A/N: Hey Guys, I am back. I know it sounds weird, but i took a lengthy break to see where I really want to take this story. I like many things and I ultimately decided to make this a Crossover Story. It's going to be a Crossover with Sword Art Online. Right now its planned to set up the story with the First Year and then leaping into the summer before 4th year. I don't change the dates, so for Violet getting plunged into Aincrad ultimately falls almost to the date of the release for Hollow Fragment for PsVita.

Chapter 4: The Train Ride

Thursday, September 1st, 2011 – Kings Cross, London

This last month really passed like a breeze. After Violets shopping trip to Diagon Alley, where she had purchased so many books, she actually only functioned mechanically. New information was a blessing for her and the textbooks were really interesting. Books were always a favorite pastime of her, but this was really pushing it to her limits. She had ultimately purchased seven books, which she managed to read through them all and absorbing any information they possessed. It was wonderful. Violet was already working with her new wand on spell movements she would need for her first classes and hoped she was prepared for them. Althrough she knew that she was developing a bookworm persona recently, it didn't matter for Violet, because thats how she was and she just hoped, that she could find a friend, who had a similar interest in books. She was curently sitting inside a compartment on the Hogwarts Express wondering when someone showed up to sit with her. Most people who wandered through the gangway took a look inside her compartment and decided to ignore her. Must have been because of my hair and i have no qualms about it, since it is really weird to see someone with purple hair, but its how I loved it, and i never would intend to change it back to my natural hair color, since redhead was used so often as a degorative insult against me,she thought. After roughly ten minutes, someone entered her compartment and Violet looked up to see a girl. She looked older than her and had absurdly bushy hair. She could really use a potion to tame her hair, she decided quickly and introduced herself.

„Hi. Do you want to sit here? It's free so far, no one bothered to even open the door and I would really like some company."

„Yes, thank you. I'm Hermione Granger. Whats your name?", she asked Violet curiously.

„I'm Violet Hope. Nice to meet ya. And before you ask, this is not my real hair color", she added, noticing her curious look. „I can alter my hair color at will and also my body, if I really want to. I don't know why, I just can. And I haven't found out what it's called, sorry."

„Oh it's okay. I was really curious, usually someone has to use hair dye, but yours just look really natural. I know what it's called though. If I am correct, you are a metamorphmagus, that means you can change your appearance at will. And thats so cool. Are you a muggleborn? Your surname doesn't sound magic in the slightest.", she asked at the end of her little monologue.

„I actually don't know, if I am a muggleborn, a half-blood or a pureblood, and yeah i looked those terms up. Best to know where you're going to end up for the next seven years. I don't want to stand out with my new schoolmates by not knowing a damn thing about magic, you know", she replied and also added as an afterthought, „There was a Gringotts vault set up for me already, so I kind of doubt, that I am a true muggleborn. At least that was what Professor McGonagall told me. Metamorphmagi couldn't be muggleborn, since it is passed through witches and wizards only. Anways I was raised in an orphanage for as long as I can remember, I have no clue who my parents were, if I have siblings or anything. But since it was set up for me, it just prooves that I am probably a half-blood."

„That sounds horrible, I am sorry for asking, I was just curious", Hermione had a look on her face that spoke of geniune sadness.

„Don't worry about me, Hermione. I am on my own since I can walk and no one ever came to pick me up and gave me a home. I am fine with you being curious, because I am a curious little kitten myself. Do you have any idea how long this trainride will be?", she asked Hermione, while the train has finally set in motion and the long ride to Hogwarts and the two girls were still by themselves.

„Uhm, I think its about seven hours I guess, but I am not sure.", Hermione replied.

„Thats nice, I hope you don't mind, I haven't really slept last night and if you're okay with it, i want to take a one or two hour nap. Don't be surprised now and please wake me up, when the food lady arrives please.", with that Violet transformed herself into a little kitten with purple fur, placed herself into Hermione's lap and fell asleep very easily, breathing easily and steady, signing Hermione that she was in peace in her sleep.

Okay, what on Earth has just happened? Violet is eleven at best and she can transform herself into an animal? That's the same thing that I heard about Professor McGonagall, but holy shit, that was something. And it comes so naturally to her. No way Violet is a muggleborn. Wow, I am seriously impressed, Hermione thought while stroking Violet's fur. It was really soft and she honestly looks like a newborn kitten. She decided to ask why Violet does it, maybe she was just a show-off, so Hermione decided to be not overly friendly until she knows what the fuck just happened.

