Congratulations Graduates of P.S. 119!

The banner hung high and proud above the heads of the graduating class. The park had been the designated site for the graduation party. Confetti danced in the cool breeze, littering the grass. The weather presented its own gift to the graduating class with clear blue skies, bright warm sunshine and airy wisps of clouds. About ten grills were going on at once, picnic tables loaded with food. Parents, relatives, and friends hung around the newly graduated seniors ready to do any little task or give well wishes, or lament how much they'll be missed.

Arnold couldn't wipe the smile off his face if he tried. He could see his life unfolding before him exactly as he planned. Everything in his life was perfect. All the hard work, all the good karma, was finally paying off. At home sat his acceptance letter to Redwood University where he will begin the long but worth it journey to obtain his medical degree. He had given up parties, sleep, and even quality time with friends to earn the grades and the scholarships to get in but he had done it.

Speaking of friends, he can see his best friend Gerald with his girlfriend Phoebe taking pictures for their parents. Gerald caught his eye and gives him a thumbs up which Arnold happily returns. Both of them had also gotten into the same college too. Gerald pursuing a communications degree and Phoebe medical science. The point being, they were all going together. If Arnold had to be away from his family for a while, at least he gets at stay close to his two best friends.

Arnold let his eyes continue to roam over the picnic until he finally found her and his heart immediately picked up. She looked absolutely beautiful in her flowery sundress and her radiant smile. His wonderful, amazing, loving girlfriend. She's talking to her father and a few of her friends, laughing at something someone said. Her laugh makes her even more beautiful and when her eyes fall on Arnold, her eyes sparkle and she waved at him. Arnold's content smile stretches into a grin and he eagerly waved back.

"You excited there, Shortman?" His grandfather cackled, "You look ready to burst like a firecracker."

"That's Doctor Shortman to you, Captain!" His grandma declared, "He'll have your badge!"

"Everything is just so... wonderful," Arnold sighed. He smiled at his grandparents, "Thank you guys so much for everything you guys have done for me. I don't know what I would have done without all of your support and-"

"Aw, save the sappy speeches for my funeral," Grandpa dismissed with a laugh, "And go have fun with your friends! We'll be here when you get back."

"Okay, grandpa."

He got up and gave both of them a quick hug before leaving to find Gerald. There was one more thing he needed to do to make this day perfect but he needed a little confidence boost first. Little butterflies were erupting in his stomach and he didn't want to chicken out now. Gerald was the only one who knew what Arnold was planning and he wanted one more pep talk before he did it. Gerald saw him coming and after saying a quick word to Phoebe, he came over to meet him.

"Man, you look nervous," Gerald immediately laughs as they do their signature handshake, "She's going to know what's coming a mile away."

"Am I that obvious?" Arnold rubbed the back of his neck, "Who am I kidding? I'm a wreck, aren't I? What if she says no?"

"Then you'll just keep asking her until she says yes. That's how you got her to be your girlfriend in the first place."

"Ha. Ha. Very funny."

"Come on man, you know she's crazy about you. What girl wouldn't be? You're like the nicest guy ever, the best-looking guy in school, next to me of course, and you're about to be a doctor! What girl could resist you?"

"She isn't that shallow, Gerald. I hope she loves me for more than that."

"I'm sure she does," Gerald chuckled and punched him in the shoulder, "Now go get her, man."

Arnold nodded and took a deep breath to settle his nerves. He started walking over to his girlfriend now talking to her father. He had first fallen for her in fourth grade and had been crazy about her ever since. She was cute, she was kind. Even at such a young age, Arnold knew that she was everything that he wanted. She had rejected him at first, oh so kindly, but they quickly became friends. Arnold didn't give up though and by freshman year, they were finally a couple.

"Arnold," Lila cooed and wrapped her arms around him, "Isn't this ever so exciting? We're finally graduated!"

"Yeah, it's amazing and you amazing," Arnold hugged her back, smelling the sweet scent of her flowery perfume, "Do you mind if we go somewhere to talk?"

"Of course. Daddy, we'll be right back."

She slipped her hand into his and let him lead her away from the others. Arnold marveled at how small and delicate her hands were. Her hand fit perfectly in his, just like they fit perfectly together.

"Arnold, where are we going?" Lila giggled, "You're being ever so mysterious."

"I just have a little surprise for you," Arnold smiled, "You'll see."

He walked them into a flower patch, away from the others and where Arnold held many of a romantic picnic for them. Arnold took one last breath to steel his nerves and turned to face her.

