The Alola region

The islands of Alola were given form when underground volcanoes erupted long, long ago. Pokémon came to live in Alola when they flew, swam or were carried on the wind to the isles. Since then after millions of years living on the islands, they have gone throught a different sort of evolution the their main land counterparts.

These islands consist of Melemele Island, Akala Island, Ula'ula Island, Poni Island and the man-made island Aether Paradise.

On one of the island, Melemele Island, there is a certain boy getting ready for pokemon school. This boy is Satoshi, a young trainer who dreams on becoming a pokemon master. Satoshi has traveled through many regions and faced many trails. He's face numerous criminal orginizations, one constant group would be Team Rocket. Met all of the Legendary pokemon of each region he's traveled.

Now he's attending Pokemon school while taking a break from traveling around and battling in each league. After coming in second at the Kalos league and saying goodbye to his friends, Satoshi, his mom and pikachu came to Melemele Island came to the island for a vacation and deliver a pokemon egg.

While there, Satoshi met his new friends, Kaki, Suriren, Mao, Mamane and Lillie. Also he met the island guardian, Kapu-Kokeko, who gave him a z ring. As Satoshi learns more about Alola region tradition from new friends, his interest grows. Once vacation was over and his mom heads home, he decides to stay behind and become a Pokémon School student himself

"Yosh!" Satoshi yelled as he grabbed his backpack with Mokuroo inside of it sleeping and picachu on his shoulder. "Lets go, Pickachu!"

Satoshi headed out the door of Professor Kukui's home with Rotom following behind them. On his way to Pokemon School, Satoshi thought about the pervious day. Lillie's Mother, Lusamine, had made him and his friends go on their first mission as the Ultra Guardians with their base being located underneath the Pokémon School, having being built by the Aether Foundation.

The Ultra Guardians are a group who's goal is to catch Ultra Beasts that have strayed into the Pokémon world, and release them back into Ultra Space to maintain safety in the Alola region. Yesterday was their first mission, catching Massivoon. A massive bug Ultra Beast that resembles a large, red, anthropomorphic mosquito.

Massivoon was very powerful pokemon but even with it's huge size and muscle, it was very fast. Luckily while it was destracted by having a flexing competeion with Satoshi, Kaki, and pikachu, Satoshi was able to ultra-get him. After finding the Ultra Hole, they sent Massivoon on his way home.

"Well well what do we have here, yo?" A voice asked breaking Satoshi's thought.

Satoshi looked up to see 3 Team Skull members looking down at a kid while the small girl was holding an Yungoos in her arms. the kid was keeping her Yugoos close while the Yungoos was growling at the Team Skull members, Tupp, Rapp, and Zipp. Satoshi ran over to them intending to save the kid.

"Hey stop that!" Satoshi yelled at them causing all of them to look at him. While the Team Skull members were looking at Satoshi, the kid ran over the Satoshi and hid behind him. Satoshi looked down at the gir;. "Are you ok?"

"Yes! Thank you!" The kid nodded as her looked up at his savior. "I though they were gonna take my Yungoos!"

"Satoshi, you gonna be late, roto!" Rotom told Satoshi floting next to him.

"Yo, do you have any idea who you're messing with?" The girl grunt told him as she and her fellow members took out their pokeballs.

Each team member throw and released their pokemon. In front of Satoshi was Spinarak, Alolan Raticate, and a Drowzee. Satoshi eyed each othe their pokemon as he grabbed his hat and pulled on it a little, a habit he would do when he was preparing himself for a battle.

"Pikachu, lets go!" Satoshi said

"Pika!" Pikachu yelled excitedly as he jumped from Satoshi's shoulder and stood ready infront of Team skull's pokemon.

"Drozee, use confusion!" Tupp ordered

"Raticate, use bite!" Zipp followed up.

"Pikchu, use Agility to run between Drozee and Raticate!" Satoshi told his partner.

Pikachu charged it's body up before dashing at his opponents. Drozee tried to use it's confusion on Pikachu, but as Pikachu ran by and pass it, the confusion hit Raticate instead. Raticate, being now confused used it's Bite move on Drozee.

Zipp turned to Tupp and yelled, "Hey watch it!"

Tupp turned to Zipp and yelled back, "You got in my way!"

"Spinarak, stop it using String shot!" Rapp ordered.

"That wont stop us!" Satoshi smirked. "Keep using Agility!"

