In a snowy land of Atlus is the most technical advanced kingdom of the four kingdoms.

Aside from Vacuo, Atlus is the most dangerous land in the world. Unlike the Grimm from the other kingdoms, these Grimm has white fur which makes it that much harder to find them in a blizzard.

Many Hunters trained to be solders that could travel in these harsh conditions but there is someone that is immune to the cold.


A young voice called out as a Winter Ursa, who is a bear like Grimm found itself stuck. It growls in pain when the thread goes tighter.

The person sighs a bit as he brings out the katana that's resting on his hip and lazily cut of the Grimm's head.

The person looks feminine though he's really gender less. He has silver hair with golden eyes. he wears a black fur coat and a scarf. Under the coat, he wears the kimono and pants. He also wields a long katana on his hip.

"This bear seems stronger then those wolves. Not to mention that I never done it with a bear so..." He said to himself thinking on what to do with it

*Rimuru, I suggest to use it. These creatures called Grimm are not like the monsters at home. This is a chance to learn more about them.* A voice called out in his head who now convinced him.

"Alright you made your point [Great Sage]." Rimuru said as his body went slimy. Then his body exploded into blue slime and covers the Ursa.


He swallowed the Grimm whole and turn back into a naked person. Even though he was naked, he has natural elements nullification. Though he still felt a bit chilly. Not to mention that he is gender less so he has nothing down there.

*Success. Have fully gained the abilities of a Winter Ursa.*

"Nice what are they?" Rimuru asked as he puts on his cloths along with his winter coat.

*Answer. You have gained 'Bone Defence' and 'Minor Cold Resistance'. With mimicry you can grow claws as well.*

"Well cold resistance doesn't really matter with my already natural element nullification. Not to mention I already have body armour. [Great Sage] next time tell me what they are before I use my [GLUTTONY] on them." Rimuru said as he looks around threw the snow.

*All right. Would you like to analyse it?*

Rimuru thought for a moment. "Nah, that creature was a waste of time. Maybe when we have time though." He said back.

*All right then.*

Rimuru then hears a loud roar. Rimuru smiles as he turns and sees two Beowolves fighting against a bigger wolf. This wolf has Jet black fur and white fur around his neck. There is also some blue fur on its forehead which was shaped like a star. On top of the star shaped fur, he has two cone shaped horns.

The two Beowolves growls as the bigger wolf ran in front of Rimuru, guarding him.

The two Beowolves knew that after fighting the bigger wolf that they were outmatched. But the Grimm was a stubborn bunch. They won't go down without a fight.

The Beowolves charges at their opponent but the bigger wolf showed it's fangs and roars at them and blows that back. The Beowolves hit the trees and tried to get back up. But the wolf didn't give them a chance as black lightning sparks on its horns. The wolf then shoots the lighting at the Beowolves and burn them.

"Well done Ranga!" Rimuru called out to his companion. While the Beowolves was dissolving the wolf now known as Ranga ran to his Master. Then he spoke.

"Master, I have defeated the rest of the Grimm in the area." He said and Rimuru could see that Ranga was just waiting to be praised.

"Glad to hear that Ranga." Rimuru said to him as he pets his companion on the head. 'I really am glad that he was in my shadow when this all started.' He thought but then sweat drops as he sees Ranga getting a bit too happy and looks more like a dog then a wolf. 'Would've been a more cool moment if he didn't look like that.' He sighs as Ranga kept wagging his tail fast enough to clear the ground of snow. Rimuru shrugged his shoulders and climbs onto Ranga.

"Well whatever. We are out here for a reason. Let's go." Rimuru said to his companion.

"Yes Master!" Ranga shouted and runs across the snow.

The reason why Rimuru and Ranga are traveling across Atlus was because of this race called the Faunus. Ever since he came to this strange world he quickly found out the distance between humans and Faunus. Humans with animal parts on them. But from what he heard some people even took Faunus and turn them into slaves.

He was a leader of a nation in the previous world and made it a rule not to disrespect and for the monsters not to harm humans. So seeing this world with obvious enemy's being the Grimm while still fighting among themselves?

'Humanity would always find ways to discriminate. No matter the world I'm in.' Rimuru thought with a sigh.

Ten minutes of walking later he finally made it to his destination.

"This must be the place." He said to himself as he looks at a facility all though an abandoned one. Well it would be if there weren't any guards.

"What can I do Master!?" Ranga said awaiting for orders.

"Sorry Ranga but I want you to head back. You out here will just cause unnecessary attention." Rimuru sadly told Ranga. He was about to talk back but stopped himself. Ranga can't show any disrespect to his Master.

"If it's your wish Master." Ranga said while getting into Rimuru's shadow as Rimuru himself jump of. The slime sigh to himself.

"I really am glad you are with me Ranga." Rimuru said to himself as he looks up at the falling snow.

'Hope the others aren't worried too much. Don't want to think what the Oni's and the others might do without me.' He thought as he shivered a bit but wasn't because of the cold.

"Enough of that let's go." He quietly said to himself as he puts on a white mask to make sure nobody would recognise him while also hiding his aura and started going into the ground.


One of the guards at the entrance shadow grew as Rimuru appeared from it and immediately pulled some threads.


He immediately covered the guards mouth and hands and knock him into the ground.

The other guard notice him but before he said anything.




The guard fell down and grabbed onto the wound on his side as his mouth is shut.

Rimuru wipes his hands in a job well done as he stuck the two together.

"Now you two be good boys as I free the slaves." He said to them as he uses [SHADOW STEP] again to get through the door without opening it.

