his leader said, ran fast towards Kevin to warn him. Unfortunately, Kevin already went into the drill where his friends were. "Uh-oh!"

Kevin finds his pack members tied up and gagged. "Rip! Howler! I'm so glad that you guys are okay!"

He takes the scarves off of their mouths.

"Kevin! You have to get out of here, now!" said Howler.

"Yeah! It's a trap!" said Rip.

"Huh?" said a confused Kevin.

Suddenly; the hatch closed on the Wolfies, and the drill went tunneling back underground.

"KEVIN!" yelled Gekko.

"Ha ha ha! Congratulations, heroes! You've just been undermined!" said The Underminer on a P.A.

Back underground; the drill containing the Wolfies arrives at the machine that the speedsters found, and attaches itself to the machine.

Just then; the machine transforms itself into a gigantic drill, and tunnels its way up to the surface. Everyone sees it, and Owlettte looks inside it with her Owl Eyes.

"Catboy and Dash are in that thing!" she gasped.

And, then; the other drills start coming for Night Ninja and Luna Girl, and tries to suck them in with more giant vacuums. They manage to get away, but their minions get sucked into the drills instead.



The little drills with the minions attach themselves to the big drill, and the other little drills keep trying to capture the other two villains. Luna flies up to a skyscraper on her Luna Board, and Night Ninja uses a smoke bomb to escape, and he just so happens to end up on the same skyscraper Luna went to. The little drills, however, climbed up the building to get them.

Voyd appears through a portal on top of the building. "Come with me." She creates another portal that leads back to HQ, and brings them there.

"What are we doing here?" Luna asked.

"I thought that if I brought you guys here, they won't come and take you away," said Voyd.

"But, what if they do come here, and try to take us away?" Night Ninja asked, distressed.

"Does this HQ have any defenses?" asked Voyd.

"Uh-huh," said PJ Robot.

"Oh, yeah. That's right," said Night Ninja.

"I was so scared, I totally forgot that this place had defenses," said Luna.

"Good. Now, you guys keep an eye on these two," said Voyd.

"If you're worried about us stealing this HQ, believe me when I say that is the last thing on my mind right now," said Night Ninja.

"Same here," said Luna. "But, what about my moths and his Ninjalinos?"

"We'll get them back. I promise," said Voyd. "Now, you guys keep these two safe, while I go back to help the others."

"But, of course, Darling," said Edna.

PJ Robot nodded his head.

Voyd goes back to the streets via another portal.

Back in the machine; Catboy and Dash were running around, looking for an exit, but the machine kept moving around roughly, and they were getting tossed around.

"We have to get out of here, but we might not find a way out," Dash said, dizzily and worried.

"We'll find a way out," said Catboy.

"But, what if we don't? And, if we don't, Catboy, I'm sorry that I tackled you. You were right. I was jealous of you because, you and I have super speed, and I was worried that you were going to be faster than me. I shouldn't have tackled you. That was wrong of me. If we don't make it out of here, can you ever forgive me?"

Catboy was pleasantly surprised that Dash apologized to him. He saw how genuinely sincere he was with it, and he could hear how sad he was in his tone of voice. "After that apology, of course I can forgive you. I'm sorry, too. For how I yelled at you. I could tell that you were hurt after what I said. My friends can do the same thing with me, and they're usually right, but at the same time, words can hurt, and I know that what I said hurt you. So, I'm sorry that I hurt your feelings."

"It's okay. I don't blame you for getting mad, even though what you said did hurt."

"Hey; since you guys made up with each other, think you can get us out of here?" asked Rip, who was in a cell with her fellow Wolfies.

"If you're wondering how we got when we got here, that little drill that was carrying us brought us here, and a vacuum sucked us in and put us in here," said Howler.

"Oh. Well, don't worry. We'll get you out," said Catboy, who went to the main computer, and was about to open the Wolfies cell, until-

"Oh, no you don't, you pathetic peasant of a pussy cat!" yelled Romeo over the P.A.

The same vacuum came down above the Wolfies.

"You've got to be kidding me!" groaned Catboy, fed up with seeing that vacuum.

"Hold on tight, you guys," said Dash.

The Wolfies and Dash hold on to the cell bars, and Catboy holds on to the computer. The vacuum starts trying to suck all of them in, but they keep holding on tight. The vacuum tries harder, and the Wolfies start to lose their grip.

"Super Cat Stripes!"

