Wolf eventually was calm enough to move his body, dragging it across the floor and onto the bed, where he lay on pins and needles for hours. Every small noise set him off, expecting the rival gang, the police, hell, maybe even Pepper himself to burst into his apartment.
Once the sun had risen Wolf also rose, unsure if he had even slept. After allowing his body enough food to barely keep running until the next meal, he checked up on the latest news. Only a handful of sites reported on last night's incident, none of the stories differing too much from each other. They correctly attributed the shootout to gang activity, and reported five deaths. There were no pictures or names attached. Nobody would care about the lives of some criminals, after all. The twisting feeling in Wolf's gut returned from earlier. He felt even guiltier by the relief he felt when he couldn't find any mention of him or Leon in any of the articles.
"What were you fuckin thinking..." Wolf grumbled. Leon was never one to make plans. He usually just went along with Wolf's lead, offering advice from time to time. This was the first time he could remember Leon doing anything significant on his own accord.
He did all of that just to get Star Wolf back.
Wolf stood up and paced.
Did anyone even need our help?
If Wolf had just sent an anonymous tip about the bomb, would the outcome have been the same? Corneria happy and safe and Star Wolf still in operation?
That would have been better, right?
Wolf noticed that his stock of food and, more importantly, alcohol had run out, so he washed the stench from last night off of his fur in the shower before pulling on his least dirty clothes. The metal on his boots clanked down the empty hallway, accompanied by the slight squeak of his mostly leather outfit.
Apparently it had snowed more after Wolf had gotten back, as it had piled up to about his ankle and was still steadily coming down. He trudged toward the bus stop, whose occupants gave him a wide berth. Wolf checked his phone, seeing that Panther had sent him images of a place he was currently checking out. He considered telling him about Leon, but ultimately refrained. The phone returned to his pocket after informing Panther he was a dumbass and all the places he was looking at would put him in debt for life.
The bus eventually arrived, having no trouble with the snow, which was melted by the internally heated roads. Everyone pushed past Wolf, scrambling inside and leaving him with no seats. No matter. Wolf didn't mind standing. Nobody looked at him while he gazed out the window, watching the winter-covered city pass. Wolf wrapped his arm around the pole he had grabbed, sticking his hands in his jacket pockets and hunching over, despite the heating on the bus being more than adequate. His phone buzzed again, and the screen revealed Panther flipping him off with his tongue stuck out.
"Yeaaaaah fuck you too, ya prick." Wolf managed a small grin as he returned the phone to his pocket. The passengers seated near him inched away slowly upon hearing his voice. He scoffed softly, returning his attention outdoors.
The bus passed by multiple food stores, and passengers began to seep out, ending their work commute. Wolf stayed standing, despite the empty seats that now presented themselves around him. He closed his eye.
What do people see?
He tried to place his perspective elsewhere on the bus, observing this tall, unkempt, dirty man standing alone, wearing mostly black and missing an eye. Could they tell he had just seen people die the night prior? That it was his fault? Could they tell that it was not new ground for him?
Yeah, probably.
The pain from Wolf's knees started to break free from the numb of his mind. Shaking his head, he left the bus at the next stop closest to a grocer.
The snow stopped when Wolf stepped out, bags in each hand, filled with food and booze. He looked around, deducing that he was somewhere near the center of the city, probably. Needing something to fill the day, Wolf decided to forego the bus back, instead walking south. The cold air blew through him, carrying a tinge of salt on its end.
That must mean the main spaceport is near…
Right on cue, a low roar echoed between the skyscrapers. Looking up, the unmistakable silhouette of the Great Fox tore across the sky. Wolf gaped. It was the first time he had seen Star Fox's flagship since, well, when his team was still formed.
Wolf's pace picked up, accelerating to a near jog in the direction of the craft, which was no doubt docking. He didn't know why he wanted to see it land, but he did.
A small crowd had formed to do the exact same thing, leaning on the railing separating them from the sea below. Wolf slowed to a halt, placing his bags down. His heavy breathing formed clouds which blew past his face as he looked up, seeing the massive ship lower onto the docking structure.
"Fox is on there." He uttered between breaths.
His ears flattened, looking around to make sure nobody heard.
Goddammit I was not supposed to say that out loud.
