Full Summary: Being a Ravenclaw made people see Evangeline Pierce as a bookworm who followed the rules and only wanted to get good grades. And that worked well with her. It allowed her the freedom to get away with her mischief. While Evangeline by no means was a troublemaker, but every once in a while, she liked to bend the rules if she was given a good enough reason. And Sirius Black claims that he has one. She'll see about that. Marauders Era.

Disclaimer: I do not own anything related to Harry Potter or anything familiar that you see. Anything original such as characters, dialogue, plot and anything else I own. I'm only going to do this one because no one wants to hear the same thing over and over again.

Author's Note: Hey, everyone! So on a very, very impulsive move, I decided to publish this story because I lack self-control and I decided why not another story in my long list of WIP? Thankfully, I've had this story in the works for a while now, so I have some outlines for future chapters written already.

I hope that you like it and tell me what you think! I would really appreciate that. :)

Prologue: Dead Night


Evangeline Pierce didn't know what made her gain consciousness.

It could have been the rain that was falling hard on her face, the excruciating pain that was radiating all over her body, or a combination of both. What she did remember was coughing up water, blinking fast as the rain blurring her vision. She let out a loud, painful groan that turned into even more painful coughing. After Evangeline stopped coughing, she gasped, trying to catch her breath as if she had been running for hours.

Very slowly, Evangeline breathed out shakily, feeling a chill go over her body. She gagged when she felt her hair cover her face. Her body was in an uncomfortable position, her face pressed against the concrete, her arms under her body as if she placed them in front to stop herself from falling, her legs were bent in an awkward position and near her abdominal something was poking her. Her entire body was in agony, but the worst was near her abdomen. She felt something wet but it could easily be the rain.

She tried to move but her body remained frozen like there was something gluing her to the ground. It was impossible to move but after a few seconds, she felt her toes move which gave her a little hope but brought up questions.

How did she end up like this? Why couldn't she move? Where was she?

She didn't have the answer to many questions, but she was sure of one thing: something terrible happened to her. She couldn't remember how she gained consciousness, so it was no surprise that it was difficult for Evangeline to recall what lead her to be lying on the ground in the pouring rain. She closed her eyes, trying to remember the last remembered that the sun was still out when she was... something happened.

She continued to force herself to remember what exactly happened to her, but her memory was sluggish. Everything was out of focus, which was the first sign. After a few seconds, Evangeline partially remembered staggering down to the abandoned alley before she passed out of the pain. Her head was pounding and she came to the grim conclusion that she must have a concussion. That must be the reason why she was having a hard time recalling the previous events. There was no used to dwell on that at the moment and decided to focus on getting herself out of her current situation.

Like before, she tried to slowly shift her legs and managed for a fraction before she cried out in pain. Her scream echoed around the walls. It felt like an eternity before she managed to move her leg in a more natural position, although it didn't help to lessen the pain.

She tried to not panic, but she was failing and it was easy to see why. She couldn't move. She was in an unknown dark alley. She was completely vulnerable to any possible attack. Her breathing was shallow, a telling sign she was seconds away from a panic attack.

She focused on the spot in front of her and tried to think about something positive. The only thing that she could think to bring her comfort was that if she was able to get herself into the alley, she could get herself out of it, even it was by crawling.

My wand, I need my wand, she thought desperately. If she got a hold of it, she would be able to call for help and someone would find her. From her awkward position, Evangeline tried to scan in vain the dark alley for her wand. She remembered having her wand with her in the evening before—

Ambush. It was a fucking ambush.

The memory hit her like a train. She remembered that she was with two other members of the Order. They had apparated to a deserted street because they had been compromised in their intended spot. Within seconds, Death Eaters had appeared and attacked them.

That could explain why Evangeline was hurt. She must have been hit by a really powerful hexed.

Where are the others, she wondered and felt fear seized her as she slowly remembered seeing green light and cries. Her breathing started growing heavy as she realized the grim reality. Her breathing started becoming erratic.

Don't panic. They're probably okay, she told herself. They could be simply hurt, just like she was. While she did hope no one was injured besides herself, but if someone was hurt that meant someone was near Evangeline, laying on the ground just like her. She would've heard someone if they were near her. At least, she hoped she would. Evangeline was still disoriented.