Roughly three hours later Hermione had to wake up Violet because she heard the food trolley arriving. She gently nudged Violet between her ears and she found herself staring into unbelievably green eyes that pierced into her soul. A bit startled she told Violet to become human again, which she complied to.

„Thank you for letting me sleep", Violet immediatly noticed the curious glare Hermione managed to give her, „and yes I will tell you, what that was supposed to be. It is a long story and I hope to be you friend, so I will-", she stopped, because the compartment door was opened, revealing a blonde boy. He sneered at them with a foul expression on his face.

„Oops, wrong compartment, I thought there would be witches in here, not little dirty mudbloods", before the boy could say anything else though he received a vicious slap from Violet, that had him stumble back into the hallway and Violet slammed the door so hard, that the glass cracked, but did not break. She was fuming about his comment, and although Hermione did not know what that last word meant, she was sure that it was something nasty. She also was in awe and slight fear about Violets outburst of anger and where it came from. She assumed that Violet had a very difficult childhood and was probably accostumed to this kind of behaviour this boy displayed.

„I swear to god, I hope I don't end up in the same house as him. That was awful, calling us that. It's the worst swear word he could came up especially for you. It means exactly that, dirty blood. It's borderline racist. A good thing that I looked up what to expect and he should be the worst kind. So be careful, okay?", Violet pleading to Hermione.

Hermione was really startled when she heard the explanation and thought, if it wasn't for Violet she would have probably looked with a dumb expression on her face, when that boy insulted her. „I hope that as well, I think I will end up in Gryffindor or Ravenclaw, that douche for sure will be a Slytherin, so it's easy to avoid him", she said with a smile.

„Those are also my picks to be honest, Hufflepuff seems a bit bland and Slytherins seems to be racists throughout the history, with a few exceptions from what I've read up so far. Anyways I think I have a short story to tell you. I don't like to even say anything about my past, but I really think we need to be friends to survive in Hogwarts. I saw your expression, after I woke up. Your eyes seemed a bit cold towards me. So please listen to me, will you?. I hope you understand me more then." she asked and the only confirmation Violet got was a quick nod from Hermione.

„My parents, most likely magical then not are either probably dead or didn't want me to exist in the first place. I was found by our matron in the orphanage on the cold steps in front of the main door, just wrapped in a blanket with a simple note. According to what Ms Wilde said, the letter asked her to take care of me until I'm old enough, but I never knew what it meant. In my childhood I learned relatively early that I was different from the other kids. I was four years old, when I discovered that I could alter my haircolor or my eye color and then I started to experiment what I could do or not and the other kids found out, that I was different and you know how little kids are. They bullied me into doing what they want, they made me do ridiculous hair designs or to alter my face into animal parts and when I got exhausted, they started to kick me and punch me and hurt me in any way possible and...", Violet hesitated for a moment, „ I started to retaliate with magic. I hurt them to make them leave me alone and it worked. It gave me a huge boost in confidence and the kids left me alone for a while.

I also developed my love for books in that time, but also a love for football. I grew up in Chelsea and my way to the elementary school was along the training ground of the Chelsea FC, so I fell in love with the game and I am actually happy, that we are going to have a sport that we can participate in. The players gifted me even a jersey, the one I am currently wearing, thats why the boy probably thought I was a muggleborn too. But I remembered that with being a metamorphmagus I can't be muggleborn, I was just muggle raised. Professor McGonagall told me, that it is bad to use magic to hurt others, but the kids that bullied me so much had it coming, and I was kinda happy that I could hurt them. Now I think I was very wrong with that view and I even stopped it, before she asked me to. And that ended in a longer visit to the hospital. One of the bullies pushed me onto the street at the orphanage and I couldn't scramble away fast enough, so a car has driven over my left ankle and shattered it, I had like seven screws in my leg and it was horrible. Not long after my cast was removed, I found out I was a witch which led us to this moment. Now you know my childhood and you are the first person that I have told this", Violet concluded her little story with tears in her eyes.