Catboy shoots some cat stripes at the vacuum, and it gets tangled up. They all fall on the floor, and get back up, thankful that the sucking has stopped.

"Now, what do we do?" asked Kevin.

They look at the monitor, and see where the little drills are.

"The Moths and Ninjalinos must be in there," said Catboy.

They all head there, but before they even get a chance to save the Moths and Ninjalinos, the drills holding them go up like an elevator.

On the outside; the aforementioned drills were on top of the machine, and Owlette was the first to see this.

"Hey, the Moths and the Ninjalinos are inside those drills," she said, looking inside with her Owl Eyes.

All of a sudden; the drills start hovering, and they blast off via the rocket boosters on the back of them.

"They just flew off."

"Wherever they're going, you should follow them, Owlette," said Gekko, via his communicator.

"I'm on it." And just like that; she flew after them.

Back in the machine; Catboy, Dash, and the Wolfies were talking about what their next move should be.

"I guess all that's left to do is destroy this thing," said Catboy.

"We can use our sonic howls to do some damage. But, what are you guys going to do?" asked Kevin.

"Well, we could use our super speeds to create a strong vibration to shake things up," said Catboy.

"How are we going to do that?" asked Dash.

"Watch this. Super Cat Speed!"

Catboy starts running in place superfast, and goes to the engine, and it starts going at an extremely fast pace until it shuts down.

"Oh. I get it," said Dash, who also ran in place with his super speed, and went to the main computer to destroy it.

"You guys can start howling, now," Catboy said to the Wolfies.

"You got it," said Rip.

"Yip! Yip! AROOOO!"

The Wolfies use their sonic howls around the inside of the machine to destroy it.

Back outside; everyone else was fighting off the drills, but then, they just stopped.

"Looks like those two little speedsters managed to stop these things," said Mr. Incredible.

Meanwhile; Owlette was still following the drills, and she ended up at the Underminer's main drill. The little drills attach themselves to the main drill.

"Well, well, well. We have an annoying guest," said Romeo, over the P.A.

"Let them go, Romeo!" she demanded.

"What are you going to do about it, Birdbrain?!"

Another vacuum comes out, and tries to suck her in.

"Super Owl Feathers!" She shoots her owl feathers at the vacuum, and punctures some holes in it. "How about that?"

She flies over to where the Moths and Ninjalinos drills went onto, and looks closely at them so she can find a way to get them out. But, she couldn't find a weak spot. So, she shoots more feathers around where the drills are being held to see if that would weaken its hold over them. It works, and the little drills fall from the big drill. She flies down to the street, and looks inside of them. Unfortunately, the Moths and Ninjalinos weren't 'n either one of them.

"What have you done with them?" she asked.

"We'll be keeping them with us, until their masters surrender themselves to us," the Underminer said.

"I seriously doubt that they'll just give up just to save their minions."

"True," said Romeo. "But, we're still going to get them. And now, we're going to squish you!"

The drill starts moving slowly, and she tries to fly away, but she can't fly high enough. She finds her cape caught in the hatch.

"Oh, no! My cape's stuck!"

She tries to reach the valve to open the hatch, but her cape is too far down.

"Oh, Fluttering Feathers! I totally forgot about Edna's 'No cape' policy. I should've been more careful. Help! Someone help me!" she yelled into her communicator.

Back in the machine; while Catboy, Dash, and the Wolfies were destroying it from the inside, Catboy and Dash heard Owlette's cry for help through their communicators.

"Owlette! She's in trouble!" said Catboy, worried.

The Wolfies give one last sonic howl. "Ok. Let's get out of here."

They escape through the hatch above, and the machine starts to explode. They all jump off, and head for cover

"I'll be right back," said Catboy, who was about to go off to save Owlette, until he was stopped by Dash for a moment.

"Catboy… Be careful."

He gives Dash a reassuring smile. "Super Cat Speed!"

Catboy runs superfast through the city, looking for Owlette. "Cat Ears!"

"Someone, please help!"


He keeps going until he finds her. He jumps up on the little drill, and turns the valve until the hatch opens, and he gets her cape free. He grabs her bridal style, and jumps out of the way before the bigger drill crushes the smaller drill.

"Oh, Catboy, thank you," she said hugging him really tight. "That was such a close call."

She kisses his cheek, his face turns a bit red and he giggles nervously. "Well, I know you would've done the same for me if the roles were reversed."

"Of course."

"You pesky heroes may have scored over us, but best believe that this isn't over!" said Romeo.