She tried to call out for help but her throat felt like it was on fire. She made a painful noise and gasped, feeling out of breath. She bit her lip to stop herself from making any more noise. No one was there. It was just her. She was on her own.

Evangeline did the only thing she could do at that moment: cry.

She hadn't done that in a long time. Not since when she heard Marlene had been murdered along with her family. She wept all night, and no matter who would try to comfort her, it made her cry more. She remembered feeling angry, useless, devastated, pain. All those emotions hit her like bricks, and when the first tear spilled, the rest soon followed.

She cried, her sobbing turning to desperate gasps. She felt her chest ache. To make it even worse, the rain continued hitting her, and there was nothing she could do to stop it. How did she end up like this? She had been playing it safe for the past few years to avoid her current situation. Evangeline no longer took the risks that she use to take back in Hogwarts when she was younger. She was careful with every choice that she made, never went off alone with someone. It seemed like it had all been in vain.

So much pain she has endured in her twenty-one years but none of it had been like the one she was feeling in that moment. Not even when she ten and fell flat on her face on the hard concrete. Or when she was thirteen and Marlene's cat bit her face. Or when she was fifteen and got her heart broken by her first love. Or when she was sixteen and ended up in the hospital wing for a week for breaking her ribs. Or when she was nineteen and got hexed.

As Evangeline took deep, slow breaths, for the first time since she gained consciousness, she started noticing her surroundings. Evangeline knew she was an empty alley, that was void of trash bins. She couldn't see any windows, so she wasn't near any apartments. It was a warm night, which was unusual. It was the middle of October and it was raining, but Evangeline didn't think she had the best judgment at the moment. Besides the rain, there wasn't any other noise to indicate where Evangeline was.

The crying had taken the little energy she had, and before she knew it, her body seemed to be growing heavier and her eyes had closed, she fell unconscious. Evangeline wasn't sure how much time has passed before she came to it again. It was still raining to her dismay and her body still was in immense pain.

It felt eternal, waiting for someone to show up and find her. She was slowly losing hope for anybody to come and save her.

You're very clever, a voice echoed in the back of her head making her open them. She blinked heavily and her eyes darted all over the alley and found no one.

Well, that must be why I'm in Ravenclaw, she remembered to have replied then. She pressed her lips into a thin line, feeling like that memory had happened yesterday.

It was true; she was often was told that she was clever, and always figuring a way. Evangeline prided herself on not relying on people because she always was able to protect herself. Which is why she rarely found herself in this kind of situation: the damsel.

It would be a shame that she didn't uphold everybody's expectation and gave up easily. She had cried, she had whined, now it was time to try.

I'm was going to get out of here, even if it kills me, she thought in determination. She tried to wiggle her fingers again and despite the pain shooting through her body, she didn't stop moving them. She closed her eyes and put all her focus on her arms. She continued to will herself to move them and was making very little process when there was a loud crack that made Evangeline pry her eyes open. Her fingers twitched, her pathetic attempt to trying to defend herself.


Somewhere, in the back of her mind, it told her that she was imagining things and that no one called her name. The footsteps grew closer, she could hear the sound of water slapping the pavement. She moved her head but wasn't able to see anything besides a blurred figure heading towards her.

She expected the final blow, trying to hide her pain as a way to save her dignity, but it never came. The figure crouched in front of her and touched her face delicately as if they were afraid to hurt her.

Evangeline? Evie?

Again there it was. Her name was ringing in her ears. It could have been her imagination or maybe it was a trap but it didn't stop her from faintly saying, "Get away from me."

"Evie. Merlin, Evie. You're here," Sirius Black said, the relief evident in his voice. From her position she managed to see that he was drenched in water, his hair matted to his face. His eyes scanned her face, desperately looking for something. "I've been looking for you in hours."

"You found me," she said, feeling as relieved as he appeared, and gave him a faint smile.

"Yes, I did," Sirius said in a strangled voice, and hesitated, his hands hovering over her body. After a few seconds, he pulled her up. She gasped, her eyes stinging at the pain that returned in a split second,

"Sorry," he said and she felt him press her against a wall.