I hope she doesn't run away now. Please don't leave-. Her thoughts were interrupted by a bone crushing hug from Hermione, crying into Violets shoulder after hearing what she had to endure.

„Oh Vi. I'm so sorry about what happened to you. It's horrible and I hope we can be friends, I want us to be friends, okay? Whichever house we will end up in, I promise you to not abandon you and to find time to be your friend. You see, I was always a smart kid and most of the time I acted far more mature than I was, because I was so much more intelligent than the others. My mum and dad are dentists and very academic, so they pushed me a bit into being smart and staying smart, but I couldn't connect with the kids and always tried to correct them, when they did something wrong and I was shunned for it and had like no friends at all. They always said that I was a bossy know-it-all. It really hurt me, but it's nothing what you had to come up with. Maybe I need to tune this down in Hogwarts. Let's be friends", Hermione said nervously.

They hugged each other for a few seconds and let go of each other with tears in their eyes and a smile on their faces. Unfortunately for them, their little lunch was interrupted by another boy, one that looked a bit chubby, but at least he was much more polite than the blonde boy, they had encountered earlier. He asked them, if they had seen a toad. Violet declined, but told him that they would go through the train to help the boy to find his toad. Leaving her owl Ariana behind for a few minutes, she and Hermione start to scout the train asking if anyone had seen the toad. It was sadly always met with a decline, but when they reached near the end of the train, Violet started to feel a bit funny. It felt like a little pull or nudge, if she had to describe it and she reached the compartment, where she thought she felt something. She knocked and opened the door seeing a scrawny raven-haired boy as tiny as herself and with a familar set of green eyes, much like her own. It was easy for her to get lost in his eyes, but after a gentle nudge from Hermione, she pulled herself together and asked the redhead, who had brandished his wand and had a fat rat on his lap.

„Oh you're doing magic? Let's see", she stated a bit excited, nodding to the redhead. He recited a spell in english and his wand glowed for a moment, knocking a package of sweets of the rat's mouse, but it didn't had the intended effect. Violet started giggling and heard Hermione doing the same.

„Oh really? Do you know any real magic?", the redhead asked a bit angrily, visible by his red ears.

„Of course we do, we studied a bit ahead you see", Violet spotted the black-haired boy and saw a crack in the frames of his glasses. „Reparo", and with that the glasses fixed themselves and the boy was in awe upon seeing real magic performed for the first time. Again he stared at Violet with his intense green-eyed stare, until Hermione made a gasping sound, obviously recognizing the boy and snapping Violet out of her staring match with him.

„My god, you are Harry Potter, right?", the boy nodded. „Wow I know everything about you, there are so many history books where you were mentioned and now we get to know you for real. Thats fantastic. I'm Hermione Granger and this is my friend Violet Hope, nice to meet you." Turning to the redhead, she added, „and you are?"

„I'm Ron Weasley.", he stated, still fuming about the spell. „I bet Fred and George were just making fun of me".

„Anyways, you guys should change into your robes soon, it's not long until we arrive.", Hermione added and with that the two girls left for their compartment again. Violet still felt funny, because she thought she knew Harry Potter from somewhere, but she couldn't get a clear picture in her head, where she had meet him. It certainly wasn't in the orphanage, that much she knew, but she thought that there was something and she felt that really strange connection when she stared in his eyes so very similar to her own. His gaze is creepy. His eyes.. Hell, they look like mine. This is weird..She was a bit frustrated as she changed into her robes, getting another gasp from Hermione.

„Holy Shit, Vi.. Where does this huge scar comes from?", she asked, looking at Violets left leg.

„Thats the surgery scar from my car accident, I had screws in my foot, what do you expect? Smooth skin? Nah, not going to happen. It's fine, okay? It barely hurts. Come on, let's finish changing. And we have to leave our stuff in the train. Someone sends it into our dorms after we are sorted.", Violet read from a little pamphlet, that was given out to muggleborns with the ticket.

They quickly got dressed, when the train started to slow down and they soon arrived in the town of Hogsmead, a small wizard village that was connected to Hogwarts, when they heard someone shouting with a booming voice.

