The Crystal Gems along with Blue and Yellow Diamond watched the white bubble containing Steven and White Pearl grow smaller and smaller. It reached White's Palace and disappeared.

Yellow Diamond spoke solemnly "Well that went pear shaped, quickly."

"Yellow!" shouted Blue Diamond.

"Er, yes, of course," Yellow Diamond dug into her pockets. She pulled out a pile of credits. "Here's some money. Try not to start a revolution."

Before Connie could take one micro credit Yellow Diamond stood up.

"What about me?" asked Connie.

"You should stay with us. Homeworld is not used to organics," replied Blue Diamond.

"And you should go back home," pointed out Garnet.

"We can't. Those ships you trashed were our homes," said Yellow Diamond.

"But surely you have other palaces?" asked Pearl.

"They're on other colonies. Which we cannot reach right now. Face it clods we're not going anywhere," said Yellow Diamond.

A blue figure popped up from below. Lapis waved her hand.

"Hey," she said.

"Lapis, what are you doing here!?"exclaimed Pearl.

"I reformed and decided to catch up to you. Nice of you to leave before checking to see if I was okay," said Lapis.

"Why you-" spluttered Pearl.

"Enough!" commanded Yellow. "Here's some money. Try not to start a revolution."

As Lapis flew away. Yellow stepped back. She heard a loud squawk.

"You monster, you just stepped on Connie," shouted Amethyst.

Yellow looked down at the growing red puddle. The human was clearly dead.

"Oh crap!" said Yellow Diamond.