Very special thanks to my friend John Reese Himself for giving me this story entirely. This is one of our weird ideas we came up with. He's leaving the fandom for a while and he let me finish the story and have the rights to publish it plz don't hate on us too much hope this is a good story for y'all.

In Star City*

The Arrow (Oliver Queen) had just finished rounding up a bank robber who nearly got away with almost a million dollars.

"Enjoy your stay in the penitentiary you won't be going anywhere for a long time." Oliver said in his Arrow voice handing him to the police before running off to the top of a roof.

"I'll get you for this one day, Arrow!" The robber shouted as he was being dragged into the police car.

*On the Roof with the Arrow*

Oliver stood with a satisfied grin looking at the theif being taken away before he saw a familiar dark red trail of lightening and familiar woosh. Oliver turned around and growled in his Arrow voice at the blurry, glowing eyed reverse flash standing behind him.

"Eobard!" He growled. "You're supposed to be dead!"

"Yeah, so you thought." Thawne said in his menacing reverse flash voice then took off his cowl like a hood and then ceased to vibrate and his eyes became normal.

"How did you excape earth-x?" Oliver growled.

"Doesn't matter now but what does matter is that I need you to do a mission for me." Thawne said in his normal voice. He was still in the body of Harrison Wells at this time.

"What makes you think I'll do that?" Oliver said now with normal voice.

"Because I'll do something for you; you complete this mission for me and I will give you a prototype of the mid-air arrow control (when you fire the arrow, you can control where it goes for long distance shooting with a wrist computer). Thawne said with a smirk. "And I'll keep your city safe while you're gone and don't worry, I'll stay away from the flash. He won't know I was here." Thawne said folding his hands together.

"Fine, Eobard what do you want?" Oliver sighed in defeat knowing he was looking for this tech for a while.

"I will take you to another universe not another earth. I want you to study these people and live among them for a month and find out what makes each one of them strong." Thawne said before continuing. "Now these people are not human they are animals who walk, talk, and eat like we do they represent different styles of martial arts. Try to befriend the one known as Shifu and the furious five tell me what you learn from them what makes them strong and I'll give you what you want in a months time." Thawne said now finished.

"Alright, this is gonna be the weirdest thing I've ever been asked to do but I'll do it. You got a deal, Eobard." Oliver said stoicly.

"Good." Thawne said now flipping his cowl over his head as his eyes glowed and his body vibrated. "Lets run." Thawne said.

He took Oliver by the arm and ran off running through the city at an intense speed. Soon a portal to the speed force opened and they ran through it; once through it Oliver sensed he was now sharing the reverse flashs' speed. Thawne now still holding his arm and Oliver ran along beside him. "So this is what it feels like to be a speedster?" Oliver though feeling the electricity of the shared speedforce in his body. Thawne kept running faster and faster till he broke past the speedforce itself and broke through the fibers of reality revealing other universes. He concentrated hard as he ran through the white lightning vortex, soon he saw his destination and ran to in still gripping Olivers arm. Oliver saw the valley of peace and gasped in amazement, everything reverse flash said was true. Thawne soon broke through and ran into the kung fu panda universe and a portal opened and they went through it and arrived in a bamboo forrest and they stopped. Thawne let go of Olivers arm as he looked around in shock and awe at what he saw. He then looked down at his arms and body.

"Oh this is good, I'm happy I didn't change my form uff..." He said turning to the reverse flash.

"Don't worry changing universes doesn't have an effect on your appearance. Also please try not to kill anyone with those arrows now see you in a month." Thawne said jumping back into the portal as it closed leaving the arrow to his mission.

"Alright now to find this Shifu and the five in this so called valley of peace." Oliver thought walking towards the valley from the forrest.

"Alright, Eobard told me to study their behavior and see what makes them strong. How do I approach them and not look weird. I should gain trust before friendship. Let's just do what I do in Starling city for now and see if that works."

Oliver took a high point so he can monitor the whole valley from there. There he saw pigs, sheep, ducks and other animals talking to each other and walking on two feet.

"This is just weird!" Oliver thought to himself with a smile

Further more in the evening Oliver finally saw a lady sheep being robbed.

"It's time." Oliver thought to himself.

He shot an arrow to the nerby rooftop and than he climbed down behind the robber.

"Have nothing better to do than stealing from innocent people." Oliver said in his arrow voice.

"Who the heck are you?" robber asked in panick.

"Oh me? Well you can call me the Green Arrow." After he said this he then fired two arrows, one to tie the robber up and one in his leg so he can't run away. Oliver then left a note for the furious five.

Three minutes later the five and Po arrived on the scene. To their suprise the situation did not need their intervention. They found the robber tied up and than the questioned him.

"Who did this?" Tigress asked the robber furiously.

"I don't know I swear, he...he was wearing a mask...a green mask and a green suit. Thats all i know." robber said.

"I kinda don't believe you" Mantis said with a doubting voice.

