Adrien ducked around the deli counter and under a booth. His breathing short and sharp, his keen green eyes darted, searching for the form of his body guard. The sound of carts and the beeping cash registers were loud, but Adrien's sensitive cat-like ears were focused on the familiar sound of his body guard's leather shoes on the shiny floor.

No squeaks. The coast was clear.

"Just this today?" Asked the cashier as Adrien checked out some sliced cheese, a box of chocolate hearts, and a tall bottle of sparkling cider.

"Yes," said Adrien, paying with cash. "It's for our Thanksgiving dinner." OUR Thanksgiving dinner, he thought, cheeks blushing softly at the fuzzy feelings he experienced. How lovely it was to have family this Thanksgiving!

"And who is the lucky lady?" Asked the cashier. He held up the chocolate hearts to bag them.

Adrien blushed, but his eyes grew soft as he said dreamily, "the love of my life!"

The cashier chuckled. "You've got it bad, man," he said with a grin. "I hope you have a wonderful holiday with her!"

"Oh I will," said Adrien, then suddenly caught sight of his body guard over the cashier's shoulder. "Thanks - gotta go!"

Adrien seized the food and raced outside and around the corner, racing towards Marinette's house. He really didn't need to hide from his bodyguard, what with having permission and all - but the idea of going by himself was just so natural.

I know who you are, M'lady, he thought as he raced through the snow, laughing in excitement as he ran past other pedestrians walking down the otherwise peaceful street. He envisioned his darling's face in his mind, already dreaming of her tender eyes once he'd say her name.

Snow blew in his face, and in his gloved hands he gripped his parcels against his chest, expectation and joy on his face. Plagg, tucked against Adrien's chest, felt the joy and happiness practically pulsing through the boy's being with every heartbeat.

"I'm going home for Thanksgiving," laughed Adrien, eyes sparkling in the lamppost lights. Paris was beautiful tonight, and he had been waiting for this moment all week.

The Dupain-Cheng Bakery came into view, and he slid to a stop. The entire house was lit with happy golden lights, and some simple wreaths had already been hung, ushering in the holiday season. He could smell the bread, and the knowledge that Mama Sabine and the love of his life were inside that lovely, cozy home was almost more than he could bear.

"Plagg," whispered Adrien, eyes suddenly unsure. "Was this a good idea?"

"Yes," said Plagg softly, sticking his nose out of Adrien's collar. "I may be the kwami of destruction, but I know that this will be healing for you."

Adrien took a deep breath. "I'm gonna cry in there," he said.

"I know for a fact that they will have paper of some kind for your tears and snot," said Plagg.

"Plagg I'm afraid," said Adrien, suddenly seeming frozen to the ground.


"L…love, I guess."

"You need it more than anyone I know, Adrien."

Something in Plagg's voice made Adrien look at his kwami surprised. Plagg was being sincere.

"Go in there and let them show you their love," said Plagg. "Few people have loved you well in your life, and fewer still have stayed. Let Marinette's family show you what you've been looking for all these years."

"I love you Plagg!" Cried Adrien, smushing his face down into his collar to "hug" his kwami.

"I love you too, Adrien," said Plagg, obviously uncomfortable. "Now go in there!"

The knock was inevitable. She'd been waiting for it, doing her best to be patient. She'd set up the room, controlled her environment as much as possible, and prepared her speech.

Chat was coming for dinner.

Tikki sat next to Marinette, doing her best to simply be there for her holder. This was a big and complicated moment, and she couldn't wait to see what Marinette would do when she found out that -

Knock knock!

The knock was kind and soft, almost timid. Mama had said that she would send him up the moment he arrived, giving the "children" as she called them time to talk and discover their identities.

And now Chat Noir was right there, on the other side of her trap door.

"Come in," she said in a husky voice. Her palms began to sweat, and she hurriedly wiped them on the blanket covering her pajamas.

The door creaked open, and with soft footfalls he came in; moving like a human trying to not frighten an injured animal.

He paused, a soft chuckle escaping him. "M'lady, why are you blindfolded?"

"I know, I know," she said softly, blushing. "It's silly and it's selfish, but I needed you to hear some things before I saw you. Like, who you are beneath the mask."

He stepped closer and she felt a sudden weight on the bed in front of her.

"I'm listening, Mari," he said gently. "Tell me. What do I need to know?"

She took a deep and shuddering breath. She could smell his musky scent, and feel how close he was. She grit her teeth, and spit out the words that had been dancing in her head all day long.

"Chat. I love you."

She slumped down, face in her hands. "And I'm so sorry!"