"Lila," He started, grabbing her hands in his, "These past four years that we've been together have been amazing. I couldn't have asked for a more perfect girlfriend."

"Oh, Arnold, that's ever so sweet. You've been a perfectly wonderful boyfriend as well."

"I was hoping you felt that way. Because there's something I want to ask you," Arnold dropped to his knees and fished a small, velvet box out of his pocket. He opened it revealing a simple solitaire, a year's worth of savings. "Lila Sawyer, will you marry me?"

Lila gasped, her hands flying to cover her mouth, and tears filled her eyes. Arnold waited a breathless moment as she just stood there staring at him. But then she lowered her hands, revealing smiling lips, and nodded.

"Yes, Arnold. Yes! I'd ever so love to marry you!" She cried happily.

Arnold grinned and slipped the ring onto her finger. Tears filled his eyes matching hers, and he gathered his new fiancé in his arms. Now, this was officially the happiest moment in his life.

Eight hours of sleep was a rarity. Between classes, papers, lectures, labs, the part-time job, and spending time with his wife- Arnold was lucky to get five hours a sleep a night. Three years into med school was already taking its toll. Which was why he wasn't sure if he was awake or asleep when he kept hearing music and an incessant humming noise. It went away after a minute but started again. Arnold groaned and reached out blindly to his night stand. He fumbled for his phone and was momentarily blinded by the screen. Once his vision cleared he saw that it was only a little past four in the morning.

"Arnold," Lila groaned, beginning to stir next to him, "turn that off. I'm ever so tired."

"It's off, it's off," Arnold yawned and put the phone back on the night stand.

He settled back to cuddle his wife but just as he was starting to fall asleep again, the phone resumed ringing. Arnold groaned in defeat and answered the phone.


"Tex?" Grandma's voice was strained, completely unlike herself, "Tex, am I coming in clear? I need you to get down to the home front right away."

"Grandma?" Arnold sat up, now fully awake, "What is it? Is everything okay?"

"I'm afraid it's Hos, Tex," Grandma voice caught on a sob, "His- his ticker missed a few ticks. The white coats took him away and are keeping him on ice."

"Grandma, I'm coming now. Don't worry, I'll be right there."

Arnold hung up and immediately got out of bed. Lila woke up as he was pulling on pants with one hand and pulling out a suitcase with the other.

"Arnold?" She yawned and stared at him in confusion, "Whatever are you doing?"

"My grandpa had a stroke or a heart attack," Arnold said. His heart was clenched but he tried to remain calm, "I'm going to have to go to Hillwood for a while to help Grandma."

"But, what about your classes? And work? Don't you have an exam next week?"

"We can take an emergency family leave. My professors will understand," Arnold paused when he realized that Lila hadn't gotten out of bed. "You're... coming with me, right?"

Lila jolted and immediately got out of bed, "Oh, of course, my ever so sweet husband. I would never make you go alone."

She smiled as she began getting dressed and Arnold felt some of the tightness leave his chest. Everything was going to be okay.

Arnold dragged himself up the steps and nearly tripped over the cracked cement. He swore tiredly as he pulled himself through the front door and kicked it shut. The boarding house was as silent as a tomb. It made Arnold's heart ache. Just a few years ago he could remember when the boarding house was never quiet even in the middle of the right. Pipes would run, floors would creak as tenants moved around in their rooms, and the boiler would make a comforting steady hum.

But now there were little to no boarders left, the pipes rattled when they did work, and the boiler stopped and started whenever it wanted to. So many repairs were needed, but the medical bills, prolonged care and funeral wiped out both Arnold's and his grandparents' savings account.

Arnold shook his head, feeling the day in every ache of his bones. He forced himself away from the door and trudged into the kitchen. He felt a small moment of relief seeing the dishes washed and the floor relatively clean. He tossed his EMT bag onto the table, tried to ignore the ominous creak, and went into the fridge for a much-needed beer. Two cans of the six pack was left but Arnold was more dismayed to see that the only other contents of the fridge were the scarce remains of a rotisserie chicken and a jar of pickles. He had hoped to eat something resembling dinner after a long day, but he guessed he'd have to settle for a pickle and two beers instead. Sustenance in hand, Arnold trudged back to the table and sat down heavily.

Sunset Arms just wasn't the same without Phil. He held on as long as he could, and kept his spirits up til the very end, but in the end, the miracle they hoped for never came. Arnold drained half of his beer in three long gulps and waited for the alcohol to dull the pain. He had to keep a positive attitude for her sake. Grandma was still holding on to hope, he had to too. Things had to turn around soon, they just had too.

