Here's 3, sorry for the know life, let's find out who is the character.

Chapter 3: Search Uptop

Lincoln sees inside the piano, a white four legs creature with black spots on the back and a on the eye. Having a red collar with green neon lines. The boy make a big smile, he open his arms and spoke to the creatures.

"Charles! Come here boy!" Lincoln shout happily

That's right...Charles the Loud House's pet and Lincoln's best pal! Charles jumped towards Lincoln as the boy grabbed the dog. Both of them keep hugging for a while until Lincoln lifted Charles to the air and smiled

"I'm glade you okay Charles!" Lincoln shout

"Me too Lincoln!" Charles spoken as well.



Lincoln havine a scare look of just a living dog...just talk to him, Lincoln scream as he drop Charles who landed on the piano. Lincoln pull out his vacuum and targeting at Charles who speaking to him.

"Lincoln calm down, is really me!" Charles shout

"Give me one thing of me and Charles have know each other!" Lincoln replied flick on the power.

"I always rub my butt on the rug all the time." Charles answers

Lincoln pull down his vacuum. "Okay your Charles, how's you talking like Koyu Rankin."

"Is this collar." Charles said point to the collar. "It's help me speak, sounds strange huh?"

Lincoln about to replied, but he's sees Orange Hitters appear in the room. "Charles, get behind me!"

Charles sees what's Lincoln talk about, so the dog get behind Lincoln as he whimpered in fear. Lincoln dodge one of the Hitters as appear a heart, Lincoln flashes it and froze. Lincoln tries to suck it up while trying not to get it by the others and defend Charles. Lincoln manage to get the Hitter, as soon he gets hit by a Hitter, making the boy falls down to the ground. Lincoln sees a Hitter about to attack but suddenly got stunt by a strange light that cause the purple heart reveal. Don't know that's got Lincoln to suck up the Hitter.

Lincoln stands up as sees Charles's collar flashes the light, the boy smile as he pet his dog. "Good boy."

Charles smiled. "Thanks."

Soon the place suddenly turn on makes both boy and dog scare, a chest appear in front of them. Lincoln take a deep breath and open it, sees a golden key inside. He grabbed it and then he's felt something on his leg.


Lincoln realize it's his gameboy, he take it our, activated, and spoke. "I'm fine E. Gadd. But strange thing is that the place got turn on when I defeat the ghosts even got me a chest; inside a key."

"Must be you clear off all the ghost there, once none ghost in a room zone, the lights came on and a chest appear that can give you a key for going another room."

"Kiddo, it's that Charles with you?"

Lincoln look at Charles who is sitting. "Actually yeah, he's been hiding in the paino this entire time and speaking in english."

"That must be the same dog I give out my new project: Species, Earths, Advance, Known. Called it as S.P.E.A.K, I give the dog and other animals to speak and defend themselves by ghost."

"Speaking of others." Lincoln said as he look at Charles. "Charles, what happened to everyone?"

"I don't know Lincoln, all of us seeing the place untill we see loads of ghosts coming in me I manage to escape and run into the paino, only see others pets scatter while the whole family disappeared from the room. Lincoln, I can hearing screaming through the walls...please, you need to save them!"

Lincoln pet Charles and speak with comforts. "Don't worry Charles, I'm gonna save them and getting out of here. You stay here since this place only one that lights, can you stand guard?"

Charles simply sits on the floor next to the stairs and spoke. "I stand here once you get the girls, I bring them to the genius man."

Lincoln smile as turn to gameboy. "I'm going to find the girls and my parents, I contact when I get something important."

"Of course."

"Be careful kiddo."

At last bye to Lincoln and Charles, the boy goes to upper double door and open it. It's dark so he turn on his flashlight, he walked through the dark seeing lots of furniture and paintings until seeing candles lights up in purple fire.

"Really creepy." Lincoln said goes to the another door but suddenly the door getting purple shield that blocking him. "Now what?"

"Trying to put out the purple fire, that can stop the shield."

Lincoln look around of who saying it, but he annoyed it and do whatever it says. Lincoln put out the purple fire candles, suddenly the painting between the candles shaking making Lincoln back away. A Orange Hitter came out and charge at Lincoln, who brings out his vacuum as shine his light at the Hitter flashes the purple heart. Lincoln vacuuming the Hitter who trying to escape, suddenly two Hitters appears. Lincoln finally suck up the Hitter, and quickly shine both Hitters as shows their purple hearts. Lincoln begin to suck them up, really difficult due of keeping both ghosts in bay. Finally both ghosts suck up. The lights appear in the room as soon the door has no purple shield blocking it.

"Thanks the voice in my head." Lincoln said as he uses the key to open the door. "Here I go."

Lincoln open the door, showing the hallway with the ends has a door,. "Must be the Anterroom." suddenly both doors has the purple shields. "Just great."


Lincoln get startled as turn up see a ghost that tall, pink form with yellow eyes, Lincoln quickly bring out his Gameboy and anazled the new ghost.