Pikachu smirking knowing what his parter was thinking. He ran in front of Drozee while he was still being bitten by Raticate. The String shot flew at them and tied both of them up in the prossess.

"Time to end this!" Satoshi smirked as the girl looked up at him with sparkling eyes. "Pikachu! Thunder bolt!"

Pikachu unleased strong electric shock and shot it at Drozee and Raticate. Because they were still connected to Spinarak with the String shot, the lightning followed the line back to Spinarak and shocked it too. After a small explosion, all of the Team Skull grunts pokemon were unconcous.

Team skull cried at how all 3 of them were beat by Satoshi. They were returned to their pokeballs and ran off yelling, "We'll remember this!"

"Nice work, buddy." Satoshi leaned down and exended his arms so Pikachu could climb up it. Satoshi looked back at the girl and smiled at her. "Are you ok?"

"Thank you so much!" The girl bowed to him. "If you hadn't come, they would have taken my friend."

"You're friend huh?" Satoshi looked down at the Yungoos as it looked back at him. Satoshi smiled and petted both the girl and the Yungoos. "Well I'm glad I could help,"

"You two are so cool!" She smiled beaming at him. "I wish there were more people like you."

"What do you mean?" Satoshi said looking at her confused.

"I'm originally from the Kalos region." She said as she and Satoshi walked to the pokemon school. "Me and my family moved her cause the Flare Gang kept causing trouble."

"The Flare gang, huh?" Satoshi remembered them.

"It's you!" the girl screamed pointing at Satoshi. "You were the guy from the news!"

"Huh?" Satoshi asked as he, Pikachu, and Rotom looked at her confused.

The girl reached into her pocket and pulled out a small piece of paper and showed it to them. It was news paper clipping with a picture of Satoshi and Alan after they took down the leader of Flare Gang, Fuladari.

"Heroes of Kalos, Satoshi of Masara Town and Alan from Kalos, defeat Fuladari of Flare gang."

"You're my hero!" she smiled at him. "When I grow up, I wanna be a great pokemon trainer just like you!"

Satoshi blushed as he rubbed the back of his head. Suddenly Rotom floated next to his head and yelled, "Satoshi, you gonna be late-roto!"

"Crap!" Satoshi turned and ran to school before he turned while still running. "Take care!"

"Thank you for everything!" She yelled as she and her Yungoos waved goodbye to him.

As Satoshi ran, he couldn't help but wonder. "Maybe there's more the Ultra Guardians can do for the Alola Islands"

Satoshi ran into the classroom just as the bell rang yelling, "ALOLA!"

"Alola!" the rest of his classmates greeted him.

"Satoshi, you were almost late," Professor Kukui said as he walked into the class right behind Satoshi.

Satoshi jumped back surprised then he and Pikachu rubbed the back of their head. "Yeah, I ran into the Skull Gang. They were trying to take this girl's Yungoos."

"Horrible," Lillie said holding her alolan Rokon close.

"Don't worry, Lillie," Satoshi said reasuring her. "I was able to stop them."

"Satoshi," She smiled at him. Satoshi's courage and willingness to do whatever it took to help someone even if he got hurt in the prosess is always something Lillie loved about Satoshi.

"Are you ok?" Suiren asked as she got out of her seat and looked over Satoshi worried.

"Not a scratch on us." Satoshi smiled at her before looking at his best friend "Right, pikachu?"

"Pikachu!" Pikachu gave a thumbs up.

"Thats good," She smiled back releaved to hear.

Kaki then notice Satoshi looking slightly down. Something must have happened today to make his friend act that way so he asked, "Satoshi, what's wrong?"

Satoshi looked at everyone and said, "Its just that meeting her got me thinking. Maybe we, the Ultra Guardians, could do something more."

"More?" his classmates and teacher said confused.

"Hai," Satoshi nodded and petted his pikachu. "I've traveled to many regions and seen many different evil people do lots of bad things. The girl I met was from the Kolos region. Her family moved her Because of the Flare Gang."

"Flare Gang?" Lillie said getting everyone's attention. "I've read about them. They They hand claimed to want to make the world 'beautiful', but really the hunted down Zygarde to use it's power to destroy the world."

"Yeah," Satoshi nodded to her. "You really smart, Lillie"

"Well you know..." Lillie rubbed the back of her head blushing from Satoshi's complement.