Her little bandanna scarf covering her eyes began to moisten as she wept bitterly. "I'm not brave or strong. I could never bring myself to let you see who I was beneath the mask because I was ashamed. My life is not as glorious as the Ladybug you see everyday. I'm not the lucky, coordinated and wise girl you have fallen in love with. I am imperfect and clumsy, forgetful and sometimes too meddlesome. Chat, I…I'm not good enough for you."

There was a deep silence on his part, and sniffles from Mari. She began using her sleeve to dry her cheeks when she felt a gentle hand push her arm back down.

"Don't," he said gently, voice deep with emotion. "I want that job for the rest of my life."

Her breath caught in her lungs as he gently dried her cheeks with his own sleeve, and kissed her forehead tenderly.

"You have terribly high expectations for yourself," he said, and she heard a familiar smile in his voice. "But you believe that I have those same expectations for you. Mari, mon cherie - my only expectation is that you stay who you are, and don't change for anyone. Not even me. Let me simply be in love with Mari, my one and only Ladybug."

He pulled her into a hug. She curled up in his arms, leaning fully against him in his quiet strength. "Please, Bugaboo," he said presently. "Would you see who I am now?"

She took a deep breath. "Yes. I'm finally ready."

"I accept you for who you are," he said gently as she pulled out of the hug.

"And I you," she said, and reaching up ripped off the bandanna.

Time stood still. Snowflakes made little falling shadows on the walls and floors, and the pure moonlight streamed into the room. And the face in front of her was bright and happy and so FREAKING PERFECT -

"Adrien," she breathed, eyes locked in his green, loving gaze. "Adrien. Adrien. How can this be. What blessed miracle has made you to be my Chat?!"

"I - "

"IT WAS YOU ALL ALONG!" She gasped, and her face turned so red that he laughed.

"Yes," he said. "And I felt silly too when I realized that you were Ladybug all along. But for the record," he added mischievously, green eyes flashing, "I found out before you."

"Only because I was sick, right?" She asked, making a face. She suddenly grew serious. "Right?"

"Right, Bugaboo," said Adrien, laughing.

Marinette stared at him, totally in love. The world seemed to have stopped spinning, and time itself stood still as she gazed at him. Adrien grinned at her.

"Yes, you may."

"Huh?" She asked, confused at his words.

"I can see it in your eyes, M'lady," said Adrien with a smirk. "You want to kiss me."

"Wha - " she began, but he touched her chin and came in close. "M'lady," he said gently. "I won't rob you a kiss. You have my consent to kiss me, but only if I have yours to kiss you back."

They were so close. She could feel his breath on her face, and her eyes locked on her target - his perfect lips. "My dear Chat," she murmured dreamily. "You have it."

He didn't wait another second. Their lips were pressed against each other, and Marinette encircled her arms around him. Their eyes closed, they kissed a very long time. Time again stood still, and they sat like that almost unmoving as they kissed for the first time since knowing all.

Marinette and Adrien. No longer hidden from each other or masked in disguise. Secrets laid bare and in the open, the walls had been torn down. And now, they had permission to simply exist.

Dinner was ready. The table had a cream colored table cloth, and the spread before the happy family was long and lovely, with a nicely cooked turkey, stuffing and mashed potatoes, three different kinds of pies and some delicious bread. Candles illuminated the table setting, and the simple china dishes reminded Adrien of a time when Mother would lay out her dishes from Grandma.

Marinette took his hand and held it under the table. Tom poured the sparkling cider that Adrien had brought, and proposed a toast.

"To Ladybug, and Chat Noir!" He said, smiling dotingly on the two young people in front of him. "May their victories never cease, may their health never falter, and may their love never die! To family, and to love! To Ladybug and Chat Noir!"

They clinked their glasses and sipped the cider. Marinette giggled at the fizzy drink, and they all smiled at each other. Adrien's eyes grew moist, but his feelings were distracted as Sabine commanded they all dig in and enjoy the food.

Tom and Sabine carried on the lively conversations as they wanted desperately to include Adrien as much as possible and get to know him. He answered their many questions about modeling and the future, and what would be next for the talented young man.

"I am actually going to quit modeling," said Adrien. "I only ever do it for my father, and it was always my way of just trying to please him. I would much rather become a physics professor, where I could have students to care for like Miss Bustier."

"I didn't know that," said Marinette.

"It was actually something I decided to do a few days ago," he said. "My father - " here his face darkened slightly - "is only getting worse in his anger and control. I want to leave home, and soon."

"Is there nothing you can do to work it out with him?" Asked Sabine, eyes full of empathy.

"No," said Adrien. "I've tried for too long. I love him," he added quickly, "but I can't go on like this."

