Hello, peoples! Welcome to yet another one of my stories. This story is actually based off of another story called "The Half Ghost and the Alien Hero" by AnimeFan419. They gave me permission to create a story using their idea, so thank them for this story if you like it! Now, onward to the story! Review and enjoy!
We look upon a devastating scene in the life of Danny Fenton. He has just watched his family and friends die because they had been attached to a vat of Nasty Burger special sauce that got heated up too much. Kind of a… strange way to go, but, no matter how strange, Jack Fenton, Maddie Fenton, Jasmine Fenton, Sam Manson, Tucker Foley, and Mr. L Lancer are now history. A ghost that can manipulate time is looking at this scene, feeling quite sad.
"This… wasn't supposed to happen," Clockwork said to himself. "I have made a grave mistake. But, luckily for me, there are ways I can fix this mistake." He relaxed a little, knowing he had a trusted friend he could count on. Clockwork floated over to a pillar that stood inside his keep. The pillar had a small, rectangular box on it. Clockwork flipped it open, revealing a red button. He pressed the button and a few seconds later a time portal opened. Out walked a man in a white lab coat. The man had short black hair and blue-gray eyes. This man was known as Professor Paradox, a walker of time. Clockwork had met Paradox many eons ago, and they had been friends ever since.
"You called?" Paradox said, wearing a small smile.
"Ah, Professor Paradox," Clockwork greeted his old friend. "I am in a bit of a… predicament. You see, I have made a mistake. Things are not how they should be in the life of a 14-year-old boy named Daniel Fenton."
"You were intending on intervening, am I right?" Paradox asked, his expression serious now.
"Yes. But I could not. My time powers were not functioning properly at the particular time I wanted to intervene and I can't think of a reason why this would be," Clockwork explained.
"So you wish to find out this reason and repair young Daniel's timeline?" Paradox concluded.
"Precisely. But I need him out of his timeline for me to find out what went wrong."
"Could you explain to me why you must repair Daniel's timeline?"
"Of course. Daniel, more commonly known as Danny, had the C.A.T test coming up. This test could determine what kind of job you get in the future, and Danny ended up getting the answers to the C.A.T after a big fight that wrecked a fast food restaurant called Nasty Burger. Danny made the wrong decision and looked at the answers. Cheating on this test would result in Danny losing his friends and family in an explosion at the Nasty Burger and he would end up becoming evil and ultimately destroying his hometown of Amity Park 10 years later. So this evil version of Danny came to when he took the C.A.T and ensured he cheated, thus making him evil. One of the major parts that ended up making young Danny evil was losing his friends and family, and I was supposed to intervene and save them, but that's when my powers glitched."
"I see. So you're doing this because you care about Danny and his family and friends, or for the safety of Amity Park?"
"Well, a bit of both, but mostly for the safety of Amity Park."
There was a pause between the two friends as they went into Clockwork's castle to see the current scene Clockwork was examining. Then Paradox spoke up.
"I feel like you aren't telling me something," he said as he turned to Clockwork.
"There is one thing I am not, but I assure you I was planning to. Young Daniel is half ghost, therefore he can "go ghost" and he will have several ghostly abilities including flight, intangibility, invisibility, and many other powers. That is why he would become so powerful in his evil timeline; he rids himself of his human half and absorbs another half ghost named Vlad's ghost half. Vlad is an evil person and his ghost half overpowers Danny's making him pure evil."
"Duly noted," Paradox replied, looking back at the scene. "And, to answer the elephant in the room, yes, I will take the boy to another universe while you fix his timeline."
"Good. I will let you know when I am ready for him," Clockwork thanked his friend, smiling.
"Just try to make it quick. I don't want to wait a few decades before I take Danny back," Paradox joked.
"Oh, don't worry," Clockwork said. "I should be done before the next year rolls around."
"I'll see you then," Paradox said as he created a time portal and walked through, the portal closing behind him. Clockwork got to work, trying to figure out what may have happened and began to ponder ways to fix his mistake.
Meanwhile, Danny has just seen his family and friends killed.
Danny fell to his knees, tears welling in his eyes. No. It can't be. This can't be happening, he thought to himself.
"No…," he said softly, a tear falling down the side of his cheek. Suddenly an evil cackle echoed through the silence that had settled on Amity Park.
