AN: A few things to know for this story. The first is that in this story Harry's family will refer to him as 'Wrath the Furious'. I originally was just going to have them call him Harry, but I recently watched Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood again and the idea amuses me. The second is that the pairing is undecided, and suggestions are welcome, his best friends on the other hand are already decided. Finally, the third thing would be the personalities of the Horsemen. I'm having Death be like he was in his game, War is the same but with a little more personality. For Fury I'm having her be what I see as a medium between her personality shown in the book, comic, and the games along with how I think raising Harry would change her. For Strife, I've seen two personalities shown for him. One is extremely edgy and serious and broody, which I'm not using. The other, which I AM using, my fiancé and I like to call ADHD sugar Strife. If you don't like the sound of those personalities you have been warned.

Heir of Fury

Chapter 1


Frowning in irritation, the Rider of the Black Horse looked down at the letter Dust had stolen from an Owl that was trying to find a way into the realm of the riders. It wasn't the source of the letter that irritated her, or anything about its contents, it was the name it was addressed to. 'Mr. Harry James Potter, Western wing bedroom, Citadel of the Four, Realm of the Riders'. "That silly thing isn't his name anymore." Fury sighed out in irritation before looking at her older brother's familiar, "Dust, go fetch the boys would you?" she asked the bird, tossing the feathered menace a snack as it let out a caw and went to fetch her son and brothers.

Soon enough, her son came in ahead of her brothers, his face split into a wide grin as it always was around his family, "Dust said you had something for me mom?" he asked her, sitting down at the table while her brothers took up other places around the kitchen.

"Yes Wrath," she nodded, "it seems that the magic school from where you were born wishes you to attend." She slid the letter to her son, Wrath the Furious, as he tilted his head and broke the seal. Dust flapped over, landing on his head to read the letter as well.

"Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Headmaster, Albus Dumbledore; Order of Merlin First Class, Grand Sorcerer, Chief Warlock, Supreme Mugwump, International Confederation of Wizards.

Dear Mr. Potter…Potter?" Wrath looked up at her in confusion, "What are they talking about?"

"Don't you remember squirt?" Strife snickered "That was the name you had when Fury found you."

"Oh yea…it sounds weird." Wrath wrinkled his nose at his birth moniker before continuing the letter "Dear Mr. Potter, we are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment. Term Begins on September first, we await your owl no later than July thirty-first. Yours Sincerely, Minerva McGonagall, Deputy Headmistress."

"Let me see that." War frowned, taking the second letter to inspect the required equipment list, "A bunch of books, a 'wand', some other items…why on earth would you bring a broomstick? Or not be allowed one as a first year?"

"And only being allowed an owl, cat, or toad?" Strife looked at it as well, "Looks like you got a letter from the boring school little guy." The rider of the White horse ruffled Wrath's hair even as her son protested that action, "Maybe we should find a different one if you go at all."

"That's a good point." She gave a proud smirk, "I know more about magic than those professors will ever forget."

"We don't know their magic Fury." Death spoke up for the first time, "You've been teaching him how to use power like we do since you found him, but we don't have the same magic the kingdom of man does. We should go to the place you found him and see what we can learn."

"I guess it would be good for the squirt to make some friends his own age." Strife mused before smirking "Maybe even get a girlfriend."

"Uncle Strife!" Wrath blushed as his man-child uncle continued teasing.

"Go get your armor and Affliction," Death told Wrath, "We'll go to the kingdom of man to see what we can learn."

"Okay Uncle." Wrath nodded before going off to his bedroom.

"Death, why are you suggesting this?" she demanded the second her son was out of the room, "If Wrath needed to be trained in how to use his people's magic you could easily bring someone to us, or find someone in the Kingdom of the Dead, or even just use your necromancy to bring a tutor for him."

"The Council have…begun to look around." The Kinslayer frowned as she and her other brothers all sat up straighter at this.

"What are you talking about brother?" she demanded. Over the centuries the four had always been loyal to each other but their thoughts on the council were split. She was the most loyal to the council itself, even if she didn't agree with some of their politics. War was loyal to the balance itself above the council. Death was loyal to their family. And Strife was loyal to his own impulses but followed the rest of their family.

"The Watchers," at that name Fury scowls, remembering how the first Watcher had almost caused her brothers to die during the Abomination Vault situation, "have been snooping around. Since you took in Harry we've been focusing more on him than our wanderings. The council already dislike not having complete control over us. If the Watchers manage to find Harry who knows what lie they can spin. If Harry is off getting training for most of the year for a time we can work on finding a solution. We should also try to do more missions for the council at different times to avoid suspicion."

Sighing, the rider of the Black horse nodded at that, hating the idea of having to hide her son from anyone, "What about when his school ends?" she asks Death, "What then?"

"We train him when he's not in school and tell him to train hard when at whatever school he goes to." Death says seriously, "By that point while he might not be strong enough to stand beside us as equals he should be able to at least defend himself if we aren't around." Sighing, she nodded in acceptance as she and her brothers began to place their glamours on, their normal forms and garb standing out too much to go the Third Kingdom. As they did, Fury looked down the hall where she saw her son coming and thought back to the day she found him.

-November, 1981. England-

Flicking her whip, Fury looked down at the body of the demon that had abandoned Hell to try and conquer the third Kingdom. "Pathetic fool," she scoffed as the corpse dissolved into ashes "they never learn. The Council will always keep the balance."

Walking out of the back alley where she had found the Demon about to kill a family of humans. It had been a mildly entertaining challenge to remove the worm without alerting the humans given their capacity to panic. Belting her whip she walked down the street to find somewhere secluded to open a portal, her heels clicking on the stone pathways. She only paused when the sound of faint crying reached her ears.

Following the sound she saw a small human infant left on a stone step outside a house, crying as the cold wind. Frowning she picked the infant up, as his cries stilled, emerald green eyes looking up at her without a trace of fear. Tilting his head, the baby reached out towards her, eyes locked on her crimson hair. Ignoring the infant playing with her ever moving hair she popped open the letter. "Who leaves an infant on the front step in the winter?" she scowled as she read the letter from some fool named Albus.

Taking the time to focus, Fury looked down at the baby and could feel the incredible amount of magic, for a human, rolling from his body. "Now aren't you interesting?" she mused as the baby nuzzled against her armored chest and fell into a calm sleep, not an ounce of fear at her armored form or the demon blood that still spotted her person. "You'll need a new name though," she glanced at the letter "Harry Potter, such a strange moniker." Thinking as she walked she eventually came to a decision as she opened a portal to the realm she and her siblings had claimed for themselves, "You are now Wrath the Furious, son of Fury." She nodded before stepping through the portal to introduce her son to her brothers.

AN: I know this chapter is a little short and slow but I had to get everything set up and I couldn't think of how to get things exciting without skipping over a great deal of necessary information. Next chapter they go to England and things start getting more interesting.