"I understand," said Tom. "It's about time you made your way out into the world anyway, isn't it? How old are you?"

"I'm almost eighteen," said Adrien proudly.

"Quite the man already!" Said Sabine, smiling just as proudly at him. "You've become a very mature young man, Adrien."

He blushed. Marinette squeezed his hand under the table.

After the marvelous dinner, Tom brought out a large chocolate cake. Tikki eyed it, but Plagg mustered up his most polite manner and asked Sabine if there wasn't any camembert cheese in the house.

Just as Tom placed Adrien's piece of cake before him, something terrible happened. It was so awful that Adrien remembered if for the rest of his life, telling it many times as the moment when he actually would have been akumatized had Hawkmoth been vigilant that night.

There was a loud banging on the door.

Tom looked surprised. "We weren't expecting anyone else, right?"

"You're mother is in Egypt for the holidays," murmured Sabine. "Should I get the door?"

"I'll get it," said Tom, and went to the door, wiping his hands out of habit on his apron.

The door was opened, and Officer Roger stood there. His face was lined as though he himself hated what he was about to do.

"Tom, Sabine," he greeted, his voice loud enough for all to hear. "I'm here to bring Adrien home and investigate wether or not he was brought here against his will."

You could have heard a pin drop. Adrien stared at Officer Roger, his large green eyes wide with horror and dismay. "He…he gave me permission!" He gasped out. "He said I could be here!"

"I got a call not ten minutes ago," said Officer Roger. "He was frantic, and swore that you had left your body guard and was missing. He said that he had no idea where you were."

Adrien stared, unable to understand. Why?! Why would he do this?!

"I'm sorry Adrien," said Officer Roger. "I can see that you were enjoying a lovely Thanksgiving, but you'll have to come home with me now. Your father still has custody of you."

"When I am eighteen, could I leave home?" Asked Adrien desperately.

"Yes," said Officer Roger gently. "I wouldn't be able to make you go home then. But," he said, looking at him with empathetic eyes, "you need to come with me now."

Adrien turned to the scene before him. The candles still lit, the little flames shimmered and danced as if unaware of the dialogue and difficulty in his life. The scraps on his plate that testified to a lovely meal, and the hand that still held his tightly under the table. Tom and Sabine looked on, sadness on their faces, but also pity. They seemed to understand how much he wanted to stay, and even though they had never seen the dark Agreste mansion, they could see his alarm at going back.

Adrien felt despair. He turned to look at Marinette, who hadn't said anything yet. Her big blue eyes were filled with unshed tears, and she opened her arms to him.

He hugged her, and let his tears go.

The room was silent as Adrien sobbed unconsolably into Mari's shoulder, hugging her tightly and not wanting to leave. Sabine rose from her chair and came, wrapping her short arms around the two "children" as she fondly called them. Tom was next, and Adrien cried harder as the warm family loved him. Officer wiped his own tears, doing his best to stay stoic in the heartfelt moment.

"I'll come to you," came Mari's whisper in his ear. "I'll come and see you. Leave a window open, and I'll come finish Thanksgiving with you."

His heart was saved in that moment. A little spark of hope and promised happiness came in, and he suddenly had the strength to let the Dupain-Cheng family let him go into the supervision of Officer Roger.

Sabine insisted on sending some leftovers home with him, and Officer Roger said it was fine. Plagg hid himself in Adrien's coat, and Tikki sadly waved goodbye from her hiding place.

Adrien kissed Mari on the cheek, and hugged each one for the last time. He continued waving until the cop car had driven around a corner, losing sight of the happy bakery. The tears didn't stop flowing, but the flowed quietly. He wiped his nose on his sleeve, and looked out of the tinted window.

A silhouette rushed past overhead, making a small sparkle of red in the night. He felt a wave of peace settle over his distressed heart. She might beat him home.

Gabriel stood waiting at the foot of the stairs, ready for his son's arrival. Adrien would be disappointed, angry, maybe even rebellious. No matter - he would be made to see reason and authority in the end.

Nathalie stood nearby, silent as the grave. She had no idea what this might do to Adrien - his strange behavior made her doubt her predictions of him now.

The door opened, and in came the bodyguard, Officer Roger, and -

"FATHER!" Bellowed a powerful, deep voice. Adrien strode into the room, rage on his face. Nathalie suddenly saw Emilie in that face; the blazing green eyes, the righteous indignation, the deprived justice -

"How DARE you!" Came Adrien's unrelenting voice. "We had an agreement! I HAD your PERMISSION!"

"I don't remember giving it," said Gabriel cooly. He was quietly in awe of Adrien's anger, but not surprised by the reaction. "Thank you, officer, for bringing Adrien home. I'm sorry for the inconvenience."