"Yes! I have succeeded!" Dark Danny cried out, smiling menacingly. "You've cheated on the test, and now your friends and family are dead!"
"That doesn't mean I'll turn into you," Danny retorted, eyes narrowed as he got up and turned to face his evil future self. Anger and sadness filled his broken heart, and he felt a fiery rage build up inside him.
"I would count on it," Dark Danny replied. "And with that, I bid you a fond farewell." He pulled one of Clockwork's time medallions out from his pocket, dropped it, and away he vanished back to his time. Danny stood where he was, tears flowing down his face. He looked back at where his favorite fast food restaurant used to stand. It was now a pile of rubble and metal. Danny half sat half fell backward, confused and distraught. Everything inside him hurt; he was still wounded from the battle with his evil self, and to pile it on he just watched the people he cared about most (along with Mr. Lancer) perish. He curled himself into a ball and began to sob, wishing Clockwork has done something to prevent this terrible event. Suddenly he heard footsteps behind him. He looked up and over his shoulder to see who was coming. He was surprised to find that the person looked familiar. Extremely familiar, in fact. But the person he was seeing wasn't supposed to exist. W-what? Am I dreaming? Danny thought. He pinched himself to test his theory, but he still saw the figure walking towards him after he felt the sharp pain of a pinch to the arm. Danny got up, wiping a tear away from his eye and took a closer look.
"What the-?" he said. The figure stopped moving and smiled at him. The person that stood before him was none other than Professor Paradox, a character from one of Danny's favorite television shows. "Professor Paradox?!" Paradox's expression flickered from confused to content.
"I know you must be confused, Daniel," Paradox said. Danny winced at the name. Now the names Daniel and Dan would ring a painful bell in his mind.
"Just call me Danny, please," Danny replied, still in awe that a character from one of his favorite TV shows was standing in front of him.
"Alright, Danny. Like I said, I'm sure you're confused. I'll give you a short explanation. Clockwork sent me here to move you to another universe for a brief period of time. He had a bit of a dilemma at a certain point in time and is working to fix it. He needs you in another universe while he fixes the problem."
Danny stared at the Professor, putting the pieces together in his mind. He had so many questions whizzing around in his mind, but once he figured out what Paradox meant, his face lit up.
"Is he trying to figure out how to save my family, Sam, Tucker, and Mr. Lancer?!" he exclaimed, hoping this was the correct answer.
"Well, in a way, yes," Paradox replied. Danny was overjoyed by the news. He was going to get his family and friends back!
"Oh, thank you!" Danny said, hugging Paradox.
"Don't thank me, thank Clockwork. He meant to save your friends and family at the time the vat exploded but something went wrong with his powers so he couldn't warp in to help." Paradox returned Danny's hug.
"So which universe am I going to while he fixes the problem?" Danny asked, letting Paradox go.
"Which do you think?" Paradox asked, a smug smile on his face. Danny grinned.
"The Ben 10 universe," Danny said. Paradox nodded, a thoughtful look on his face.
"I will be taking you to the point in time just after Ben finds the Omnitrix. But I should warn you. Your evil self will see that you are no longer in this universe and I suspect he will be after you. I don't know how he will manage to get to the Ben 10 universe but I sense he will come. It would be wise to explain to the Tennysons that he may be coming."
"Got it. Oh man, this is really turning out to be cool! I just wish Sam and Tucker could be here to be with me." Danny's face fell a little, but he continued to smile.
"Oh, by the way, Danny," Paradox added.
"How did you know my name when I first encountered you?"
"Oh, yeah. In this universe, Ben 10 is a TV show. Well, there are several series belonging to Ben 10, but they're all under the same umbrella if you know what I mean. It's one of my favorite series." Paradox smiled.
"Ah. A television show, eh? Interesting…" Paradox thought for a bit, then continued. "Well, we should get going. Remember, don't give away anything that happens in the future to anyone, got it?" Danny nodded. "Good. After you," Paradox said as he opened a time portal. Danny stepped through, still extremely excited about what was happening. As the two emerged from the portal Danny quickly noticed they were in a forest. Where it all began, Danny thought with a content smile on his face.
"This is where I leave you," Paradox said, turning back to the portal. "Good luck, and hopefully you'll see your friends and family again soon." And with that Paradox disappeared through the portal, closing it behind him.