Regardless, the fact remained. A flood of emotions washed over Wolf, all the thoughts he had about Fox over the past months rushing to the front of his mind. The confusion as to why he couldn't muster up the hate for his rival that he used to produce in spades. The frustration of being unable to stop wondering what he must think of him. And the most agonizing: the sudden desire to talk to him. Wolf felt his legs move toward the spaceport.
"Nope." He picked his groceries up and walked in the opposite direction. "Nope."
Wolf walked back home, thinking that the exercise and fresh air would keep his mind amply occupied. Naturally, it did not.
With Star Wolf gone, there's no longer any reason to hold any animosity.
Sure, but that doesn't mean we should be best friends.
Not even a bit curious?
Nuh uh. Fuck him. He can live his life and I can live mine.
Eventually Wolf found himself back in front of his lackluster apartment complex, and he made his way toward the stairs.
And what an amazing life that's gonna be now.
Boxes lining the wall greeted him once again as he entered his apartment. He stocked the food and let the bags fall to the ground, joining a few others from weeks past. After that task was done, he grabbed one of the six packs he bought and plopped down on the couch with it, turning on the television in the process.
Wolf cycled through the hundreds of channels, seeing every slice of Corneria living that could possibly be seen. From the frozen northern continents to the massive jungles and deserts around the equator. And it was absolutely boring. Wolf opened a bottle of beer and downed it, moving quickly to the next one. Two was his limit, though, before the lack of sleep the previous night caught up to him and he fell asleep on the couch, mouth agape and drooling.
His phone woke him up. A text from Leon.
-[meet me by our wolfens as soon as you can]
A bolt of rage coursed through his body. He knew Leon was cold, but to not even mention last night was heartless even for him. He wanted to respond, but decided against it. He stood up, deciding to tend to the crying of his stomach. It was dark now, and the TV had some obnoxious game show playing. He walked to the kitchen and threw together a sandwich, washed down by metallic tasting tap water. His phone once again vibrated.
-[Leon just contacted me! Told me to meet him where our Wolfens were grounded. Did he message you too? We should meet him there!]
Wolf choked on his drink. Leon had contacted Panther as well? And he probably wasn't going to tell him about what happened last night. Wolf began typing a response, but was unsure how to get across everything he wanted to tell Panther. Ultimately he gave up, deciding instead to follow Leon's instructions and head to the hangars.
He was only there once before, but Wolf still remembered exactly where Pepper had grounded the three fighters. And sure enough, there were two figures standing outside. Wolf sped up his pace as the two other men noticed him approach.
"Ah, there he is!" Panther's lighthearted tone was heart-wrenching.
"Thank you for coming." Leon's voice was calm, as always. It shouldn't have been.
Wolf stopped centimeters from Leon's face. "Don't give me that BULLSHIT! We have the blood of children on our hands!"
Panther went wide-eyed. "Wh-what in Lylat are you talking about!"
"I knew you wouldn't tell him." Wolf turned to Panther. "You might have heard about that gang shootout this morning? The one that happened last night? All thanks to me and our scaly friend here."
"Yes, I did hear about that, but what's this about dead children!?"
Wolf went into more detail, barely containing his rage as he recounted the traumatizing events of the previous night. Leon made no attempt to speak the entire time, instead staring at his boots.
"And what about the rest of them, Leon? Did you abandon them?"
Leon snapped his head up, glaring at Wolf. "No, they told me to leave! Said everything was our fault."
"Good." Wolf scoffed. "They were right."
Silence followed, with only the sound of Panther's feet scuffing the ground heard. He was the one to eventually speak up. "So, what is this meeting tonight about. I can certainly make a few guesses, but..."
"We are leaving this planet."
Wolf laughed humorlessly. "Good one."
"Not a joke. After last night's failure, I knew that the Wolfens would be the only way. It was my last resort, but I infiltrated Pepper's base and got the FTL unlock codes. We can leave."
The two others stared at him, eyes wide and unblinking. "It was certainly not easy." Leon answered the unspoken question.
"We're going to be noticed. They've probably already found out you were snooping around!" Wolf tried to keep his voice down as much as possible, but it was a losing battle.
"I did my best to minimize my presence, and even now there is a repeating loop playing in the security cameras around us, but you are right. As soon as we take off the entire military will know. But this is not a situation too dissimilar to our old Star Wolf days, no?"
The name pounded at Wolf's eardrums.
Star Wolf
Star Wolf
Star Wolf
Star Wolf is gone.