Officer Roger gave a nod, and left. No doubt to escape the Agreste storm blowing in, thought Nathalie.

"Why, Father?" Asked Adrien, tears still trickling down his face. "Why would you RUIN my Thanksgiving - "

"YOUR Thanksgiving?!" Demanded Gabriel, sudden outburst startling them all. "What about OUR Thanksgiving! How could you leave me ALONE for this day!"

"You never celebrate it," protested Adrien, climbing the first few steps. "You always shut yourself away and I am left alone! I wanted out, Father! I wanted the opportunity to be happy on a holiday instead of trapped and shut in!"

"You never consulted me about today," argued Gabriel, but suddenly realized that Adrien was growing very fast - he was already as tall as his father. Adrien took another step, bringing him to eye level with Gabriel. A chill came over him as he looked into his son's eyes - he saw more of his wife than anything in Adrien's face.

"And I never will again," growled Adrien. He turned to Nathalie and his bodyguard. "One day I won't come home," he said. "You'll see my name in newspapers and people will be talking about how I am leaving the life of fashion to become a simple, poor physics professor!" He whirled to face his father again. "And when that day comes," he added, eyes blazing, "you'll realize how wrong you were, and how wrong you've always been!"

The word seemed to echo in Gabriel's soul. He didn't move as Adrien ran up the steps and to his room, which he shut by slamming his door as hard as he could. Nathalie let out a breath and walked quickly out of the room. The bodyguard left next, muttering about cleaning the car.

All of Emilie's predictions and screamed warnings seemed to come back to life, haunting him again. And seeing that same expression on Adrien's face gave him a gut feeling he didn't want to acknowledge.

He had just lost Adrien, and for good.

Plagg was glad to be freed from Adrien's coat. He sat in the open air, munching some of Sabine's gifted camembert.

Adrien kicked off his shoes and ran to the window, opening it. Tears still moistened his cheeks, but he let them go. It felt so good to let them be free, as he longed to be.

The cold air flooded in, and with a flash of red Ladybug stepped into his room, bringing with her a small bag. She shivered a little, and he quickly shut the window.

"I'm here, Kitty," she said, with a weak smile. Then she sneezed.

"I forgot you've been sick!" He said, suddenly alarmed. He quickly ushered her to his sofa and piled blankets onto her. She de-transformed, and Tikki hugged Plagg while plugging her little nose to avoid the stinky cheese.

"Wanna watch a movie?" Asked Mari.

"How late can you stay?" Asked Adrien, surprised.

"Mama and Papa both agreed that Tikki and Plagg could be our chaperones," said Mari with a smile. She held up the bag. "I though we could have a sleep over."

Adrien hugged her, burying his face into her shoulder and crying. "I'm so happy right now," he wept. He sat up and began drying his eyes when she stopped him.

"That's my job," she chided, and with her cool, soft hands she wiped away his tears.

Adrien felt his heart warm. Plagg demanded that they watch a lighthearted comedy for everyone's sake, and wise Tikki picked out the movie Captain Underpants. They laughed and enjoyed the rest of their evening, eventually falling asleep on the couch; Marinette snuggled up against Adrien, head against his chest, and Adrien holding her tightly, even in his sleep. Plagg and Tikki quietly turned off the TV, and sat to converse as they hadn't in hundreds of years.

"Do you think they will be like Maria and Antony? Or even Mitilda and Amos?" Asked Tikki, remembering the most romantic of their holders.

"Maybe even better," said Plagg. "I haven't had such a burdened kitten in a long time."

"I've never had such a brave holder," admitted Tikki. "They are definitely going places."

"Well see what happens next," said Plagg softly, and gave her a peck on the cheek. "Together."

"Oh Plaggity," giggled Tikki. "You are even worse than Adrien!"

"Why Sugar Cube," said Plagg indignantly, "the master should be greater than the student!"

"Happy Thanksgiving, Plagg," murmured Tikki sleepily, snuggling down into her own clean sock she had brought.

"Happy Thanksgiving, Tikki," replied Plagg, and in the still room all four slept soundly, unafraid of the future, unmasked and happier for it, basking in the thankful love that they all shared.


Post-fan-fic followup

Thank you everyone for reading and favoriting and following this fanfic! I really appreciate all the support.

The delay was because of work. It is quite stressful, and then after that MLB dropped many big answers like Emilie in the mansion and the other miraculous holders. I wasn't sure if I should go back and change what my theory had caused me to write, but I went ahead and left it as it was, finishing the fanfic and giving everyone closure.

Thanks again! Happy Reading!