"Maybe instead of just catching the Ultra Beast, we could help keep Alola safe and protect peace even more," Satoshi looked outside and stared a landscape. "We could protect the bonds between all pokemon and people that live here."

"So cool!" Mao said listing to Satoshi. Her eyes sparkling from how cool Satoshi seemed for his speech

Lillie, Suiren, and Mao all have a big crush on Satoshi. Not only was he handsome, but he was extremely kind and caring. Luckily for them, Satoshi is very dense. He deeply cares for his Pokemon, has deep bonds with them and is really passionate about training his Pokemon and making them stronger.

He is also very kind and supportive to his friend and even people to he just met. When Lillie was still scared of Pokemon, Satoshi would be by her side to help her through it. It was thanks to him, she was able to begin to get over her fear. When Suiren was learning the Water-type Z-Move and felt she couldn't do it, Satoshi supported her and completely believed in her. When Mao wanted to make the Mythical Alola Stew, Satoshi went out of his way to help her. Even when she started to lose hope in finding the items needed, he never gave up on her and her dream.

"Satoshi!" Kaki cried streams of tears. He ran up to Satoshi and firmly grabs both of Satoshi's shoulders. "I'm so moved! Your words have reached deep into my soul and ignited a flame that burns hotter then mountains of Akala!"

"We can do it!" Mamane cheered just as motivated as he stood up.

"You all seem pretty determained," Professor Kukui said impressed by his students more so Satoshi's sense of justice was much higher then he very thought. He always knew Satoshi had a very good air about him.

"Hai!" Satoshi nodded.

"Then lets go to the command room!" Kukui said as he lifts the blackboard up to reveal a secret control panel.

Slamming his hand to the centre, he causes the book shelf and ladder to move, revealing a secret elevator shaft. The kids and pokemon take their positions as they start to go down. Next, everyone is automatically suited up into new tight-fitting armored outfits, complete with gloves, while their Pokémon all receive special they arrive at the Ultra Guardians base, they see Pixie is not there as this was not an offical meeting.

"Leave it to me." Mamane said as he got on the computer. Once he was done, they were greeted by Lusamine, Bernet, Wicke and appearing screen.

"Aloha, Ultra Guardians!" Lusamine smiled to them. "But what's going on? There's not an Ultra Beast, is there?"

"No, Lillie's mama," Satoshi said as he stepped up. "We're were wondering if there were any other missions we could do besides the Ultra Beast ones?"

"What do you mean?" Wicke asked with her and the other's confused.

"Satoshi conviced us that the Ultra Guardians can protect Alola more then just stopping the Ultra Beast," Kaki said.

"Satoshi?" Lusamine looked over at him.

"Hai," Lillie nodded.

The 3 of them looked at each other thinking in silence. The Ultra Guardians was formed to keep Alola safe. Maybe they were right. Maybe the team could do more then just stop Ultra Beast.

"Well there is one thing we were gonna send a few agents to do, but I suppose we could sent the Ultra Guardians instead." Lusamine finally said.

"Really!?" Satoshi said excited with the rest of the team equally excited.

"Yes. You see we found strange egg on Poni Island,"

"Strange egg?" Mao asked confused.

"Yes. An egg was found in Poni Grove." An image of a blue egg appeared on the screen. "This egg seemed to reject any pokemon or human that tried to pick it up."

The image changed to a video of the egg with a Warrgle about to wrap its wings around it. Suddenly a blue wave of energy shot from the egg and blow the Warrle away. Next was a female scientest about to pick the egg up, but like the Warrgle, was blowed away by a blue wave.

Everyone look at the screen in awe.

"If something was not done, to egg would not be able to not be able to survive. We were able to place the egg into a specially made incubation case for the egg. A ship with the egg supposed to be make a stop on Melemele Island to refual then head to here for us to study it and find a way to hatch it." Lillie's mom looked down sadly "However..."

"However?" Lillie asked worried.

"During the refualing, the boat was broken into and the egg stolen." The image changed to what looked 3 figures smiling at the camura while taking the egg in the incubator. A man with blue hair, a woman with red hair, and a small person. All wearing mask and black clothes. "If we dont get the egg back soon, the incubator will run out of power and the egg's chances of hatching will drop even more.

"Who would steal a helpless pokemon egg!?" Lillie asked feeling both anger at the ones who would do this and sad if the egg doesn't survive.

"We will get the egg back, Lillie," Satoshi said as he put his hand on her shoulder.