"That's right. You may have won this battle, but this is war!" the Underminer said.

The drill heads off with the captured minions.

Scene change: Owlette's symbol.

A few minutes later; everyone returned to the PJ Masks' HQ, and had a meeting in Catboy's section. Kevin officially reunited with his fellow Wolfies on one side.

"I'm so glad that you guys are okay," said Kevin.

"And, we're glad to be back with you, Kevin," said Howler.

"Now, all that's left to do is stop Romeo and the Underminer," said Rip.

"And, save my Ninjalinos and her Moths," said Night Ninja.

Owlette was having a conversation with Edna on another side.

"So, after I found out that they weren't either of the drills, and the Underminer and Romeo were talking to me, I was so focused on all of that, I didn't notice my cape getting stuck in the hatch. Do you have any advice for me to not let something like that happen again?"

"Normally, I would say: 'Stop wearing that cape, darling. It's so cliché, and can be hazardous to wear.' Or, I would just say: 'NO CAPES!', and go on this long explanation about why wearing capes is not a good idea. But, considering your superhero theme is affiliated with birds, it wouldn't make much sense for you not to wear a cape. All I can say is; pay close attention to your surroundings, and after it seems like you got something done, make sure that your cape isn't stuck on something."

"Ok. That sounds good."

Catboy and Dash were talking near the Cat-Car.

"How is she holding up?" Dash asked about Owlette.

"A bit shaken, but she'll be alright," said Catboy. "And, I'm sure that whatever Miss Edna tells her will help."

"That's good to hear. By the way; are we cool?"

"Yeah. We're definitely cool."

"Everyone; listen up!" Elastigirl yelled, getting everyone's attention. "We don't know exactly what the Underminer and Romeo are planning, but whatever it is can't be good, and like they said, this is far from over."

"If we're going to stop them, we're going to have to work together, despite the differences in our alignments," said Mr. Incredible.

"Which means, if you guys want us to get your minions back, you're gonna have to trust us heroes," said Catboy.

"Oh. We trust you, all right," said Luna. "We don't know who else to turn to right now."

"Even if we could try and stop them, we wouldn't have a lot of power on our side," said Night Ninja.

"Alright then. Luna, Night Ninja, Wolfies; you guys can stay here for tonight," said Gekko. "Armadylan; can you stay here, and keep an eye on them with PJ Robot?"

"You got it, little buddy."

"In the meantime; why don't we get some rest?" Elastigirl suggested. "It's been a long night."

And, that was chapter five for this story. Again, sorry it took me so long to get this chapter up. This stuff can be painstakingly long, and I've had a bit of writer's block with this story concerning the next chapter. So, it's going to take me a while to get back into this. But, I'll do my best.

So; there are some things that I wanted to incorporate in this chapter. For example: The rivalry between Catboy and Dash becoming more heated, and then Dash takes it too far when he tackles Catboy, which is so not okay. I wanted Dash to understand the consequences of what he did, and have Catboy be more assertive towards certain things. Of course, I had to have them make up with each other, so now, they can have a better understanding of each other, and become more friendly with each other.

Also; I figured that I would incorporate the cape thing with Owlette at some point in the story. I initially thought about making her overly cautious, but instead, I make her so focused on the task at hand that, she forgets what Edna told her about capes.

Another thing; I'm sorry that I incorporated drills so much in this chapter. I couldn't think of anything else. I remember that the Underminer used explosives in Incredibles 2, and I couldn't use that in this chapter. So, I'm sorry I didn't get more creative with that kind of stuff.

By the way; I know about the upcoming episodes of PJ Masks, and one of them being a Christmas special, which is the second Christmas special of the series. For this one, the PJ Masks and Santa team up to stop Romeo from ruining Christmas after finding out that he's on the naughty list. I'm not surprised that Romeo's on the naughty list, and some people are wondering if Romeo is going to learn how to be good. Now, do I think that Romeo would try to be good? My answer: Never gonna happen. In my opinion, Romeo is more than just naughty, he is pure evil. I feel like out of all the nighttime villains, he hates kindness the most. While other nighttime villains are mostly annoyed by kindness, Romeo seriously despises it so much that I feel like, being told to be nicer might push him over the edge. Plus; knowing how these kinds of shows are, when they have a character who's really mean, or grumpy, or is a villain, being nice for a little bit, that niceness doesn't last very long. That's just how I see it.

Anyway; leave a review on this chapter. I'll be back at this eventually. Later.