He quietly got out of the shadow of the guard that was through the door and quickly use [STEEL STICKY THRED] to make the guard immobile.

'[Great Sage] where do you think the guards are keeping them?' He asked in his mind.

*Normally they would put the slaves down in the bottom floor to hide them.*

'Why do you sound like that it was obvious? Anyway thanks, I'll handle the rest.' He thought as he ran quietly.

He was about to turn the corner but then saw a guard coming.

"Huh?" The guard looked and saw nothing.

"The cold must be getting to me." He said as he carries on. Not noticing a slime spread out on the floor as it turns back into Rimuru.

"That was close." Rimuru said to himself with a sigh of relief as he carried on

"Despite being a warehouse full of slaves, the security is pretty much lacking." Rimuru continued as he notices the lack of guards.

*Answer. Even if the hatred between the two races was there. Slavery is still illegal in all four kingdoms.*

"If that's a case then where are they shipping them of to?" He said as he finally found the stairs and climb down it.

*Answer. Atlus is well known for their disrespect towards Faunas kind. It was one of the reasons why the White Fang was created.*

Rimuru shook his head in disappointment when he hears that and found himself in a big room filled with crates. He opens one of them and sees a lot of crystals in them.

"Dust? Why do they need so many?" He asked himself as he notice a symbol on everything.

'White Fang? No.' He thought as the symbol has a wolves head sideways with a claw slash behind it. But it also has another slash painted red over it.

"Wait this symbol seems familiar but it isn't the White Fang. There's no way they would kidnap their own kind like this. And with this much Dust is like they are going into... war. No..." Rimuru slowly figures it out as his eyes widened.

"Seems like you figured it out." A strong Russian voice interrupted Rimuru as he looks at the other side of the room. There is a man easily towers over Rimuru. He has short black hair with brown eyes. He wears a tight black vest and shorts. Though Rimuru notices a big black box on his back.

"Yea kind of but you really like black don't you." Rimuru said to him as he laughs a bit. The slime tried to stay calm after finding out what these guys are planning

"You can say that." He says back as Rimuru tried to keep the conversation going so he can try to figure out this man's motive.

"Since you have already figured it out allow me to introduce myself. My name is Scarlet Ogon, leader of the Anti-White Fang!" He shouts out as he reaches for the gun on his hip.

"Before we start fighting can I ask one thing." Rimuru asked as Scarlet raises an eyebrow.

"You do know I will have to kill you? I may be a criminal but I am no murderer if there's no need to." He says as Rimuru shakes his head.

"Just enlighten me for a moment. I know you are gaining strength to defeat the White Fang but why did you kidnapped all those Faunus? Is it to make them realise not to underestimate you or something?" He asked but knew already that wasn't the case. The leader grins.

"It's not that simple, We're training them animals."

Rimuru's eyes widened.

'So I was right. Their planning on sending these Faunus to fight their own people!' He thought with a shocked face as he can hear Ranga growling from inside his shadow.

"Master let me fight this man!"


While Ranga was talking through Rimuru's mind. The slimes instinct came in as he dodge the short

"Sorry Ranga. But I can't let you out in the open. One wrong move and this whole building will come down." Rimuru talk back as he knew how destructive Ranga can wolf growls but complied to his master wishes.

Rimuru then draw out his sword as he blocked Scarlet gun which transformed into a dagger.

'Does every weapon we come across in this world both a gun and a sword!?' He thought as the [Great Sage] answered him.

*Answer. Yes.*

Rimuru sighs in annoyance as he parried Scarlet's strikes.

"Your good." He said as he turn back to his gun as he fires of at Rimuru.

"Back to you." He said but Rimuru thought on how he battled the likes of a Demon Orc and Charybdis. This guy doesn't hold a candle like those monsters. Both literally and mentally.

Rimuru then saw him pulling out a wire from his box and connects it to his gun as it glows red.

"Let's hope you can survive this!" Scarlet said out loud as his gun shorts out a small ball of fire. He watched as the fire burns on Rimuru and thought he won.

"Crud now I have to choose this as my semblance." Rimuru quietly said as Scarlet looked back in shock. But he soon understood.

"Your semblance is heat resistant isn't it." He said as he plugged the wire out.

"To be precise is natural element nullification. And since all these dust are natural." Rimuru said as he scratches his neck.

"None will effect you. In that case." Scarlet sounded out and charges at Rimuru. He sighs as he looks at the door where the faunus are mostly at.

'Sorry this has been a good fight but I don't plan on dragging this out any longer.' He thought as he charges at Scarlet. The man laughs at this as he brought out his second pistol and transforms both into daggers.

"Prepare to die without regrets with my fangs!" Scarlet shouted as blocks Rimuru's sword.

"Hmm, is naming your weapon really necessary?" Rimuru can't help but to ponder. The man chuckles at the question.

"Yes to me naming my weapons is awesome!" He replied. Unknown to him though Rimuru is casting his [Cloning] technique.

"Then maybe I should call my weapons after this fight." He said as the slime jumps back. Scarlet raises an eyebrow.

"It's been nice fighting you but I still have to rescue the Faunus." Rimuru said while waving his hand.

"What do you mean? You haven't won yet." He said but was then shocked by the clone behind him.


The attack was so powerful that it drained the rest of his aura and made him unconscious.

"Is he down?" Rimuru asked, walking up to his down opponent.

*Correct. The man named Scarlet Ogon is now unconscious.*

"You're good man Scarlet. Maybe next time we meet, how bout we get some drinks." Rimuru said to him as he walks to where they kept the Faunus.

That's right Ranga is now with Rimuru as his partner. Watch out Remnent because Ranga the Tempest wolf is here.