"Satoshi," She said looking him while he gave her a reasuring smiling and nod. She blushed and wiped her tears. "Right!"

Mao and Suiren looked at Lillie with a slight glare on how close Lillie was getting to Satoshi.

"Luckily the incubator has a tracking device installed in it."

"So we should be able to find the ones who took the egg!" Mamane cheered as the rest of the team smiled at the good news.

"Oh!" Lillie's mom stopped them "Before you go, I came up with a little something for the team. This might actually be the best time for it."

A few print outs suddenly started to come in. Lillie took the papers and looked over them. She suddenly got embarrassed at what she read and said, "Mother this is..."

"Let me see," Satoshi said as he and Pikachu looked over her shoulder. Lillie blushed from how close Satoshi was being next to her. Satoshi smiled as he read over the papers "Haha this actually sounds pretty cool!"

"Really?" Kaki said as Satoshi took the papers from Lillie and handed them to everyone to read. "You're right!"

"This makes us sound like super heroes!" Mao said as she read the paper with Suiren nodding in agreement

"We're gonna be so cool!" Mamane cheered.

"Your mission is to find the egg as quickly as possible and bring it to the lab so we can ensure the egg's survival," Lusamine stood up and said, "Ultra Guardians! Move out!"

"Ult-roger" The team yelled as they left the base, got onto their Pokemon rider and took off for their first non Ultra Beast mission.

The team flew over a forest area looking around for the egg or the ones who took it. Rotom had downloaded the program needed to track the egg's location. Thanks to that, they was able to narrow is down to a part of the forest.

As Satoshi was flying on his Gaburias, he felt a sudden shock to his body as if something as calling to him. Satoshi pulled back on Gaburias's rains to stop so he could look around. Gaburias looked at his partner confused as why they had stopped. The rest of the Guardians stopped as well and flew back to Satoshi.

"Satoshi what's wrong?" Kaki asked looking at his friend.

"I don't know," Satoshi said as he looked over to a different direction. "I think we should go that way."

"But the tracker is telling us to go that way," Mamane point to the direction they were flying.

"I know, but I feel like this is the way we need to go," Satoshi said.

"But Satoshi..." Rotom tried to said, but Kaki put his hand infont of the pokedex pokemon.

"Satoshi, do you really think we need to go that," Kaki said in a serious voice.

"I do," Satoshi nodded.

"Then thats where we're going," Kaki smiled as they all began to fly with Satoshi leading them.

Satoshi didn't know what was leading him but it felt familiar to him. Almost like an old friend calling out to him. Satoshi then notice something up ahead. He point down and yelled, "Down there!"

Everyone saw the egg as well as the group who took it. What was worst was the egg was not in the incubator. Without the incubator to keep the egg warm, who knows how long the egg will last. They all flew down as fast as they could with the intent to save the egg.

As the went down they saw Team Rocket. A villainous team in pursuit of evil and the exploitation of Pokémon. While its main focus is stealing or capturing rare and strong Pokémon, and subsequently selling them, it also funds and conducts cruel experimental research on Pokémon.

The only ones in the Alola Islands are Musashi, Kojiro, and their talking Nyarth. The trio arrived in the Alola region to obtain some rare Alolan Pokémon for Sakaki, as well as Satoshi's Pikachu. Musashi laughed as Kojiro and Nyarth cheered with the egg sitting on a rock.

"You three!?" Satoshi yelled as he and the other Ultra Guardians landed and got off their ride pokemon.

"If asked, 'You three!'? "Musashi smirked as she began to Alolan verson of their motto.

"We shall tell you our names," Kojiro starting his part.

"A flower's face and a willow's waist, making flowers wither and the moon hide in shame. A single flower of evil in this fleeing world: Musashi"

"An exquisite talent and the perfect gentleman. A disciple of evil fighting back against this tragic world: Kojiro"

"Walking the same path, the deeds of one are the deeds of all. Even among friends, the star of evil shining like gold." Nyarth smirked saying his part. "Nyarth!"

"We are Team Rocket!" Musashi and Kojiro

"Oh yeah!" Nyarth smiled on top of Sonansu

"Sonansu!" Sonansu yelled saluting.

"Why did you steal the egg!" Satoshi yelled/asked them. They have done some pretty bad things in the past before but to endanger the life of a pokemon not even bron yet was far beyond what they normally do.