"Okay... okay...fine he said one more thing. The we can call him the Green Arrow, and he had this demonic voice, it was so deep and growly." robber said.

The five and Po looked at each other with worry and just then Viper saw the note on the ground.

"Hey guys! Look at that on the ground. It an arrow and a note says it's for the furious five.

Tigress took a note and she read it:

"I'm not your enemy. I'm trying to help.If you want to meet me, be in the bamboo forest tomorrow before sunset. If you don't look for me, I will look for you!

-Green Arrow"

"Hmm, he's trying to help...I don't trust him just yet." Tigress said.

"Yeah but he did leave a tied up robber for us" Crane pointed out rubbing the back of his head with his wing.

"Yeah he...did." Viper added.

"Maybe he really is a good guy?" Mantis asked.

"Maybe... or maybe not! I think he is trying to manipulate us. Gain our trust and than use it against us." Tigress said.

"Woohoohoo I can't wait to meet him tomorrow! I wonder what he looks like? Is he a good fighter, can he beat us all in fighting... ohh I can't wait" Po said chuckling and fist pumping the air in excitement.

Everyone gave him a glare because of his childish behaviour.

"I mean...khm...we need to stop this guy, off course...khm" Po said nervously.

Everyone just rolled their eyes now.

"Let's go home, we need to consult Shifu about this." Tigress said with a sigh.

Oliver just got back to his high point to rest. He was looking to the sunset and was starting to get used to his surroundings. After a while he fell asleep. Oliver woke up in his dream


He was rolling around on the raft with his father and another guy. They had just one bottle of water...Fastforwarding... "Oliver I'm not the man you think I am... Survive my son" Boom, his father shot himself. Oliver woke up in a gasp in sweat breathing heavy.

Oliver was thirsty and hungry but he had nothing to eat or drink. He got up, it was night time and all the lights were off in valley of peace. His only source of light was the full moon.

Oliver took a walk. He was trying to find some water. After twenty minutes of searching he found a peaceful lake.

He was happy so he took his clothes and mask off set them on a rock and he took a drink of the water and took a swim to cool himself down and to keep his hygiene to the max. He started to put his clothes on when the sun just started to rise.

"Well this is going to be an interesting day." He thought to himself planning how he would approach the five.

The morning gong just rang in the Jade Palace and the five and Po bursted through the door to say good morning to their master.

Po cooked the breakfast. Dumplings, soup, and beanbuns as usual. And some tofu for Tigress because she liked it.

Green Arrow was the main topic of the day.

"I think we should ambush him when we get there. Then interrogate him and see what his motives are." Tigress said.

"But..." Po tryed but got cut off.

"It's not a discusion, we are ambushing him we have to do this!" Tigress said matter-of-factly. Po nodded and understood and shrunk back a bit cause of her sudden shout and she noticed, felt a pain of guilt for her friend and secret love, and apologized. Her ears flattened in shame and she calmed down.

"I'm sorry Po that I shouted at you like that... it's just this green arrow guy got us all worked up." Tigress said dropping her head sadly.

"It's ok Ti, I forgive you and I understand. I'm not so sure about him either; I hope nothing goes wrong." Po said softly with his charming smile.

"Me neither Po. But with this guy who knows?" Tigress said as her ears perked up again and a warm smile came to her face.

They both then caught each others gaze for a bit. They looked into each others eyes for a second before both turning away with a blush on their cheeks. The day went peacefully till the evening. The five and Po were getting ready for their little operation they still haven't told Shifu yet. Meanwhile, Oliver was in position. He was clinging to the top of a bamboo tree with one hand.

The five walked from the Jade Palace and soon after they were the bamboo forest. The sun has almost set and the meeting was almost ready.

"Eyes opened guys, we don't want any suprises." Tigress said to the others.

Oliver was now right above them. He waited for them to pass his tree. After they did he landed with a roll behind them.

"I'm here." Oliver said in his arrow voice.

They all turned around and saw his dark green outfit and knew the robber told the truth.

A few seconds later Tigress ordered: "Furious five, attack!"

But the attack was cut short because Oliver drew an arrow as quick as a flash and aimed the arrow towards Tigress' head.

shink reeeeeek* his bow sounded as he drew the arrow back.

"One more step and the tiger is history." Oliver said firmly in his arrow voice.

The five and Po froze. Oliver then shot an arrow in the ground. Huge cloud of smoke appeared and Oliver vanished without a trace leaving Five and Po confused.

A note was attached on the arrow. Tigress took it and read it outloud:

"I expected you to not trust me. Come here again when you are ready to talk! I mean no harm just want to befriend you.

-Green Arrow"

They all looked at each other with solemn faces and then went home to plan how they would approach him next.

(Try to imagine the high pitched Arrow outro music!)

Well that's it for the first chapter I hope you like it. Leave a review and your ideas. Follow the story if you liked it!