"Let it go, Leon."
"Excuse me?" Venom dripped from his scaly lips.
"Just...stop trying to bring it back. It's over. I...I ended Star Wolf...as its leader."
Leon's mouth twisted into a horrid frown. "You...I did all of this for YOU! And now you are saying I did it for NOTHING!?" He was having a rare heated moment. Wolf stood there solemnly, leaving Panther to stand there and watch, his golden eyes wide.
"I'm sorry. I didn't really realize it until now." Their former leader sighed. "If you want to do something for me, then please forget Star Wolf and live your life."
"F-forget? I...you!" Leon shot forward like a bolt, clocking a hit square across Wolf's jaw. He stumbled backward, arms instinctively raised to protect from further strikes. Panther stepped between the two.
"Enough! Leave him be!" Panther unsheathed his claws. Leon made no move to attack further, and Wolf rubbed the area where he was hit.
"Do you seriously not realize how much this team means to me!" Leon held his arms straight to his sides, fists balled up and shaking. "Do you not even remember the talks we have had! When I have poured my heart out to you! Does it mean nothing to you!" He turned his back on the two and muttered. "And they call me the cold one."
Wolf took one step forward, moving Panther out of the way. "I didn't forget, but I guess I lost sight of it." Leon turned around again to face him. "But I just can't do it anymore. I realize now that it was a life I've been trying to escape for years now..." He could see Leon's heart breaking, but he knew he had to say it now. "I'm truly sorry, but I'm staying here."
Leon moved toward Wolf again, prompting Panther to try and block him, but he pushed past him. Wolf didn't flinch as his friend's arms were thrown around him, pulling him into a tight embrace, the first he had ever received from Leon.
"You truly are my best friend, Wolf." Soft sobs were apparent as he spoke. "I am also sorry, that I cannot stay here with you and the life you have chosen."
Wolf returned the hug, giving Leon a few solid pats on the back. "We'll still keep in touch. Don't worry."
Their hug ended, and Leon went over to open the hangar door. Panther stood there, rubbing his arm awkwardly.
"Ah, well, Wolf, as long as we are all being honest with our feelings now, I must say that I will also be leaving."
"Oh? Says the one who's been trying to find a place to live here for how long now?"
"Well, ultimately you were right. I do not have enough money for what I want, and I do not wish to stay on this planet to earn the money. It is clear that I belong out amongst the stars." Panther smiled sadly. "You do too, Wolf."
"I know, but not like this."
It was Panther's turn to hug Wolf. Much warmer and softer than Leon's, but not as rare. He turned to a pile of luggage previously unnoticed by Wolf. Panther opened up the shutter where his own Wolfen was kept and started lugging the bags in.
"Ah, so you knew all along what Leon wanted to do."
"Yes. Uh, mind helping me?"
"Not at all." Wolf smiled solemnly.
Both of them had stuff they were bringing, and Wolf helped them both. The part of his brain that was still in the past cried and screamed at him to join them, but he knew he couldn't. Despite the fact that his two only friends on this planet were about to leave him completely alone, he knew he had to stay.
"You know you guys can't go back to Sargasso. It'll be the first place they look.
"Of course." Leon winked slowly. "I know where to go, but I will not tell you, since you will no doubt be questioned by the authorities once they've detected the Wolfens have left. It will be best for you to tell them the truth and say you do not know where we have gone."
"Heh, thanks I guess." He watched as the two of them climbed up into their Wolfens, not bothering with flightsuits as usual.
"Wolf!" Leon called down to him, and Wolf gave him his attention.
Leon sighed, rubbing his eyes before continuing. "If you are doing this because of McCloud, please make an effort to see him instead of doing nothing and wasting away."
Wolf's face went hot in an instant. "It's not because of him."
Leon responded with a smirk before the cockpit closed with a hiss. He stepped back as the two Wolfens moved out of the hangars, the frame they were mounted on moving with the tracks on the ground. Soon they angled up, and the magnetized rails shot them into the sky, where their rockets fired, taking them out of the atmosphere. Wolf watched as they blended into the stars, and eventually, jumped into FTL. The bittersweet sadness he had been feeling was replaced by numbness. His life on Corneria would now officially begin.
Wolf thought about what Leon had told him just minutes earlier. "Easy for him to say..."
He sat down, knowing there was no point going back home. He would just have to wait for Pepper's men to pick him up for questioning.