"Is it ovivous?" Musashi smirked. "If whatever pokemon is so valuble, then think how the boss will reward us for brining him it."

"We knew about the tracker, so we left it a few miles away," Kojiro shrugged.

"It was difficult to get the get all the way over here without the incutbation," Nyarth shrugged as well. "But we though it best to leave any pesky brats like you the run around."

"But without the incubator, the egg will now be able to survive long!" Lillie yelled feeling more upset then she ever has been before.

Mao stepped up. "We need to get that egg to Aether Paradise before it's too late!"

"Like we're gonna believe something like that." Mussshi yelled as she unleased her pikachu hating pokemon. "Go, Mimikyu!"

"Hidoide!" Kojiro let his pokemon out too, but she engulfs her Trainer's head in her ten spiked tentacles. The resulting poisoning causes James to look like a Hidoide.

"Kaki, you and I will hold off the Rocket Gang. Lillie, Suiren, Mao, Mamane. Get the egg back as fast as you can!" Satoshi said ordering the team. "Pikachu, Elec-ball!"

"Mimikyu, Shadow ball!" Mussshi yelled.

Pikachu jumped off his partners shoulder and charged he's attack and shot it. Mimikyu jumpped in the air as well and shot his dark move. Both attacks collided with each other and cancelled each other out. Mimikyu gave a dark aura as he looked his most hated rival.

"Bakugames, flame thrower!" Kaki yelled he throw his pokeball and let out his most trusted pokemon. Bakugames tooke a deep breathe and shot fire.

"Hidoide, Sludge Bomb!" Kojiro said with a purple face full of poison. Hidoide jumped in the air and shot poison sludge at the incoming fire.

The resulting 2 explosions caused the egg to wobble and roll onto the ground. Everyone suddenly turned to the egg worried. The Ultra Guardian worried for the eggs safety while the Rocket Gang for their reward for the egg.

Lillie and Suiren ran to get the egg away from the Rocket Gang. The second they touched it however, the egg unleased a wave to and send them back. Satoshi opened his arms and caught them both in arm.

"You two alright?" Satoshi asked them worried.

Both girls blushed being wrapped in Satoshi's strong arms. Despite his tone body, Satoshi was very physically fit.

"Hai, we're ok Satoshi," Suiren said trying to fight her blush, but failing. She and Lillie moved away from Satoshi as he let them go slowly.

"Guy! We can use this!" Mamane called to them as he reached inside his bag.

He pulled out a large cloth and he and Mao ran to the egg. Instead of touching the egg, they slipped the egg under the cloth. As long as they didn't physically touch the egg, it shouldn't push them away. They lifted the egg up and just like Mamane thought they wasn't sent flying.

Just as they was about to take the egg away, they felt a sudden pull on the cloth. They looked at the side that was pull to see Nyarth and Sonansu holding on the cloth tight.

"We're not letting take our big promotion away!" Nyarth glared at the 2 Ultra Guardians with Sonansu agreeing.

The Ultra Guardians and the Rocket Gang pokemon pulled on the cloth hard. Both sides not wanting the other to take the egg. However, with both sides pulling on the cloth, the egg was launched into the air.

Everyone gasp as they watched the egg flying through the air. Satoshi suddenly ran as fast as he could to catch up to the egg. He jumped as high as he could and caught the egg in mid-air. He landed gently on the ground with the egg nested safety in his arms.

"Satoshi," Lillie said smiling at his courage. Suiren and Mao hugged each other happy that Satoshi was able to get the the egg in time.

"Satoshi, watch out!" Kaki yelled worried for his friend.

"Put the egg down quick!" Mamane yelled just as worried.

"Daddy?" Satoshi looked around as he suddenly hear a voice call to him.

Before Satoshi could ever put the egg down, the egg started to glow. The Ultra Guardians looked at Satoshi worried the egg would send him flying. For some reason, Satoshi could feel something in his soul again. The same feeling that guided him to the egg.

Like he was meant to find this egg.

Satoshi held the egg close keeping the egg warm as it glowed more. To everyone, but Satoshi's surprise, the egg didn't let out a strong wave of energy, but calm pulses. They watched in awe as the egg began to glow brighter.

"It's hatching-roto!" Rotom yelled with everyone shocked to hear that.

Suddenly the egg shattered and Satoshi was now holding a newly hatched pokemon laying in his arms. It was a small, blue, canine Pokémon. It has black legs and torso, a blue tail, and a yellow collar. It has rounded bumps on the backs of its forepaws. The pokemon had a black "mask".