The kitchen light suddenly turned on and Arnold suppressed a groan, quickly downing the rest of his beer. He had hoped to be drunk before he had to face her.

"Why didn't you come upstairs?" Lila asked with a small frown, "I've been waiting up all night for you."

"I never asked you to," Arnold opened the second beer, "It's late. I figured you'd be asleep by now. And I thought you went to the store. We're out of milk for breakfast."

Lila sighed and sat across from him, "Arnold, I'd ever so rather not have this same fight again. I've told you before I don't think we should be responsible for feeding the tenants."

"How many times do I have to tell you that they're called boarders. Boarders, Lila, not tenants," Arnold sighed and took another long sip of his beer. A warm buzz was beginning to spread through him, effectively mellowing him out. Lila just stared at him and he relented, "Look, I'm sorry honey. It's just been a long day and I'm just really tired."

"I know, that's what I wanted to talk to you about," Lila folded her fingers and stared at them for a long moment before looking back at him with tired green eyes, "This was only supposed to be temporary and while I admire your kind heart, I ever so think that it's time we give this up."

Arnold groaned and pinched the bridge of his nose, "Honey, not this again, please."

"Yes, this again," Lila's voice rose an octave. Something that used to be rare for her but was now becoming more frequent. "Arnold, Gertie was on the roof this morning trying to build a spaceship to reach Phil. I had to call the fire department to get her down. She needs professional help! She needs to be in a place where people can help her."

"No, Lila! I'm not putting my grandma in a home. If you just spent time with her-"

"I'm ever so sure that wouldn't do her any good! She's becoming a danger to herself and she's too much to handle with this crumbling building. We can't keep doing this!"

"Why do you think I'm working my butt off, Lila!?" Arnold snapped, slamming his fist on the table, "I took this EMT job to make ends meet. I'm trying to keep these bills paid! I'm trying to get these repairs done! And I'm trying to keep a positive attitude for my grandmother's sake! Why can't you just be my wife and support me?"

"Because I'm ever so unhappy!" Lila cried, her voice thick with sobs, "And I've been ever so unhappy for a while now! Which you would see if you were ever with me!"

Arnold's throat closed and his heart dropped into his stomach. He slumped in his chair feeling completely and utterly drained. He ran his hand over his face, "Lila, what do you want from me? I'm doing everything I can here."

Lila wiped at her tears. She took a few breaths to get herself under control. "I- I want you to sell the boarding house, Arnold. I want you to sell it and put your grandmother into a nursing home so she can get the care she needs. And then we can finally move on with our lives. Maybe you can go back to school and we can finally start a family."

Arnold stared at her helplessly. A family. How can he start a family when his own was falling apart? He couldn't just give up the Sunset Arms. It had been his home and the home for so many for so long. And he couldn't just put Gertie in some home. She was getting older sure, but she was just a little lost without her husband. If he put her in a nursing home it would be the same as abandoning her.

"Lila, you know how much I love you," He reached over and laid his hand over hers, "But- but I can't. I won't do it."

Lila drew in a breath and closed her eyes. When she opened them again they were filled with tears and she slipped her hand out from under his.

"Then I'm ever so sorry Arnold, but I can't do this anymore either."

With that, she stood up, slipped the wedding band from her finger, dropped it on the table, and went upstairs. Arnold watched her go. He couldn't find the words to call her back or make her stay. He took what was left of his beer and drained it. What they both needed was sleep. Things would look better in the morning and they could have a real talk then.

Arnold hefted the last of the trash bags to the front door and stretched his back with a groan. Everything hurt, but it was better than feeling nothing. Gerald and the guys offered to help but Arnold needed both the physical distraction and the solitude. He nearly broke down at the funeral which ironically occurred the same day his divorced was finalized. And now he was clearing out Sunset Arms. His bags and any memento of his childhood was safe at Gerald's house ready for him to take with him wherever he decided to go. All that was left here was bad memories. Phil's absence, Gertie finally slipping away, everyone he ever cared about leaving, his marriage falling apart. Arnold stuffed every one of the negative feelings they brought and shoved them into black trash bags.

In the end, it had all been too much and the Sunset Arms was sold. It was too run down to get him much but it was enough to pay the debts Arnold had accumulated all these years of trying to stay afloat. He was done trying though. Trying got him nothing but heartache and heartbreak.

Arnold looked around at the former shell of his childhood home and felt as empty as the building itself. There was nothing left for him now. No family, no future. Just the gaping chasm of the rest of his life to endure.