"Is fine," she gritted out. It was painful but it wasn't as excruciating as before, probably because her entire body felt numb. Evangeline could finally see Sirius clearly and saw that he had a gash near his forehead.

"I was so worried when I didn't see you come back, I thought..." Sirius broke off and shook his head. "I should've come earlier. They should've told me. What if something had happened to you?"

Evangeline wanted to tell him that he shouldn't worry. That she was alive and that was what mattered. But she couldn't. Her body wouldn't let her open her mouth and assure Sirius. Using all her strength, she raised her hand and touched his cheek. He flinched at her cold touch but leaned in. His hand went to rest on top of hers and squeezed it tightly.

"Bloody hell, why didn't you called for help?"

Even when she was hurt, Sirius couldn't help but reprimand her. She was glad that never changed.

"I don't know where my wand is," she mumbled and dropped her hand back to the floor. It took so much effort to have it raised. "I tried... I tried to find it..."

Sirius glanced around the dark alley and grimaced. "It's alright. Forget about it. We'll get a new one. We need to go and get you help."

"Wait... wait... did you... did you... find the other's?" she asked.

She missed Sirius long pause before answering. "Yes, I did. But we need to go."

She nodded numbly, or at least she hoped she had. She had started losing the sensation of her body. She felt Sirius wrap his arm around her waist and started pulling her up when she cried out. She was surprised at how loud it was and seemed to have surprised Sirius too. He paused but managed to pull her and gently placed her back on the ground.

"I think I was hexed," she said, feeling as if someone had punched her in the lungs. Her entire chest felt like it was on fire. "Everything hurts."

"I'm sorry." He sighed and rested his head against her. She exhaled and despite how shitty her current situation was, she was at ease. Her hand went to his cheek and touched him lightly. He sighed again and leaned into it. "I am so sorry. They said it was going to be an easy mission, but it wasn't."

"When have things been easy? I'm surprised I didn't die back in Hogwarts," she said with a laugh and grimaced, her hand free going to her bleeding side. Sirius eyes followed her hand and noticed the pool of red.

"Wait. Where is that blood coming from?" he demanded and moved her hand. He skimmed over her body until it stopped near her abdomen. "You're bleeding."

"I am?" she slurred, out of nowhere feeling incredibly exhausted. She couldn't feel her pain anymore and because of the rain, she wasn't able to feel the blood-soaked her clothes.

She focused on Sirius' face. He raised her shirt, to further examine her injury. In a matter of seconds, his expression went confused to realization to fear. For Sirius to be afraid things must be really dire.

"Whatta matters?"

"Fuck, fuck," he hissed under his breath, his grip on her slackening. She lost her balance and fell to the ground, her face hitting the cement hard. Sirius pulled her up, his grip tightening around her waist. "Shit. Evie, I'm so sorry."

"Can we... please leave...?"

"Yes, but unfortunately we can't apparate," Sirius said and when he tried to move her, she whimpered, closing her eyes. "Listen, I know it's going to hurt, but we need to get you help."

Sirius started talking too fast for her to understand. She closed her eyes and rested her head on his shoulder, relieved that the pain wasn't there anymore. She couldn't feel her fingers anymore. She couldn't feel anything much. She had been out in the rain for too long.

"So warm," she garbled, appreciating how warm her felt compared to her.


Sirius sharp voice rang inside her head making her wince. It felt like forever before she was able to answer him.

"Whatta mattes?"

If Evangeline had been more aware, she would have realized the seriousness of the situation. She would have noticed the stricken expression that Sirius wore as he realized that her injury in her abdomen was killing her and that left him in a compromising situation.

"Evie, open your eyes now," he said instead of answering her question. Evangeline didn't notice because she was too tired. Suddenly, she felt like there were weights on her body.

"No, Evie. Don't do this," Sirius snarled and grabbed her face forcefully. No matter how much Sirius yelled at her and moved her around, she was unable to open her eyes. She could feel herself slipping into the darkness, nothing else mattered. Not the rain, not her injury, not Sirius shouts, not even herself.