"It's a Riolu!" Satoshi exclaimed looking at the pokemon.

"Riolu! The aura pokemon. Riolu can discern the physical and emotional states of people, Pokémon, and other natural things from the shape of their aura waves. It's tough enough to run right through the night, and it's also a hard worker, but it's still just a youngster." Rotom said he began to showed verious pictures of a Riolu.

The Riolu tilted its head up and moved as if it was looking around for something. Or more likely someone. He's head looked up at Satoshi as he slowly started to open his eyes. His red eyes stared into Satoshi's brown eyes.

Satoshi smalled at the young pokemon and said, "Good morning."

"Daddy?" the Riolu asked using Telepathy to talk.

Everyone looked shocked at how a pokemon that only hatched a few second ago could Telepathy to talk and why it was calling Satoshi 'daddy'.

"Me?" Satoshi pointed at himself before the Riolu suddenly wrapped his little arms around Satoshi's neck.

"Daddy!" the Riolu cried happily holding Satoshi tight.

"It's that just the sweetest?" Kojiro asked as he, Hidoide, Nyarth, and Sonansu were hugging each other crying.

They were all touched by the sight of Satoshi and Riolu having a 'newly made father and recently born son' moment. Suddenly each one of them was hit in the head by Musashi. Upset with all of them being caught in the touching moment.

"Snap out of it!" She yelled at them. She pointed at the Riolu, who was being held protectivly as he glared at them. "A rare pokemon like that is just what we need to impress the boss!"

"We're not gonna let that happen!" Satoshi shouted as the rest of the Ultra Guadians came and stood beside him. He put Riolu down behind him as the Ultra Guardians moved into position next to him. "Alright, guys! Let's go!"

"Right!" They all yelled.

Everyone stepped up and formed a line with everyone getting ready. Satoshi and Kaki stood in the middle with Satoshi on the right and Kaki on left. To Kaki's left was was Surien and left of her was Mao. To Satoshi's right was Mamane and to his right Lillie

"Protector of this and all worlds!" Satoshi smirked as he played with his hat. "Ultra Blue!"

"Protector of the roaring flames!" Kaki yelled as he flexed both his arms upward. "Ultra Red!"

"Protector of the wide seas!" Surien moved her arms in a wave motion then moved her body fowrad like she was a swimming forward. "Ultra Aqua!"

"Protector of the lush forest!" Mao put her hands both her hand put in the air and spread them apart like a flower blooming. "Ultra Green!"

"Protector of the shining lights!" Mamane lifted his right arm up and pointed at the sky before bring it down to point at himself with his thumb with his left arm. "Ultra Orange!"

"Protector of the shared love!" Lillie put her hands together in a prayer before putting her right hand over her heart "Ultra Pink!"

"Protecting the bonds between pokemon and trainers." Satoshi anounced with valor as they jumped closer together into a poses. "Alola Sentai!"

Satoshi hand his right arm raise into the air with Kaki next to him mirroring Satoshi with his left arm. Mao was next to Kaki on the left side with her left arm up and slightly bent and her left leg forward. In front of Kaki was Surien, who was close to the ground with her left hand touching it and the right was strechted out. In front of Satoshi was Mamane being on one knee and both his arms out half bent. Finally next to Satoshi's right side was Lillit who was mirroring Mao with her right arm being out and slightly bent.

"Ultra Guardians!" All of the team yelled with the Ultra Guadian's symbol shining behind them.

"Pikachu!" Pikachu cheered as he and his other pokemon friends cheered as the all jumped in front of their trainers.

"Perfect picture-roto!" Rotom yelled as he took pictures of the Ultra Guardians in their pose.

"Gahh!" Mussshi yelled as she covered her eyes from the bright shine of the Ultra Guadian's rollcall.

"So bright!" Nyarth yelled covering his as well

"It's even better then ours!" Kojiro cried.

"Ultra Giadians! Readyyy!?" Satoshi said as he readied the team and their pokemon. "GO!"

"Ult-roger!" the rest of the team yelled.

"Pikachu, Thunderbolt!"

"Bakugames, Flame thrower!"

"Amamaiko, Magical leaf!"

"Ashimari, Bubble beam!"

"Togedemaru, Zing zap!"

"Snowball, Powder snow!"