„First years ta me, first years o'er here", a really tall man shouted in their direction. Violet snapped her head around to see him and actually jumped a bit backwards. That man was at least twice her height and her four foot and two inches in height was really small for a girl her age. Even Hermione had six more inches in height than Violet did, and she was afraid of that man and clung to Hermione. „Is he a giant or something like that? I'm scared for crying out loud and he leads us to Hogwarts? Are they all nuts at the castle?", Violet asked in disbelief, as the first years where being led to a boat station, where they had to board small boats, that magically crossed the lake up to the castle. When they arrived, Violet finally saw a familiar face and raised her hand to greet the stern-looking Professor ahead of them, until she heard some snickers in the back and lowered her hand quickly. After the kids all arrived in the antechamber to the Great Hall, Professor McGonagall adressed the newcomers.

„Welcome everyone to the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. For the proceedings, I will lead you into the Great Hall as soon as your schoolmates have settled themselves in. There will be a stool infront of the Head Table where we will see to your sorting. We have four houses for this school: Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin. Your house is your family, make sure you find friends after you are sorted into the houses. You will earn points for your houses for great achievements or you can lose them by violating the school rules. Please remain quiet, while I'm going to see if everyone is ready for you." With that Professor McGonagall left the antechamber ant the kids to themselves. Immediatly the kids started talking to each other, especially about the rumors that one Harry Potter was starting this year in Hogwarts. As soon as the rumors reached Violets corner, the blonde boy shoved her harshly out of the way, as he was standing behind her.

„So it is true? The great Harry Potter starts at Hogwarts. You will need friends and you will find out that some families are suited better for you then others. My Name is Malfoy, Draco Malfoy", he extended his hands, waiting for Harry to shake hands with him. Next to Harry, Ron snorted at Malfoys name.

„What? Do you think my name is funny? At least, I don't have to ask for yours. Red hair, second hand robes, you are obviously a Weasley", he turned his attention back to Harry. „You really shouldn't hang out with the likes of him. I would be a much better friend".

Harry on the other hand didn't want to hear any of it, and firmly kept his hands where they were. „ I think I can decide for myself who I am going to be friends with, Malfoy. And trust me, it won't be you.", Harry said with an ice-cold tune in his voice. „Now get lost."

Before Malfoy could even move a muscle, Professor McGonagall returned and let them all into the Great Hall. Violet looked up to the ceiling and found what she had been looking for. The enchanted ceiling looked exactly like the sky outside and it was a clear evening and the stars where sparkling. When the newcomers arrived at the front, Professor McGonagall went down with her business and started calling out the first name.

„Abbott, Hannah!"

Behind them one of the girls stumbled forward and once she sad on a three-legged stool, the Professer placed a really old hat on the girls head. After a few seconds everyone was startled, when the hat shouted „HUFFLEPUFF". Relieved Hannah gave the hat back to Professor McGonagall and took a seat on her new house table.

„Bones, Susan!"


After a few more minutes Hermione was called up to place herself on the stool and she looked before her until she found Violet and gave her a big smile, while waiting for the hat to decide her house. After thirty seconds, which was longer than anyone else had needed so far, the hat shouted „GRYFFINDOR", and Hermione ran off to Violet, high-fiving her and took her seat at the Gryffindor table, where she was greeted feverously by two identic redheads. Must be Ron's brothers Fred and George, according to what he said on the train...Violet thought to herself, while she grew much more nervous with each student called up on and sorted into a house. Gladly she didn't had to wait long, since she was called shortly after Hermione.

„Hope, Violet!"

While Violet made up her way to the stool, two men of the head table, namely the Headmaster and the black clad Professor straightened themselves and started to watch intently to the sorting as Violet plastered the hat on her head.

A difficult mind we have here. You are smart and clever, which is a requirement for Ravenclaw, but I also see bravery in your mind, but you want to prove yourself, test yourself and your intelligence, you are cunning, if you need to be. Where do I place you? So many choices". The hat started to talk into Violets mind and she was curious what was about to happen. But she also had something to say.

Would it be too much to ask, if I can get into the same house as my friend Hermione. I really like to be close to her. Please" Violet pleaded in her mind with the hat, hoping that it would achieve something.

I could do that, but I won't. I'm sorry that I can't help you out. Gryffindor isn't just the right house for you. You are far to headstrong and clever and smart for this house. There is just one clear answer. Your new house is going to be...

A/N: Am I a mean person, to end this chapter with a big cliffhanger? If yes, please let me know and leave a review :)