[Data analyze ghost: Pink Upper: Power level: 3/ Attack level: 7 / Defense level: 4/ Weakness: Light, shows a heart beat in 45 seconds]

"Well I guess little strong then Hitters." Lincoln comment he quickly dodge it.

Lincoln shine his light at it, froze in place as the purple heart appears in the center. Lincoln begin to suck up the Upper, the Upper panicked as trying to escape but Lincoln holding on to his ground. Lincoln sees a Hitter and another Upper appear and floating to the boy. Lincoln manage suck up a Upper, quick move he shine his light at the Hitter and Upper as of course shows their hearts.

"Get ready for X2!" Lincoln shout flick level 2 switch.

Lincoln begin to suck up the Hitter and Upper with vortex form, both ghosts screaming and trying to running away. With a little struggling of holding, Lincoln finally suck them up and quickly turn it off. The lights appear in the anteroom and a chest appears, Lincoln open it up and shows a key. He grabbed it and walked to the other door, he open it and see inside.

It's a wardrobe room, having big brown wardrop with lots of cloak racks either on the walls, tables, and just standing, sees a door nearby. "Man, it's full of clothes that last in hundred years." Lincoln comments

Suddenly both doors gets a purple shields, makes Lincoln get ready as held up his vacuum, he slowly walking around. Until he sees a new ghost in front of him; a green ghost with a goofy looking mouth, yellow eyes, and hairy hair style. Carrying a pack of bananas on him, he's eating him. Lincoln anazled the newly ghost.

[Data analyze ghost: Green Slip: Power level: 1/ Attack level: 0 (eating banana and leave the peeler behind)/ Defense level: 6/ Weakness: Light, shows a heart beat in 21 second.]

"He got to be weak one, why he eating banana and leave it?" Lincoln question shine on Slip as its froze in place.

Lincoln begin to suck it up, due of how big Slip is, he trying to escape as Lincoln got pull front like he's liking actual bull dog. Lincoln almost got Slip but unfortunately a banana peel cause Lincoln to slip up in the air and fall down. Slip escape with a laughing at Lincoln of what happened.

"I shouldn't see that coming." Lincoln groan in deadpan.

Lincoln gets up and begin to see two Hitters front of him, Lincoln shine his light at them and their hearts shows. Lincoln begin to suck them up, they tried to escape but Lincoln pull them up and hits them on the ground as they got suck in.

"That's I called a slam hit!" Lincoln shout with a smile.

Lincoln turn to see Slip, he shine on him as shows his heart. Lincoln begin to suck him up, Slip tried to escape as trying to used the peelers to make Lincoln fall again. But Lincoln stand his ground, even he's slipping he's manage suck up Slip. The lights finally came on makes Lincoln relieve of catching his breath, he sees a no chest appear.

"Where the chest? Guess it's not appearing right now." Lincoln said look at the other door. "Time to see what's behind the door."

Lincoln's open the door, to see dark cloud skies, tress, and the garden. "The Balcony."


Lincoln sees a really familiar bird flying away from a purple ghost bat , Lincoln pull out his vacuum and targeting at the ghost. Lincoln turn it on as he suck up the bat, makes the bird relieve as he goes to Lincoln.

"Thank you Lincoln." spoke a yellow bird with red collar with green neon lines.

"Your welcome Walt, mind tell me why you outside...and voice of Jesse Eisenberg?" Lincoln asked

"I'm got separated from the others by flew out of the broken window, met a old man give me this collar. Since then, I tried to find the family in sky." Walt answers

"Well, stay near the balcony's light, I go search for them." Lincoln said about to open the door.

"Wait Lincoln, here's something that can help you. Look at the light blub, there's a key on it." Walt replied

Lincoln look at light blub that lights up, hanging on it is a gray old looking key. So Lincoln jumped up and snatches the key. "Thanks Walt, you can stay here and tell me if things get weird from your place got it?"

"Right." Walt said with a nod.

Lincoln walked through the house way back to the center, he look at the right to see the door. He goes to it until he's hearing buzzing in his pocket.

Lincoln pick up his Gameboy, and spoke. "Professor you called?"

"Yes Lincoln, it's seem I detect spirits stronger than we've yet seen lurking ahead. I's those ghosts who lived in the mansion! You should know that they're really different from the other ghosts you capture. I think you should used the Ghosts Capture on those ghosts. They not that easily to fought so be extra careful fighting."

"Remember Kiddo, you got fear, conquer it like a true navy like me!"

Lincoln chuckled as he turn off his Gameboy and put it back, he look at door. He pull out the key and put it in the lock, the boy take a breath and let it out. "I got this."

Looks like our hero gonna face off the top level ghost, and I heavily sorry for keeping this story go...I make sure I keep going if you all wanted me push forward.

And for the pets, yes...they are Toads who saved your progress, but this story. i wanted the Loud House's pets be different locations in the mansion.

As for the ghost Lincoln gonna face, yeah be like the game but not exactly same...people say I gonna give some those type of way of ghost battles. Sign out for now.