Wanting to help too, Riolu got in front of Satoshi and let his instincs and aura guild him. Riolu puts its paws together and a blue ball appears in between them. Riolu then thrusted his paws forward and shot it with everyone's attack.

"Nani!?" Rotom yelled seeing riolu use his attack.

"Aura Sphere!?" Satoshi said reconizing the attack. Normally Aura Sphere was something Riolu shouldn't be able to do until it evolved.

Each of the Ultra Guardians launched a full scale attack with their most trusted pokemon on the Rocket gang. The separate attacks merged into one super elemental attack and hit it's mark. The resulting explosion sent the Rocket Gang flying with their pokemon. Just before they could fly too far, Kiteruguma was seen jumping high in the air and catching them. Once they were all in his arms, he jumpped from tree to tree head.

"What even is this feeling!?" The Rocket Gang yelled as they were carried off.

"WE ULTRA-GOT YOU!" Satoshi yelled as everyone, but Riolu cheered

Once the Rocket Gang was dealt with, the Ultra Guardians got on their Ride Pokemon and flew back to base. Riolu, however, clung to Satoshi the entire time. He refused to leave his 'father's' side. Even when they were walking to the main part of the base, Riolu held onto Satoshi's hand while taking in his new surrounding.

"Lillie!" Lusamine yelled as she came running to give her daughter a tight hug.

"Mom, what are you doing here?" Lillie asked before she was pulled into her mother's hug.

"What are you doing here, Lille's mom?" Satoshi asked her.

"Not just me," She answered as she gestured to Burnet, Wicke, and Sauboh.

"We heard the egg had hatched," Burnet asked as she walk to get a closer look at Riolu.

"Daddy, who are they?" Riolu asked Satoshi scared as who hide behind Satoshi's leg.

"Daddy?" Bernet asked as she looked at the Riolu confused.

"For some reason, Riolu keeps calling Satoshi 'daddy,'" Mao explained to them.

"Could it be cause Satoshi was the first person he saw?" Mamane said wondering thinking about it.

"I dont think thats it," Lusamine said looked at Mamane. "We saw Satoshi hold Riolu's egg without being sent away.

"Could there be something special about Satoshi?" Sauboh looked at Satoshi, who was looked down at the Riolu.

There was definitely something special about Satoshi. First the Island deity, Kapu-Kokeko, personally give him a Z-ring, next being entrusted with Nebby, who had grew up into Solgaleo, now this. It was as if something was going on to perpare Satoshi for things to come.

Satoshi kneeled down and patted Riolu's head calmly. "It's ok, Riolu. These people are your friends. Professor burnet is just gonna make sure your healthy."

"Ok," Riolu nodded as Satoshi walked with him to a table where he put the young aura pokemon. Burnet took out her kit and began to look over Riolu.

"Ohh Satoshi would make a good papa one day." Lusamine said amazed how Satoshi was acting towards Riolu. He already showed everyone could take care of a baby like Nebby very well, but he seem to be a natural when it came to kids wether human or pokemon.

"Satoshi..." Lillie said as she thought about herself as an adult and an adult Satoshi with a daughter playing with a group of pokemon in a field together.

"...Papa..." Suiren continued thinking about her own family with Satoshi with a daughter walking along the beachside all holding hand.

"...One day." Mao fininshed as she thought about a grown version of herself cooking a meal smiling while grown up Satoshi and their son was eating.

All three girls covered their faces and did their best to hide their blushes. Kaki and Mamane just watched the girls shift around confused. They looked at each other then shrugged.

"Ok," Burnet said as she started to put away her stuff. "He's perfectly ok."

"I'm glad!" Satoshi said as he began to pet Riolu's head again. Riolu smiled as he did.

"Satoshi, since Riolu has taking such a liking to you, why dont you take care of him," Lusamine suggested.

"Really?" Satoshi said as he lean to Riolu showing him a normal pokeball. "Would you like to come with me, Riolu?"

"I wanna go where ever you go, Daddy," Riolu cheered as he tapped the pokeball. Riolu was sucked into the pokeball as it dropped into Satoshi's hand. It shook a bit before it stopped.

"Riolu, I ultra-get you!" Satoshi cheered before he smiled emberressed. "Though he's not an Ultra beast."

Satoshi let out riolu, who jumpped into Satoshi's arms and hugged him with Pikachu joining in on the hug.

"Before I forget, I also came to personally give you all these," Lusamine answered as she looked to her co-worker. "Burnet-san"

"Hai," Burnet said as her rolled in a kart infont of the kids with 6 different pokeballs on it. Each one having the Ultra Guardian's logo on the eye of them.

"These will be your PokeChangers" Lusamine said as she waved her hand over the pokeballs

"PokeChangers?" all of the Ultra Guardians asked confused.

"Hai," Wicke began to explain. "These will allow you to change into your Ultra Guadians uniform even when you're not at the school."

"So cool!" Satoshi and Mamane said with their eyes sparkling.

"We made them look like pokeballs as we thought this would be fitting and serve as the best way to carry them," Sauboh explained further.

"First to Kaki," Lusamine began as she looked at him.

"H-Hai!" Kaki said as he stood straight up.

"You possess a firey passion for all pokemon." Lusamine tooks a red and black pokeball with a small orange fire on the top from the tray and presented it to him. "I give you the flame ball"

"Thank you" Kaki took the pokeball, feeling his soul go ablaze.

"To Suiren, Who shares a deep connection with all pokemon under the sea." Lusamine reached over and took the next ball. It had various shades blue except for the black horizontal band around the middle, and a white cap on the top of the ball in which the blue forms a gentle wave pattern around. "I give you the Dive ball."

"Its so pretty!" Suiren said as she took the ball as it reminded her of the ocean.

"To Mao, Who caring nature and kindness towards the pokemon of the forest" The pokeball presented to her had camouflage design on the outside of the ball. "I give you the Safari Ball"

"The Safari Ball!" Mao exclaimed staring at her PokeChanger

"To Mamane, who uses his vast knowlegde of technology to help stenthen the bonds of pokemon and trainer" She gave gime a pokeball with yellow half-circles on the sides of both the top and bottom halves, with the top half being primarily red and carrying a lightning-bolt yellow mark on the very top. "I give you the Elect Ball"

"To my dear daughter Lillie..."

"Mama..." Lillie blushed feeling emberessed.

"Who even when she feared the touch of a pokemon, did not lose her love for them." She presented her daughter with pokeball with a pink top with a white heart going up the middle.. "I give you the Love ball."

"Finally Satoshi, who overwelming courage and drive to protect the bonds of pokemon and trainer." Lusamine took the last ball from the tray. A blue ball with a red bubble on both sides and a white M on the front. "I can think of no better pokeball to give you then this. The Master ball. To the future Pokemon Master and leader of the Ultra Guardians."

"Me?" Satoshi questioned as put Riolu down. He took the trasformation device and looked up at her. "You want me to be the leader?"

"Yes I do." She nodded. "Satoshi. You have battle many evil orginaztions before and I feel that the Island Guardians may have chosen you for a reason. I strongly feel that if anyone could lead the team, it would be you."

Satoshi looked to his teammates. "What do you guys think?"

"I think its a great idea." Kaki smiled at him

"Can't think of anyone better!" Mamane agreed

Suiren, Mao, and Lillie nodded while smiling at him.

"Ultra Guardians, do accept this mission to protect the Alola Islands and preserve the peace?"

"ULTRA-ROGER!" All of the team cheered with their pokemon cheering behind them.

Ultra Plus!

"Say," Satoshi said as he and his friends sat in their desk. Everyone looked at him curious. "Ever wonder how Glazio would look if we have him join the Ultra Guardians?"

Everyone crossed their arms and thought hard about this What-If senario.

"Protector of the shadows!" Glazio said in a darker version of the Ultra Guardians uniform. He moved his hair away from his face. "Ultra Black!"

A black smoke explode from behind him as his appeared in front of him

Everyone laughed at the thought of Glazio doing such a thing.

"Maybe we should find him and make him join!" Kaki laughed as the others agreed.

Somewhere on another Island, Glazio stood in a cave training with his pokemon. He suddenly felt a chill run dowm his spin. He looked around in a panic feeling as if something bad was gonna happen to him.


For the pose the Ultra Guadians used, Its the sames as zyuohger pose after they do their roll call. Satoshi being yamato, Kaki being Misao, Mao being tusk, Suiren being Sela, Mamane being Leo and Lillie being Amu. I thought it would be fitting for them.

The 'ready...go!" part was taken from Go-busters

As there wasn't any pokeballs for fire and elect types, I used the cherish ball and Fast ball as the base for them.